Into the Attic


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"Let's just pull them out and make sure nothing's broken," I replied, "After that, I'll take my chances."

* * *

I was a little nervous, carrying that box home. I managed to stash it in my bedroom closet without being seen. Over the next couple of days, I felt like some kind of half-assed spy as I snuck the cameras up into the attic and installed them.

After I had set up the first two cameras—one peeking into each of my sisters' rooms—I had installed the software on my laptop and tested it. I had a clear view of each of their beds centered on two windows on my computer. I was surprised when I heard Colleen walk into her room, talking on her cell phone. I didn't realize that the cameras had microphones as well until that moment.

I turned down the volume quickly. It wasn't that Colleen was being loud, it was just that I was extremely paranoid. I was about to close my laptop, considering it a successful test, when Colleen reached up beneath her shirt and unfastened her bra. I sat and watched as she pulled it off and tossed it onto her bed. Her nipples were clearly visible through her t-shirt as her breasts bobbed about with each movement.

I got up and made sure my bedroom door was locked, then dropped my shorts and sat at my desk to continue watching my sister. I plugged in headphones and turned the volume back up so that I could listen to her talking on the phone. She was talking with Ellen, a friend of hers from work. There was nothing overtly sexual in that conversation, but it felt like I was in the room with her as she sat on the bed and removed her socks.

I started playing with the software, then. I made that window take up the full screen, rewinding the footage to the moment Colleen removed her bra. I was able to zoom in so that her chest was centered on the screen. The resolution of these cameras was excellent. I almost felt like I could reach out and stroke my sister's nipples as they pressed out of her shirt right in front of me.

I put one camera on either side of both of my sisters' rooms, and one on the bathroom I shared with them, that looked into the bathtub. I put another one on my parents' bedroom, centered on their bed, and one on their bathroom as well.

I agonized over where to put that last camera. In the end, I installed it over the front room of the house. It was a small den that was rarely used, but sometimes when we had guests we would set it up as a guest bedroom. I remembered our busty Aunt Cathy visiting one summer and sleeping in that room, and it was that memory that made up my mind.

After I had the cameras installed and was sure that they all worked, I got some latex caulk and carefully caulked the gaps in the ceiling all over the house. I wanted to do it myself so that none of my lenses got covered. After that, I got the attic side of those gaps with insulating spray foam. When I was done, the camera housings looked like they were part of the original electrical system, partially covered with that orange foam just like the crossbeams on which I had mounted them.

I had been so obsessed with my camera project that I barely noticed the difference in the house. I had spent hours every day sweating in the attic, careful to get enough stuff moved down that it looked like I was really working hard. I had spent my own allowance money to buy more caulk and insulating foam, and Hope had driven me to the Home Depot to buy it. Hope and Colleen had talked to my parents about how hard I had been working, but I only became aware of all of that at dinner the evening after I had finished sealing the gaps into the attic.

I had showered before dinner, and I allowed myself to relax. It was done. There was almost no chance now that my hidden cameras would be detected. I felt better, physically, after that shower as well. I had been drenched in sweat, but I had gotten so used to that over the past five days that it was just nice when I wasn't sweaty. I had a fresh, dry t-shirt on and clean boxers and shorts. I smelled good with my deodorant and freshly-shampooed hair, and the cool air blowing from the air conditioning vents felt marvelous.

I joined my family at the dining room table and sat down. When I realized they were all looking at me, I immediately tensed. It took a good minute before I realized that their expressions weren't accusatory at all. There was open admiration there, even from my father. Hope reached over and rubbed my shoulder and upper arm softly.

"Thank you so much, Daniel," she said, "The whole house feels so much better."

I looked around the table as my parents and Colleen nodded and murmured their agreement.

"When you offered to help with this, I honestly thought I would wind up doing most of it myself," my dad said, "I had no idea you had this in you, Daniel. I am impressed. Hope told us you even spent your own money to buy the caulk. I hadn't really noticed those gaps until I saw you had sealed them all."

He reached over and set a wad of twenty-dollar bills in front of me on the table. I looked from the money up to his face.

"You have earned this, son," he said.

I felt a little guilty as I took the money and put it into my pocket.

"Thanks, Dad," I mumbled.

Hope leaned over and kissed me on my cheek. I smiled at her. It was a little embarrassing, and they could see that. I have never taken compliments well.

As we ate our dinner, I reflected on just how much work I had actually gotten done the past week. For four straight days, I had put in five or six hours in the sweltering heat of the attic. Less than half of that time had been spent installing my cameras. I was counting the insulating foam as part of that—'my' project, instead of clearing the attic. It still meant I had spent at least thirteen hours just removing junk from the attic and going through it.

It was terribly out of character for me. I had never been a hard-working kid before that, and I could not recall spending more than a couple of hours at a time working on anything around the house. The most time I had ever spent was a couple of hours mowing the lawn, and I had complained about it each time even though my parents paid me to do it.

I needed to come up with an excuse for this, so it didn't draw unwanted attention. I looked up from my plate and smiled at everyone.

"It does feel a lot better, doesn't it?" I asked.

They all nodded and smiled in agreement.

"It sure does," Colleen said, beaming at me.

"I thought it was just me," I said with a forced chuckle, "I had started trying to get into shape, and every time I did some pushups in my room, I was sweating instantly. I just realized I'm not even sweating now."

That wasn't a complete lie; I had been doing pushups lately and was trying to look better.

My dad got up from the table after wiping his mouth with a napkin. He walked over to the thermostat.

"Wow!" he announced, "It's actually down to seventy degrees in here."

He flipped a switch, and the air conditioner stopped.

"I just switched it to 'auto,' it had been 'on' for the last six weeks," he explained, returning to his seat. "That's going to save us a ton on our electric bills this summer."

"Cool," I said.

Colleen and my mom groaned. I hadn't intended it as a pun.

After dinner, I cleared the table and started on the dishes. Normally, my sisters and I took turns doing the dishes, and it was my turn. However, Colleen and Hope both helped me with the dishes this time. Maybe I was just a little overly sensitive around them, or it might have been my imagination, but it seemed that they were touching me quite a bit.

It wasn't like one of them grabbed my dick or squeezed my butt, but they did seem to touch my shoulder or arm or back every few minutes as we worked together in the kitchen. I wasn't complaining, but I was a little uncomfortable. I was worried they would see how hard my cock was getting from all of those light little touches. We finished the dishes much faster than I would have done it alone.

"Thanks," I said afterwards.

"You're welcome," Colleen said.

She caught me off guard when she wrapped her arms around me and gave me a hug. I saw her eyes open wide when she felt my erection pressed against her.

"Sorry," I muttered, pulling away from her.

"It's okay," she said quietly.

Hope was in my arms before I knew it, squeezing me tightly to her. She is the shortest of the three of us, and she looked up at me and smiled. She was pressing her crotch against my hard dick, but that didn't register on her face.

"You're my hero, you know that?" she giggled.

"Oh, really?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yep," she said.

She stood up on tiptoe and gave me a peck on my lips before bouncing away. Colleen looked a little embarrassed. She had glanced at my crotch before she also turned away. We joined our parents in the living room and watched television together as a family. Mom and Dad always shared the loveseat, and I sat between my sisters on the couch.

"It's so nice to see your face tonight," my mother quipped. "Usually you have it buried in your cell phone."

"Yeah," I said, "I noticed that lately. I'm going to try not to do that anymore."

No need to watch my sisters or my mom on my phone, and settle for those grainy, unstable little images now that I would get them in glorious high-resolution video. I think Colleen noticed my dick twitch in my shorts when that thought went through my mind. I was self-conscious, and contemplated plopping a throw pillow into my lap. Before I could act on that, though, Hope surprised me—and everyone else, I think—when she slid over into my lap and wrapped her arm around my neck.

She was sitting across my legs, rather than having her butt pressed into my crotch. As we watched the show, she chatted a bit. Mostly, she was asking Colleen questions. Every once in a while she would include me or my parents. She wasn't grinding in my lap or anything like that, and nobody else could see how hard I was.

By the time we were finished watching television that night, though, two important precedents had been set. From then on, my sisters and I did the dishes together as a team every night. More importantly, my lap had become fair game. My sisters and my mom would feel free from that evening on to just plop down in my lap any time I was sitting down.

* * *

That night I was treated to three delectable shows on my laptop.

Hope and Colleen got undressed and ready for bed at the same time. I had those four windows open at the same time, stroking my hard cock as I watched them strip for me.

Colleen stripped down to just her panties. She stood in front of her bedroom mirror, massaging her breasts. I could see the action more clearly in the camera behind her. It caught her reflection in the mirror as well as displaying her shapely ass in those thong panties. She even reached down and rubbed her pussy through the front of her panties for a couple of seconds. She opened a drawer and pulled out an oversized t-shirt, pulling it on over her head.

I had seen her in that t-shirt many times before, but I did not realize she wore a thong. I had been watching her closely enough over the past year that I knew those were new panties. I heard her walking down the hallway outside my bedroom door just before she turned on screen and walked out her door. I heard water running in the bathroom and realized she was brushing her teeth, which reminded me that I needed to brush my teeth as well.

Hope had spent that entire time brushing her hair in front of her mirror. She had removed her shorts, but still wore her t-shirt, bra and panties. I closed the windows on my laptop and closed the laptop itself before getting up to brush my teeth.

We have two sinks in our bathroom. It was not unprecedented for us to brush our teeth at the same time, especially in the morning before school. Still, Colleen looked surprised when I came into the bathroom and started brushing my teeth next to her. I smiled at her in the mirror, and she shook her head. She spit the toothpaste out of her mouth and murmured to me.

"You might want to tuck that away," she said.

It took me a moment to realize that my dick was sticking out of the front of my boxers.

"Sorry!" I gasped, reaching down and roughly shoving my dick back into my shorts.

I could see my red, embarrassed face in the mirror, as well as Colleen's amused expression. I finished brushing my teeth quickly and practically ran to my bedroom. Hope was heading from her bedroom to the bathroom, and her expression was puzzled as I passed.

Moments later, I was watching my sisters on the feed from the bathroom camera. I put on the headphones, and it was like I was standing right behind them both. My gaze was on their shapely bottoms first, as they bent over the sinks to brush their teeth and rinse.

"What was up with Daniel?" Hope asked, "He nearly ran over me in the hall."

"He had a wardrobe malfunction," Colleen giggled. Seeing Hope's bewildered expression, she leaned over and whispered, "His dick was sticking out of his boxers, and he didn't realize it until I mentioned it to him."

"Oh!" Hope replied, smiling into the mirror.

I felt my cheeks burning with embarrassment as they talked about me. At the same time, I was rock hard. I pulled my cock back out of the front of my boxers and slowly stroked it as I listened to my beautiful sisters and watched them on the screen.

"Did it look nice?" Hope asked.

"What? His dick?" Colleen looked at Hope as if she couldn't believe she had asked.

"Yes," Hope replied simply. She spat out the foamy toothpaste and bent to rinse her mouth before continuing. "I thought it felt nice earlier, but I've never actually seen it."

Colleen looked a little uncomfortable, but I saw her nipples harden noticeably in the mirror.

"I guess it was nice," she admitted, "I didn't want to stare at it, though, you know? I mean, he is our brother."

"Yes he is," Hope replied, smiling at Colleen in the mirror.

They finished brushing their teeth and washing their faces. Hope turned off the bathroom light as she left.

I switched back to the four-camera view of their bedrooms. Colleen closed her bedroom door and carefully locked it. I sat up in my seat when I saw that. She went to her dresser and reached into the top drawer. I was floored when I saw her pull a curved pink dildo from the drawer. I cursed inwardly when she turned off her light. I couldn't see a damned thing!

I turned from that window to the lit ones in Hope's bedroom and gasped. She was standing completely nude in there! I quickly rewound the footage, and watched as she stood in front of her mirror and removed her t-shirt, followed by the bra. I was stroking my cock and staring at her ass as she slid her panties down her legs and stepped out of them. I backed up the video a few seconds and zoomed in. I could clearly see her asshole and pussy from behind as she once again pulled those panties down.

I paused that close-up view and grabbed a tissue. I came hard while staring at Hope's pink sphincter and fuzzy pussy lips. I tossed the used tissue into my wastebasket and zoomed back out to watch her again. She turned on her small bedside lamp before turning off the overhead light. I was surprised to see her slip into her bed. I had no idea until that moment that Hope slept in the nude.

She was beneath her top sheet, so it was difficult for me to make out exactly what she was doing. It did look like she might be masturbating, but I couldn't tell from what I could see and hear. However, I could clearly hear Colleen moaning softly and heard that dildo making squishy sounds as she fucked herself with it. I was hardening again by the time I heard her gasping in orgasm. I also noted that Hope left the lamp on all night.

I took the time to save the clips of my sisters undressing. The surveillance software automatically kept two weeks' worth of footage, but I wanted to keep those videos for future viewing. I switched over to the feeds from my parents' bedroom and bathroom and rewound those to the moment they walked in. I didn't expect there to be anything I would really want to see. Boy, was I wrong.

The two of them were talking about work when they walked into their bedroom. I fast-forwarded until I saw my mother getting undressed, and backed it up a bit. The camera angle was not ideal to watch her undress. Still, what I could see of her was surprisingly hot. I realized with a start that they had been talking about me and backed up a bit further to listen in.

"Can you believe Daniel?" my mother started that conversation, "He barely even looked at that money when you gave it to him."

I actually had a better view of my dad in his boxers than my mom at that camera angle. I'm not into guys, but I had to admit he looked better than I expected. I had always thought he was a hairy guy, and had prayed I never got that much body hair. Seeing him now, though, I realized that he had this patch of chest hair just below his throat that always showed when he wore a shirt with a collar. He had a fair amount of hair on his arms. That was about it, though. The rest of his body hair was surprisingly sparse.

Also surprising was just how fit he was. My dad wasn't fat, as I had expected. Oh, he had a little bit of a gut, but he looked really fit for his age. His shoulders, arms and chest were much more heavily muscled than I expected. He stood and looked at my mother.

"I was surprised," he answered, "I had not mentioned that I would pay him for the work he's been doing. Did you?"

My mom shook her head as she unzipped her skirt. She stood back up and began unbuttoning her blouse.

"He actually looked guilty, I thought," she said. "Do you think you paid him too much?"

Hearing that, I reached into my discarded shorts and pulled out the wad of cash. It was $320, which was far more than I had thought.

"I thought it was a fair amount," Dad replied, "considering how much work he's done. Have you been up there?"

"Not since that first evening," she answered.

Dad shook his head.

"He's got almost everything cleared out of there already," he said, "And he went around the house and found and sealed all those leaks. I mean, you can already feel the difference in here. I haven't sweated at all since I got home."

"Well, I'm still going to take a shower before bed," my mother said.

"Okay," he replied absently.

I figured Dad probably showered earlier. He normally did after work each evening. I watched my mother walk into their bathroom. She dropped her panties, and I had a straight-on view of her shaved pussy and big, hanging tits when she stood up. I was once again stroking my hard cock as I watched her walk straight toward the camera to step into the bathtub. She bent to turn on the water, dropping out of view for a second. After that, I got an amazing fifteen minute show as she soaped up and rubbed every inch of her sexy body.

When she washed out her pussy and asshole, she actually poured body wash over two fingers and worked them in and out of her. I couldn't see her pussy, but when she followed that up with her ass, she leaned up against the far wall and pushed her ass out. I had an amazing view of those fingers working the lather in and out of her spread sphincter. She was moaning to herself, clearly turned on when she did it.

My own orgasm caught me by surprise then. I shot cum all over my hand and my boxers. I paused the video and grabbed a tissue to clean up the mess. There was even a little gob of the stuff on my keyboard, which I carefully wiped away.

After that, I kept a folded tissue handy next to my laptop. I filled that one before my mother finished her shower. She pulled the shower nozzle down and directed it onto her pussy, squeezing and fondling her left breast the whole time. She squeezed and tugged her hard nipple, just a couple of feet from the camera. When she moaned and looked up at the ceiling, it was like she was looking right at me when she got off. That was what did it for me, that second time.