It's Just Wrong: Mothers and Sons 01


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"A little motherly comfort?" asked Howard.

"You can say that."

"Tommy what did you think when you were pulling off your own mother's pants?" interrogated Gary.

Tom just shrugged and didn't say anything, casting his eyes down.

Howard realized teasing Tom wasn't going to be as fun.

"Moving on," he announced. "It's Jessica turn now. Since you are already naked it is your turn to answer questions. If you get it wrong, you'll have to undress your son. Are you ready?"

"Ready!" chirped Jessie, rocking back and forth on her heels.

Howard tried to pick something easy for Jessica.

"What number must a year be divisible by to qualify as a leap year?" he asked.

"Divisible?" asked Jessica. Her smile disappeared and she looked perplex. "I don't know, ten?"

Howard suddenly realized who Joe got his smarts from.

"No, Jessie. It must be divisible by four," stated Howard.

"Oh right, four. I guess I knew that. Oh well, sorry Joe," she said. She turned to face her son. "What do you want me to take off?"

"My shirt, I guess."

Jessica snatched up Joe's shirt and pulled it off. Joe's bare skin had a pink shade, unlike his mother's tanned bronze.

"Jessie, if you answer two more questions wrong, you and Joe will be out," announced Howard. He decided to pick easier questions for her, while giving the rest of the contestants more difficult ones.

"Brent, your question is... Tom Hanks won Best Actor Oscars two years in a row, 1993 and 1994, for his roles in what two films?"

"I know this one," replied Brent calmly. "It was Philadelphia and Forrest Gump. Tom Hanks is one of my favorite actors."

"Good for you and your mom. You got the answer right."

Howard Stern felt a little disappointed, because Brent seemed to be answering correctly all of a sudden. He sure hoped they would get to see Linda lose those panties sooner or later.

"Tommy, do you know the answer to this? The story of the birth of Jesus Christ is recorded in which book of the bible?" asked Howard.

Tommy took a moment to think and shifted his gaze from to floor to the ceiling. He looked down and shook his head from time to time.

"The New Testament," he finally answered.

"No, it was the book of Matthew," said Howard not wanting to let Tommy answer more specific. "Your answer is wrong. Your mom must now lose her panties."

Tom quickly dropped his gaze and froze.

"Come on Tommy. It's not a big deal, just be quick," encouraged Suzanne.

Reluctantly Tommy turned towards her. With unsteady hands, he reached out and gently grabbed his mom by the hips. He didn't know where to look so he looked Suzanne in the eyes. She smiled warmly at him and nodded. His fingers found her panties and he began pulling them down. He turned his head aside as he bent down and let his mother step out of the panties. Then both of them turned to face the radio show hosts.

Howard eyed Suzanne's body. Seeing all of these nude women was making him aroused – first, Jessica with her bald snatch and now Suzanne with her curvy hips. There was a dark strip of hair between Suzanne's legs.

"Nice landing strip!" exclaimed Gary.

"Thank you," Suzanne said, he voice quivering. She held her hands by her sides, nervously drumming he fingers at her thighs.

"Do you trim it?" Gary asked.



"You have an incredible body," added Robin. "Very womanly."

Suzanne nodded.

"Do you feel uncomfortable?" asked Robin.

"A little," admitted Suzanne. "I feel pretty exposed right now."

"Right you are!" exclaimed Gary. He was clearly getting very excited.

Tommy seemed to shrink at such a conversation between the adults.

"How did it feel having your son take off your underwear?" asked Howard.

"It was very odd, Howard."

"Did you feel like it was sexual?" asked Gary.

"No!" said Suzy suddenly raising her voice. "Not at all!"

Gary caught a stern eye from Robin and leaned away from his microphone.

"Okay," Howard decided to move on, "It will be Suzanne's turn to answer the questions next, since she has no more clothes. Jessie, I hope you're ready for this one."

Howard carefully picked out a simple question. "Which comic book super hero operated in Gotham City?"

"Superman!" proclaimed Jessica without a second of thought.

"No, mom! It's batman!" exclaimed Joe as soon as he heard his mom's answer. "How can you not know that?"

"You know I don't like your comics," said Jessica.

"What about the movie? We've watched it together."

"Oh, yeah! Well, I don't remember what city that was."

"Sorry Jessie. The right answer was Batman," said Howard breaking up the little feud between mother and son.

Jessica rolled her eyes and turned to her son. "Jeans?"

"Eh..." hesitated Joe. "I guess."

Quickly, almost expertly Jessica unbuttoned Joe's jeans and zipped him down. His jeans were loose and they effortlessly fell down around his ankles. Joe was wearing a pair of blue boxers and there was a sizable tent formed in the front.

Jessica didn't seem to notice, but Gary did.

"Hello, Joe!" Gary said. "Looks like you are really enjoying this."

Joe's face practically turned purple as everyone's attention turned to him and his crotch.

"Whoops!" exclaimed Jessica, giggling. "That must be embarrassing."

"Did seeing your mom naked get you this excited, Joe?" asked Howard.

"No!" Joe blurted out. "Her? No." He made a face as if it was a known fact. "It's just... it's Suzanne," he explained.

"Riiiight!" said Gary with a smirk. "I see you glancing over at your mom, Joe. Are you sure?"

"Yes, of course. It's Suzanne." Joe began nodding.

Jessica looked over at him, then looked at Suzanne and frowned as if she was annoyed.

"Okay, enough picking on Joe. Let's see if Brent can answer the next question," said Howard and licked his finger. He flipped through the pages and looked for a difficult question. "Here's one – the residents of which city of the world call themselves Cariocas?"

Brent frowned and took some time. Finally he stepped up to the microphone and said: "I'm really not sure on this one, but I'm going to go with Cairo."

"No Brent, it's Rio," said Howard.

Brent shook his head.

"Linda, you survived for quite a few rounds, but it looks like you'll have to part with your panties," announced Howard.

Linda nodded somberly. Brent stepped up behind her and quickly pulled her panties down from behind, keeping his head to the side, looking straight ahead.

The way Brent took his mother's panties off seemed to take all the fun out of it. Brent didn't glance at his mother even once. Linda was now also completely nude and she had a nice dark patch of hair covering her mound. Her nipples seemed to get harder.

"Cold, Linda?" asked Howard.

"A little," said Linda in a tone that meant she didn't want to talk about this any further.

Howard decided that these two were a tough pair and moved on to the next mother and son couple.

It was Suzanne's turn to answer, so Howard picked an especially difficult question since she was a teacher. Suzanne answered wrong, which meant she had to undress her son. Everyone in the studio watched Suzanne unbutton Tommy's shirt and take it off of him. Her breasts were jiggling with her every movement. Tommy's eyes kept shifting all over the room, unable to find a comfortable spot. Once Tommy's shirt was gone and his pale torso was exposed, he shuddered as if from a chill. His slacks looked funny pulled up high on his scrawny waist.

"Tommy, how are you feeling?" asked Gary.

"Fine," replied Tommy quietly.

"Cheer up, dude. You still have a chance to win," said Gary. Howard was glad that Gary was trying to cheer the young man on instead of giving him a hard time.

"Come on, what do you say? Do you have faith in your mom?"

Tommy nodded.

"I can't hear you!"

"Yes," said Tommy.

"Look up and smile!" exclaimed Gary. Too happy that Tommy's mom was completely naked.

Tommy forced a smile.

"There you go. Look, if your mom's brains are as big as her tits, then you have nothing to worry about."

Tom immediately hung his head.

Robin shot Gary another stern glance.

"What? I'm just trying to cheer him up," explained Gary.

"Let's keep going," said Howard. "It's Jessica's turn again. This could be your last question, Jessie. Are you ready?"

Jessica nodded.

Howard looked through the questions in his notebook, but didn't find anything easy enough for Jessica.

"How many terms did bill Clinton serve as president of the US?" Howard made the question up.

"Let's see..." said Jessie thoughtfully, her mouth moving as if she was calculating something. "Two terms?"

"Good job, Jessie. Your answer is correct!" congratulated Howard. "Joe, you get to keep your underpants on."

Joe perked up at the fact that his mother got one question right.

"Sweet! Way to go mom," he said. He smiled and glanced at his mom.

Jessica looked down at her son's boxers and the protruding mound there.

"God Joe, you're really excited, aren't you?" she said giggling. "Can't you control yourself?"

"It's not my fault that Suzanne has such huge boobs," retorted Joe.

"Don't look at them then," said Jessica.

Howard noticed that Jessica looked a bit annoyed. It was obvious she was used to be the center of attention and she didn't like that Suzanne was getting most of the compliments, even from her own son.

Howard Stern proceeded to ask Linda a trivia question. This time he picked out another difficult one. To his dismay she answered it correctly. Linda and Brent have been proving to be the smartest of the competitors. However, his dismay was short lived when Suzanne answered her question wrong.

"Tommy, what are you going to let your mom take off?" asked Howard.

"My pants," said Tom gloomily.

"Suzy, you heard the man, take his pants off."

Suzanne hesitantly stepped up to her son and gave him an inquiring glance. After a brief moment, she began fumbling with his belt and couldn't quite unbuckle it.

"Come on, mom. Hurry up!" said Tom, sounding frustrated and finally finding some courage to talk louder than a whisper.

"I'm trying! And besides, young man, that is no way to talk to your mother," replied Suzanne.

"Especially, when your mother is completely nude in front of you," added Gary.

"This stupid belt won't come undone." Suzanne struggled with her son's belt, her boobs swinging around with each jerky movement.

"Oh, here we go!" She finally undid the belt and zipped down the zipper. She squatted down and pulled Tom's pants off of him. As she was squatting, Howard could see her shapely ass facing him.

Suzanne stood up and threw Tommy's pants behind her, eyeing his skinny body.

"Why are you wearing those?" she asked pointing at Tommy's whitey-tighteys.

Tommy was standing, crossing his arms in front of him trying to cover his man junk, bunched up tightly in his briefs.

"I don't know. What else would I wear?" he responded hurtfully.

"I bought you some nice boxer shorts. Wear those."

"I don't like the way they feel. Leave me alone," answered Tommy facing Howard again.

"Just saying, you could have worn something nicer," added Suzanne.

Tommy was a pitiful sight – skinny, hairless body, black, limp hair covering his eyes and white briefs supporting his package.

"Tom! Rules are rules, man. You can't be covering yourself up," said Howard and Tommy reluctantly dropped his hands to his sides. It looked like there was something large hidden behind that thin, white fabric. Howard couldn't wait to find out what, and he couldn't wait to see the reaction on Suzanne's face when she saw it too.

"Jessica and Suzanne, if any of you answer wrong one more time, you lose. So you need to think hard and hope that Linda answers wrong," said Howard.

"Come on, Linda. Slip up!" cheered Jessie.

Linda just shot Jessica a glance that said "you wish".

Howard Stern quickly made up another question that he figured Jessica might be able to answer. But he wasn't too surprised when she got it wrong.

"Well, Jessie. That's it for you and Joe. Go ahead and take your son's boxers off," announced Howard.

Jessica's smile faded and she looked sad for the first time. She turned to Joe, bent down, grabbed his boxers by the sides and yanked them down. Joe's cock sprung up and did a little dance. His cock looked to be six inches in length, trimmed pubic hair and circumcised.

"Joe! Contain yourself!" laughed Jessica jerking her head the other way in dismay when she caught sight of her son's stiff pecker. Her smile returned as the tossed Joe's underwear behind her.

"Sorry," mumbled Joe, hanging his head.

"Wow Joe! Your little guy sure is happy. I wonder why?" declared Gary and then added: "I know, I know. I'll shut up."

Jessica faced Howard and asked: "So, this is it?"

"Well, you still have to stay till the end of the game. I'll tell you what, I'll have a bonus game at the end and give you a chance to walk out of here with some money," answered Howard.

"Awesome!" exclaimed Jessica and playfully smacked her son's ass. Joe winced and his erect cock jiggled.

"Mom!" exclaimed Joe. "What was that for?"

"Oh relax! We can still win some cash," Jessica was once again excited. He took another look at her son's erection and playfully rolled her eyes.

"Alright! Let's see if Suzanne can take on Linda," resumed Howard. "Linda, what year did the World War I start and end?"

After a short pause Linda said: "Started in 1912 and ended in 1918."

Howard had to double-check the answer.

"It did end in 1918, but it started in 1914. Linda, your answer is wrong."

With that Linda took off her son's shirt. She gave her son a knowing nod and turned back.

The spirit of competition seemed to intensify in the room – two articles of clothing on Brent and one on Tommy. When Suzanne got the next question right, even Tommy congratulated her.

Linda got her next question wrong and removed Brent's pants. He was wearing dark, striped boxers that looked funny on his tall body. Brent looked like he was getting frustrated at his mom for getting the questions wrong.

"It's down to the last piece of clothing, ladies and gentlemen," announced Howard. "Suzanne, here is your next question."

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PhluggelPhluggel2 months ago

I really don't like that there's real people there, like, it could be someone like harry rigid or hugo something or other but otherwise, its ok

fictitiousfictitiousover 12 years agoAuthor
Part 2

Posted the second part:

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

the story seems hanging at the end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

don't leave us hanging there, bring on the second part

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