In The Work Domain Pt. 18


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"How do you feel?" I asked as I saw a flash of panic cross her face.

"Ok. I mean... ok." She smiled. "I can always say some is made up. Honestly, it's quite thrilling thinking people are masturbating to what we have done. Just a bit odd when one of them is a friend, but it was odd when I found out you had written those others."

"Ok, gotta go." Hannah said after a few moments of quiet. "Speak later." and then she blew a kiss and reached to end the call. "HEY! I almost forgot." and then she pulled up her t-shirt to flash her breasts at me. "You can see the rest later, if you behave." she giggled and the screen went blank.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I logged off. Brendan hadn't messaged any more and Nicole was, thankfully, quiet. All that was left was to get through the end of summer party tomorrow and not have a complete breakdown. I sat on the balcony and watched the Swifts wheel around the sky, screaming at each other, or maybe it was their goodbyes to us left behind as summer drew to a close.

I called Hannah and we chatted and then undressed as the other watched. Hannah held the phone down "There wasn't time to show you earlier." she said as she moved the camera over her labia and I sighed and my cock twitched. I still hoped to have one more night kissing her there and, hopefully, getting to go inside. We said our goodnights and within thirty minutes we had ended the call. I drifted away as the demons rose up and took over my dreams and mind.

It was the day of the big party. I had usually avoided this, but this year was different, mainly as I wanted to make sure Charlie didn't annoy Hannah too much and to also see if Brendan managed to get a date with her. My mind was dark, but not enough to look forward to Nicole. I figured that tonight I would be back in my bed, alone.

I made a detour to the film lab and dropped off the rolls of colour film, adding a quiet aside that there may be some nudity and the man just shrugged and laughed. "Is it arty?" he said and laughed again. I nodded. "Then it's art." I paid and bought some more rolls of film, then headed to the office.

Stacey was bouncy when she greeted me. "Ooooh, you have your party clothes on. I looked down and was confused, it was my usual office look of shirt and trousers. The she laughed loudly. "You look hot." she giggled. I stopped to chat, delaying the usual rush to get coffee and she sensed something was wrong and I admitted my fears. "Hey, don't panic. Charlie has no chance with her, nor anyone else. If it is ending, you've had a great time... no one else here has even kissed Hannah and you've shagged the daylights out of her." She laughed and slapped my arm.

"The daylights?" I chuckled.

"Yeah, we chatted a bit and she told me some stuff. hoooooooo boy! " she giggled and I wondered what had been revealed. Stacey blushed and looked around, "Strawberries!" she laughed and blushed again. "Never had anyone do that, but I really want to try it now." I laughed along with her and then shuffled away to get a coffee.

The office was in a relaxed mood, but I tried to work. It was going well until I heard a familiar and annoying voice, "Hey sexy." Nicole said and she stood next to me, her hip nudging my shoulder.

She turned and sat on the desk, angled enough to face me and also open her legs and let me see up her skirt a little way. "So, still not you style?" She said quietly, although no one was around. She glanced across the office and shifted her position and lifted the hem of her skirt up and then opened her legs wider. My eyes dropped to see red lace between her legs. "Yours if you want it, loverboy." she whispered.

"Sorry, Nicole, I told you, I am seeing someone." I tried to look her in the eyes, but my gaze kept dropping, stunned that she was flashing her knickers at me in the office.

"So?" She said, leaning forward so her breath brushed over my face. "She doesn't have to know."

"Sorry, no, not my style." I mumbled.

Nicole pulled her skirt up a bit more and opened her legs wider. She was wearing a red lacy thong and I could clearly see the swell of her mound under it. My cock twitched and my brain span, wondering if I should just give in, knowing Hannah was leaving me anyway. "Sorry." I repeated and she slid off the desk and pulled her skirt down

"Your loss." She muttered and knocked her hip onto my shoulder again and walked away. I exhaled deeply and tried to finish an email as my fingers shook.

"Sure?" Her voice made me jump, I had shut out everything now and didn't hear Nicole walking back a few minutes later. She shimmied onto the table again in her usual position, her legs drifting open. "I mean, we could even go to one of the toilets now for a quickie." She purred as she adjusted her skirt, pulling it up as she glanced around the office despite this floor being almost empty now and my desk being tucked in a corner to try and stay hidden, mainly from the person who had found me.

I hit send on the email and then looked up at Nicole. She was very pretty, but had never done anything for me and I struggled to comprehend why. I understood why Brendan scoffed at me turning down such a sure thing, but I really wasn't interested. She also couldn't understand that, but from a different perspective. "Sorry, Nicole." I repeated.

She moved on the desk again, sliding forward slightly as she held her skirt, allowing it to push up and reveal more of her legs again and then lifting up to move back to allow me a better view. She opened her legs again. "Sure?" she whispered and she lifted the front of her skirt higher. My eyes flicked down. The red lace was gone, instead there was a small strip of dark blonde hair. She opened her legs wider and I saw the swell of her outer lips and the slit between them. "Sure?" she whispered. I nodded. Nicole, sighed and I looked up into her eyes. She looked around again and then pulled the skirt higher and lifted one foot onto the desk and I looked down to see her lips parting, the darker pink of her inner labia now revealed as she opened. She dropped a hand and slid a finger between her lips and they parted with a soft wet sigh. "This can be yours." She whispered. I stared at her, the landing strip of pubic hair leading to the puffy outer lips, now open as she spread her legs and the darker pink inner ones showing. I thought of Hannah, her dark inner lips and how they would peel open and yearned to see them again and taste her sweet honey.

"Sorry, Nicole." I muttered, struggling to talk as my colleague exposed her vagina to me as I sat at my desk.

"Sure?" she repeated and I was getting annoyed by her now. She was stroking her pussy and a finger dipped between her lips to open herself as I watched. The finger went down and then she pushed up and there was a soft grunt from her as it entered her cunt. I looked up into her eyes.

"Sorry, Nicole, no." I stood, somewhat carefully, it has to be said, and walked away, pausing to lock my computer before I left with Nicole still on the desk, a finger inside her pussy. I didn't look back, just went straight down the stairs to get a coffee.

My hands were shaking as I cupped the mug of coffee. The day was going badly and it was too much. Then Brendan walked in and smiled at me.

"So, I might need your help, buddy." He said, his voice already betraying his nerves. I didn't answer, my head was spinning. "If we can get Hannah somewhere together and chat, get her relaxed, then you go off to the loo, or something and I can ask her out." It all sounded reasonable and I mumbled agreement, after all, why wouldn't I held my friend get off with my lover, especially as those days were numbered?

I then told him about Nicole, I needed to share as if the events were so unbelievable that I needed to say them out loud for it to be real.

"What? She showed you her pussy?" He gasped. I nodded. "Was it nice?" I stared at him.

"Well, it was quite nice looking, yeah, but..."

"Are you crazy? Christ man, why would you turn that down?"

"Because I am seeing someone and she is a gazillion times better. Even if it isn't serious, I still don't want to cheat on her."

"A gazillion times better than Nicole, fuck, she must be amazing." he laughed

"Yeah, she is, she's fucking amazing." I mumbled and tried not to break down.

He thought for a second, but not long enough to let me gather my thoughts. "Is she shaved? always figured she would be. Nicole, I mean."

"Erm, no. No. Has a landing strip." I felt bad about revealing the extent of Nicole's pubic hair, but I was struggling to think straight.

"Oh, that is surprising." Brendan muttered, "Really had her down for being shaved, don't know why." I continued to stare at him, my head spinning. "I bet Hannah is trimmed, don't see her as a shaved type of girl." he said quietly. I almost spat out my coffee.

"What?" I mumbled, "I mean, what the actual... Brendan!" He looked at me and then smiled.

"Don't worry, if it goes well, I'll give you details." he laughed. I felt like punching him, or just telling him that I knew she was shaved as I had wielded the razor. "Not too many details, but... you know." He added. I really needed to go back to my desk. "So, you'll help me?" He said as I tried to leave and I agreed. I had nothing to lose now, I just wanted today to be over with.

I sent more emails and tried to work, but fearing Nicole would return when Stacey messaged me. "What did you do?" I was confused and replied saying as much.

"Too many things to mention, none of them any good." I said, waiting for clarification on what my latest fuck up had been.

"Nicole was here going crazy. She ranted to me that she had offered herself to someone here, but had been turned down. I am pretty sure she meant you." I replied with a winking face emoji and hoped there would be more from Stacey. "Did she flash her fanny at you?" I chuckled at Stacey's message and was also amazed Nicole had revealed what had happened.

"Yup. What else did she say?"

"She said she let you see what you were missing, so I asked her how and she said she took her knickers off in the loo and then flashed you her...." I laughed again and hit the 'thumbs up' emoji. "Jeez, you get all the action. Hope it was nice." There was a string of laughing emojis after that message. I replied that it was, but not for me and a big thumbs up emoji appeared. "Good man." she said.

So far, so bad and I hadn't even contacted Hannah, so I sent a quick message saying I'd see her at the party and she replied with "GOOD!" and then I sat and tried to calm down before logging off as I was now alone on the floor as the party had started.

I could hear the hubbub as I walked up the stairs. The door opened and the noise increased and I stopped in the corridor and considered if I wanted to go ahead. I had promised Hannah I would, so it was time to face the music for the last dance.

The sound swept over me as I pulled the door to the top floor open. I was, probably, the last to join the party and the place was packed. I stood by the door for a few seconds and waited for the room to stop spinning. My anxiety levels were now off the scale and I put a hand to the door as it closed behind me to steady myself and also prepare to run back through it. I felt it shut and took a deep breath and looked around. There were so many people and my brain swirled as I tried to recognise someone, anyone. People stood in clusters chatting, usually with colleagues or friends, not mingling much. I took a few steps into the melee and looked around, but didn't find any familiar faces.

The room was wobbling around as the sound of so many people rattled me. I stepped past chattering groups, my eyes flicking around, head turning, but I felt very alone as I weaved through the crowd. I breathed in deeply and felt a strange sensation and slowly turned to the left.

She was wearing yellow. A yellow dress with flowers on and matching collar around her delicate neck. I had stopped breathing and walking, in fact, I think everything stopped. Dark blue eyes beamed across the room at me and held my gaze now and I could only smile. A smile was returned, so hot I felt the sweat form on my forehead. I watched as she moved to put a hand onto a cabinet behind her, her eyes closing for a moment before they shined back at me as she stepped away slightly from the man she was near. I didn't recognise him, or anyone else in this moment, just her and that smile. I took a breath, then some more as I tried to stay calm, my legs wobbling slightly. Her smile got wider and pulled me along, my feet stumbling as my legs recovered, moving in her direction now.

"Hey, you came." she said, her voice bright and warm. "So did I" she added and giggled and I had no idea what she meant, I was still recovering from seeing her.

"Yeah, well, I was under orders to." I laughed and looked around nervously, putting my hands in my pockets to avoid wrapping them around her. She laughed and patted my arm and I shivered.

"Let's get a drink." She said and smiled as she turned to head to the bar area. I followed, staring at her neck, the yellow collar matching her dress and flashing as her hair bounced with her walk. We both grabbed some fruit juice and smiled awkwardly as the room was too crowded for any personal talk. "Good to see you," She laughed and we clinked glasses and sipped, both of us blushing slightly.

"I need some fresh air." I mumbled and Hannah agreed, so we headed to the balcony area. It was quieter there, mainly as it was baking hot. I relaxed more as the noise in my ears subsided. We stood against a wall and tried to look like two friends chatting. "You look great." I whispered and she blushed again. I looked at her dress, I was sure it was the one he had worn on our first meeting, where we sat by the river and watched people as we laughed. That had been the start and my mind suddenly realised that this may well be the finish.

"Glad you like it. I have a few like this, but this is my favourite... for various reasons." She giggled and I wanted to take her in my arms. "You ok?" she whispered. Hannah had the ability to see through me, which was awkward if I wanted to hide anything. I mumbled a 'yes', but she wasn't convinced. She patted my arm, "Everything will be ok." she whispered as if to confirm my suspicions.

"Hey awesome people!" Stacey shouted as she stepped onto the balcony and saw us, bounding over to throw her arms around us. "Group hug!" Hannah and I laughed as it meant we could now hug each other as part of it and we took advantage. "Thank me later, guys." Stacey whispered as we broke apart. We chatted about nothing much, Stacey complimenting Hannah on her collar and the two of them got into a mini huddle to talk about the purchases from a few weeks ago. Hannah pulled out her phone and showed Stacey photos of the collars and chokers and Stacey glanced at me, "Well done, those look amazing." she giggled.

"Oh, there is another one which is so hot, but..." Hannah blushed and Stacey asked for more information. "Well, Stuart took some other photos and he got some amazing shots." Hannah blushed deeply, "But I can't show you." Stacey roared with laughter.

"Guess they're not Instagram material." She laughed, trying to keep her voice down.

"Not really. I put one there, but it was just my face." Hannah giggled and then Stacey pulled out her phone as Hannah gave her details of her account and a few moments later Stacey's eyes widened.

"Fucking hell, that is awesome." She said as she stared at the black and white photo of Hannah's face.

"Yeah, he's a pretty good photographer. Some of the other shots got me hot and I was in them! I looked sexy." Hannah giggled. "There's one with this necklace on and a reflection from the table, it's amazing." Hannah looked at me, "Shame I can't show it." She laughed and then pouted a little.

"Probably good job, or I'd need a cold shower." Stacey laughed.

"Oh, there were shots of me in the shower with a wet shirt on too." Hannah laughed.

"Please stop, or I'll have to run to the loo." Stacey laughed, but actually looked serious. "I'd love to see some, arty shots are so much sexier than straight up nude." This time Stacey blushed. Hannah pulled me closer, smiled and then pulled me even closer to whisper.

"You sure?" I whispered to Hannah and then downloaded a copy of the photo from my online account. Stacey and I swapped details and I sent the photo as Hannah bit her lower lip nervously.

"Holy moly!" Stacey exclaimed as she opened the photo, quickly shielding her phone from anyone, even though there were only two other people on the far side of the balcony. "Fuck me, that is so fucking hot!" She stared at the photo of Hannah, the chains hanging down and reflected in the shiny table surface, her eyes looking straight into the lens, the clamps on her dark nipples that were almost hidden in the shadows from the dark exposure of the image. Stacey stared more and turned to Hannah and me to whisper, "I might have to wank over this." and then she laughed as Hannah blushed.

"Tell me if you do." Hannah blurted out and we both turned to look at her. "Well, it will be quite a compliment." she laughed.

"Don't worry, this will go no further." Stacey said, her eyes still on the screen, "But, fuck me, what a photo. It should be in an art gallery." Hannah blushed more.

The mood was somewhat broken by Brendan arriving. Stacey hurriedly closed the photo on her phone as we heard his cheery greeting and quickly gave a final, whispered "Thank you." before she said hello to Brendan. He looked at me, his eyes nervous now. We all exchanged pleasantries and made some small talk before Stacey announced she needed to go back to reception and insisted on another group hug with me and Hannah.

"How are you guys?" Brendan asked, his eyes constantly flicking to mine. We all just chatted for a bit and I knew what his glances meant, he wanted me to leave him alone with Hannah. I breathed out deeply and mumbled I was hot and would go inside, but then Charlie stepped out of the door, looking around with intent, his eyes fixing on Hannah as he turned and strode towards her. I wanted to press my back to hers.

"Hi darling." He said, Brendan and I weren't there now. Hannah mumbled a hello and carried on trying to talk with Brendan. "I was looking for you, want a drink?" Charlie barged ahead, actually moving his body to block Brendan slightly. Hannah held up her glass and said she was ok.

"Ok, want to do something more exciting?" Charlie didn't know when to give up, or take a hint.

"No, I'm fine, I have my friends here to tend to my needs." Hannah giggled, Charlie didn't, he just stared at her.

"I doubt they can tend to your real needs." He chuckled. Hannah just looked at him, then turned to try and chat with Brendan again.

"I can take care of your real needs." Charlie chuckled again, unaware that no one else thought he was amusing.

"How?" Hannah turned and stared into Charlie with anger in her eyes.

"Well..." He stumbled, not expecting the ferocity of her gaze. "I doubt either of these could really take care of your needs." He was struggling to find words.

"What needs would those be, Charlie?" Hannah's voice was firm, the anger there now as well as in her fixed gaze into Charlie's eyes.

Charlie blinked first, his eyes glancing down over Hannah's body. "I could make your night." He mumbled, some of his cockiness gone now.

"Yes, by leaving me alone, Charlie." Hannah spat back at him.

"In other ways." He muttered, struggling to gain the upper hand, unused to being crushed in this way.

"Charlie, listen, get this though your head, I am not interested." Hannah's voice was calm and quiet, which made it sound all the more terrifying.

"You haven't tried me." He laughed.

"No and I have no wish to." She said quietly. "Charlie, everyone knows about you, you think people don't talk?" There was a deafening silence and he opened his mouth to speak, but, wisely, thought better of it. "That temp receptionist, remember her?" Charlie mumbled something, "The one you pulled at the pub, the one you took home, fucked and kicked out. That one. You think she didn't tell people? Huh? Didn't say how badly you treated her? How crap you were in bed? How she didn't have an orgasm and you didn't even try to give her one? Huh?" Hannah breathed in and Charlie looked stunned.