It Had to be Done Again


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Michael's cock twitched visibly, but he shook his head.

"Oh, I am going to love fucking your amazing little asshole, Mom," he breathed, "But not until we go shopping for some lube. I want to be able to take my time, and for us both to enjoy it."

She finally let him help her up from the floor.

"I've never used any real lubricant," she said softly, "Does it really make that much of a difference?"

"Wow," he said, "You really have no idea."

He kissed her softly on her cheek. Michael was still completely hard, and it took tremendous restraint for him to hold back. Perhaps it would not have been terribly painful for his mother—he had thoroughly eaten out her asshole and soaked it with saliva, after all. He just didn't want to take that chance. He wanted it to be amazing and pleasurable for both of them.

"I need to get dressed and see about shoveling off our driveway," he said, "I may not be able to finish it all today, but I want to get it started at least. If we can't get out of here, we'll start running out of food."

It was very bright outside, with the sun gleaming off of the unbroken drifts of show that blanketed their property. Michael put on his sunglasses to shield his eyes from the glare and his breath was a visible cloud of steam each time he exhaled. He steeled himself for the hard work ahead as he shoveled his way once across the driveway, marking the edges before bending to clear the snow in earnest.

The driveway was a half mile long, curving around the side of one of the hills on their property before merging onto the main road. Only a few more inches of snow had fallen overnight, but it was back-breaking work trying to clear away all of that snow. Michael was perspiring heavily, and his lower back ached before he had even gotten fifty feet from the house.

This would be so much easier if we at least had a fucking snow shovel! he thought, rubbing his back. He held up the sad little excuse for a shovel he was using. It was a short-handled garden shovel. The leading edge of it was squared, at least, but it was only ten inches wide. At this rate, it will take me a week to reach the road.

"Are you okay, Michael?" his mother hollered from the front doorway.

He turned and waved, trying to grin through his pain.

"It's just taking longer than I thought," he shouted back, "The first thing we're going to buy is a decent snow shovel!"

She couldn't help but laugh, bitterly. She shook her head.

"I'm so sorry, Michael," she said.

He nodded and turned to get back to work. Valerie stood and watched his muscular butt cheeks and the backs of his thighs while he worked. A couple of minutes of that was all she could stand, though. It was bitterly cold and she retreated back inside.

She did own 'real clothes,' of course, just nothing very warm. Back in California, she had gone shopping regularly, and she certainly didn't wear lingerie out in public. She went through her closet and found a sweatshirt with matching pants, and put those on. She made a hot mug of cocoa for her son and took it out to him.

"You're making some progress," she said after handing him the steaming mug.

Michael sipped the cocoa and looked back toward the house, surprised to see he had covered another fifty feet. He was already halfway to the start of the curve. He pulled up his sleeve to check his watch, groaning when he saw that he had spent forty-five minutes shoveling already. At this rate, it would take him another seven or eight hours of shoveling to reach the road.

"My poor back won't last that long," he groaned softly. He hadn't meant to say it out loud.

"Are you in a lot of pain?" Valerie asked, her eyes darting over her son's body. She looked worried.

"My muscles are just really sore," he replied, "I have to bend over so far with this little shovel. What I wouldn't give to just have a flamethrower right now!"

He flipped the shovel around and blew out his breath in a 'whoosh' as he pantomimed waving the nozzle of a flame thrower at the banks of snow coating the driveway. Valerie laughed for a moment, but then looked thoughtful.

"We do have a leaf blower," she said, "Do you think that would work to blow off the snow?"

"Hey, it's worth a shot," Michael replied.

Sadly, the leaf blower was completely ineffective. At point-blank range, it slightly melted a little bit of the snow. It couldn't budge the wet snow otherwise, even at its highest setting. Michael shrugged as he took it back to the garage to put it away.

"It wasn't a terrible idea, Mom," he said, "I really wish it had worked."

He noticed that his mom was shivering non-stop and shooed her into the house. Valerie opened the curtains in the front room and watched him as he went back to work with the shovel.

Michael sang softly to himself as he worked, doing his best to ignore the shrieking muscles in his lower back. The time seemed to go much faster when he did that, and the pain was tolerable as long as he kept working steadily. He did stop when he got halfway through the curve around the hill. He had been shoveling snow for three hours straight, and he really had to take a break. On the bright side, he was able to see the road from his vantage point.

Oh, thank god, he thought, At least they've got that plowed. All I have to do is shovel from here to there...

He was stretching out his back as he walked toward the house, trying to release some of the tension in those tortured muscles. Now that he had stopped, the pain was intense. Spasms shot through those muscles, throwing off his balance and causing him to stagger slightly as he walked. At the same time, he was calculating just how far he had gone, and how much more he had to go. He wasn't quite halfway from the house to the road, but it was close. He looked at his watch again. If his back would allow it, he might be able to finish before it got dark tonight.

The house smelled great when he stepped inside. He had left his shoes outside after banging off most of the snow and ice. His fingers were bright red when he pulled off his gloves. He blew on his hands and rubbed them together. They were sore and stiff, making it laborious to take off his jacket. Valerie interrupted his struggles and helped him undress.

"Here, let me help you," she said warmly.

"Thanks, Mom," he said, genuinely grateful as she peeled off all of his soaked and chilled clothes.

"I'll just put these right into the washer," she said, "You go get into a warm bath."

"That sounds like heaven," he answered.

He tried to lean over to kiss her, but his back stiffened at the effort, causing him to release a pained gasp. Valerie dropped the clothes to the floor and helped guide her son into the bathroom. She wrapped a thick bathrobe around him and turned to fill the tub with warm water. When it was a quarter full, she peeled the robe from him and helped him into the tub.

At first, the warm water hurt—especially his frigid toes and fingers. After a few minutes, though, he began to thaw and relax.

"Thanks Mom," he sighed. "By the way, whatever you made for lunch smells delicious."

"Oh!" she said, rushing out to the kitchen.

She turned off the burners and hastily moved the two saucepans to the unlit back burners. She winced as she lifted the lid, and was relieved to see that she hadn't scorched the potatoes. She stirred them thoroughly. The mixed vegetables in the other saucepan were fine.

She served up a plate full of lunch and served her naked son in the bathtub. She set his drink on the edge of the tub. Michael had to laugh.

"I feel like some hedonistic Roman emperor," he quipped. "Soaking in the hot tub like this, with a feast to munch on."

Valerie smiled down at her son.

"You've earned it, baby," she said, rubbing his shoulders and neck. "I just wish I could give you a blowjob at the same time."

He choked on a bite of chicken, coughing a bit as he looked up at her.

Damn, she's serious!

He almost dropped the plate into the tub when he saw the hungry look on her face. He recovered, smiling and shaking his head at his sexy mother.

"This delicious lunch will be fine, Mom," he chuckled. "I don't think I would be able to focus on eating if you had my dick in your mouth."

Her look said she would love to find out. He was completely limp in that warm water, though. The pain in his muscles had thoroughly sapped his sex drive. Valerie left him alone, getting her own lunch and a glass of wine. She took it into the bathroom, and then got a chair from the dining room so she could sit next to him while they ate.

"This bath feels amazing," he said with a sigh, "but I am not looking forward to going back out there."

"I really wish I could help you," she said. "It's ridiculous that we don't even have another warm jacket between us."

"That's okay," he replied, "We only have the one shovel anyway."

After he had finished his lunch, Michael dressed in a dry set of clothes before pulling the damp jacket back on and stepping outside. He handed his mother the drenched shoes that he had left outside, since he had changed into his basketball high-tops. She watched him set his shoulders and trudge down the driveway to get back to work, then took all of the wet clothes and started them in the washer.

Valerie could no longer see him from the house. She fretted about him as she cleaned up after lunch and moved the laundry into the dryer. It occurred to her that she could at least drive their SUV—a Lincoln Navigator—out to where he was working. She was worried about him, and really wanted to help or at least keep him company. She put her shoes back on and found her keys.

Valerie was careful as she drove down the driveway. She could hear stray bits of snow and ice crunching beneath the tires. Michael stood and turned to look at her as she pulled around the bend behind him. He smiled and stretched his back again before walking over to her window. She rolled down the window and grinned at her son.

"I missed you," she said.

He laughed at that. "I missed you too, Mom." He leaned in her window to give her a kiss. He glanced at the dashboard, noting that there was slightly less than half a tank of gas.

"You probably ought to turn off the engine," he said, "This is going to take a few more hours, and you don't want to run out of gas."

"Oh," she said, looking at the gas gage for the first time, "That's smart. I'm glad you said something."

She turned off the engine and climbed out of the SUV to keep him company while he shoveled. She insisted on taking a turn shoveling, but was far less effective at it than Michael had been. He loved her for making the effort, though. He let her work at it for a half hour before hugging her tightly and taking the shovel back from her shivering fingers.

"Go ahead and warm up in the SUV," he said, "I'll take over for a while."

She turned the engine back on, letting it run long enough to make the cabin of the vehicle nice and toasty. Michael joined her there for a ten-minute break, basking in the warmth.

"These seat warmers are amazing," he moaned.

"You should recline the seat and get comfortable," she said, "That should really help your back."

He nodded and found the control for the seat. He groaned in relief as the warm seat cradled his tortured body.

Valerie could not help herself. Her son looked so sexy and vulnerable. She leaned over and unzipped his trousers, fishing out his cock and slurping it into her mouth. Michael was frankly surprised that she was able to get him hard again so quickly. He would not have thought it possible after the prolonged cold and the pain in his muscles. Before his ten-minute break was over, she had him bucking in orgasm.

"Wow," he said softly. He couldn't find any more words at the moment.

After she had swallowed his load and licked her lips, Valerie smiled at her son.

"Thanks for that," she said.

"Thank you," he replied.

They basked in the warmth for two more minutes before Valerie turned off the engine. Michael kissed her before groaning and forcing himself to get out of the warm vehicle and back to work.

With the SUV right there, Michael was able to shovel a narrower path on the driveway. It was a couple of feet wider than the Navigator was on either side, but it shaved off a lot of time. He did take one more break, and Valerie did take one more shift shoveling while he did. At last, they reached the road.

Valerie drove them back to the house so that they could shower and change before going shopping. They hurried, not wanting to wait too long to get on the road.

By the time they reached the city limits, it was once again starting to snow lightly. Michael watched the falling snow with a horrified expression on his face. His mother reached over to gently squeeze his thigh when she saw his face.

"Just relax, baby," she cooed to him, "We'll have a nice dinner out and figure it out from there."

Because he had one set of soaked sneakers in the dryer at home and the second in the washer, Michael had dressed up. His dress shoes went well with a nice pair of dress slacks, and he wore a dress shirt and tie beneath his sweater. That outfit worked with the stylish dress his mother wore, though her outfit wasn't as warm as his. When they walked in to the gardening section of the Wal-Mart, though, they drew a few startled looks.

They quickly grabbed a pair of broad snow shovels. Valerie selected a slightly smaller one than her son had, making sure it was comfortable in her grasp. They strolled through the store, basking in the warmth and brightness as they filled their shopping cart with warm gloves, thick coats, winter hats, snow pants and sweat shirts. Michael thought the snow boots were overpriced, and said so.

"Dad's going to have a cow when he sees this bill," he murmured.

"Don't be silly," Valerie responded, "If we have to shovel our way back to the house, we will thank God we have these ugly things."

They moved on to stock up on groceries, but Michael's eyes lit up as they passed a rack of DVDs that were on clearance. He grabbed one and grinned as he showed it to his mother.

"Sleepless in Seattle, Mom," he grinned at her, "It's the director's cut, no less."

She smiled warmly and wrapped her arm around him in a hug as he tossed it into their cart.

By the time they had gotten all of their groceries, Michael had snagged a second shopping cart. He made sure he stopped in the personal hygiene section to grab a tube of 'personal lubricant' before rejoining his mother in the produce section. When the clerk rang up their purchases, Michael made sure to look uncomfortably embarrassed when the lube was run across the scanner.

The snow was falling a bit heavier by the time they unloaded the carts into the back of the Navigator. Once again, Michael looked uneasily at the falling snow. Valerie rubbed his sore back reassuringly.

"It's going to be okay, baby," she assured him.

They decided on a chain restaurant rather than something fancier.

"They will have a bunch of televisions," Valerie reasoned, "so we can see what's going on with the weather."

They pulled into the parking lot and hustled through the falling snow to get inside. There were not very many customers in the place, so they didn't have to wait to be seated.

"Is it okay if we just sit at the bar?" Valerie asked.

"Sure," the hostess replied. "Will you be ordering food?"

"Yes, I just figured we could sit and watch television. Our satellite has been out at our place the last three days, and we just managed to shovel our way out this evening."

"Oh!" came the startled reply, "Did you know we are under a winter storm advisory?"

Michael and Valerie both groaned at that. "No, we did not," Michael replied.

They seated themselves at the bar and the hostess gave them menus. Michael pulled out his phone.

"Oh, sweet," he said, "We have wi-fi here."

Valerie gripped his forearm and pointed at the television screen. Michael's jaw dropped when he saw the ominous blue and pink blobs on the screen—two massive storm fronts were heading their way.

"What are we going to do?" Michael asked her.

"Let me borrow your phone," she replied. He handed it to her, and she said, "We'll go ahead and order dinner. I'm going to find us a nice hotel to stay in until this storm passes."

Their food arrived quickly and it was very good. They ate quickly and left a nice tip. It was a short drive from there to the hotel Valerie had found for them online. She hopped out of the vehicle, leaving it running while she dashed into the hotel lobby and got them checked in. They drove around to park in front of their room. A foot of snow had already fallen.

They grabbed bags and ran them inside, Michael made five more trips to the SUV to bring everything inside while Valerie quickly sorted through the groceries. She had him take five full bags back outside. Those things would be fine if they froze. She also found the winter coat she had bought for her son and put it on him after his third trip to the Navigator.

Once everything was inside, Michael quickly closed the door behind him, leaning against it with a sigh as he caught his breath. He finally took the time to survey the room, and his eyes widened. This looked like it was either a honeymoon suite, or they had checked into some sort of sex hotel. The bed was actually heart-shaped and it was covered in shiny satin sheets. There was a large mirror over that bed, and another one in the heart-shaped headboard. The carpet was pink or salmon colored thick shag.

"What the heck?" he breathed, "Mom, what kind of hotel is this?"

She had been bent over, trying to squeeze as many of the groceries as she could into the miniature refrigerator. She looked over her shoulder at her son's wide eyes and smiled at him.

"I know," she said, "It looks bad, but this place has a full-sized hot tub in the bathroom. That was really what I was looking for, and I didn't pay enough attention to the rest of the details."

They both started when they heard the ominous ring tone from Valerie's purse. Her mouth dried up as she went to answer it.

"Hello?" she said into her phone, knowing it was her husband.

"What the hell are you doing?" Tom's voice was icy. "It's bad enough you are splurging at the grocery store, but now you've gotten a hotel? You know what will happen to you if you are cheating on me..."

"Oh, no, it's nothing like that!" she protested. "Michael had to spend the whole day shoveling snow just so we could drive out and get food. We bought some winter clothes and snow shovels along with the groceries. There's a pair of massive winter storms coming in tonight, and the first one is already here."

Michael seethed when he heard the desperate, pleading tone in his mother's voice. He held out his hand and her expression calmed when she looked into his compassionate face.

"Hold on, Tom," she said quickly, "Michael wants to talk to you." Her hand still shook when she handed her son the phone.

"Hey, Dad," Michael said smoothly, "I really wish we were with you in Florida right now. Can you believe this crazy snow storm we're getting?"

He pulled his face from the phone, smiling at his mother and blowing her a kiss. Of course, Tom had no idea. He hadn't bothered to watch the weather since he had flown out of Nebraska days earlier.

"Actually, I'm still in Atlanta," Tom replied, his voice losing its icy edge, "I won't fly to Orlando until Saturday morning."

Tom grabbed the television remote from the nightstand in his own hotel suite, turning on the TV and finding the Weather Channel. Even though he expected to see something about a winter storm, the enormity of that storm system was shocking to behold. It was the leading story on Weather Channel, and they raved about the dangerous and historical nature of this particular system. A satisfied smile played across Tom's lips when they started tossing the word 'blizzard' around on the set.