It was the Beginning of Summer


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She tossed the empty plastic bag into the trash can next to the bar and quietly let herself out. Once out of the house and walking down the driveway onto Kernan Forest Boulevard, she pulled out her Blackberry and called up the speed dial so she could press two for Dana Lee. She held the phone to her ear as she walked and waited for Dana Lee to pick up, but instead it went straight to voicemail. Shit! She must have gone home already. Shit! I need a ride. She scrolled down her speed dial and giggled. Can't call Alyson. Then she pressed four for Katie. It rang and rang and rang. Fuck! She sighed as she dropped the Blackberry back into her purse. Guess I'm walking.

What a night. What a motherfucker of a night. Can't believe Rashawne was fucking that bitch right there in the staff bathroom. How fucking arrogant. She can't even wait and take him to her house. She's got like three kids, but I doubt she cares. Bitch is at least 35. Tits are big, I'll give her that, but they're all saggy and shit. Not nice and firm the way Alyson's are. Now those are some nice tits. Not quite as big as Ericka's, but she's got no sag at all. I love her little pink nipples too. Damn, they were fun to suck on. Shit! I fucked up there. Damn, I wanted to cum so bad. I was so fucking close. So fucking close. Damn, Alyson can eat some pussy too. Still think she's lying. That bitch has eaten pussy before. No way she could eat pussy like that if she's never done it. No fucking way at all.

Amy stopped briefly to light a cigarette and then continued walking and smoking. Fucking Rashawne. Why'd he even call me yesterday? All would have been fine, well not fine as long as Ericka hates me, if I just hadn't been so hyped up about him calling me and asking me to hang with him today. Fuck! He wants to fuck that old bitch, let him fuck her. I bet she's 40. All loose inside just like her tits are saggy. Probably had to fuck her in the ass just to feel any friction. Fuck him. He wants to fuck some old 45 year old cunt when he could have this tight little 18 year old body with a solid gold pussy, then fuck him. Let him fuck her.

Amy fished her ear-buds out of her purse, and cranked the music on her iPod as loud as possible to drown out her maddening thoughts. Four point seven miles, 93 minutes, and eight cigarettes later; Amy finally arrived at Mallard Cove apartment complex. Damn. Thank god. I'm finally fucking home. All I want to do is lay in bed and sleep until I have no shame left. She stopped at the bottom step to her apartment and sighed one last time. Fuck. I got to tell Daddy that when a three bedroom opens up for us to move into, that we need to live downstairs. No. Can't do that. I like having the balcony. I can sit out there and smoke on a cool night and it's extra room for my bike. Shit. My fucking car. Why'd that bitch have to fuck up my car?

Tired as she was, Amy put her thoughts aside and climbed the steps to her apartment. She knew Dana Lee wouldn't have been able to lock it when she left, so she didn't bother fishing her key out of her purse. She opened the door. It looked like a tornado had hit the place. Two empty pizza cartons, Corona bottles, an ashtray upturned on the carpet, the potted plant knocked over, and every light in the house still blazing away.

She moaned, wearily, "Damn it, Dana Lee." It was too big a mess and she was way too tired to bother with it. I'm gonna make that silly bitch come back here and clean it up tomorrow.

She turned off the lights and the blaring TV and dragged her tired ass down the hallway to the bathroom. She really needed to pee. Then she noticed her dad's room was ajar, light streaming through the crack. Oh, fuck... he's not back early, is he? She took the ear-buds from her ears right as she was pushing his door open.

The sound of Dana Lee's orgasmic whimpers assaulted her ears. Dana Lee was on her hands and knees, naked, on her dad's bed, and Tanner was standing on the floor in front of her, one leg up on the bed, holding fistfuls of her long blonde hair in his hands, while he thrust his big, naked cock in and out of her whimpering mouth.

Amy was too stunned to move. Dana Lee had broken the one and only rule of the house: stay out of her Dad's room. But Amy just couldn't feel mad. And she couldn't help but notice that Tanner had a fucking beautiful body. A bit pale for her tastes. Him and every other white boy in the school. But, he was well muscled, and he had a fine ass, and a gorgeous cock.

Amy opened the door the rest of the way, intending to step in and send them packing. But, then she saw the second guy, fucking Dana Lee from behind. He was on his knees, thrusting himself in and out of Dana Lee's pussy with powerful thrusts.

What the...? Is that... Jimmy Snyder? What the fuck is Jimmy Snyder doing here? Why the fuck is Dana Lee letting a loser like Jimmy Snyder fuck her? But then she saw how far he was pulling back before thrusting back in. Fuck. Look at the size of him! I guess that answers my question.

Amy was angry and tired, but she was too fascinated to look away. Dana Lee's beautiful, skinny body was quivering in a prolonged orgasm. She was moaning, almost screaming, around Tanner's cock. And Jimmy Snyder was impressive. He was not that attractive, and he was definitely a bit chunky, but there was no denying the fact that he had a porn-star cock, and he knew how to use it.

Jimmy was trying like crazy to stave off his third orgasm of the night. He couldn't believe that the first time, he'd fucked her so hard that she passed out. Of course, she flopped down over the side of the couch in such a way that he didn't know it, otherwise he would have stopped. It was only after he filled his condom with cum a few minutes later that Tanner noticed she was out like a light. They revived her, and tried to talk her into going to the emergency room, but she was just dizzy from not eating all day. So they took a break and gleefully gobbled down the pizzas. After that, they searched the house for condoms, finally finding one in this bedroom. He fucked her again, in a dozen positions, giving her orgasm after orgasm, switching off with Tanner from time to time, whenever Tanner could get it up. Jimmy eventually came a second time, but she wanted him to fuck her some more. Well, he had no problem getting hard, but there were no more condoms. Dana Lee said it didn't matter. Tanner had already cum in her, so if she was pregnant, well... she was pregnant already. That sounded logical to him!

Of course, he was probably going to lose his job over this. But what the fuck did that matter? Dana Lee Pruitt's pussy was worth ten crappy jobs.

Jimmy was fighting down the urge to cum, when he saw Tanner suddenly looking to the side. He followed his gaze and saw a girl with short blonde hair in the doorway. Oh fuck! Amy Gleason! That's Amy Gleason, the cheerleader! The one that can do like 14 or 15 continuous back flips down the whole length of the sideline. What the fuck is she doing here?

"Oh fuck, oh fuck..." He couldn't hold back any longer. He shot two squirts of cum in Dana Lee's pussy, then pulled out, sending five more ropy jets of cum splashing across her backside. Amy Gleason's watching me cum! He grabbed his dick and stroked it, showing off for the beautiful blonde, coaxing three more powerful jets out of his cock, one of which was powerful enough to splash against Tanner's belly.

Tanner felt Jimmy's hot cum hitting him, and that was enough to push him over the edge. Moments later he was filling Dana Lee's moaning mouth full of cum. She was moaning, so most of it poured out of her full lips and oozed down the side of the bed.

When Tanner's softening cock finally fell from Dana Lee's mouth, she let out a satisfied moan and collapsed onto her side, curled up into a quivering ball of pleasure. Nothing existed in the entire world except the waves of pleasure rippling through her pussy and abdomen. She was finally satisfied, and she fell almost instantly asleep.

Amy had never witnessed anything so pornographic before. If she hadn't been dead tired she probably would have applauded. But she just sighed wearily, and said, "Just clean up before you leave, guys. That's all I ask."

Tanner and Jimmy nodded, and Amy closed the door.


Amy bumped the treadmill control to eight miles per hour for her last five minutes of her 35 minute run. She loved the way the treadmills were aligned to face the open glass wall of the Surfside Fitness Center allowing her to watch the waves roll in from the Atlantic while she ran. I can't believe last night. Damn Alyson was on fucking fire. Had me on fire too. I've eaten pussy before, but nothing like hers last night. And I've never had anyone, chick or dude, that went down on me the way she did. I don't know whose pussy she's been sucking, but she's been sucking someone's. I don't care how much she denies it. And, shit. Dana Lee. Getting fucked by Jimmy Fucking Snyder. Can you believe that shit? And the size of that motherfucker. He's even bigger than Rashawne. Rashawne. Fucking Rashawne. Can't fucking believe he's fucking Ericka. She's pretty, and she's got a nice body, but she's like our mothers age. She does have some pretty skin though. Love that caramel color. Amy giggled as she continued the run. And those nipples. Looked like little mini tootsie rolls sticking out from her melons. Different circumstances, I would have joined in and sucked them a little while while Rashawne pumped her. Damn, he's got a nice cock. Wish it was me he had nailed up on that counter top. I'd still be cumming. But, my car. My fucking car. Mom is going to go bat shit.

Finally, Amy reached the end of her programmed run and paused to wipe sweat off her face while she took one last moment to watch the Atlantic Ocean crash smoothly into the shoreline. She brushed back her blonde bangs before stepping off the treadmill. Now that she'd finished her run, she moved to the incline board to work her abs. She alternated sets of 100 incline sit ups and 100 leg lifts, feeling the burn deep into her six pack. When she'd completed the last leg lift, she took a long pull on her Aquafina bottle and then slowly strolled to the empty aerobics studio where she spent 15 minutes going through a condensed version of her old floor routine. She missed the competitive aspect of gymnastics, but she didn't miss starving herself to maintain the 90 pound max weight her coach had wanted. At 5' 1", she carried her 103 pounds very well and looked incredible with lean supple muscles, and she was very strong for her size. Trying to maintain 90 pounds though was probably what led to the back injury that ended her days on the junior gymnastic circuit.

She finished the floor routine and spent another 15 minutes stretching before finally standing and taking another long pull on her Aquafina bottle. Then she wiped her face and again pushed back her short blonde hair. She took a moment to look in the mirror and smiled. Yep. I look pretty fucking good these days. Shoulder length hair so blonde it was almost pure white. By the end of summer, if she got as much beach time as she wanted, it would be pure white. She giggled. She'd hated it so much when they'd called her Cottontop when she competed, but she actually liked the idea of it now. With the blonde hair, were eyes so blue they were a match for the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean. White shorts and sports bra clung tightly to her figure revealing the curves that weren't there when she'd competed. Drenched in a sheen of sweat that openly allowed her white shorts to reveal the proudly formed camel toe. The glistening skin accentuated the beginning of a summer tan that would be bronze before the month of June was over.

"Never knew you were so vain, Amy."

She turned to see Rashawne Williams at the room's entrance holding a towel and standing shirtless in a pair of red swim shorts and black flip flops. 5' 11", 185 pounds, sleek, dark ebony skin, tightly defined muscles with roadmap veins that were pronounced even as he stood relaxed. Amy let her eyes fall to the bulge in his trunks. She knew what was there though. She'd seen all nine inches of it in full erect glory last night when she'd walked into the staff restroom at Winn-Dixie and had seen their boss, Ericka Davis, sitting upon the sink counter top with Rashawne's dick pumping in and out of her pussy. Fuck, he's got the biggest dick I've ever fucking seen. At least it was until I saw Jimmy's later.

"Leave me alone, Rashawne. I'm trying to work out."

"Looks like you're almost done."

Amy shook her head. "Just with my legs and my abs. I still need to bench and do my pull ups."

"You can do pull ups?"

"More than you."

Rashawne laughed easily. Fuck. His teeth are so fucking white and straight. What's he doing with a cunt like Ericka.

"There's no way you can do more pull ups than me, Amy."


"Is that a challenge?"

"It is."

"Let's do it then."

"I've got to bench first," she said. "If you're still here when I finish benching, I'll be happy to kick your ass doing pull ups."

"Sure," he responded. "I'll even spot you."

He followed her to the empty bench and watched her as she lay flat and took hold of the empty 45 pound bar, lifted the bar from the rack, and smoothly pressed it ten times before returning it to the rack.

"Not bad," he said.

"That was just a warm up," she said as she placed a ten pound weight on each side.

A bit of Rashawne's smirk began to fade as he watched her just as smoothly lift the 65 pounds from the rack and press it ten more times and then return it to the rack. His eyes grew wide as she removed the ten pound weights and replaced them with 25 pound weights plus an additional five pound plate for each side.

"How much do you weigh, Amy? 95? 100 pounds?"

"I was 103 this morning. I'm usually a pound or two within 105 depending on the day and the time of the month."

"That's 105 pounds you just put on there."

"So. Don't you work out with your weight, or more?"

"Yeah, but I'm a ...."

"You're a what?" she interrupted. "And you better not say you're a guy."

"Well," he said. "I am a guy, but I was going to say athlete."

"Fuck you, Rashawne. I'm an athlete too."

"You are not. You're a gymnast. That's like being a dancer. Hell. You're not even a gymnast anymore. You're just a cheerleader now."

He's just baiting you. Don't let him do it. Amy lay on the bench and took several deep breaths as she found her grip.

"You need a lift off?"

"Fuck off," was all she said as she lifted the weight from the rack, lowered it to the imaginary line just below her nipples and then pressed it back to full extension and then repeated seven more times for a full eight reps. As soon as she replaced the weight back to the rack, she sat up and brushed her bangs back again.

"That was only eight," he said.

No longer angry, Amy laughed and said, "You're right. It was only eight. Ready to get your ass kicked at the pull up station?"

"Take a break, Amy. We need to talk."

"About what?"

"You know about what."

"No I don't," she said. "It could be about my innocence being stolen from me last night, or it could be about either you or your girl friend flattening my tires and egging my car in the parking lot."

"Innocence my ass. You telling me you've never watched somebody fuck at one of your little cheerleader parties?"

Amy blushed and didn't say anything.

"Oh shit," Rashawne said. "I was just bluffing but you really have, haven't you."

"Fuck off."

"Damn. You've got an ugly mouth for such a pretty girl."

Before she could respond, he held up his hand and said, "Come on, Amy. Just tell me you won't tell anyone that you walked in on me and Ericka."

"I already got the message not to do that when I went back to my car last night and found my tires slashed."

"You know I didn't do that."

Amy leaned her head to one side and shrugged, "I don't think you did it."

"Ericka didn't do it either."

"Her I don't have the same belief in."


"You're going to Vanderbilt to play football. You're probably quitting your job in a couple of weeks anyway. Why would you care if I told anyone or not? Plus I've known you since middle school. You used to help me write my papers, so I'd pass that stupid remedial writing class I had to take to try to catch up. And, I really don't think you would ever do anything like that. Ericka though. That job is all she's got, and she is the definition of ghetto 'ho. You really need to get some distance from that cunt."

"She didn't do it, Amy."


"Really. She didn't."

"Whatever. It doesn't matter anyway. I'm not going to tell."

"Thanks. And, I promise you that Ericka didn't slash your tires."

"You can promise all you want, but I still won't believe that. Why are you with her?"

"She has her good points."

"Yeah. I saw one of them last night. Lots of girls can deep throat a cock."

"Lots of girls can deep throat a cock. Not a lot of girls can deep throat my cock."

Amy was in the middle of another long pull on her water bottle and immediately sprayed both of them as she burst into laughter. "You are so fucking full or yourself, Rashawne."

"I know. You ready to lose?"

"I'm not going to lose."

"If you're that confident, let's bet something on it."

"I don't have any money, and I have four tires to buy."

He shrugged. "Betting money would be boring."

"I'm not fucking you, Rashawne." Yeah, right. I'd pull off my shorts and let him bend over the bench right now if we were the only ones here.

"Don't lose and you won't have to."


"Okay. Okay. Can't blame a guy for trying."

"Right. You wouldn't know what to do with it anyway."

"Ooooo. Spunky little bitch, aren't you. How about this? I was going to the pool and hang out when I saw your bike outside and came in to see you. Go to the pool with me."

"And if I win?"

"You won't win, but if you do I'll fix your tires."

"I don't have a bikini with me, and the only one I have at Daddy's apartment would probably get us thrown out of the base pool."


"It doesn't cover much."

"Okay. Now I'm intrigued. How much does it cover?"

"Pretty much just my nipples and my. Well. You know."

"No. I don't know."



"Come on."

"Just say it."

"Okay. Let's just say it doesn't hide the fact that I shave."

Rashawne laughed and said, "Every other word out of your mouth since we started this conversation has been fuck, and you can't say pussy?"

She sighed and said, "Okay. It covers my nipples and my pussy and that's it. I already described it to you on the phone yesterday."

"Damn. I have to see this."

"Then you better beat me. Still. I can't wear that bikini to the base pool."

"Then let's go to the beach instead."

"I don't know. There'll be a lot of people there."

"Is little white you afraid to be seen with big black me?"

"Get over yourself, Rashawne. It's 2011. I just don't want to wear that bikini and it's the only one I have, but I'll feel stupid wearing shorts to the beach."

"Jesus. If this bikini embarrasses you so much, why did you buy it?"

"Well, when I bought it. I still lived with my mom and I thought I'd be able to wear it at our pool at home, but now I've moved in with Daddy."

"Okay. You've got a pool at your dad's apartment. Let's hang out there."

"Still kind of public."

"Oh good lord, girl," he paused. "Hey, let's go to your mom's."

"Fuck that," she said. "We can lay out at the apartment pool."

"So. Your hatred of your mom overrides your embarrassment?"