It's Just Sex... Ch. 04 - Finale

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Mick and Maxine get the surprise of their lives.
2.6k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/15/2018
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One of the farm-hands stopped us with shipment forms that one of us had to sign. I took care of it, and Maxine and I continued on our way toward the stables to check on things.

By this point, it was afternoon, so the horses were out in the fields. Maxine walked ahead of me, and once we were out of sight, I couldn't help but stare at her swaying ass. She noticed, and with a coy smile, she lifted the back of her dress, and showed her bare ass so I'd know she had nothing on underneath.

Her perfect ass was welcoming, and I knew she'd intended for us to be able to fuck with ease, although I still had jeans, as well as my underwear to deal with. It was a moot point, in either case, since we could always find a hiding place for our fun.

Maxine let her dress cover her again and we both walked into the stable, where a farm-hand was working.

"Everything in order, here?" I asked.

"Like usual," he said.

"Good," I said. "Maxine and I will take care of adding the feed, you can go."

The farm-hand nodded and left the stable. Once he was far enough away, Maxine closed the outer door, and turned to look at me.

"You know, I bet we could find a good spot in here to fuck," Maxine said.

"Maxi, you know the farm-hands come and go all around this place throughout a day," I said.

"Yeah, and we just told one of them we'd feed the horses," she said. "They won't ask questions."

"Unless one of them hears you moaning," I said.

"That mean we're gonna fuck in here?" she smiled.

I paused for a moment, but gave in to her as usual. "Yes, fuck... this is a mistake, but let's do it."

She squealed in excitement, and walked over to one of the many side tables we'd built. They sat just below the waist for the average person.

"How about right here?" Maxine said.

"On the table?" I said.

"Yeah, you can bend me over it, and fuck me from behind."

I simply nodded, knowing that arguing with her about it would be pointless. She was one of those girls who would commit to an idea. Once she made her mind up, that was the final word.

I unzipped my pants and pulled them down while Maxine lifted her dress to her waist, and leaned over the table. I got right behind her, and my cock slid across her ass cheeks, as I'd intended.

"Just make sure you put it in the right hole," she teased.

"And what if I decide to put it in your ass? You're kind of in a compromised position, here Maxi," I teased back.

"As if you'd have the balls to do it," she said.

I pressed my cock right to her ass hole.

"Oh yeah?" I said.

"Don't you fucking dare," she scowled.

"Oooh, Miss Maxi only likes cock in her cunt?" I said.

"Mick, seriously, don't. I fucking mean it," she said.

"Oh but you're convinced I don't have the balls to fuck you in the ass. Why would you suddenly get serious, if you really believed that?" I continued to tease her. I pushed against her ass hole again.

"Okay! I get it. You're clearly gonna do it, so I take it back," she said.

"Say it. Say I have the balls to fuck you in the ass," I said.

"You definitely have the balls to fuck me in the ass. Happy?"

"Uh huh," I laughed.

"Can you please just shove it in my pussy, now?" she said.

"What are the magic words?" I said.

"Fuck you," she laughed.

"Close, but not quite there, sis."

"Fuck me?" she laughed again.

"That's right," I said. I pushed my hard cock inside her pussy once again, and with the thrust, she moaned. In. Out. Repeat. I bent over her while I fucked her, and kiss her upper back, just below her neck. My hands held her hips, and hers held her dress, for want of a better place for them.

The motion made the wooden table rattle and bang against the wall of the stable. It was loud, but I didn't care. I was having sex with the sexiest girl I'd ever known, and a bonus was that she was my sister.

That fact never left my mind, and it even served to turn me on more. Any doubt I'd previously had, most definitely faded away, just as I'd thought. Now it was just me, her, and the sex. Nothing else mattered.

It didn't take long for her pussy to get wet enough to make the act even noisier. The sloshing sound was obvious, and even satisfying. Erotic in its own way, especially as I could feel some of it drip to the base of my cock, and down my balls before it fell to the stone floor below.

"Ohh God," Maxine moaned.

I never let up, and by now I was rose up again and pounding into her.

"Easy Mick, if you're too rough, someone will hear us," Maxine said.

I simply ignored her warning, I knew she was enjoying herself, and so was I. Her tight pussy clenched my cock, which only made me more horny. It felt so good, feeling her pussy so tight and snug around my shaft, I couldn't help but pick up the pace.

Maxine's breathing became more labored, and so had mine. I think we both knew by now, what was about to happen. A few seconds after she moaned again, I felt my cock shooting cum inside her yet again. One... Two... Three... Four... Five. A smaller sixth shot left my cock before I pulled out and pulled my pants back up.

"That really felt good," I said with a smile.

"Yeah, it did," Maxine said. She let her dress drop again, and stood up straight.

I double-checked around the stable to make sure no-one was nearby, and we both left, after adding the feed to the mesh feeders, and hung them on hooks for when the farm-hands would bring the horses in.

Evening came quickly. At five o'clock, the farm-hands locked everything up, and went home for the day. I made dinner, with a little help from Maxine, and we sat in the living room to watch a movie. It wasn't anything sexual, just a random movie we both wanted to see.

We held hands, while cuddling on the couch. Our fingers intertwined. It was so right, so perfect. Holding the girl I loved in my arms, both of us totally naked and free. At some point, Maxine fell asleep in my arms. I watched her sleep for a while, then I too fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up to find a blanket covering us both, and two sets of folded clothes on the floor in front of the couch. I recognized both sets; one was one of my outfits, the other was one of Maxine's. In my morning haze, I could smell bacon and eggs being cooked in the kitchen, and two people were talking quietly.

I woke up Maxine, who was just as confused as I was about what was going on. After a few minutes, we both recognized the voices, and realized what happened. It was our parents.

"Oh my god..." Maxine whispered. "They know..."

"I guess so," I whispered back.

We were mortified, both at being caught, and by the fact that they were home early, but it was done, and now we had to deal with the consequences.

We both got up and put the clothes on, and quietly entered the kitchen, fully expecting to be yelled at and lectured.

"Good morning, you two," our dad said. "Looks like you had quite the night. Have a seat, and we'll have a little chat."

We did as we were told, and mom brought us a plate of food. I couldn't help but wonder why they were both so calm. They'd clearly caught me and Maxine naked on the couch, but instead of waking us up, they put a blanket over us, brought us clothes, and were now serving us breakfast. I was positive there was a huge catch to this whole situation.

"So. How long has this been going on?" Dad asked.

"What?" I asked. I wasn't about to divulge anything they didn't already know.

"Well, it's clear the two of you are involved," he said. "Hell it wouldn't surprise me if you were having sex."

"What makes you think we're having sex?" I asked.

"Don't insult my intelligence, son. The two of you were naked on the couch, all night, cuddled up like a couple," he said.

"I can explain‒" I said.

"Don't. Just answer my questions."

"We've fooled around for years, sir..." I said.

"You did okay, hiding it," he said. "Your mother and I caught you a few times, touching each other, but didn't say anything. When did you start having sex?"

"The night you guys left," Maxine said. "I brought it up. If you're going to punish us, then I'll take the blame. It was my idea."

"I never said anything about punishing the two of you," Dad said.

"I don't understand," I said. "You caught us red-handed, naked on the couch... and there's no punishment?"

"Are you on the pill, young lady?" Dad asked.

"Yes, sir," Maxine said.


"Honey," Mom said. "Maybe we should tell them."

"Yeah," Dad said. "I think that would be a good idea right about now."

"Tell us what?" Maxine said.

Our dad cleared his throat, and swallowed a scoop of his eggs.

"Your mother and I..." he said. "We're related."

I looked over at Maxine, her eyes widened.

"Wait, what?" Maxine said.

"We're siblings," Dad said.

"How has that never been brought up before?" I asked.

"Your father and I didn't see a reason to tell you," Mom said. "In fact, our relationship is exactly why your grandparents don't talk to us very often."

"Your mother and I wanted the two of you to be close, and knew you would be, since you're twins," Dad said. "But we didn't want to make you feel pressured about the fact that you're both the product of incest."

"So," I said. "You're not mad we're having sex?"

"No," Dad said. "It's just sex."

Maxine smacked my arm. "See? Told you."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her smug attitude.

"But the two of you need to be careful about having children of your own," Dad said. "I know eventually, you'll probably discuss it, maybe even decide to do it. Just be aware that it carries risk, especially since you're twins, and you're the second generation to practice."

Maxine smiled at me, and I at her. We kissed a moment later, right in front of our parents. It was wholly unreal. In just a few short days, I'd gone from being close to my sister, to being her boyfriend, and now we'd come to find out that our parents were siblings, too.

"I guess we don't have to hide it from you guys anymore," I said.

"No," Dad said. "But you do have to hide it from everyone else, especially the farm-hands."

"Jason knows," Maxine said. "He came upstairs when Mick and I were fucking‒"

"Language, young lady," Dad said.

Maxine cleared her throat. "‒Having sex... and he caught us."

"He's not supposed to be upstairs at all, regardless of the situation," Dad said.

"I don't think he'll say anything," I said. "I talked to him, and he seemed like he was ultimately okay with it."

"Well," Dad said. "If he does go to the police, or tells someone else about it, we're going to need a story to fight back. That's a discussion for another time. In the meantime, I take it the two of you will be sleeping in the same bed from here on?"

"Yes," Maxine said quickly, and with a smile.

I chuckled and nodded.

"Okay," Dad said. "We'll keep the two rooms you already have, as they are, just in case someone comes sticking their nose where it don't belong."

Maxine grabbed my dick, over my pants, under the table as we ate our food. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't awkward at first, being open with her around mom and dad. Hell, it was downright weird.

After we finished breakfast, Maxine and I opted to shower; together of course. I let the water run for a minute to heat up, and we both got in. I felt the water's sting on my skin, and I pulled back, then turned the cold water knob a bit.

"Well, you and the water have something in common," I said.

"What's that?" Maxine said.

"You're both hot as hell," I said.

Maxine giggled as I pulled her close to me and grabbed her ass. This time, it was my turn to start us off on another round. Maxine smiled at me and parted her legs so I could slide myself between her pussy lips. We kissed, and I fondled her ass with one hand, and one of her tits with the other. I could feel her warmth on my cock, followed by a flowing liquid, and I instantly knew what she was doing.

I returned in kind, and allowed myself to let loose, as much as I could, having a hard cock. She giggled again.

"You dirty boy," she teased.

When we both finished, she turned around and bent over in front of me. I pushed my cock inside her pussy yet again, and met a familiar warm, wet, and tight feeling. Maxine moaned, and moved her hips in circles while I fucked her from behind.

I held her hips firmly as I laid into her with hard thrusts. My body slapped against her ass, and her moans permeated the bathroom, echoing for all to hear.

"Oh fuck!" she moaned.

She played with her tits, and pinched her nipples as I watched. Even in that moment, I still couldn't believe the reality we've found ourselves in. That our touching each other had never truly been a secret from mom and dad... mom and dad being siblings, just like me and Maxine.

"You want me to cum inside you?" I asked.

"Duh," Maxine said.

I got a little rough, which only turned her on even more; it was obvious. As usual, it didn't take too long for me to start pumping cum inside her again. This was a heavenly feeling; filling your own sister's pussy with cum. It was dirty, wrong, even illegal, but it felt like perfection. There couldn't possibly be any feeling like it.

We finished our shower after washing each other's bodies, then went downstairs where mom and dad were watching the news report. It was the usual story; thefts, arson, murders. It was one of the reasons I liked living in the countryside.

About an hour went by, without incident or any fun on my and Maxine's part, when there was a knock on the front door. Our dad answered it. My heart nearly stopped when I learned it was the cops, asking about me and Maxine.

Turns out, Jason ratted us out. In hindsight, I shouldn't have been surprised. With mom and dad backing us up, the police didn't have enough evidence to arrest us, it was his word against ours. One against four.

When the officer left, we realized just how seriously complicated our lives were going to be from that moment on, but we never looked back, and we still practice today, five years later.

We've been talking about Maxine finally coming off the pill, but given that we're twins, and the product of incest, ourselves, it would be very risky to do so. It would be impossible to hide what's going on between us, even if we were to move away. We look too much alike, and any hint of us being a couple would just cause trouble.

I guess we'll see.

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Rancher46Rancher46over 2 years ago

I agree with the other comments that there needs to be additional chapters. Well done 5 stars.

WargamerWargameralmost 3 years ago

Great story keeping it. 5/5

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Needed a bit more...

... like having them move to New Jersey or Rhode Island, where consensual adult incest is not a crime. They still couldn't get married, legally, but they could live together, sleep together, and even have a child (with genetic counseling!) if they so desired, all without fear of being arrested.

goducks1goducks1almost 6 years ago
very solid ending

i liked the sex near the end, the pissing was subtle. i gave it 5 stars. i would have liked a little more sex but...... i saw this is your first series on this site - its well written and a good tale. i hope you keep writing. you could even use max and mike and write a sequel that occurs a few years later - did they have kids, adopt, maybe find a 3rd person as a "cover". all sorts of paths you could follow. but please keep writing.

prop69prop69almost 6 years ago
Beautiful loving story 5 stars

No pissing.

A story full of love and devotion.

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