It's Only Right, Isn't It


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As it has a way of doing, opportunity knocked. Jane had gone barhopping but unfortunately many of the ships were deployed for exercises. The bars were nearly deserted and the sailors that were there appeared much too young for her liking. She spent much of the evening talking and exchanging war stories with the other barflies and whores.

Arriving home, she staggered into the house, pissing her pants as she made her way to her bedroom. She managed to flop most of her torso onto the bed, chest down, her ass close to the edge, legs dangling, feet dragging on the floor, and quickly lost consciousness in an alcoholic stupor.

Joey had dozed off himself and awoke near 2 AM, feeling the need to pee. The house was quiet as he stood in the darkness relieving himself and wondering where his mother might be. He turned towards her room, walked the 10 or 12 steps, and found the door open. He could barely discern her body lying haphazardly across the bed. He switched on the glaring ceiling light.

He stood at the door staring long moments pondering what to do. He was concerned with her bizarre position and did not feel comfortable leaving her in such a state as she might tumble off the bed. He approached slowly. As usual, her attire, a tight sitting leather skirt with black stockings, a black sweater that accented her ample breasts and heavy makeup advertised her wares and availability. As Joey had at one time or the other seen the other barflies and whores, he knew his mother would be a prize to the winning suitor. But tonight she had not brought a lucky fellow home.

He approached slowly and could not help but be aware of his throbbing crotch. He put his hand on her bottom and shook her lightly to bring her to consciousness. He shook harder, then harder, then roughly. She was out cold. Instantly, he pondered the possibilities!

He squatted and removed her shoes. He gripped both ankles and pulled her legs apart, fully expecting her to wake up or make some sort of noise. Receiving no response, began stroking her calves, slowly moving up her legs and thighs, staring between her legs. The darkness up the skirt left him only with his imagination and the strong desire to reveal more. But how!

He stood and gazed down at her form for long moments. He saw the gold colored zipper on the back of the leather skirt. He tugged it. It unzipped easily. Gently, he tugged at the top of the skirt. Not receiving or hearing a response, he tugged harder. Alternately, tugging at the top and pulling at the bottom, he removed it from her. Instantly, he was gripped with fear! Would she know that he had undressed her! Her bulky dead weight would not allow re-dressing.

Pondering the dilemma, he removed his briefs, determining he would not stop his brazen exploration unless she woke up and discovered him, stopping his incestuous indiscretion.

Controlling his pounding heart, he reached to remove her hose and panties, but not before touching it, her crotch, finding it soaking wet. He understood that she had peed herself, exciting him that much more. It was only slightlyeasier to strip her of her last vestige of decency. Her pussy was now exposed for the viewing. He backed away for that distant vantage point, then, moved closer inch by inch. He stooped to lift her feet, pushing them slowly forward. He saw her buttocks widen, exposing her pussy even more. But he needed distance. With a little effort, he was able to keep her feet balanced forward.

Again, backing away a bit and squatting, he had a magnificent view of his mother's pussy... to him... her treasure.

The beefy labia was nearly hidden from view, trimmed with a thick forest of pubic hair, her hole shut tight. His right hand was massaging his rockhard cock. Did he dare?

"Mom! Are you a wake?" He quizzed with considerable volume. "Mom! Wake up!" He voiced a bit louder, shaking her thigh.

With no response, he made his decision. He would touch her pussy... thumb it. With 4 fingers, spread wide, on her right buttock, his thumb stroked the length of her labia crack, then, pushed between the thick lips, then, probed her hole up to the joint, then, gently thumb fucked her. Finally declaring mentality, he would have her pussy.

Jane's bed was rather high and positioned her backside so Joey could step in between her bent and balanced legs and place the tip of his cock to the entrance to her treasure. He poked, finding her fuck hole, pushing the domed head in her.

Joey caught her feet as they teetered and dropped. He pushed them forward without regard to waking his mother. He pushed! He pushed and watched his cock disappear into her most forbidden depths. He mashed against her buttocks, his entire length embedded deep into her.

He remained still a full minute, feeling her warm pussy grip his cock.

Joey began to stroke into her slowly, intoxicated by the fact, ignoring her drunken unconsciousness, he fucked his mother. His lust was all-consuming and he didn't care if she found out later.

Poor Joey! He was so enthralled and overcome by the incestuous coupling with his mother that he did not last long. He never increased his rhythm, pounding her ass lustfully as he had intended. However, and for whatever reason, he yanked his cock clear as it erupted, sending a large amount of white semen onto her buttocks and into the crack of her ass. Joey gripped his cock, jerking at it firmly to drain it completely. He was breathing heavily.

Joey began to pace back and forth behind his mother the length of the bed. He felt perversion and disorientation overwhelm him. After a few long minutes of pacing, he stopped behind his mother, her legs had dropped down as he had found him earlier. He stared at her bubbled ass and the cum that puddled on her butt cheeks and seeped down the crack of her ass. His cock was at full erection and he once more felt overwhelmed by desire. He lifted and put her legs up once more, placing his cock once more, and with little concern or ado, shoved home.

Joey would finish his fantasy. With arms wrapped around his mother's legs to keep them aloft, he began to stroke into her moderately, then, aggressively, pounding against her buttocks, sending his cock deep. He deemed her pussy loose, in comparison to his only other conquest, not considering the youthfulness of the neighborhood girl. It mattered but briefly. Incestuous lust over rode all else. He grunted repeatedly as she slammed into his mother's pussy with no concern for her well-being. After long minutes, of stabbing and pounding her, he groaned like a stricken animal, remaining in and shoving deep into her as his cock erupted.

Feeling totally depleted and worn out, Joey slowly pulled out of his mother and stood for a few long moments between her legs, hold them suspended, feeling dizzy. He finally tussled with her body to get her completely on the bed. Picking up her clothing he tossed the items to a chair, retrieved a blanket out of the closet and covered her up. He picked up his briefs and switched the light off, closing the door as he left.

Jane finally came to semi-consciousness lying on her left side and feeling groggy. It took her long minutes to come to full consciousness and toss the cover off her to the right. She became aware of her nudity from the waist down. Her ass felt clammy first, then, between her legs felt familiarly tainted. Sitting on the side of the bed before standing up her left hand rubbed her forehead as she pondered and tried to remember earlier events. Standing to head to the bathroom, she was halfway across the bedroom when she felt the wetness on her left thigh, causing immediate alarm. Switching on the light, she saw what she suspected. She immediately set down on the toilet to purge from her the rest of the semen that was seeping from her. With a great sigh, she pondered who had partially undressed, fucked her, and how she had allowed anyone to fuck her without a condom. Although alarmed, she assured herself that the pill would control the situation.

Jane questioned Joey but the Q&A shed little light on the events that had her so perplexed. He claimed to have spent the night with a friend. She determined to be more careful with how much she drank. It took weeks before the incident faded, ceasing concern or further thought.

Joey was like a person on crack; high, fidgety, down, depressed, lacking appetite, eating everything in sight, and wanting more of his mother's pussy. Life continued, with him continuing to spy on her, openly and brazenly brushing against or touching her, often inappropriately, then apologizing. He began voicing concern about her barhopping and bringing home "uncles", once telling her she didn't need them anymore. He often asked if she wanted a back massage and one time, through a closed door, even offered to scrub her back as she bathed. He continued in his forwardness because he received little if no rebuke from her. Even so, she found his actions odd and suspect.

Jane, suspected... felt... something was going on with her son. She could not put her finger on it or connect him to the earlier events. She only occasionally rebuked him for his forwardness because she did not want to hurt his feelings.

Joey bide his time and masturbated incessantly. He would spy outside the window on his mother fucking a sailor, weather permitting, or listen at her door. He would then returned to his room to masturbate, sleep a few hours, wake up and remember and masturbate once more, only to repeat the process a third or fourth time. He was nearly insane with lust for his mother, his masturbating keeping the longing simmering just under the surface, keeping him from doing anything that he might regret or get him thrown out.

Jane did not connect every time she went barhopping. It caused her to drink more and barely make it home and into her bed.

These were hazardous time for Joey. He would push the envelope, entering her room to see how drunk she really was, hoping to find her unconscious enough to fondle her if not more. He never found her as before but a soft, quick touch to forbidden areas, little successes, would intoxicate him.

One evening, Jane, after drinking heavily returned home to an empty house. She showered, spent lingering minutes massaging cream into her breast and returned to bed nude, something she rarely did knowing her son resided with her.

Early that morning, she woke up feeling sick to her stomach and barely made it to the toilet, vomiting violently into the toilet, soon sending her to her knees.

Joey had not been in bed long and heard his mother throwing up. It had happened before and he had comforted her by holding her shoulders, handing her a drink of water or keeping her hair care of her face. He rolled from bed expecting to do the same this night.

He was instantly startled and stopped in his tracks finding her on her knees and bare ass. He gave second thoughts to comforting her but her could not pull himself away. Finally, He tried to ignore her nakedness and comfort her.

She accepted his help as she had done previously, thanking him and clinging to his arm with her right hand. She continued throwing up and gagging.

Joey tried! He tried hard! He had lived with his pent-up lust far too long. In between her convulsions, he studied her body, specifically her ass. With brazen audacity, he reached to draw his hand over her left breast, noting her acceptance. Disregarding the fact that his mother was sick as hell, he returned his hand to cup and squeeze her breast.

Jane, shifted her weight on her knees, spreading her stance, to relieve a bit of knee pain, a large thick rug giving aid. With her face halfway into the toilet, her son having flushed the toilet. She felt spent and content not to move. She remembered her nakedness. His squeezing of her breast felt unnaturally good. For brief moments, she allowed the intimate touch from her son, intending to scold him when she caught her breath. Then, she was aware of him kneeling down behind her... extremely... close behind her... raking her pussy with a hand. With her immediate alarm came an intake of breath and wide eyes as she was sexually taken from behind.

"Joey! For god's sake, have you lost your fucking mine!" She challenged with a disbelieving tone, trying to disengage. "You can't do this! I'm your mother! Pull it out!"

But contrary to her concern, he was doing it... fucking her. He was fucking her with a most determined , moderate rhythm, sticking her deep with each thrust. So determined, that she placed her arms around the bowled rim of the toilet, grunting, and much to her self-condemnation, moaning. It felt good. Having released the contents of her belly she would have admitted that she felt better and being fucked, except for the fact of the incestuous cock inside of her, it felt disturbingly good. After all, she loved to fuck and being so damnably taken had its fascination!

"Damn you boy! If you're determined to do this at least get a rubber out of the cabinet!" Jane demanded. "Go, damn you! You can't have every single thing your way. I won't move."

Joey reluctantly pulled his cock out of her. Quickly standing, he moved to the medicine cabinet, found a rubber packet, ripped it open and rolled it onto his cock. He returned and dropped his knees, taking his cock in hand and placed it to his mother's pussy.

"Go easy, Joey. You're big. Just take it easy until you are in."

Joey did as he was asked. Slowly, he pushed deep into his mother's pussy causing her to moan a pleasurable moan. He began to fuck her slowly.

"It was you, wasn't it?" She stated more than asked. "You found me passed out and took advantage of me. You enjoyed that forbidden pussy, didn't you? You came on my ass first and then you just couldn't help himself. He had to have my pussy... to own it. He had to come in me."

Jane stopped talking breathing heavy to catch her breath, and yes, to concentrate and enjoy the large cock in her pussy... fucking her.

"Say something, you pervert!"

"Yes! Yes, it was me." Joey admitted, feeling little guilt. "I have heard you screw all those older guys. I saw you screwing the younger guy at the door and then others through the window. You like to fuck, mom! You don't care who you give your pussy to, so why shouldn't I have it?"

"Didn't you given any thought that I might become pregnant? Surely, you know that I make all them guys wear a rubber. Damn you boy! Why does your cock have to be so good!"

"I am sorry for that." Joey lied. "I was out of my head having you bare."

"Well, you can't have it bare... ever!" Jane retorted. "I feel like I'm going to die. I need to go back to my beds and lay down and stretch out, so if you're going to get it done, get to it."

Joey began to stroke into his mother with determination. It only took less than two minutes for him to groan his completion. His cock remained firm and he continued to stroke for a few moments before pulling from her slowly.

"I can't say a lot for your timing." Jane chuckled, as she was assisted in standing. "Help me get back to bed."

Joey unrolled the rubber off his cock and tossed it in the sink. He helped his mother back to her bedroom and into bed, covering up her naked body.

"Why don't you share my bed tonight." She offered. "When we wake up in the morning we can fuck some more. You'll enjoy the ride better when I feel like participating, which I'm sure I will."

"Okay. You go ahead to sleep. I'll clean the bathroom a bit. I'll see you in the morning."

Joey returned to the bathroom gathering up his rubber, taking it to the kitchen and trashing it. He returned to the bathroom and stared into the mirror directly above the sink. He pondered what had just transpired. He had boldly stuck his cock into her... his mother... and she had accepted their coupling and wanted it to continue. He began to stroke his firming erection. He looked into his own eyes as he shoved his abdomen against the rim of the sink, occasionally looking down as the skin pulled taunt over the domed head of his cock. He looked down one last time, watching the milky white semen spurt from the head of his dick. He studied the cum as he washed it down, then, washed his cock.

Joey slowly came to consciousness feeling suction being applied to his cock. He looked down to see his mother's head bobbing as her hands stroked his shaft.

"I thought you might come before you woke up." She said releasing him and maneuvering to straddled him.

Jane guided his cock, placing it to her and lowering herself onto it. Her moan was quite pleasing to his ear. She began to reciprocate her ass with a slow rhythm.

"It's only 6 o'clock. I took a quick shower. Do you like to eat pussy?"

"I love to eat pussy! Are you in a hurry?"

"Not at all."

Mother, atop son, continued to suck for long minutes. Jane would occasionally lower herself forward, pressing her ample breasts onto her son's chest. He would rapidly piston his cock up into her until both were breathless and lay still for long moments.

"Bring it up and feed me." He eventually directed.

Jane placed both hands on the wall above the headboard, her knees supported by pillows as Joey's head lay between the pillars, his hands supporting and squeezing her buttocks, as he gave her pussy a tongue lashing, her whimpering attesting to the stress of climbing the ladder. Soon, her body stilled momentarily before quaking violently. Her ass humped her son's head heedless of his ability to breathe. Her forehead rested on the wall as the orgasm slowly slipped away.

Joey maneuvered his head from beneath his mother, sucking in badly needed air. Pulling at her legs and hips, he positioned her on her back, placing himself between her legs, that lifted with the inner knowledge of what was expected of her. He cradled her as she reached for his cock, putting it to her. They coupled easily and he began to fuck her with a moderate rhythm.

The room had been only dimly lit at the beginning of their incestuous play. Now, 7:10 the room was fully illuminated by the light coming through the two windows and the door that had been left wide-open, the light filtering through the rooms of the house and down the hallway.

Mother and son fucked passionately in the middle of the bed, amongst the sheets and heavy bedspread. Jane's knees were pulled back and moved in a reciprocating motion, giving her son a good ride as he pounded her ass, her ample butt cheeks flattening, into the bed.

"Fuck me, Joey." She whispered. "Your cock is so good. Fuck your mother with that big cock."

"I hope you're not expecting to get up soon." He assured her. "I'm going fuck you a while. I'm enjoying your pussy. "

"I've never been more comfortable or been fucked better." She assured back. "I hope you don't mind if I come a few times?"

Mother and son fucked on. Joey mixed his rhythm up a bit, sometimes slow, sometimes in a frenzied, sometimes holding deep, often stabbing her deep, stabbing her relentlessly and repeatedly. His strength was fortified by his desire to fuck her longer and better than any man before him. His desire had brought her two orgasm since the one induced by oral. Her knees reciprocated with lustful enthusiasm keeping her heart, moaning banter and ass in the game. She would fuck her boy good. She liked to fuck.

They maneuvered to lie side-by-side, spooning, gaining a little rest as Joey stroked and Jane fingered her pussy until she groaned in another orgasm. Joey, without losing penetration, maneuvered her to her belly. She spread her legs wide, giving him access to her, as he pounded on her ass, shoving his cock up into her. To show her desire to be her best asset, she sought to gain her knees. Joey helped and was soon doggy fucking her with much enthusiasm, causing her to groan and grunt as he stabbed her deep.

Joey felt the need to come. With his right hand on her ass, his left in the air, he rode her like a bronc.