It Was Always There

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A high school reunion opens up many possibilities.
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It was Always There

"And that is our design for your new corporate headquarters at Badgerys Creek." John concluded.

The small conference room filled with applause as lights went back on. John MacAllister moved back over to the table and shook hands with both the CEO and the CFO of Glotech after finishing showing the potential design of their new Australian Headquarters. John's architecture firm 'AlliMac Design' was one of the final two firms in the race to design the building. The powers from Glotech seemed pleased with his team's efforts and would let them know early the following week.

As the people filed out of the conference room, John guided his potential clients out to their car. Returning inside, the other architects who worked for him all gathered around, wanting to hear any news about the presentation. John told them it would be decided early next week. Everyone returned to their desks and offices while John headed to his office.

The 38 year old breathed a sigh of relief that it had gone well. While his firm had been successful to date, designing a corporate headquarters like this would be a huge achievement. He had built the firm up by himself after doing stints at other successful firms following his University graduation. His business had cost him a lot; money, time and more than enough relationships. John now could see light at the end of the tunnel. Looking out of the window of his office, at the other buildings in the business park, he couldn't help but think about the journey to get here.

His thoughts were broken by a knocking on his door. His secretary, Georgia Booth, came into the office carrying a bunch of message notes. Blonde, enthusiastic and hard-working, Georgia walked over to John with a purpose to her walk.

"So how did it go John?"

"It went really well. They seemed to like the design, but we won't know for sure until early next week."

"We will get it. I just know it."

"Thanks Georgia....... What have you got for me?"

"Well there are messages from Bill, Claire at Adsteam, Christopher at Bryce and Son's wondering about the offer from MultiArch... Oh and a message from Matt in LA wanting you to call...."

John looked at the slips of paper when Georgia spoke up again.

"And I'm to remind you that you have to leave by 1pm today to go away for the weekend to your high school reunion."

John looked at Georgia and smiled.

"Thanks for reminding me. That had slipped my mind."

Georgia shuffled on her feet a little before clearing her throat and gathering her voice.

"Are you going by yourself to the reunion John?"

"Yes I am." John replied with a slight smile. He had an inkling about where this conversation was going.

"I just .... I wondered... Well if you did need a date...... I'd be more than happy to accompany you." Georgia said the intent of her words completely clear.

"Thank you Georgia. But I'm afraid you'd be bored out of your mind with my old high school friends. They're going to bore me I'm sure." John replied with an ironic smirk.

He knew she had a crush on him, but he wasn't going to act on it. Georgia was excellent at her job, and he liked her as a secretary and a friend, but at 24 she was too young for him to even think about dating.

"Well the offer is there John.... Anytime." She replied. No pretence or ambiguity this time.

John smiled. "Thank you Georgia. I had better ring these people back if I'm going to leave early."

"Ok." Georgia said with a smile, as she turned and left the office going back to her desk. John watched her leave his office. There seemed to be a more pronounced wiggle to her walk and John smiled to himself.

John made the calls and answered the emails he needed to, forwarding some to his team to answer. He went around and checked in with each of his team individually before returning to his office to pack up for the weekend. At 1:30pm he said goodbye to Georgia, who looked at him with doe eyes as she said goodbye, before he left.

He drove to his house in the leafy North Shore suburb of Willoughby. This was where he started his own company in the front room, so the house paid for itself with a few good commissions. The older 1930's home had been modernised without taking away from its original character and the architect in John loved that. His hard work now meant that John was financially stable. He didn't flaunt his well-earned rewards, shunning expensive trappings. His only minor extravagance was his new Ford Mustang. The black machine with custom gold wheels was his favourite toy and he loved driving it.

Racing inside John hurriedly packed his bag. In real life John wasn't anywhere near as organised as in his work life. By the time he finished packing it was just on 3. He had a two and a half hour drive to get back to his old home town. John hit traffic nearly all the way to the expressway north. He knew he was in for a long drive, but didn't really mind.

He took the time to call his best friend Matt in LA. John and Matt had met in high school and had stayed close ever since. They travelled together, played sports together, John was best man at Matt's wedding, and they had been a support to each other in tough times.

Matt answered immediately as soon as John called. His Australian accent had been dulled a little by having lived in LA for the past 8 years, but their mateship had never gone away. Matt had wanted to tell John that he and his wife were expecting a baby. After all the congratulations and news, Matt asked about the presentation and John gave him all the news.

"Are you in the car? Doesn't sound like you're in the office"

"Yep, just heading back to the valley. Our twenty year high school reunion is on tomorrow night and I'm staying up there for the weekend."

"Oh I'd forgotten about that, seeing I couldn't get back. This would be the first time you've been back since..."

"Yeah since Mum passed away."

"Are you ok about it?"

"Yes I am. Really Matt I'm ok."

"Why are you going back for the reunion anyway? You couldn't wait to get away from the place quick enough when we finished high school."

"Well.... It will be good to see some of our old mates again... Simmo, Smithy, Dozer, Tank....."

The pause in conversation only lasted a second, but it felt like a lifetime. Matt then spoke.

"Susie Woods." The grin on his face could be heard in the words he said.

"Susie Woods." John said quietly. "I haven't thought about her in ages."

She had been his big crush all through high school. She was a clever, funny, attractive girl back at school. She was part of the 'in' crowd, but wasn't pretentious with it. John and Susie shared a few classes and were friendly enough. It never got beyond a crush for John as he was too socially awkward around girls at that time to ever do anything about it. Besides she was going out with Brad Nicolls, captain of the football team.

"Hello... Earth to John.... You still there mate. You haven't driven off the road have you?"

"No. No mate I haven't. I just got lost in thought that was all."

"I bet your eyes glazed over and your mouth hung open, just like back at school." Matt laughed.

John laughed too.

"I saw on Facebook that she is divorced now...." Matt chimed in.


"Yeah. You never know mate. ....She might be looking for a successful architect to 'erect' something for her." Matt roared with laughter at his joke. He had known all about John's crush on Susie and couldn't resist the temptation to tease his best friend.

When the laughter settled down John spoke.

"Did I tell you... Georgia asked if I wanted her to come to the reunion as my date."

"Seriously John why haven't you banged her yet?"

"Banged her?" John replied, his tone reflecting the incredulity of his friends crude statement.

"Well gone out with her then. She is crushing so hard on you...... You should go out with her..... Or someone....... You haven't had a date in how long, since Callie left?"

"Too long." John replied in a resigned manner.

"Well mate, you don't know what will happen this weekend. Who knows, the girl of your dreams might have been there all along."


John arrived at the hotel he was staying, at 8pm, after heavy traffic from accidents on the road delayed his trip. The hotel was on the edge of the wine growing region and was a nice resort style place with a golf course attached. After checking in, John then got back in his car and went into his old home town. He stopped at the McDonald's he worked at through high school and grabbed a burger for dinner. This was more for old time's sake than the desire for a burger. John then went back to the hotel.

The following day he filled in the time by exploring around his old home town, driving around and personally reminiscing about his life growing up there. With the passing of time and no actual ties left to the place, the bad feelings he thought he might have were replaced by happy thoughts about his life while there.

He visited his old house where he, his mother and younger brother had lived. It had been renovated since it had been sold when his mother passed away, but was still standing. He passed the sports ovals where he played, the bike tracks he rode, the shopping strip he had walked up and down so many times. Some of the shops had changed, but others were still the same. By this time the day had gotten away from him, so John returned to his hotel to get organised for the night ahead.

The reunion was being held in the function room at the resort John was staying at. It was the same room their High School graduation formal was held some 20 years earlier. He had deliberately kept away from that part of the hotel as he didn't want to see anyone until the event was actually on.

John was dressed in a white long sleeve shirt, blue trousers and brown shoes. At 5'9" tall, dark hair cut short and solid build, John didn't look a lot different from when he left school. As he walked towards the room the noise of the party could be heard. John took a deep breath before he opened the door.

Once inside John surveyed the scene. The room was decorated to look a lot like it did for their graduation. People were mingling, almost forming the same old cliques like they used to. Straight away one of John's good friends from school, Simmo, spotted him and they moved over to the bar to catch up.

After a good chat, John went to see other friends. He moved around his schoolmates with a quiet, self-assured confidence. He had been an A/B student at school, but was not a nerd. Nor was he ever one of the 'in' crowd. He played sport, but not one of the high profile sports, so he wasn't a jock. He liked music, but wasn't in the band. He wasn't an outsider, but knew a little of how they felt.

After catching up with many compatriots, he headed towards his table for the evening. The tables were organised by their old home rooms. John stopped a short distance away when he saw the table. Gathered there were the people he saw every day for the last 3 years of school. There was a great mix of people in this group. He could see many familiar, if slightly older, faces and the laughs emanating from the group sounded so familiar.

It looked as though Amber Hart was holding court, telling stories like she always did. Andy Smith turned and saw John heading towards the table.

"Hey everyone, Here's Johnny Mac". Andy bellowed.

Greetings resounded from the group, and John made his way around the table talking to everyone individually. Hugs, backslapping, kisses on the cheek and high fives were the order of the day. Making his way around the table, the final person he greeted was Amber. She had sat next to him for 3 years. During that time they had always gotten along well.

Amber had been a B student and had a good group of friends, without being part of the 'In' clique. She was a bit of a late bloomer at school, definitely an attractive girl in the last couple of years. Now was no different. She was 5'7" tall with short brown hair that had almost pink highlights through it. Her hair hung down over the right side of her face, but it didn't cover her warm blue eyes. She was wearing a black dress that showed off a very nice figure.

John looked straight into her eyes and smiled. His grey-green eyes captivated Amber.

"Hi Amber. Great to see you again." John said in his calm, composed manner.

He held her gaze for a second and could see a nice smile come across her face.

"Hi John. Great to see you." She said before opening her arms to give him a hug.

The two embraced and held each other for a moment. As they moved apart John's gaze caught Amber's again. He looked into her eyes. She held his gaze as the expression on her face changed ever so slightly. With that they both moved apart. Amber went to sit down, and John held the chair for her.

"Th..Thank You John."

"My pleasure." John replied, smiling at Amber.

John took the vacant seat next to Amber and sat down.

The group were chatting about what everyone was doing now. John listened and commented when he could. The conversation turned to John and he was asked about what he was doing now.

"Well I live down in Sydney and I... I'm an architect." He replied, neglecting to tell them that he actually owned his own firm.

"Are you married John?" Vanessa Rowell asked from the other side of the table.

"No sadly I'm not. I was engaged for a while but..... It just wasn't meant to be. Too much work sort of ruined that. How about you?" John asked to deflect the line of questioning. He didn't like talking about himself all that much, preferring to keep himself to himself.

The food began to arrive at the tables, and conversation became a little quieter, more to the people close by.

As they ate John and Amber reconnected a little. She worked as the executive chef at 'Vine', one of the most renowned restaurants in the Valley. She had a 6 year old son, Adam, and he could hear the pride in her voice as she spoke about him. She had been to Newcastle University for six months studying Nursing, before she left to become a chef.

"Didn't you used to work in that café in the main street?" John asked.

"You remember that! ..... Yes I did. Most of the way through school actually. I must have caught the food bug while working there. I realised I didn't want to be a nurse, but wanted to become as chef."

Over the course of the meal they discussed some of the restaurants Amber had worked in, both in Australia and London, as well as some of the renowned chefs she had worked for. John mentioned some of the buildings he had designed and that he owned his own architecture firm. Amber said she was planning on opening her own restaurant in Sydney in the next 6 months. John handed her his card and said he would be pleased to design her restaurant. They then spoke a little about some of the ideas Amber had and John's interpretations of those ideas. They were both impressed at what the other had achieved with their life.

By this stage the meals had finished and the few speeches for the evening were starting to take place. John had moved his chair around and was sitting next to Amber so they could both be facing the stage. As the various people spoke John whispered to Amber.

"It's amazing. 20 years later and these people are still living like high school was the best part of their lives."

"I know. They haven't moved on have they?"

As the speeches went on some of the achievements of the former students were highlighted. Some were quite impressive while others were a little more run of the mill. Amber turned to John and smiled.

"No mention of a successful architect who has designed many notable buildings."

"Nor of the executive chef of one of the hottest restaurants in the country." John smiled back.

"So it appears as though we are still invisible at this school?"

"Looks like it..... Not that it worries me though."

"Me neither...... Can I tell you something confidence?"

"Of course Amber. What is it?"

"Well I only just found out but I'm going to be a guest chef on 'MasterChef' shortly."

"Oh that's great. Congratulations. When do you film?"

While the speeches continued Amber and John quietly discussed the exciting development in Amber's career. The exposure to the general public on the top rating reality TV show would bring more than just critical acclaim to her restaurant. John and Amber were really enjoying each other's company.

Once the speeches finished people began to get up to mingle again. As others started to leave the table Amber turned to John.

"This has been great catching up with you again John, but I have to go now. I have an early start tomorrow as we have a function on. I have to be down at the markets early to get some fresh produce and then do the menu."

"Oh that's a shame that you have to go...... It has been so good to catch up with you Amber."

"We will have to keep in touch.... Especially when I want to start my own place."

"Oh yes we will keep in touch. I'd like that"

John and Amber looked at each other, with smiles on their faces.

They embraced, holding each other for probably a little longer than was really necessary. They said their goodbyes and Amber moved around saying goodbye to everyone else who was at their table.

By now everyone was moving from their tables and John went and found some of his other friends to catch up with. His eyes caught Amber as she was heading out the door. She looked across and smiled when she saw John looking at her. They waved and she was gone.

The night continued. The drinks flowed and the revelry increased. John was having a great time reconnecting with people. He was at the bar getting a top up when he turned and saw the only other person he wanted to see. Susie Woods.

As she approached, John tidied himself up as best he could. He had partaken in more than a few drinks but was not too worse for wear. Susie saw him standing there and a smile broke out on her face.

"John MacAllister, how are you?"

"Hi Susie. I'm great. How are you?" John said with a broad smile.

"I'm good. Oh it's Susan now." She said.

"Sorry Susan. What are you up to?"

As Susan told John about having her own PR business in Newcastle, John took in the sight before him. Where her hair had been honey blonde at school, it was now platinum blonde. Her fit physique from school had changed to a tanned, bustier yet more muscular body. Her hazel eyes though still shone like they always did.

They talked together at the bar for a while. On finding out John was an architect and had his own business Susan asked John if he had designed any buildings in Newcastle where she lived. John mentioned that the most recent building he had designed was the residential tower 'Pinnacle'.

"Really!! You designed 'Pinnacle'. I just moved in there. It is a great building. I don't believe it" Susan enthused.

With their drinks now a lot lower and the music pumping, John asked Susan if she wanted to dance. With a beaming smile she accepted. Out on the dance floor they had a great time, grooving to the tunes that were popular when they had been at school.

The DJ put on a slow song and almost instinctively John and Susan moved together. Arm in arm they danced close, enjoying being together. John couldn't believe his luck. He was dancing close with the girl he had the biggest crush on and she seemed to like him. Whether it was Dutch courage from the drinks or just the right moment, John began to whisper in Susan's ear.

"I had the biggest crush on you at school Susan."

Susan smiled and looked into John's eyes.

"Well why don't we act on your crush?" Susan purred, with a mischievous grin.

As she said this, Susan's hands travelled down John's back and grabbed his bottom. She pulled him closer so they were grinding together. John leant forward and they kissed. Lust flowed through John as he kissed Susan for the first time. His hands moved and held her bum, as she reciprocated with a deep passionate kiss.