It's a Dead Man's World Ch. 03


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“How are we going in?” Allyson asked of the Captain.

He looked over at Eliza. “I don’t suppose she was able to pass on where she was?”

Eliza coughed again. “No. In the dream, she was in a tower. Not exactly (cough) applicable here.”

Allyson wished Eliza would stay behind, but the vampire maiden would go through the fires of hell to rescue Veronica, and she wasn’t going to be dissuaded. “Wait. Didn’t you say that she was burned . . . at the end of the dream?” Allyson hated reminding her friend of that.


“Maybe the tower wasn’t a message. Maybe the fire was.”

“Are you thinking the furnace?”

Allyson rubbed her jaw. “Could be. It tends to be a favorite venue for torture for the unimaginative. The heat saps your will almost as much as . . .” Allyson stopped when she saw Eliza lift her head up and sniff the air. Then she took off running silently through the tall grass, her energy apparently having returned.

“Or,” Allyson continued, “we could just follow her.”

The strike-force had to put everything they had into keeping up with the suddenly lively vampire. They found themselves staring at a large dark opening.

“This is where they took her in. And I hear the hum of engines.” Eliza was staring at that opening. It was a hundred yards across open ground, but she felt she could cross it quickly.

“Boss, how were you planning on getting in the door? It’s probably fortified and . . .” Allyson was stopped again.

Eliza turned, looked at Thug and smiled.

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60 seconds later . . .

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You could almost feel bad for the few guards and personnel who were occupying the vehicle hangar when Thug made an entrance. Almost. One blast from his cannon left a gaping, fiery hole in what had once been a fairly respectable door. And before the fire and smoke had subsided enough for any survivors to see through, Eliza had jumped through the hole. She was followed shortly by her friends, Captain Corbin and his strike team. As soon as the initial explosion was heard, the Captain broadcast the coordinates of the base back to the U.S. military. Even if their mission failed, American forces would assault the base within hours.

Eliza realized that there was little time to waste. Once the breach had been made, the entire compound had been enveloped in the noise of base sirens. She needed to find Veronica before someone decided to “cut their losses” and kill the hostage. As her supporting cast began the systematic elimination of the occupants of the garage, Eliza located two guards attempting to make their escape. She pulled out the somewhat illegal rail-gun pistol that Veronica had obtained for her and blasted them both in the knee. She pounced on them and disarmed them at a terrifying speed. She grabbed both by the throat. With her eyes firmly locked on one of her captives, she started smashing the head of the other against the concrete floor. And she kept smashing until the pool of red under that unfortunate victim’s head started spilling into a nearby drain. Then she finally spoke.

“You fuckers took a hostage . . . a woman. Tell me where she is and I’ll let you deal with them,” she said, indicating the advancing team, “instead of me.” Eliza’s eyes were as cold as ice and her voice was dead flat. Then the captured guard, who was on the verge of wetting himself, saw the fangs of the creature in front of him start to grow. He started to stammer and stutter and finally gave her the directions she was asking for. Then she knocked him cold and took off down the hall. She fired up her kinetic-force riot shield, letting a small wall of energy crackle and shimmer in front of her. She bowled her way down one hallway, running over and smashing anyone in her way. Guards and local militia were pouring out all over the place. She sensed someone was following her, but she didn’t have time to look back. She burst into a large room, and her blood ran cold with what she saw.

Against the far wall were two cages that were similar to the ones back at Fort Crass, and both seemed to be occupied by Living Gems. Eliza hadn’t been aware that the Purity had more than one, but she was apparently mistaken. Standing in front of the cages were two men. One was dressed in the most stereotypical wizard’s robes that anyone could steal from a b-grade movie dressing room. He was a gaunt fellow, but his narrow face and eyes held instant hatred for Eliza, and she couldn’t help but wonder if this was the same human that had closed the portal between dimensions. The other man was in full military regalia, and Eliza figured him to be either the local warlord or some high-up yahoo in the Purity military. But neither of them caught her attention for long.

Veronica Adams was chained to a metal ring embedded in the middle of the concrete floor. Her hair was mangled, her face bruised almost beyond recognition, and both eyes were swollen shut. There were cuts and odd burn marks all over her naked body, and it was obvious that a number of fingers were bent at unnatural angles. She was kneeling in her own filth, and she was horribly gaunt. Someone had taken their time working Veronica over, and they had been good at what they did.

The human wizard ran to the side of one of the cages and began punching at a control panel while the military man started to pull his weapon. Eliza reached down into her own battered and weary body, summoning her strength once more and charged the man. She knocked the gun from his hand as soon as he drew it, but he landed a massive blow with his fist on the side of her head that almost knocked her senseless. The two struggled for what seemed like forever. Finally, Eliza used the last of her strength to punch her adversary in the throat, crushing his windpipe. She looked up, trying to locate the wizard. And then she was struck by lightning.

It was agony as bolts of electricity rocked her frame. She briefly saw the wizard holding a Gem, which appeared to be the source of the blasts. It was a black, smooth orb with streaks of off-white color marring its surface. It was the Spear of God, a Tiger’s Eye gem that was supposed to be used for a spell of “heavenly fire.” Eliza was thrown clear across the room and smashed into a wall with such force that the metal buckled under the impact. Her lungs and skin were almost literally on fire. This is what Veronica’s pain-riddled mind had been trying to convey in the dream.

“You pathetic, inhuman whore!” the wizard cackled. “You would challenge me?!? You have no place here! You should have gone back to your own stinking hell dimension when you had the chance!” The man seemed to be teetering on the other side of insanity, but that didn’t stop him from wielding the orb effectively as another series of short blasts left Eliza’s almost helpless body smoldering on the floor. The man raised the orb melodramatically over his head. “I’ll show you! I’ll show you all . . .” Suddenly, he fell to the floor with a sick thud. Valar stood behind him wielding a monkey wrench.

[[ Oh shut up! ]] he said in his native tongue. He had to admit that the act of physical violence had made him feel a little more . . . masculine.

Eliza’s blood was still boiling from the attack. Her skin was blistering where she had been struck and she had lost muscle control. She lay on the ground, no more than a few feet from Veronica’s bound body. Had she arrived too late? And even if Veronica survived, Eliza knew in her heart that she herself was dying.

Suddenly Allyson, Dennis and a number of invading forces burst into the room. Allyson was shouting.

“We’ve got to get her out of . . .” It was then that the woman saw her boss and friend lying almost completely motionless on the floor, wisps of smoke rising from her jumpsuit. Then she saw Veronica. “Good God,” she muttered and hurried to the two women. It became clear that even if the U.S. had been willing to negotiate that these people were never planning on letting Veronica go. Her chains weren’t locked to metal ring in the floor; they were wielded to it. “We’ve got to get these off!” she shouted. Dennis started looking around for some tools to break the chains.

“Where . . .” came a dim voice from Veronica’s mouth. “Where’s Eliza? I know she’s here,” she said, her voice trailing off.

“She’s here,” Allyson said, choking back a tear. “She just can’t talk right now.”

“Not . . . not fair,” Veronica mumbled. “Too close . . . too much . . .”

The doors smashed inward as Thug made his way in, followed by Kelik and a couple of soldiers. He was riddled with holes, but it didn’t seem to bother him. Dennis grabbed the wrench from Valar, who had turned his attention to deactivating the other force cage. Dennis took the wrench and was looking for something like a wedge or a spike, but Thug came up with a simpler solution. The troll grabbed the excess chain, pulling it and the metal ring out of the concrete floor with brute force.

“Or we could do that,” Dennis muttered.

With her movement less restricted, Veronica fell forward on landed on Eliza. She couldn’t have stood up even if she had the strength, as both of her ankles were broken. “Eliza,” she groaned. “Talk to me. Please?!?”

Eliza heard the words, but they were so dim, as if being uttered from the other end of a long hallway. ‘She’s so strong,’ Eliza thought. Eliza would have smiled if she could. She had picked a winner when she decided to make things work with Veronica. She knew she could die having been in love at least once.

Kelik had appeared out nowhere and was looking down on the two lovers with obvious fear. Even in their last moments of life, the two looked good together. They looked like they belonged together. “Together,” he said, almost absently. But Valar heard him, and the two vampires’ eyes locked. Valar finally got the force shields down around the second cage.

[[ Thug, break those bars! ]]

Thug grabbed the bars and bent them as wide as he could. Kelik rushed over and grabbed the Alchemist’s Dream from its resting-place. This gem was about unification; taking two imperfect things and making them into something more. He held the purple gem in both hands, and he felt a surge of power. The will of the Living Jewel fought against the will of the user. He needed a few moments to master it.

“Ms. Adams!” he shouted. “Talk to Eliza! Keep her here with us!”

Veronica felt so helpless. She couldn’t see and she could barely move. Her strength was gone. They hadn’t fed her in days and . . . fed her. Feeding. She placed her head against Eliza’s body, using her face to feel her way around her lover’s body. She used her own head to turn Eliza over onto her back, though she got a little help from Allyson. Then she located the vampire’s head, and placed her bruised and battered neck at Eliza’s lips. “Drink of me,” she whispered hoarsely. “Whatever I have left to give, I give to you.”

Normally, Eliza wouldn’t even consider taking blood from Veronica in such a state. But Eliza’s conscious mind had left the building by that point. Her lips could feel the flesh and she could almost smell the blood. Without any conscious control, her fangs began expanding and sunk into Veronica’s flesh.

And for a moment, all was calm. For a moment, neither woman felt any pain . . . any remorse . . . any regrets. Even though they both felt the mission had failed, they would die together. And that was oddly comforting. As their spirits began slipping away, they only wished they had the strength to hold each other one more time.

Kelik had been locked in a battle of wills with the Alchemist’s Dream for a while, trying to manipulate the gem’s natural inclinations to do what he wanted it to do. He saw Eliza biting Veronica, and knew that the human woman had bought him some time. The two wouldn’t die yet. Not until they made their peace with one another. Finally, he felt a sense of completeness as his intent and the gem’s will came to some sort of magical agreement. A purple burst of light shot out and hit Eliza, then a second one shot out and engulfed Veronica.

The peace that Veronica and Eliza had been sharing was rudely shattered by a brief moment of excruciating pain on both women’s parts. Both felt that the very fabric of their beings was in the process of being ripped asunder. Then, darkness engulfed the pain . . . then the women . . . then . . . all was gone.

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Beyond the waking world . . .

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Eliza found herself in a familiar, dream-like state. She was standing before a huge wooden door. It looked like it belonged to a cathedral. And the vampire was wearing what appeared to be a black wedding dress, and she was carrying a bouquet of red roses. For no reason, she decided to open the door. As it swung open, she found herself in a great hall with pews on either side of the central walkway. At the end of the aisle was a floating, purple . . . thing. And standing before the purple entity was another woman, dressed in a white wedding dress. She turned her head, and Eliza saw that it was Veronica. The blonde woman smiled from ear to ear.

{{ What kept you? }} came a beautiful . . . thought. Veronica’s lips hadn’t moved, but Eliza heard that voice as clear as crystal. Apparently their ‘link’ came with telepathy now.

{{ I don’t know why I’m here, }} Eliza thought truthfully. Was this heaven? She saw the beautiful woman at the altar smile again, and this time Eliza smiled back. If it isn’t heaven, then it was close enough for the vampire’s taste.

{{ Me neither, }} Veronica replied. {{ But . . . but I knew you would be here. I can’t imagine who else I would be wearing this for. }}

Eliza blushed. She had never seen herself as the marrying kind of vampire, but here she was. Wherever ‘here’ actually was. She slowly made her way down the aisle, dropping the roses as she went. It was strange to her, since this wasn’t like any vampire wedding she had ever seen, but she knew the basic drill. {{ I hope I don’t make a fool of myself, }} she thought, forgetting Veronica could hear her.

{{ You can’t do that here, }} the bride-to-be thought. {{ I think we make the rules here, and I won’t let you fall on your face. I won’t let you fall at all. }}

{{ A romantic to the end, }} came Eliza’s silent response.

{{ I suppose I am. Are you ready? }}

Eliza raised her chin with confidence and pride. {{ Yes. }}

The two were standing side by side at the altar, and they turned to face where the preacher would have stood. But instead of a preacher was that glowing ball of purple light. The two women were suddenly engulfed in its light. Both seemed to be hearing questions that the other didn’t, but the sentiment was the same. Eliza turned to Veronica and vice versa. Both women thought the same thing at the same time.

{{ I do. }}

The cathedral around them turned into mist and faded into black. They found themselves on a huge, round, canopied bed with purple satin sheets that was floating in the endless void of space.

{{ I told you that normal rules don’t apply here, }} Veronica thought. The human woman was now wearing nothing but a white veil, white stockings and a smile. Eliza looked down and saw herself wearing the same outfit, only in black. But Eliza had a little addition, namely a ten-inch dildo in a strap-on harness.

Eliza looking slyly at her lover. {{ Another one of your ideas? }}

{{ What can I say? I want you to make me yours. }}

The vampire decided to test the “we make the rules” theory. She concentrated for a moment, and her strap-on became more heavily ridged and pre-lubricated. Veronica looked on with hungry approval. Eliza placed herself between Veronica’s spread legs and pushed the head of the massive toy into Veronica’s tight opening.

{{ Are you ready? }} Eliza thought. For some reason, the question seemed important.

{{ Take me, }} Veronica returned. {{ Complete me. }}

Eliza eased inside, with Veronica’s mouth opening slightly as her pussy adjusted to the invader. She felt something give way. She knew it wasn’t her hymen, as that had been taken care of a long time ago. So what was it? She didn’t have much time to dwell on it as she felt the leather of Eliza’s harness make contact with her mound as the dildo became completely buried in the human woman’s body. Eliza withdrew and the shoved the entire shaft back in, driving all the air from Veronica’s quivering form. Veronica wrapped her arms around Eliza and dug her fingernails into the vampire’s back, urging Eliza to plunge into the human’s sexual depths as had and fast as she could. Eliza was humping madly with her hips and Veronica opened her mouth as if to groan, though no sound came out.

Eliza concentrated again, and suddenly she was standing on the bed with Veronica impaled on her toy. The human looked confused, but confusion turned to pleasure as the vampire used her powerful arms to grab Veronica by the waist and slide her up and down the ten-inch dildo, using Veronica’s body like a hand in male-masturbation. That position suited the human well apparently, as Veronica began to cum within minutes. Dream or no, her girl-juice felt real enough as it dripped down Eliza’s legs. The vampire kept fucking her lover, enjoying the way those sizeable breasts bounced. Veronica finally got Eliza to slow down by kissing her. Eliza lowered herself to her knees and gently placed Veronica back onto the bed, their lips never parting.

Eliza finally pulled the device out and straddled her lover’s chest, the head of the dildo dangling in front of Veronica’s mouth. Veronica took the head in her mouth and sucked her juices from it. Eliza didn’t care that it wasn’t a real cock; the sight of Veronica sucking on it was pleasurable unto itself. The human’s hands grasped her lover’s ass cheeks as she slurped noisily on the plastic cock. Then the pointing fingers from each hand slid further toward the center and pierced Eliza’s rectum. Eliza would have gasped in surprise were she able. This was an avenue she had never thought to explore. Normally, it was Veronica who enjoyed the backdoor action, but it seemed perfectly natural to Eliza at that moment. Those fingers kept penetrating until they reached the final knuckle. Eliza looked back over her shoulder and saw that a strap-on harness had appeared around Veronica’s waist, and a slim white dildo stuck out from the woman’s crotch. Eliza then noticed that her own harness had disappeared.

{{ Make’s clean-up simpler, }} she thought idly.

{{ Don’t get too comfortable with the idea of ‘clean’, }} Veronica thought back. {{ Because you’re about to get dirty again. }}

Eliza felt herself being slowly pushed back by unseen hands towards the waiting dong. Soon, she felt the cool and slippery head nestled between her ass cheeks and pushing against her sphincter.

{{ Don’t be nervous, }} Veronica reassured her lover. {{ I just want to share something that gives me pleasure with you. }} Eliza had no response except to bite her bottom lip and wait expectantly. She knew from her first time doing this to Veronica that it was painful, at least for a time. And even in the surreal world they were occupying, the discomfort was quite noticeable as the slick head pushed inside her, spreading her asshole to new limits for the first time. As Eliza’s pink rosebud tried to adjust to the new sensation, Veronica passed the time by playing with Eliza’s firm breasts. She cupped them and squeezed them and kneaded them like dough. She had never played with her lover’s breasts before, and she couldn’t imagine why. They might have been smaller than Veronica’s own proud chest, but they were a lot of fun. Eliza was reacting positively to the human’s manipulations. Eliza responded by grabbing Veronica’s melons and holding on as the head of her lover’s sex toy finally found its way inside Eliza’s ass and she was able to relax a bit.