It Was Fine Until Mom Took Over

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Mom reads to me then enacts the story.
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I grew up in what could reasonably be called a 'normal' household consisting of my two parents and me, along with a dog and cat. There was always a dog it seemed and more often than not a cat too but they tended to come and go, so we'd go years without a cat and then perhaps end up with perhaps two at once for a while. As is fairly normal, Dad was somewhat aloof while Mom was far more loving and cuddly. Of course, your 'average' family also has two kids but my parents had opted for one.

"We could only afford one of you so that's that," they both told me, "Anyway, I'm sure you're happy not to have to share your room or your toys."

That indeed was true but then, as I grew into my early teens so I began to ask for friends to sleep over, to use my Nintendo and to share my world as if they were brothers and it was then I realised that it was better to be 'in control' whereas if I had to share with a brother or sister then I wouldn't be able to insist on which game we played or which film we watched. Oh no, I wasn't the domineering type – I liked to share, but on my general terms but even so I seldom fell out with my friends, male or female.

Females of course were just weird. Sure, they were sometimes pretty and nice to cuddle up to but by and large they were strange creatures – but so long as they were friendly then that was fine. I was fascinated about the sex bit but as I was far too busy studying and playing sports I wasn't too worried about learning and anyway, I could find out so much via the internet even if I remained a virgin.

By the time I was eighteen I was on the cusp of leaving college – I had only a few months to go and then, after the summer break I'd be off to university, assuming that all went well. Naturally I had no real idea of what I'd 'like to be when I grew up' but I was at least aware that a good education would help me in the future and I'd knuckled down to my lessons and studied hard and had been accepted into a three year university course which would be the precursor to a respectable job one day, I hoped. Everything was going well enough and even my parents were happy with my progress.

"Nice one Chris," said Dad one day as he ruffled my hair when I showed him the results of my latest work, "Keep up the good work – you're doing really well."

Sure, he didn't read all through the questions or the answers so his praise was vague but he was honest in his words and made me feel that I was at least doing my best.

Speaking of Dad, as I implied, he generally stayed on the edge of my world except for one aspect, which I'll come to in a moment. He worked hard and had an excellent job (or so Mom told me) and good position within a large manufacturing company. Inevitably he occasionally had to work a bit late but he was seemingly supported by his company who would give him time off in lieu or some cash bonus which I found out about because I found a slip on the floor one day which detailed his bonuses.

As a result of his work he was only available at weekends but then he'd do his best to find some time to play with me – football or cricket or some such game – assuming that I didn't have any of my friends over to play. He was no good on my Nintendo but he did at least know his way around a computer, one of which I'd been given on my sixteenth birthday.

But there was one aspect of my life that Dad insisted he was part of and that was reading me a story from some book every single night. I've no idea why he insisted but he was actually a really good reader and storyteller and both guided me to some excellent books and came up with some terrific adventure stories too. His storytelling continued right through until I was about to turn eighteen and then Mom suddenly took over and his tales stopped. I guessed that the reading was akin to bonding – Dad's way of interacting with me since he never played sports or computer games with me but then Mom took control.

"I'm going to read to him from now," said Mom firmly one evening as she gently pushed Dad back into the lounge, "I'm sure can come up with more appropriate stories for his age and if he asks any awkward questions then I'm sure you'd prefer it if I answered them, wouldn't you? Anyway, I'm sure you'll be happier just sitting back with your scotch and relaxing, won't you darling?"

"Guess I would," admitted Dad, "Oh and actually there's some good football on tonight – I'll watch that then."

"Oh I'm glad about that – you always like your football, don't you dear?" said Mum, "That suits me fine then; you can watch while I get Chris off to sleep, can't you?"

With that Mum gently pushed me into my bedroom and followed me, closing the door on Dad's somewhat bewildered and yet relieved face as she did so.

"Ok darling, get ready for bed and I'll read to you," she said, somewhat to my horror, "What would you like today – an adventure or a mystery story?"

"Can't I get undressed in peace Mom?" I asked, shocked that she seemed to have forgotten that I needed to get undressed, "Won't take long."

"Oh yes of course darling!" said Mom, her face suddenly covered with her hand, "But then again, what are you scared of? Showing off to me?"

"It's private," I said, unable to find a better reason, "And I'm not used to it either."

"Good heavens, you're old enough to be seen naked aren't you?" she answered, "I know I was at your age!"

A moment later she left the room and I quickly undressed and clambered into my pyjamas and by the time she knocked on the door I was already in bed.

"There, that didn't take long," she said as she picked up one of a selection of books from my bookshelf and settled into the chair beside the bed, "Now this is a good adventure story – nice and steamy – has Dad read it to you yet?"

She showed me the cover and I shook my head. It was a book that Dad had found then rejected some while ago.

"Bit too much in the way of sex in that one," he'd said with disdain in his voice, "We'll leave that one out for now."

Mom on the other hand seemed to be aware that it was somewhat racy but seemed to have no qualms about it and as I'd been getting quite a lot of sexy thoughts in recent months I was delighted by her choice but even so, Mom questioned me.

"It's a bit hot in places; do you still want me to read to you or are you a bit young for that?" she asked with a grin, "Or you can read it yourself if you prefer."

"No, I like being read to," I admitted, "It's relaxing, really relaxing."

"Ok then but do tell me if I read too much or too fast for you," she added as she opened the book, "So let's start at the beginning..."

Mom settled down, somewhat hesitantly at first then growing with confidence and soon she was reading while adding to the enjoyment by creating individual voices for the characters and expressions for the situations, so much so that we both became thoroughly absorbed.

Actually, when I said that I'd been getting sexy thoughts in 'recent months' the real truth was that they'd been forming for years, buoyed by online pictures and videos of busty and lightly clad actresses and more. I'd been using my parents' computer for ages, partially to help with my homework and partially just to browse and while they'd told me not to go hunting for anything sexy it was inevitable that I did so and therefore occasionally came across clips of pornography in seemingly innocent website. I became quite accustomed to seeing deliciously rude videos of naked females and males usually performing various sexual acts and while I was totally innocent of performing any of them myself I had that eager longing to start out on my sexual adventures. My own computer had child-proof locks which I hadn't even found my way past as yet because since I could use my parents' machine and since I was a good hard-studying student I found little time for searching for porn on it.

Mom read on, turning the dry pages into life-like situations and characters but even I was shocked when she read;

"The party had been perfect; a brilliant mixture of light-hearted fun, alcohol and entertaining chatter but finally most of the guests had departed and David's parents, with his help, had tidied sufficiently to make the place acceptably neat again and then they'd headed up the stairs.

"Will you two be alright?" David's mother called out and then added, without waiting for his reply, "Don't stay up too long – not that it'll matter to us – we'll be sound asleep in no time."

David waited until his parents had disappeared from sight then turned to his sweet girlfriend, Dawn who was staying with them overnight.

"Peace at last," he said quietly, "Fancy a bit of, umm, you know?"

"Mmmm, but you're not to go too far David," she answered as she slid closer to him on the comfy sofa, "Be good, won't you?"

"Don't know about that," he sniggered quietly, "How about some nice kissing to start?"

He turned sideways until he could engulf her in his arms, then he lowered his mouth towards her soft, welcoming, upheld lips. They met and slid together warmly and at that moment David felt his penis stiffening urgently. He wriggled his hips around until it was settled to one side, then concentrated on kissing Dawn, his tongue now wriggling between her lips and exploring her mouth. Suddenly her tongue was doing the same and just seconds later the two lovebirds had slid sideways on the sofa with Dawn's legs lifting and David's body twisting until he was lying almost on top of her. It was at that moment that Dawn became aware of David's rigid penis pressing into her groin..."

"Wow!" exclaimed Mom, putting the book down on her lap and fanning her face with the other hand, "It's getting a bit more explicit than I expected; are you sure you want me to carry on?"

I laughed and nodded while feeling my face reddening and my own penis stiffening.

"Now we know why Dad wouldn't read it!" I laughed, "I don't mind though – it's good!"

"Trust you to think so," exclaimed Mom, "Surely it makes you feel a bit shy though?"

"Yeah, but not as shy with you as I would have been with Dad," I answered, finding my tongue and risking my neck, "It's easier somehow to talk about things like that with you."

"Why, am I sexy or something?" asked Mom as her eyes swept up and down the bed, seeing the fairly obvious bulge of my erection, "I don't think anyone here has talked about sex at all, have they?"

I shook my head, knowing that the subject was as good as ignored in the household, then smiled at Mom.

"It's a pity to be honest," I said, "I've so many questions..."

Mom folded a page of the book down and closed it, placing it on the bedside table then turning towards me.

"Like what darling?" she asked.

I wasn't sure if she'd be open to the kind of sexual questions that were inside me or not – I knew in my mind that she'd know the answers but whether or not I'd be allowed to ask them was another matter.

"Ummm, well like, what's it like to have sex?" I asked, feeling the red heat returning to my face.

"Ohhh, now that is a real question," said Mom, "I mean I know the answer but I don't know what I should say to you or how."

"Just tell me Mom," I said, "I mean, I'll be at university any time now and I feel cut off – I just don't know what to do and I'd love to get intimate with some of the other students!"

"I assume they're girls you're talking about, aren't they?" asked Mom and I nodded my head eagerly.

"Pretty ones too – I've met some of the others who'll be on my course," I said, warming to my task, "And I'm sure they checked me over but I don't know and I definitely don't know how to respond."

"Hmmm, perhaps it's better that you stay innocent than get them pregnant," said Mom somewhat to my surprise, "So what DO you know?"

Talk about being put on the spot – I felt everything heating up now and yet my cock seemed eager to stay as stiff as it had been for the past five minutes or so.

"Well come on – tell me?" asked Mom, "For example, do you know all the bits of a girl's anatomy?"

"Tits, pussy, ass, hips, waist, lips," I said, looking away from her and unwilling to go further, "Legs, feet, toes..."

"No darling, I mean the really intimate bits – you know, all the bits between her legs?" Mom said, digging ever deeper into this pit, "Come on, tell me."

I shook my head. Sure I'd seen glimpses of everything on the internet but although I could proffer some slang names, the proper names escaped me by and large and I was definitely lost when it came to explaining their uses.

"I mean, what are the parts of a vagina?" asked Mom, "Surely you know those?"

"I know there's a clitoris or something but the rest..." I said, my voice trailing off.

"Hmmm, we'll have to help you find out then, won't we?" said Mom as she got up and scoured the books on my bookcase, "Hmmph, there's nothing here – I'll tell you what, we'll go online."

I felt my body tense up and my penis stiffen anew as Mom pulled the small table that my laptop sat on closer to the bed, then she opened it and fired it up. It was on the small table because it had castors on it's legs and I could move it anywhere in the room with ease.

A little while later the laptop opened up and I watched as Mom entered her password and swept past the lock and then we were online, with Mom, busy typing. A few moments later and a large image of an extended pussy appeared on screen, all complete with labels for the parts.

"Here we go darling," said Mom as she reached her arm out and pulled me closer to the edge of the bed, "This isn't exactly what you'd normally see – I mean there's hairs and stuff too normally, but it helps explain what's what."

She spent the next few minutes pointing to the assorted parts of a pussy, explaining their uses and purpose but then she paused, her face now looking at me.

"Hmmm, it's all very well but it doesn't show you what to do with it, does it?" she added as she glanced back and forward between the picture and my face, "And then of course we need to get a penis involved – oh damn. Oh and it doesn't show how a woman gets all excited and wet either... or what it looks like then."

She paused further as she thought, her eyes closed – then they sprang open as she looked straight at me.

"Chris, I'll help you but Dad mustn't know anything – understand – not a thing?" she said firmly.

I nodded eagerly, not sure what she was planning but well aware that it was going to be exciting – I'd be delighted to agree to anything that would help my progress with girls.

"Tomorrow, when you come home from college," she said, "You can leave your work and I'll do some more explaining – ok?"

I nodded quickly, then Mom closed down the laptop again, pushed the table away and picked up the book once again.

"We'll stick to this for tonight and then tomorrow..." she said, "Now, where were we?"

In a moment or two she picked up the story again and immediately began to finish off the sexy paragraphs.

"David, is that your thingy?" asked Dawn, curiosity welling up inside her.

She was eager to discover more about sex but felt both shy and worried – shy because she'd never been there and worried in case things got out of hand. David on the other hand felt alive and eager. He was so close to Dawn – closer than he'd ever been before – and while he had no real idea of what to do next, his body was leading him on and on.

"I can't help it," he said softly as he pressed his penis harder against her, "I think I want to have sex."

"But we don't know how!" exclaimed Dawn, feeling her body softening, "Have you ever done it?"

"Hah, they're just like you!" exclaimed Mom, "Isn't that handy. Ok if I carry on?"

I nodded eagerly and Mom continued reading...

"Nearly," admitted David, "She still had her panties on but I got naked – it was brilliant until I came!"

"What – you shot off?" queried Dawn, "Where?"

"All over her!" said David, feeling his penis throbbing, "And it felt so good while I was doing it!"

"Bet it made a mess, didn't it!" laughed Dawn and David nodded firmly.

"Bloody right it did!" he chuckled, "We had to use my underpants to clean it all up too!"

"Phew," added Mom, "This is definitely getting a bit steamy – I didn't expect it to go this far."

"I don't mind," I said, feeling much as the character David did, "It's kind of fun and yet informative too and so long as you don't mind reading then I'm all ears."

"I bet you are!" laughed Mom, "It's making me a bit hot but I guess I can take it – makes a change for me too."

"I wonder how much further they go?" I asked, causing Mom to scan the next few pages.

"Doesn't look as if they actually do it," she said, "Do you want me to go on?"

I nodded quickly and Mom smiled wickedly at me, then picked up the book again.

"Ok, here we go," she said...

Dawn still felt very curious. David had obviously been further than she had and she really wanted to know more and with curiosity rampant inside her she lifted one hand and covered his bulging penis with it, feeling the length of his shaft and the somewhat bulbous knob.

"Do you want to get it out?" she asked and it was David's turn to feel both excited and embarrassed.

This was going to be a big step, whatever happened next.

"Definitely going to be a big step – for me too!" added Mom while I simply glowed with anticipation inside, "Ok, let's get it done with."

David knelt more upright now, his hands holding the waistband of his underpants.

"Are you sure?" he asked, almost as scared as Dawn was, "It's a big step – I mean seeing each other in our underwear is one thing but taking our underwear off is getting close to doing it, isn't it?"

"Don't care!" exclaimed Dawn suddenly, "I've got to find out – I really want to see you."

"Ok, here goes!" said David as he began to ease the sides of his underpants down, "Here it comes!"

A second later his penis sprang into view, a solid six or so inches of glowing flesh. His foreskin was there but even as Dawn watched, it slid back from his shiny knob, seemingly making his penis look even larger.

"Wow, he looks perfect!" breathed Dawn, her breaths coming quickly now, "What would happen if I touch him?"

"Nothing I guess," answered David as he watched Dawn extending her arm, "It'll jerk in your hand but that's about it – oh, and it'll feel nice from my point of view."

Dawn's hand suddenly snapped sideways to close around his shaft and as it did so David felt the immediate surge of his pending orgasm rising inside him.

"Ohhh fuck!" he said...

"Did I read that?" gasped Mom, "Did I actually read that?"

I nodded quickly, feeling my own penis throbbing wildly.

"Yeah, you did Mom," I answered, "I didn't mind; I hear it often enough at college."

"But not from my mouth," added Mom as she shook her head, "I'm kind of letting my mouth take control of my mind!"

"Don't stop though, it's only words," I said soothingly while hoping to encourage Mom to carry on, "Just think how it would look on video!"

Mom stared at me and then a big smile swept over her face.

"Why, do you like watching this kind of thing?" she asked and I nodded, knowing that we'd already crossed many lines.

"Sure, it's material to – errr, jerk off with," I admitted, "And it's better than if I read it."

"So where do you watch it?" asked Mom, "Not on this laptop, surely."

"No – I do it on yours, you know, when I'm out there studying," I answered, feeling that I had to tell Mom the truth and I saw Mom shaking her head slowly.

"Typical boys!" she said, "Oh well, no damage and it's all part of your education."

The story, with Mom narrating it, was somehow letting us both run free and I knew that somehow, despite talking much more freely than ever before with Mom I hadn't exceeded any limits that were currently in place.

"Huh, so how often do you, ummm, jerk off then?" asked Mom to my surprise, "Oh, and on that subject, I do wish you'd stick to one towel or something to mop up with – you get that stuff everywhere, don't you?"