Iron Heart Ch. 04


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Ben set a decent pace as they approached the parkway and as they rode the ramp up Ben got them in two lines. The riders had a lot of practice in riding like that and soon they had a long convoy of hard iron and hard men rolling south. The drivers of the parkway saw the spectacle and a few honked at them, but most stayed away. Ben's guys enjoyed the pace and soon as they cleared the main city exits of Newark, they began to pick up the pace.

For Leta, the ride was a new experience. She felt the wind blow past her and was amazed a the sight of how the cities blew by them. She had only ridden with Ben once before, and it was a really fun time. Now it was near exhilarating as the open country flew by her wide eyes. She held on tight as couldn't help but grind close to Ben as she savored the power of the bike under her.

The trip down took about an hour and change. As they came to the town of Tom's River the crew rallied up and in unison they rolled down the main highway together. As the crew got to the bridge leading to the Seaside area they got sight of the towns of Seaside heights and Seaside Park. The crew went to the heights and rolled into a large lot behind the hotel they were going to stay at. Ben maneuvered his bike into a good spot and walked it in. As he killed the engine Leta was able to take off the helmet and was glad she had her hoodie as her hair was a mess.

Ben took his helmet off and looked around as his guys parked the bikes and the pledges parked the trucks. He took in a deep breath and let it out as he took off his shades. The bright sun shined in his eyes making him squint, but it only lasted a few seconds. He stood up off the bike and leaned it on the kickstand. He felt Leta bounce off and as she did he heard her swearing and almost lost it when he saw her hair sticking out all over. Her thick, natural hair was a mess of curls like normal, but now it was going in three directions. She pulled up her hood and grumbled under her breath as Ben put his arm over her shoulders.

"Nice do," he quipped and Leta smacked his chest.

Leta squinted as her hand hit the wall of iron that was his chest, but she didn't let it show. She stalked over to the suitcases and quickly found hers and Ben's. Ben walked up and gathered his things and with a strong hand he led Leta along to the hotel. As they got to it the majority of the club followed and Ben suddenly turned about and saw they stopped.

"Well guys and gals here we are. Let's chill for a bit then we'll get to it," Ben said and the crowd hooted and broke ranks.

The poor clerk at the hotel desk was swamped by the large gathering. He fished out keys and pointed directions for nearly thirty minutes as he signed them all in and got rooms. Ben and Leta got a good room as per his standing in the club. Leta and him were on the top floor of the three story hotel and that afforded them a great view of the shore itself. They put their things away and Ben stopped as he looked out the window. He took in the sights, but then his head panned to the wrecked area that the fire had destroyed.

Leta had just put her things away and got her hair settled when she looked back and saw Ben with his arms crossed and a stern look on his face. She quietly walked to him and put her arm around his waist and leaned into his side.

"That's terrible," she said.

Ben nodded his head and inhaled through his nose.

"A lot of memories were there," Ben said softly.

"For you?" she asked.

"For me, my kids, hell even my ex wife,' Ben said truthfully.

Leta never really had a childhood of being able to come to the shore so to her it was not a thing. She had lived during the super storm and had her share of hardships by being without power for a long time. The thing she took from it was all the overtime she worked at the hospital during and after. But as she saw the devastated area and it's charred remains she couldn't help but feel bad for the people who lived there and worked in the businesses.

"How did it start?" she asked.

Ben shook his head.

"They are still investigating it. Though they haven't ruled out arson," Ben said softly.

Leta nodded her head and decided to give him his moment to deal with the loss. It took a few minutes, then Ben put his big arm over her shoulder.

"Shall we?" he asked.

"Shall we what?" Leta asked back.

"I don't know about you, but I could use a cheese steak," Ben chuckled.

"I thought there was barbeque?" Leta giggled.

"That's tomorrow," Ben said laughing.

"Papi, I want barbeque!" Leta whined and Ben laughed at that.

"They are setting up tonight and cooking, then tomorrow they are gonna serve it," Ben said seriously, or trying to be serious as Leta was giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, but I don't know if I'll like it," Leta said mournfully.

Ben shook his head and put his arm over her shoulders. The two of them waked down the stairs and down to the boardwalk. Hand in hand they made a strange pairing from the size perspective. The fact of their color being different, didn't really make anyone stare. The age gap was there, but it seemed with all the motorcycle clubs out for the shore rallies, it wasn't odd. Ben and Leta both saw old bearded men with young blonde bimbos. For Ben it was a harkening time back to when he was younger and saw that in the club he belonged to. To Leta, it was a bit creepy.

She saw the oldest man she had ever seen in her life with a girl that barely topped eighteen she guessed. He was a large man of she guessed about sixty and his beard was halfway down his chest. It was solid gray and his head was covered with a bandanna. She saw the old vest he wore with many patches and other things. His gut hung over his large buckled belt and she was just shocked that the girl was wearing a bikini top and the shortest pair of hoochie shorts she had ever seen.

Seeing the tramp and the old man she got closer to Ben to ward off the skeeves. Thankfully Ben was not that man and they quickly made their way to the Midway stand. The sight of the food cooking and the smells that came off the grills made her mouth water. The line was kind of long, so they waited for a long time. Ben noted that a few of the folk ahead of them in line were club members. He thought of pulling rank, but thought against it as he looked around and saw many others were off duty firemen and locals.

After a fifteen minute wait in line they got to the front and ordered. Ben wasn't kidding and got himself two cheese steaks, fries, and a drink. Leta got hers and a drink, and she also ordered a side of fried clams. The food was quickly in their hands and when they sat down at a booth a ways from the stand, Leta was a quick fan of the food. The two of them enjoyed their meal and the cool breeze that blew that day. After eating they went to a nearby bar and had a few drinks as they played pool.

Ben was a shark at pool, much to Leta's shock as she was good at the game, and he racked up several quick wins. During one match he shocked Leta by splitting the balls and sinking three at once. The superior look on his face as he sank the eight ball made her scowl at him. He ran the table and she didn't even get a shot.

"That's not fair Papi!" she scolded him.

"Hey, don't hate the player..." Ben said, leaving off the end.

Leta mouthed the words mockingly back to him. Ben laughed as he sipped his beer. Walking behind Leta he gave her a playful swat on her butt making her jump. Leta slapped him in reprisal and the fun began. Leta went after him with a fury brought on by him being unfair at the game she was not enjoying. Ben went with it and used his big size to keep her at bay as she slapped at him and cursed away at him in Spanish.

"Aw come on honey, it's just a game!" he laughed as she tried to pinch him.

The pinch sank into his skin, but due to the thick layer of muscle, Ben didn't feel it. Leta growled in frustration and had an idea.

"Tell you what papi: one more match. Winner gets to choose what we do after this," Leta purred somewhat evilly.

Ben smirked and nodded his head. Leta smirked and set the table up. Ben picked up his stick and chalked it up. He blew off the rest of the dust and went to the table. As he leaned over to shoot, Leta struck. With a speed Ben didn't know she was capable of, Leta's stick shot out and nearly went up his ass. Ben jumped and Leta laughed as she bolted from the bar with Ben in hot pursuit.

The chase was short lived as with his longer legs Ben easily caught up to her. The giggling Leta was pinned in his arms and before she could beg, Ben's fingers teased her sides.

"No!" she squealed and couldn't help the laughs as Ben didn't tickle, but teased her enough.

"So you wanna goose people huh?" Ben said in a mock anger filled voice.

"You earned it!" Leta squealed as his fingers brushed her sides.

"Oh I did huh?" Ben teased back and his demonic fingers found the spots.

Leta cried out in laughter as Ben got her good. She squawked and squealed as he did his devil work for only a few seconds, but to her it was an eternity of torture. Ben stopped as suddenly as he began and spun Leta so she was flush against him. He leaned over her shoulder and as he did his lips pressed to her cheek making her giggle.

"Learned a lesson have we?' he asked.

"No," Leta shot back and squeaked again as his arms began to wind about her.

"Papi no!" she begged.

Ben chuckled as he tricked her and claimed her lips. Leta moaned happily into his lips as Ben snaked his tongue along hers. Leta sighed happily as the kiss ended. A smile spread across her face as she looked back to her man and felt something along her butt.

"Wanna go back to the room?" he asked.

"What do you think?' she purred in response.

Ben chuckled and spun her about. The two of them walked quickly back to the room, but as they got there Ben saw his guys were all about and the ruckus made him shake his head. Nearly all of his guys had jumped into the pool with their colors on and the sight of thirty odd bikers flopping in the water clothes on made both him and Leta groan.

The couple watched the spectacle for a while, but decided to make a hasty retreat lest they get sucked into the crazed grouping. Using the back hall they got away from the pool and up the stairs before anyone could notice them. The door closed to their room and Leta lost it. She laughed so hard at the spectacle down there that it made Ben chuckle with her.

"They're nuts," Ben said as he looked down at the club being silly.

"And those are your friends?" Leta got out as she finally got it under control.

"Yeah," Ben said and shook his head thinking of his response.

Leta put her head on his shoulder and smiled at him. Ben inhaled and let it go as he turned to Leta and hoisted her in his arms. Leta giggled as she was suddenly weightless and being carried across the room. As they got to the bed Ben set her down and she looked up at him.

"Something on your mind, papi?" she asked in a cute tone.

Ben smirked as he knelt down and lifted her foot. He undid the zip on her boot and let it fall down her leg. Seeing her boot on the floor Ben set that foot down and repeated the process. Leta enjoyed the pampering as he took her cute socks off and as her bare feet came into view Ben looked up and raised his eyebrow making Leta jump and roll across the bed fearing he would go after her feet. Ben laughed as she rushed to the bathroom and slammed the door.

"At least the door locks here,' Ben said thinking of the last time Leta ran to the bathroom to try and hide from him.

Ben got to his feet and put her boots next to her bag. As he turned about he saw Leta peeking from the bathroom and grinned.

"Done hiding?" he asked and she stuck her tongue out at him.

"I guess so," Ben laughed and Leta came from the bathroom.

"Go get us something to drink,' Leta said as she suddenly started to shove him to the door.

As much as she pushed, Ben decided to stand firm. Leta shoved forward, but was stuck as he wasn't moving.

"Papi!" she whined and Ben relented.

Ben shook his head and left to go to the corner store. Leta waited a few seconds for him to go, then she went to her bag. Since Ben had offered to take her to the shore with him they hadn't spent any time together. Their love life had also been sporadic as of late. She knew it wasn't from a lack of them not wishing to, but other factors. Now, they were alone and the only thing that would interrupt them was maybe his friends wanting to hang out. As she opened her bag Leta looked down and saw the pool had cleared out and his guys went off to the boardwalk. A huge smile washed over her face as she snatched up her bag and rushed to the bathroom.

What Ben didn't know was that Leta had decided to give him a big surprise. She had gone to Victoria's and gathered some things to make their time more fun. As she stripped down, a giddy feeling washed over her. She had remembered how he liked to look at her legs, so she got something for that. Leta was so eager to dress that she didn't hear the door open.

Ben had waded through his soaking wet guys as they decided to go off and raise a little hell. He was offered a few drinks, but he refused. Instead he re-climbed the steps and saw the door coming into view. He opened the door and Leta was not in the room. He shook his head as he saw the bathroom door closed. Slowly he walked into the room and opened the fridge. He set the drinks in and as he stood up from doing it his eyes bulged as Leta was standing in the doorway to the bathroom.

All she was wearing was a sexy black and pink bra and panty set. Along with that his eyes widened as he saw her wearing black bow topped stockings. Ben's jaw slacked as the sexy vision before him slowly walked up with her hands behind her.

"Tu gusta?" she purred.

Ben knew those words very well and his head bobbed a bit. Leta smiled as without a word Ben walked right up to her and snatched her up in his arms. Words failed the both of them as their lips met and suddenly Leta was on her back with Ben firmly between her open legs. The hunger that was in their passions left no doubt what both wanted.

Ben's hands trailed up and down Leta's smooth sides for a long time. Leta's moans and whimpers gave him the incentive to continue on, but deep down he already knew where she wanted him to touch her. Using his great strength he pulled them both up to their knees and as he got to his knees Leta's hungry hands stripped off his vest and under shirt.

Once the articles were on the floor Ben felt her soft tongue run along his massive pecs and slip along his nipple making him groan. The soft licks and nips made Ben's already waking up cock firm even more. Leta knew that she had his undivided attention as she could see his pants thicken up. Her soft hands slid down his stomach and found his belt. Undoing the buckle Leta felt Ben's hands slip around her and squeeze her full cheeks making her giggle.

"I love this ass," Ben whispered as he kneaded the fleshy globes.

Leta's giggle was sweet and sincere as she felt his massive hands engulf her ass and squeeze it hard. As he squeezed Ben's fingers on his right hands slipped under the panties and found the soft flesh beneath. The rough hands on the soft flesh made Leta moan as she increased her frantic efforts to get his belt open. With a last desperate effort she got the belt open and the top button undone on his pants. The zipper on his fly went down and Leta's hands found enough of an opening to go inside and find her prize.

Ben's head fell back as she squeezed his fully engorged member.

"Mmmm, my papi likes this?' Leta teased as she rubbed him hard.

Ben's groan was all Leta needed to hear. She increased her tempo on his raging hard on and after a few seconds of the heavenly torture, Ben's eyes snapped open. Without a word he snatched Leta up by her hips and with blinding speed she was on her back. Leta squeaked as she hit the bed, but the squeak was short lived. Ben's large fingers shoved aside her panties and before Leta could react his hot mouth latched onto her now sensitive hole.

Leta moaned loudly as his tongue found her spots and teased them without mercy. His teeth nipped the folds of her flower and before Leta' could think his mighty hands found her stocking clad legs and spread them wide allowing him access to her core. Leta gasped in ecstasy as her lover plunged into her depths with his wide tongue. Her head lolled from side to side as he began to do what she loved so much about him.

Of all the people Leta had been with in her life she had never met a single person who sought to make her feel as good as Ben always did. From the very first time, to this very moment, she had never felt as good as she did with anyone but him. Her mind didn't have time to ponder what was going to happen next when she felt the meltdown hit her all at once. Her head came up and her mouth locked in a silent scream as she exploded in a torrent of nectar. Her stomach muscles locked up tight, but Ben wouldn't let go of her legs.

Ben felt the scalding nectar come from her hole and he grinned as he flicked his tongue across it. His glistening face peered up after she seemed to get it under control. As she did he couldn't help what he did next.

"Like that sweetie?" he asked in a soothing voice that made her giggle.

Ben had a superior smile on his face as he slowly got to his hands and knees, then he crawled over her. His hard on bobbed menacingly as he slunk up her body, then he sighed as he felt her soft legs wrap around his hips.

"Fuck me, papi," was all she said.

"As you wish," Ben smiled and lined up with her hole.

Leta's eyes bulged as he speared her in one hard thrust. A choked gasp escaped her lips as she felt her man deep inside her. The feelings that washed over her made her head spin and her eyes close as she felt him slowly pull back. Ben didn't wait for anything else when he began to pump slowly in and out of his woman. With his every thrust Ben felt her grip him hard. With every pull out he felt her whimper followed by a gasp as he slipped back in. His every motion was all geared to making her remember he was her man.

"Tell me what I want to hear sweetie," he growled into her ear suddenly.

Leta nearly whined as he stopped moving. He was all the way in her, but hadn't moved an inch. Leta's eyes snapped ope and she saw his looming face before hers. The look in his eyes was not one of a dominant man, but of a man seeking a truthful words from her.

"Tell me," he whispered again.

"I'm yours Papi," she whispered and their lips met.

Ben rolled over so she was on top of him and as she settled on him Leta groaned loudly. She continued to taste his lips, but also began to roll her hips. Ben felt what she was doing and he sighed into her lips. The way they kissed each other sent a new feeling through both of them. Neither could explain it, but neither wanted to at the moment.

Leta broke the kiss and sat upright suddenly as she felt a tremor wash over her. Her little hands found themselves intertwined with Ben's. A soft moan escaped her lips and Ben's eyes fluttered. Leta's hips began to writhe suddenly and both found themselves holding on for dear life as Leta violently began to buck her hips.

The words that began to flow from her lips were a naughty barrage of Spanish that Ben could barely understand. Every other time her mouth opened it was to either talk dirty to him or to whimper a loud "Ai" as she felt him hit her spots. Soon the words began to come less and less as her whimpers and moans began to become all she could get out. The sight of the beautiful woman riding him was something Ben never got tired of. With all his heart he began to feel something in him that he hadn't felt in a long time. A feeling of need that replaced simple lust. It was those feelings that suddenly overwhelmed him as his hands went around and cupped her ass along with her hands.