Inheritance Ch. 08

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25 years later.
23.3k words

Part 10 of the 10 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 04/05/2013
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Or sometimes you just don't see it coming!

This is a sequel to the Inheritance series -- a 'finishing off' really. If you haven't read the preceding parts before, reading them might make everything more sensible. This is a fiction; nothing more. All of the characters are made up; some of them characters are based vaguely on real people but really, really vaguely. Oh and they're all over 18. Enjoy!

Twenty five years ago Mike Bailey, discovered that he had inherited his grandfather's estate -- a very large amount -- what is generally known round here as a 'shit load' - of money, property, his business portfolio and his submissives. Which all came as a bit of a surprise - especially that last bit. His Grandfather John was a Dom and he dominated Mike's mum and gran and by inheritance Mike became their master. Mike then married a woman he used to work with, incorporating her into his business and relationships. His wife - Eva - gave birth to their daughter, Elizabeth, named after her great-grand mother. This is how that story moves on.

May 2038

Liz Bailey looked at her padphone. It was her dad calling. She thought about sending a busy signal but thought better and passed her hand over the screen to answer it. The screen saver changed to the live view of the caller.

Mike Bailey smiled at his daughter, "Er Dad! Hi! How are you?" It wasn't that it was unusual for her dad to call her, he just simply didn't call. It was usually his PA or Liz's mum that rang. Liz felt like she should curtsey or something.

"Hi Liz. I just wanted to know if you're coming up to see us this week-end?" Well it looked like her dad and sounded like her dad, Liz wondered whether it was a computer graphic, there were some clever buggers out there.

"I have one more 'uni' thing to do tonight, dad, but I'll be over in the morning."

"Good! Come and see me tomorrow, I have something I need to talk to you about."

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." She said brightly, and after their goodbyes she waved her hand at the phone to switch it to stand-by.

"Fuck me!" She said aloud.

"Any time!" said a voice from the couch, "What did the old man want?"

"He wants to see me tomorrow."

"You going?" the second voice from the couch was drowsy from orgasm but still curious.

"Yeah." Liz said thoughtfully, she had no idea what her father would want to see her about and she did have access to two heavenly creatures in front of her, but because of the unusual personal call she was intrigued, "I think I will."

And with that she pulled her sweater over her head, exposing full, nicely rounded breasts tipped with dark brown nipples, as she turned towards the arms of the sleepy naked blonde on the couch. Liz stroked the large black strap-on cock, bobbing upwards out of her smooth shaven pussy area. "But before I do that - I'm going to fuck your brains out again. And then," she drew the word out as she poked a long red-nailed finger into the breast of the other blonde, "Then I am going to do the same to you."

Liz placed her knee on the bed and moved forwards, her hands held out like a descending goddess. As she brought her other knee up, the black strap-on jiggling between her thighs, the two blondes sought out her palms and nuzzled at them like supplicants. The two elegantly nude, sensually bare women worshipped the woman kneeling between them, their pale flesh and golden blonde hair contrasting with her naturally darker skin tone and darker blonde hair.

Liz's hands descended like a blessing on the heated flesh, bestowing caresses upon her worshipful subjects. It was delicious -- the women on the bed were not related but were like enough to be twins. There was a thrill of delight in watching them as they engaged in what appeared to be almost incest, enjoying the descending sensuality and each other at the same time. Liz felt the sexual chill course through her as Karen - the slightly taller of the two - grasped the false cock and brought it to her mouth, following it down as Liz continued to sink to her heels. Danielle -- whose round breasts were slightly more rounded and capped with slightly larger nipples -- slipped her questing hand past Liz's, and beneath the black strap-on, up underneath her and between the cleft of her bottom. Liz brought their heads together and delighted in watching the two lovely mouths as they kissed open mouthed. It could not have been better, unless, of course they had been sisters. The three women regularly engaged in the most intense of carnal sessions and had been intimate for the last couple of years. Whilst their particular menage was not exclusive it was a deep and involved thing. Liz and Karen gently pressed Danielle onto her back and Karen guided the large dildo towards her opened and damp lips, giving them a long slow lick before she applied the false cock.

Liz drew Karen up and they kissed as Liz slowly began to fuck Danielle. Karen switched between the two -- kissing, licking, stroking, fondling, a priestess officiating in the Danielle's sacrifice on the altar to Liz's goddess. Slowly but surely the goddess moved in Danielle and she screamed an orgasm round the thrust of the cock jutting from Liz's pelvis. Time and again the cums erupted until -- her head shaking from side to side -- Danielle pushed Liz away. "Too much, no more."

The three of them rested, Liz and Karen gently stroking and bestowing kisses on the still trembling Danielle. Liz lay back, the cock between her legs jutting upwards, but now Danielle and Karen were doing the kissing, as they lavished their attentions on Liz's breasts, kissing and nipping at them.

Gently pushing them away Liz guided Danielle to attend to Karen, while she made Karen kneel in front of her, then pressing her forwards so she was on all fours with her delightful breasts dangling over Danielle's hungry licking mouth.

Anointing the black strap on with cream from the table beside the couch she positioned the tip at Karen's bumhole.

"OH YES!" the other woman squealed, "Take me there, you bitch, impale me!"

"Just pleased I can be of service." Liz told her and plunged the false cock home, in one swift, lubricated movement.

Elizabeth Jane Bailey - Liz - was enjoying her life. Basking in the new sexuality of the late 2030's, life for an adventurous soul like herself, open to new experiences, was exciting. After the late 'teens and the 2020's when Britain's moral landscape had become bleaker and bleaker, more repressed and generally disproving, the mid 30's had exploded into freedom. In a parallel of the Swinging 1960s young people had refused to have their behaviours set and handed down to them and they embraced a freer (and medically more cautious) morality. Liz had embraced that freedom -- she was at university where she met people who were her equals mentally and physically, and she was enjoying relationships with boys and girls.

Now as she drove from Oxford to the house near Northampton she thought how different her life was to that of her father and her mother. All her dad was concerned with was his work and her mother. To her they were a typical staid middle aged couple, she laughed - they even had her gran -- her dad's mum - living with them in their large Northamptonshire home. She did genuinely love her mother and father, and her grand-mother but she could not ever see herself living a life that was that confined. Not that her mum and dad weren't attractive people, hell even her gran was fit, as her male uni friends would say, delicious in a rounded mature way. Her parents - in their early fifties - were physically in good condition and her mum had a smouldering sexuality - though Liz was certain it was all for her dad. Her mum was pretty conservative, and she often let Liz's dad make all the decisions. Not that Liz's mum was in any way weak willed, she was a successful business woman and growing up Liz had discovered that her mother had a will of iron.

Her dad on the other hand was not so sexual in his outward appearance, but he was, she felt, a man with deep sensual tastes. If push ever came to shove she told herself, he was attractive enough that she'd jump the old man's bones if she had to. Yeah, right Liz, she told herself, like that was ever going to happen.

Once she reached her parent's house, Thrallthorpe, Liz placed her bag in her room and went to find 'the old man'. Kissing her mother, Eva, Liz was pointed in the direction of her father's office. She knocked and opened the door.

"So how is that looking for you?" Mike Bailey waved Liz to sit down and he listened to the answer, he turned back to the screen.

"No, no, Elizabeth. Yes LITTLE Elizabeth. Come over here Liz."

Mike turned the screen round, so she could wave to the man on the screen -- one of her father's business associates from the Netherlands.

"Okay Lukas, give my regards to Hanne and the kids, we may get out to see you in a month or so. Yes I'll make sure Eva comes with me. She still talks about the last time she was out there. Speak soon my friend. Yes and you."

Smiling Mike waved his hand at the screen to close the connection and turned back to his daughter.

After a couple of minutes chatter Mike got up from his seat behind the desk and came to sit on the old chesterfield settee that had been in the office for so many years, Liz had no recollection of the room without it.

"Liz, I've been looking at your results from uni. Looking good kid, looking very good. Have you given any thought to what you're going to do next?"

Liz thanked him but she was worried, she knew that when her dad took an interest in people generally their lives changed. And while it normally seemed to be a good thing Liz wasn't sure she wanted that. She had plans - her own plans - to travel for a year or two and then settle down to working. And she told her dad that.

"Liz, my lovely, you've grown up with the Group." Liz heard the capital letter in the word - even as her dad was saying. "But what do you know about it?"

Oh man, Liz told herself, that was a good one. The Group was a fact of life in her life from the yearly group family days to the Monday morning meetings in the large kitchen at Thrallthorpe. (In fact the Monday meetings and the beautiful, elegant and intelligent women had been a major influence in Liz's choice of study at uni, her degree in business, was because she wanted to be like them, to be one of them.

"I know bits and pieces." Liz reeled off the set-piece show-and-tell "The JE Group is a collection of companies founded just under fifty years ago, the operating model of which is mutual co-operation. Operating costs are kept manageable by favoured rates within the group, which are further helped by self-funding and a minimal involvement from external investors and stock exchanges. The group also manages its credit and supply very carefully, as these have been sources of major business failures in recent times. The other interesting thing about the group's operation is its ethical trading policy, not just in internal trading but also with any business partners."

Liz's dad smiled at her run-down of the business, she gave him an embarrassed smile in return, "One of the tutors set us an essay on your business model -- he's a huge fan, you should meet him some time."

Mike Bailey smiled, the Ethical business policy was something he had brought in, but his wife Eva had taken it on and developed it, the policy was her 'baby'.

"But what I want to know," she went on, "Is how you pulled it off? How has it all worked for this long? I mean it shouldn't work -- no external investment, no involvement from the markets, how?"

"The trend for businesses in the mid-teens was smaller is better, and that worked for us," Mike told her, "Because each business in itself is small, but operating with the support of the group they have access to the sort of resources that bigger companies have."

"Isn't that a restrictive practice?" Liz asked. Her father shook his head.

"We put plenty of work out for tender but what I'm talking about is areas that big companies might have that a small company just can't afford. There you are -- R & D -- is a good example.

"When I first took over from your great-grand father I set up a think tank -- brought people together from within the group. And it paid for itself. A situation came up a few years ago where it looked like we would have to lay people off. Something we have always tried not to do.

"We threw it to the Think tank guys and they worked out that while the company in question did need to lose staff, redeploying people within the group would actually be a better option. A few of the 'at risk' people asked for support and we ended up funding two new companies, and a micro-brewery that is doing very nicely indeed.

"Then one of those companies came up with two world beating patents. You know how you just wave your hand to answer your phone?"

Liz nodded. "They invented that."

"That had the phone companies interested, but then they designed a system to take external sounds when you're on the phone, and play it through the external speakers. You know how it works, it deadens external noise so you don't have to shout but it also uses the sounds around you so that if people are listening your sound is deadened and they can't hear your call."

"They invented Closed Call?" The business student in Liz was fascinated.

"It was jointly financed with the group and the phone people give us buckets of money to use it. And a big lump of that money goes back into the Group."

"I'm guessing I'm not here just to tell you what you already know - what is it you want me to do, father?" Liz asked.

Her dad smiled as Liz cut to the chase. "I'm offering you a job. When you're done with uni I want you to start working for me as an intern, no frills, no favours. The pay-off is that when I think you're ready - you take over from me."

"From you?" Liz was stunned.

Mike nodded. "What I'm suggesting is three years in the group working with me, and we'll see whether you're ready. But don't decide now. Have a think about it and let me know at the end of term."

"I was thinking of travelling for a year." Liza said thoughtfully.

Her father thought for a minute, "Why not do that and get paid for it?"

Liz looked at her father, quizzically. "Look, say you go travelling," he said, "You do it on a budget, you often don't know where you're going to sleep and you're living on dwindling resources. These days that's not as safe as it used to be.

"What I'm suggesting is that there's a bunch of people in the group that do trade shows in the US and India and the Far East with their computer software, working with them be worth it. I have to go out to Hong Kong myself this summer. It would mean that you get a hotel rather than a beach..."

Liz wanted to say no, she wanted to say that she preferred to travel with her friends, but this was one of the things her father did. He made great suggestions that were tough to turn down. The next thing you knew you were doing what he wanted you to do. It was something he had done to her time and time again as she'd grown up. With a deep breath she told him, "No I'm good, I think Dad." She said slowly. "We've been planning this for a while, there will be three of us travelling together but when I get back, I'll work for you, no worries." She could see her father smiling.

"What?" She asked.

Mike just shook his head and carried on smiling, "Because I stood up to your suggestions?" She asked.

Mike nodded; he got up from his desk. "Come on daughter of mine, it's Saturday morning I need to get out in the sunshine, let's go for a walk."

And taking Liz by the hand they walked out into the grounds of Thrallthorpe, together.

In the end it didn't happen the way Liz wanted -- Karen and Danielle, her two friends, decided they had different priorities and - out of the blue - got married. Spending the money that they would have otherwise used for travelling on the wedding the two girls looked stunning with matching dresses, and Liz was the best man to both of them (and partner to both the previous night).

She allowed them that their wedding bash was one of the best she had ever been to, and after the wedding she did get off with one of the male guests, but she could not help but feel disappointed by the loss of the opportunity of a life time.

"Can you not still go on your own?" Her mother asked when she was back at Thrallthorpe.

"I guess I could," Liz told her, "But it just wouldn't be the same."

"Didn't your father ask if you wanted to go to Hong Kong?" Eva asked her.

"D'you think he'd still take me?"

"Why don't you ask him?"

"But wouldn't you normally go?"

"You know perfectly well that if your dad asked you, it's you he wants to go. I don't mind, I've been several times. You'll enjoy it, Hong Kong is exciting and there are so many -- erm - interesting things to do." She told her daughter, with a smile.

"And anyway," Eva went on, "It will be good for the two of you to bond. I know he's missed you a lot while you've been away."

The car trip from Hong Kong International Airport ended at the entrance to a towering hotel. While the driver delivered the cases to the hotel porter, Liz followed her father up the steps and into the foyer.

The concierge approached her father with a broad smile on his face.

"Mr Bailey! It has been too long since we last saw you sir, how are you? How long are you staying with us?"

Both men bowed politely then, her father shook the man's hand warmly, "Hello Peter, may I introduce my daughter, Elizabeth? We're here for a few days, some business, and a little pleasure."

"Whatever it is Mr Bailey you're always welcome here sir." The man's grin was ear to ear and as far as Liz could see, quite genuine, "If you'd like to sign in at the reception desk sir, they're taking your luggage to your rooms now."

And ten minutes later Liz and her father were in the glass lift -- shooting up the inside of the lobby atrium, till they disappeared into the ceiling.

In the suite the porter showed them around their rooms -- two bedrooms with their own bathrooms that shared one common lounge space but then Liz saw the view. From the floor to ceiling windows she could see Victoria Harbour on her left, with Stonecutter Island, and the lights of the bridge, in the distance, and the stacked metropolis of Kowloon spread out in front of her. She stood there and took it in, her eyes flicking from the tiny boats through the bridges to the bigger ocean going vessels and helicopters flitting between the islands. She had never seen anything like it, and could have looked at it for hours, but her father moving in the lounge area drew her away from the incredible view.

"This is nice, dad. Do you always travel like this?" Liz asked her father walking from her bedroom back into the lounge. Mike had taken his suit jacket off and was rolling his shirt sleeves up.

"Sometimes, often we stay with friends, most times it's a bit less downscale, but sometimes it's about the show."

Liz looked at her dad, waiting for him to continue.

"People expect you to be certain things, it makes them feel comfortable if you behave how they expect you to. The people we're dealing with are very traditional in many ways, so we put on a show for them."

"They're watching where we stay?" Liz asked, Mike nodded. "Are they going to spy on us? Will they be eavesdropping?"

"Highly unlikely -- that's one of the reasons I stay here -- they take their guests' security very seriously, all the rooms are swept on a regular basis."

"We've got a meeting with the customer's at eight tonight," Mike told her, Liz turned to look at him; he had removed his suit jacket, and had taken his tie off. "It might be an idea to catch a nap. The time changes can really catch you out."