In The Work Domain


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"Holy fuck!" She mumbled. "That fucking hurts!" Her head dropped for a second and then she looked around at me. "Did I mention you are much bigger than the only other cock that's been in my butt?"

My brain had done more somersaults, my cock almost deflated as I thought I had to pull back. I was worried about her pain, but her smile told another story.

Then she breathed in deeply and smiled at me. "Come on, I am all yours." I breathed in, put my hands on her hips and pushed as Hannah cried out and swore more than I had ever heard her swear before.

"That better be all!" She giggled as I held her hips and rested my body on her buttocks. I looked down.

"Yup, that's it" I replied, "I am balls deep in your arse, Hannah." She giggled and wiggled at the same time. "Those are words I never thought I'd say." I added and we both laughed, her body jiggling around my cock.

"To be honest, I never thought I'd hear anyone say that." She giggled and shot me a sweet look over her shoulder.

I stared down as the scene down, "Wow, you look amazing. So hot!" She lifted her head and sighed.

"I will have to take your word for it." She mumbled with a slightly disappointed tone.

"I can take a photo." I suggested and she laughed.

"You and your cameras! Do you have one ready now?" she giggled.

"No... but... I... Have" and i stretched out and pulled my discarded trousers towards me and fished my telephone out, "...this!" I Took a quick shot of me buried inside, then slid back to get another shot showing more of me. The last photo was of me buried deep again.

Hannah laughed and wiggled her bottom. "Now, come on, fuck my butt."

Who was I to go against anything Hannah said.

I did have to continue to watch as I slowly slid back and her sphincter stretched back around my cock. I held there for a second, then slid back as her anal walls rippled and stroked my penis, caressing over the ridge of the head as I went into her rectum and her moans getting louder as I pressed deep to get as far into her bowels as possible.

Hannah dropped her arms and rested her head on the floor, supported by her shoulders. She moved an arm down and her groans got louder. I was too busy now trying not to look as my cock slid in and out of Hannah's anus, but I was failing. It was such a lovely sight. My eyes traveled up her spine to her neck, Her head was turned to one side and her eyes were closed, lips parted as she grunted and groaned with my thrusts and also with what her hand was doing. I couldn't see, but there was movement on her upper arm and I guessed she was stroking her clitoris as I sodomised her. I tried not to think of this as well and failed.

We began to move faster together. Sweat dripped from my face and onto Hannah's bottom, trickling down into the crack and meeting the dam that was my cock in her sphincter, the crinkled skin stretched wide and covered in sweat, hers and mine. She was constantly groaning as she rubbed her clitoris and my cock stretched her anus and rammed in her rectum. I held her hips and my groin smacked onto her buttocks as she began to shake and cry out. Her body shuddered and her mouth was wide now as a deep, low groan came from her and her back bent, causing me to bend forward as I thrust into her. "Fuck, fuck fuck." was repeated several times before Hannah stopped moving and a final groan was emitted. Then her legs bucked and she slumped onto the floor, lying prone now, with my cock still deep in her arse.

I pulled some of the matted hair from her face and kissed her cheek. She mumbled and gave a little smile. "OK?" I whispered. Another mumble and smile. "Stop?" I asked. This time there was a small shake of the head and I slipped back, then pushed forward and the smile returned. My chest was pressed onto her back, She had pulled her hand from under her and her arms were stretched above her head. I ran my hands over them and her fingers widened for mine to slip inside and twist together. My lips were kissing the side of her face as my hips kept jerking and thrusting my cock into her anus. The wet slapping of our fucking was now louder than our groans. I was close and trying everything to prolong this, but all I could do was think "I need something to divert my attention from being up Hannah's arse" which, obviously, made me even more aware that I was buggering my crush on her bedroom floor.

My hips moved faster. I didn't want them to, but they were acting almost on their own now. My cock was so sensitive from the caressing of Hannah's anal walls and the very tight grip around the base from her sphincter. I was groaning against the back of her head as I banged up and down.

Hannah groaned just after me. My cock was swelling and stretched her sphincter as the semen began to rise. I was making whimpering noises and hoped she wouldn't think it odd. Then again, she had made many strange noises during her orgasms. I tried to hold off, but it seemed to make it worse and it was now almost painful, so I slammed down hard, much harder than I meant, but I was out of control now. We both let out little screams and I followed my cry with a loud exhalation as I let go of the first stream of spunk into Hannah's rectum. I pushed hard for the second one, feeling the sticky liquid on my head as it shot out of me and filled her insides. Unlike when I had unloaded in her pussy, I didn't feel my semen washing over the head of my cock, it was going further into her body. I kept jerking as more semen shot from me and ran deep into Hannah's bowels. We were both making whimpering noises as our bodies twitched then stilled.

There is a stillness that only hot evenings and afternoons have. I had lost track of time, but the heat hadn't abated. The light was turning golden from the harsh shine of earlier and the dust motes danced around us. Neither of us had said anything, there really didn't seem to be any need. We had mumbled a bit, but that was it. The only thing our mouths had done was find each other and kiss, which wasn't easy as Hannah was pressed down prone on the floor with me on top.

"I guess we should move." She mumbled. "It's not that comfortable and my tits probably have carpet marks on them." She had a way of making me laugh at the worst moments and this wasn't a great time to get the giggles, being a sweaty mess on her sweaty body and with my penis still inside her anus.

I agreed that it probably wasn't very comfortable for her and tried to move, She replied that I had made a slight understatement as it was also quite painful "having your big cock up my butt." I had to stop moving as we were laughing too much.

I lifted up and our skins peeled apart with the drips of sweat springing out in the evening light that streaked into the room. I tried to knee, but found it a bit painful, my legs were slightly wobbly from the exertion and my knees chaffed from the carpet. Also, her sphincter had a very firm grip on my cock. I wiggled and got into a position where I got one hand around the base of my cock and pulled Her grip had kept me reasonably hard and full and her sphincter stretched back as I pulled. The skin below the head appeared, red and tender. I moved back further and Hannah let out some mumbled "owwwws" as her poor stretched sphincter was opened wider and pulled back by the ridge of my cock. There was a pop as I pulled out, the stillness of the evening making it the loudest thing at the time. I stared at her, sphincter still gaping as it slowly recovered from being rudely pulled open. There was a smudge of my semen on her opening, pulled back by my cock as I pulled out. Hannah let out a sigh that was mimed by her anus as it closed tight again.

"I hope it's not too messy." She said, one hand now covering her eyes to shield them. "I don't want to look!". I did. My cock was slick with my sperm and her anal wetness, but otherwise clean. I hadn't even considered it when I slid up her arse, I just wanted all of her.

I giggled. "Oh, so messy!" I teased. She let out a disappointed groan. "I wouldn't care less" I reassured her, "but you have a very clean anus, Hannah." and we giggled.

"Should I put that on my CV?" she laughed.

"Only if you want more guys to bugger you."

"No, not really." she sighed. "But that was very good. Much better than before, even if it was a bit painful."

"Sorry" I said as I continued to stare at her sphincter.

"Well, you are quite big and I have only done that once before and he was much, MUCH, smaller." She lifted her head to look at me properly. "Guess it helps if you like and trust the guy who is fucking your butt."

Oh my, Hannah liked me!

I decided to go and wash up and Hannah waved her hand feebly in the general direction of the bathroom. I stood by the sink and ran the water, still trying to comprehend what had happened before washing my cock clean. It felt bad wiping her off me, but I had just been in her anus. Wandering back into the room and she was still on the floor, she hadn't moved. I knelt next to her and stroked her back as she sighed.

"I think you broke me." She mumbled and even when I bent down and gave her left buttock a gently bite she barely stirred. "I am so glad I am working from home tomorrow" she added and then giggled as I nibbled on her right buttock.

A few minutes later and Hannah was sitting on the bed. She had staggered there, her legs slightly wobbly. "I know how the girl at the party felt" She said as she leaned against me as I wrapped an arm around her shoulder. I was a bit confused as to what girl and which party, but she soon clarified matters, "You know, where the guy shot so far up her ass that it didn't come out until the next day. It would be VERY awkward being in the office tomorrow and keep running out, 'sorry, I have spunk dripping from my butt' isn't a great excuse for skipping meetings."

We had spent a lot of the evening laughing together, as well as the sex and we were still giggling at thoughts of being in the office after a heavy night of sex and the excuses of not staying seated as she was too sore and me taking the lift instead of the stairs as I wanted to avoid moving my cock too much in my trousers as it was tender.

I asked why she had bought me home, I was confused as she could have anyone. She looked slightly sheepish as she explained she wanted some "action" and had a mental list of people at work who she might consider. Apparently, I was near the top of the list... "In the top five?" I quizzed and she nodded and added, "Top two." I wondered who the other was and, if they were ahead of me before she added, "well, top one." and laughed. We then talked about other office crushes and I admitted that my heart would beat faster when I met her and she giggled and said she knew, I hadn't been very good at hiding it at times, but she thought it sweet, plus, I hadn't ever tried anything, so she felt safe. We laughed at old times in the office and characters there who had left, new arrivals and the state of the coffee.

As we talked, I gathered my clothes. Part of me wanted to stay, but I also wanted to go and avoid the awkward morning, where I would be leaving early to get home and work as Hannah had a meeting early on and didn't dare risk me accidentally appearing somehow on the video call. Our conversation and giggling faded as I dressed, we both agreed that not spending the night together was a good idea and said we would chat at work and on messages and we would try not to be too awkward when me next met.

Hannah didn't bother putting on her clothes and stood behind the door as I left, poking her head out for a final kiss and waving as I vanished down the stairs.

The streets were still warm. People fell out of pubs and crowded the streets, which weren't much cooler than inside the pub. The Underground was sticky, which was good as so was I. I got a seat and drifted away, unable to concentrate enough to read or clear my mind enough to nap. I looked at my telephone and there were no vital messages. I looked at my photos and there were the recent ones, I had actually forgotten that I had taken them, me inside Hannah' anus. I had also forgotten to show them to her so she could see how amazing she looked with a cock in her arse. I selected one and pressed her name on the phone to send it. The blue circle swirled and then a green tick appeared. "Photo shared" it beamed at me. As I put my telephone away I felt something odd in a pocket and pulled it out. It was pink knickers! I had stuffed them in a pocket after removing them at the bottom of the stairs. I smiled, folded them and put them back in the pocket.

I got home and nothing had happened on my telephone and my heart sank a little. I sent another message to say that I had made it safely across the wildness of London and, again, nothing happened. I showered and grabbed a snack and then powered up the laptop to start writing. Just before midnight there was a 'ping' and Hannah had messaged. "Oh WOW! Look at my poor butt, no wonder I ache!" she wrote. Another message followed, "Glad you are home. I fell asleep. Hope you are ok. I kinda miss you."

I replied with a goodnight message, said I also missed her a bit and added some xxx's at the end and she replied with some of her own. My mind was now too wired to sleep, so I carried on writing.

We exchanged several messages the next day at work and some on the telephone, those being slightly more personal. She told me she had to turn her camera off during one meeting to go to the toilet as she felt her underwear getting wet due to the leaking of semen from her anus and I suggested she could try a nappy or sanitary pad. her reply was "jerk!"

The next day was Friday and I hoped she would message and ask about my weekend plans, but we just exchanged idle chats and it was only as the day was almost done did we mention plans, or lack of them. Hannah was meeting a friend on Saturday and I said I might go for a walk to take photos. Neither of us had plans for Sunday, but neither of us suggested meeting. I logged off with a slight sense of loss and emptiness.

I finished the story and hit submit. I figured it might get published, all being well, on Monday. I spent the Saturday in a nature reserve, failing to get any decent photos and decided to do nothing on Sunday, except get into a major slump. The plan was working well as I made coffee and finished my breakfast. The day was dragging by and the coffee never seemed to finish, it was always just a bit too warm to gulp down the final bit. I checked the laptop to see if there was any cycling on to watch on TV.

I picked up my phone, confused as to who would message me, especially on a Sunday morning. It was Hannah. I opened the message, which was a photo. She had held the phone up above her, she was naked, her laptop was on a small stand next to her and I could see the website logo was the one with my stories on. Her legs were wide and her other hand was between them, at least one finger was inside her. The tittle dots flashed "Hannah Is Typing" it said.

"Halfway though, already cum." she wrote. I hadn't checked the website to see if they had published it, but Hannah had and was ahead of me.

"Good!" was my reply and I got up and went to brush my teeth.

Another message arrived twenty or so minutes later. "Cum 3 times. Rereading it now." Another photo followed, this time it was of her right hand, two of the fingers inside her, the wet labia open and swollen.

I send a thumbs up emoji and carried on putting my shoes on. I locked the door behind me and was nearing the tube station when another message appeared. "Would you like a drink?" I blinked and then a photo appeared. She was open and wet, the dark red hole shining and soaked.

I smiled and went into the station.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Great story! With an ironic title too. Don’t know if it’s based on real events but it does come across as being very realistic. Looking forward to reading more. Thanks for sharing.

Tess (uk)

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

NO Tags?

orangecuriousorangecurious8 months agoAuthor

Dear anonymous, you are so brave you do not post your name.

"Twist in the tail" is the correct spelling.

You need to give up.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Sorry, but I didn't even finish the first Page!

Writing an erotic story, for an erotic-story site, including a conversation about an erotic-story site, & you misspelled "tale"!!!


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