Indecent Proposal

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No surprises, as the title suggests.
8.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/16/2022
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A fairly traditional story line for this category. I've recently read a few stories on this theme and wanted to respond to the excuses provided for a wife's behaviour from the husband's perspective. Honestly I do spell check and proof read but bound to miss some, if that bothers you too much think about moving on.

My wife and I work at the same marketing firm. Lucy is a client relationship ambassador, don't ask... I'm still not sure what her job is other that smoozing customers. I'm Mark and head up the IT teams.

Things were going really well for us, employed, happy, well through the house renovations on our 'doer upper' and two great kinds, Emma 13 and Daniel 11. We lived near our families and had a close knit group of friends.

We're both in our mid 30's and a good match for each other although she wins hands down in the looks department. She's 5ft 9 with long blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. Lucy claims some family heritage back in Sweden and has that leggy Scandinavian look about her. She is bright and vivacious and never seems to stand still. I'm 3 inches taller with sandy hair, I prefer endurance sports such as cycling and running so have slim build, I'm physically fit just not in a showy gym way.

I was surprised to be invited to a long weekend on a private island owned by one of our firm's clients. Jack Edwards our Chief Executive explained that he and his wife Margaret were going along with a couple of the Directors and their partners. Lucy had been asked as she was the client's primary point of contact. It sounded like I was there to make up the numbers, but hey 'never look a gift horse in the mouth'. Jack went on to explain the client was filthy rich and easily our firm's biggest customer, we'd go early Friday and return Monday on a private charter and everything would be provided for us.

Lucy knew all about it when I mentioned it on the drive home. She'd been working with the client for months, seemed very impressed and was looking forward to the freebie weekend. I quizzed her about the weekend but she didn't seem to know much, so I asked her about the client. Lucy explained he was William Fellows and guessed he was late 40's, good looking, oozed confidence and had inherited a family fortune. She seemed a little smitten describing him as powerful and controlled amongst other things. Great I thought to myself, he sounds like a right arrogant prick, but maybe I'd keep that observation to myself until after the weekend.

Two weeks later found us in a private charter plane on Friday morning. I've got to say I was impressed, if the island was all his he must be absolutely loaded. I'm not sure what I was expecting but it seemed huge, maybe 5 miles long and a couple wide from what we could see when coming in to land. It looked like a 5 star resort, with the main buildings sitting behind a white sandy bay which formed a perfect crescent. Lucy was beyond excited and the rest of us weren't far behind her.

We were shown our rooms and then on to meet our host for lunch on a veranda overlooking the bay. I wanted to hate him but William seemed like a reasonable guy. If anything Lucy had down played his looks, he had a bit of a George Clooney vibe about him. He thanked us all for coming and said to make ourselves totally at home. We chatted with the other three couples from our firm and met a stunning brunette called Charlotte who I assumed was William's date for the weekend.

Other than serving staff, the only other guy there looked like security and hovered in the background without being introduced. I started wondering if William had the sort of enemies that still required security on a deserted island.

William greeted Lucy as an old friend and they looked very comfortable in each other's company. She and the others seemed to defer to most of the things he said; its natural I supposed, seeing as he was an extraordinarily generous host and their most valuable client.

We had a great afternoon, snorkelling, paddle boarding and generally messing about in the bay. There was constant supply of free drinks and food; later we enjoyed an evening meal with everyone in the group. The atmosphere was friendly and relaxed and we mingled in small groups. Charlotte came up and introduced herself to us; she was lovely and talked about growing up in England. I got the impression she was from a family with money but she seemed a genuinely nice person. I wondered if she was a model or maybe didn't need to work. To my surprise she was quite flirty even in front of Lucy; I managed to brush it off politely just putting it down to over friendliness.

Being pampered, no kids, time to relax and an idyllic location was the ideal setting to enjoy a romantic night. Lucy was particularly amorous, our love making was intense and she repeatedly declared her love for me. It was the best night we'd had in a long time, maybe there was something to this love island idea after all. I hoped for a repeat the next morning but Lucy was quickly showered and keen to get to breakfast. I eventually managed to drag my butt out of bed and caught up whilst she was in conversation with Jack and William; I wondered if it was work as both Jack and Lucy looked a little tense. Maybe William was doing the smoozing and had used the weekend to push them on something work related. The conversation broke up when I arrived and after a quick bite to eat we went on to enjoy another great day by the pool with the others.

We went to dinner on the Saturday and I noticed Lucy got more dressed up; she looked stunning in a red satin evening dress and strappy heels. After dinner William asked if we could spare him a few minutes; we agreed and followed him to the study with the security guy trailing us. William sat in a high backed leather chair whilst I sat on the couch opposite with Lucy, noticing that she sat a little away from me.

After a long pause, William began speaking, "I have a proposal for you Mark, it's of a personal nature."

"Ok", I managed brilliantly as a response despite being totally bemused.

William went on, "I've had the pleasure of working with and getting to know Lucy over these last few months and it's been an absolute delight. We get on fantastically well and have built up a great relationship."

He paused perhaps waiting for a reaction for me, but I had no idea where this was going, although the word relationship had me feeling a little uneasy.

He continued casually, "As a result I have a proposal; I would like to spend the rest of the weekend with Lucy. Of course I am more than happy to recompense for the time she would have spent with you, and to that end I intend to transfer £100,000 to your joint account."

I started laughing, this had to be a joke and I could resist jibing, "Well William it seems you're being a bit of skinflint, didn't Robert Redford offer £1million for Demi Moore."

No one else laughed!

William went on, "Like all arrangements I'm more than willing to negotiate the price to get what I want. In additional Charlotte would be at a loose end and I would be delighted if you would be willing to entertain her."

I turned to Lucy expecting her to be smiling but she just looked concerned. "It's not a joke Mark, William has asked me to join him and I think we should seriously consider the offer."

I wanted to punch him, when I looked back the security guy was closer, I wondered how he managed that, I didn't even see him move.

William kept talking, "I can assure you, you wife is fully supportive of the idea. Where is the harm, we will all have a wonderful time and you will take away a significant sum of money."

I looked back to Lucy, "Maybe the price difference is because Demi Moore was reluctant."

Lucy flinched at that remark but had the sense not to reply. I was trying desperately to think, but had to focus on my breathing which was becoming a struggle.

I looked at the security guy, his demeanour had completely changed. He looked alert and focused on my movements and with good cause as I really really wanted to punch William in his smarmy face.

"What's your name... ex-military by the look of you, does he pulled this shit often?"

"Shane sir and I can't comment on the matter."

"And if I was to attack your prick of a boss, I guess you could kill me with your bare hands or something like that.

Shane smiled, "Maybe just restrain you from that action sir."

Turning to William I said, "It's just as well you brought him or I would kick the shit out of you."

William didn't seem at all perturbed, "Let's not be hasty Mark, you have lot riding on this.

It was Lucy who spoke next "Mark think about it, it's just a couple of days and the money would change our lives forever."

I was devastated; she clearly had planned this and wanted to do it. "Tell me honey, did the offer of money come after you two decided to do this?"

No reply, so I went on, "And I guess Charlotte was thrown in to sweeten the offer as well. What is she, a prostitute?"

William replied to that, "Charlotte is a personal friend of mine. As well as being wealthy, she is a very high end escort and only takes contracts that interest her. Rest assured you would experience something out of this world with her.

"I guess that makes them both prostitutes!"

Again a flinch from Lucy but no smoothing words.

"Well William, you can stick your money up your perfumed arse."

It was then Lucy spoke up and showed her true colours, "It's my body and I want to do it. It is just sex and it will be fun for us both to explore with other people. William and I like each other but it's nothing more than that, it doesn't change our love for each other. I am sure you and Charlotte would have a good time as well."

I was staggered her words slowly sinking in, "The difference my dear wife is I don't want anyone else. And it's far more than you suggest, this is a betrayal and colluding behind my back. I can never trust you again and if you are willing to do it once, why not again."

Lucy replied quickly "You're over reacting; I've told you about it so it is neither collusion nor a secret and I'm being totally truthful. This is happening and then I'll be back to all yours. If you love me you will let me have this one thing. Think about what we can do with the money, holidays with the kids, everything."

"Don't fucking dare use our kids as your excuse! We don't need the money and don't assume I will take you back. Your 'honesty' only works if we agree to something together and the only person you have agreed anything with is this pompous arsehole. The money is just an excuse, you want to do this and have planned it. I guess the money and Charlotte are because you didn't think I would agree. Well you were right, even with the money I still don't agree."

Lucy continued, "Your right, I do want to do this. I want to experience something different, something new and I am attracted to William but it doesn't have to hurt us. I didn't want to cheat."

"And you think this is better? You have already made your choice, even dressed up for him?"

"Don't fight this babe, you wouldn't like the consequences."

"What the fuck do you mean by that?"

"Well you wouldn't come out of it well, if you fought it or went for divorce you would lose everything the house and kids, even your job would be at risk and there really is no need for any of that. So just accept it, it will be far easier, I will see you tomorrow and remember I love you and only you."

I had to get out, breathing was becoming a real issue and if I stayed I was going to lose it. I stood felt wobbly and half staggered toward the door. I heard Lucy calling my name but kept walking.

As I crossed the hall Charlotte came over and gave me a hug, saying everything was going to be ok.

I turned on her, "And what exactly are you, the fucking consolation prize."

She strode away her head held high.

I kept going, eventually making it outside and half way across the courtyard but I didn't feel very well. I heard footsteps behind me, disappointed to see it was Shane not Lucy.

"Listen Shane you really need to fuck off."

"I'd like to mate but I need to ensure you aren't going to do anything stupid."

"Such as, got any ideas cos I'm all out of them."

"Mark you don't look too clever, just have seat against the wall, pull your knees up and just concentrate of taking long slow breaths."

I felt a bit weak and didn't have the energy to argue. It seemed an eternity but was probably only a few minutes before I calmed down. I noticed Shane sitting next to me.

"Thanks I guess, not sure what the fuck that was."

"Maybe anxiety or a panic attack, you were pretty pale but you're looking a better shade of pink now though."

"So Shane, speaking of stupid ideas, is there any way I can get out of this shithole?"

Shane replied matter of fact, "There is no way off this island tonight. There are no boats; the plane and the pilot are off on another charter. You might be able to radio for help but an unfaithful wife is hardly an emergency situation."

"Well I'm pleased you think she is unfaithful, she doesn't seem to be grasping the concept and I was starting to doubt myself. What the fuck should I do? I can't even kick the shit out of him because of you."

"Yeah sorry about that, I wish I could step aside but I would never get work again."

Shane went on, "Listen think through what you are going to do and work out a plan. Whatever you need to do can wait until Monday. It's like in the military, formulate a plan, sit tight and don't tip them off about what you are going to do."

"The trouble is I have no idea what I am going to do, they seemed to have covered all the bases and I'll have to sit around and suffer tomorrow and Monday whilst you babysit me."

Again a long pause Shane offered, "There is a supply boat comes in early Monday morning, you could get on that if you wanted to avoid the plane with everyone else going home. They can't stop you; no one myself included wants to be up for any kidnap or imprisonment charge. I might even come with you; this contract is losing its appeal. I don't like being on the wrong side even if it does pay well."

"Ok that's helps; I just need get through tomorrow!"

"Tell you what, why don't we hike around the island tomorrow morning, keep you away from all the bollocks. Also you should think about Charlotte, she is a wonderful girl and you don't seem to have much to lose now. For tonight you can get some shut eye in one of the cabanas if you don't want to go back in."

"No, I guess our room is empty, I'll go back there, you never know she might change her mind."

She didn't of course, but surprising I did sleep, exhaustion I think. The next morning I got changed in some sports stuff and hurried down stairs hoping to avoid everyone and head out with Shane. No such luck, as I entered the dining room it went silent. I looked for something quick to eat and grabbed some fruit. There was murmur of conversation; I could hear comments about 'it being fine', 'it's nothing', 'she will be back'.

Then the finance director John Cousins and his wife approached, "Listen Mark we've all been there, just let it happen it isn't personal. He sees other wives but moves on and is very generous."

As he said it I saw his wife's neck flush red. Just then Lucy and William made their appearance. She seemed absolutely delighted with herself; I'd have to say glowing if I had to describe it. At least she was until she spotted me, her smile faded and she let go of the arsehole's hand, coming over to either kiss or hug me. I held her back at arms-length and looked around.

Christ I thought, what a bloody idiot! Everyone knew what was going to happen before the weekend even started. What an absolute fool I have been, I went to leave.

Lucy began talking, "Please stay Mark, we can socialise with the group and have another good day together."

I looked around, all eyes were on me, some in anticipation others clearly amused by the scene.

"Nope he paid for you and can keep you. But I have got something to say to the group before I go. I gather this weekend has been in the planning for some time and you all knew, so it seems fair you all hear what I have to say."

The group all looked aghast, glancing nervously at each other.

"Jack and Margaret, I would have never have come to this weekend if you weren't here, it never crossed my mind that you would have colluded in something so sordid. You know and condone what he does like some sort of sick voyeur fan club; I hope you got a kick out of blindsiding me."

I noticed all of them starting to shift uncomfortably, this clearly was not in their plan.

"I actually thought we were friends, making me feel right at home so they could set things up was a nice touch. And you're wrong Bill this is very personal, so thanks for your part in destroying my marriage. The fact they are prepared to use the leverage of my kids is quite frankly disgusting, I don't let anyone threaten my kids."

Lucy burst in, "You are over reacting, it was just sex, an adventure for one time and it doesn't affect us. I told you I love..."

I interrupted, "Ah he we hear the first phase of the defence; that it's nothing really. I know you have planned how I would react with the help of Captain Fuckwit there, so let's see what did you think...

I'd say Phase A is: we stay here and you get me used to what happened, try to normalise it before we go home. Combine that with you and your friends dismissing it as nothing serious, they have already started that theme on your behalf. No doubt you think that I should not over react, be huffy or childish about it. I should grow up; it's just my ego and pride after all. Of course you know that won't work but it's all part of the softening up process.

So onto Phase B: after the weekend you let me reclaim you. We have sex and lots of it, maybe try new things. We will benefit from your liaison and be 'better than ever'. I bet you even discussed needing to seduce me... you had better not let my feeling of loss linger on too long after all darling."

Lucy glanced nervously at William, that comment seemed to hit the target.

"What's more we will have the money he offered for you, we can spend the money you earned prostituting yourself by taking the kids to Disneyland and meeting Micky."

Quite a few of them actually winced at that.

"If we are still struggling Phase C kicks in: you already planted that seed last night, if I really loved you, I would let you have this. You've been a great wife for 15 years; it's just one night something for you. Yeah, that might start to weaken my resolve. But what do I get after 15 years of devotion to you, treated like shit that's what. You knew I would never agree and rail-roaded me showing a complete lack of respect, so that plan is not going to cut it.

You're a bit worried now; maybe you had better give me time to cool off. A week or two, find me drowning my sorrows in a bar somewhere and then plead forgiveness. This is Phase D: you really are sorry for it all... you had no idea it would hurt me so much and would never have done it if you had realised. You love me, begging, crying the whole works. I've got to admit, you've got a chance with that one. But then the way you just walked in hand in hand in front of everyone and looking so delighted with yourself. It cements in my mind that there isn't really any guilt or regret, just contempt and a willingness to humiliate me. Phase D is not going work out for you.

So finally the fall back plan might be needed, Phase E: threats. You will take all the money and the house and poison the kids against me. You already suggested I could lose my job. William will pay to get you the best lawyers. I will end up sad, poor and lonely, you might even threaten to move in with him and live happily ever after with our kids."