Jackie and Artie Ch. 02


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"Why? What do you mean?"

"When my mother, my sister and I go man hunting..."

"Man hunting?"

"That's what we call it when we go out looking for hot guys."

"Okay, so tonight you're going man hunting."

"Yes and when we do that we dress a little more provocatively than what you're used to seeing. We wear a lot more makeup and I..." Jackie hesitated.

I waited.

After a moment she said; "Artie, please don't get mad when I tell you this, but I have several dresses that you've never seen."

"Where do you keep them?"

"At my mom's"

"Would you wear them for me someday? I'd really like to see them."

"Of course I'll wear them for you. I'd love to wear them for you. The only reason I didn't do it before was because they're rather risqué and I was trying to hide that part of my life from you."

"I understand."

"I'll be wearing one of them tonight at the Goldenrod, but Artie..." Jackie's voice trailed off. She was clearly concerned about something.

As gently as possible, I said; "It's all right, I promise I won't get mad."

"I'm not worried that you'll be mad, I just feel bad."


"Because the first time you see me in one of these dresses I'll be wearing it for another man."

Despite my frank conversations with Jackie the previous evening and Connie earlier that afternoon I was still feeling reticent about revealing the full depth of my submissive cuckold desires. Jackie's words were like a match, a match that ignited a fire inside me. Suddenly overwhelmed by a surge of masochistic fervor, I impetuously said; "Ms. Conners I hope that every time I see you in one of those dresses you'll be wearing it for another man."

Jackie was silent. Several seconds passed. I began to worry that I'd gone too far. I was afraid that Jackie was revolted by my perverted urges. In an effort to cover my gaff and recover some of my dignity, I laughed and said; "That was a poor attempt at a joke."

Jackie said; "That was a joke? Oh, I see." The disappointment in her voice was unmistakable.

Comprehending that I'd misinterpreted her silence I tried to backtrack again. "No, I ah...It was...I was only saying that because..." Realizing that my attempt to cover this double gaff was sounding ridiculous I resorted to the truth. "Jackie, I'm sorry. This is still hard for me. When you didn't respond, I thought you were disgusted by what I said. I was embarrassed so I pretended it was a joke."

Laughing, Jackie said; "Artie this is clearly going to take time, patience and trust. I love you. I think you're the most wonderful man in the entire world. I don't believe that you could ever do anything that would disgust me. When you told me you hoped that when you saw me in my secret dresses I'd always be wearing them for other men I got so excited that I nearly had an orgasm. Sweetheart, you don't have to be ashamed about your fantasies, at least not with me. They excite me just as much as they do you."


"Yes; Artie, I'm so excited about tonight. Having you actually sitting there watching me while I..." Jackie stopped. After a moment she asked; "Sweetheart, are you sure you're going to be able to handle this?"

"I think so, why are you asking?"

"Even for a woman, picking up a guy in a bar for sex takes some effort."

"It does? I mean I know it does for men, but you're a beautiful woman. I assumed that guys would be fighting for a chance to get together with you."

"That may be true, but I like to be a little selective about the guys who fuck me."

"Yes, I imagine you do."

"And when I do find a guy that interests me I can't just walk up to him and say; Hey baby, you're cute. Wanna fuck me."

Laughing, I said; "No, I don't suppose you can."

Jackie laughed too and said; "At least not with a guy who I'd consider fuckable."

"Fuckable? Is that a word?"

"I think so, at least for a lot of women it is."

"I've never heard it before."

"That's because you're a man. For most men it's not relevant because most men think every woman is..."

Both of us started laughing as we said the word in unison; "Fuckable."

After a moment Jackie stopped laughing and said; "Artie, I'm still worried."


"Once I've selected my man I'll entice him to join me at my table."

"How will you do that?"

"That's the easy part. I'll stare at him. When he notices me looking at him I'll smile and maybe lick my lips. That's usually all it takes."

"What if he doesn't pick up on it?"

"If that happens he's not the man I'm looking for. Artie when I go man hunting I'm looking for confident, self-assured, assertive men. Those men don't require much encouragement."

"No I don't suppose they do.

"After he sits down at the table I'll take some time to get to know him. I'll want to make sure that he's pleasant enough that I can stand spending a couple of hours with him. Most of the time we're together we'll be playing, but we will have to spend a little time talking."

"What do you do if he turns out to be a real dork?"

"First I'll try gradually moving farther and farther away from him. At the same time I'll become aloof and disinterested in his conversation. I'll also start looking at other guys in the room. That almost always works. The guy usually gets the message and leaves. If it doesn't, I'll excuse myself and go to the lady's room. When I return I won't sit down, instead I'll thank him for the pleasant conversation and tell him that I'd like to spend some time at the bar getting to know some of the other guys and then I'll leave. If he follows me to the bar I'll keep moving away from him. I hate to do that and it almost never happens, but Artie, I'm not going to let a complete creep fuck me just because I feel obligated to be polite."

"What about your mother and sister? Aren't they usually sitting at the table with you?"

"Only for one drink; once we start man hunting seriously, we scatter. It's much easier to meet a guy when you're alone."

"What happens when you do decide you like the guy?"

"That's when the fun starts and it's also what I'm mostly worried about tonight."


"While I begin flirting with the guy as soon as he sits down; once I've decided that I want to let him do me, I become much more aggressive about it. Rather than move away from him I'll move my chair closer and closer to him. I'll hang on every word he says. I'll also start touching him. All guys respond to that. It won't be long before he has his arm around me and I'm snuggling up to him. After I'm cuddled up to him I'll start rubbing the inside of his thigh. While I'm doing that, I'll occasionally brush my fingers across his stiffening cock."


"Artie, it is hot, but when you're actually seeing it will you be able to handle it?"

"I think I will."

"He may kiss me. He might even cup my breast with his hand."

"In the middle of a crowded bar?"

"Nobody's going to complain. The Goldenrod isn't a family restaurant. They cater to out of town businessmen. The other guys in the bar are all going to be envious of the guy who's with me. Once in a while one of the other guys will make a crack like, get a room. If that happens, we'll either ignore it or take it as our cue to leave for his hotel."

"What about the restaurant management, won't they complain?"

"Not really. If it gets too hot the bar maid might tell us to cool it, but like I said, the Goldenrod isn't a family restaurant. The management actually thinks it's good for business. Usually when my mom, Nattie and I show up there they buy us our first drink."

"That's amazing, who owns The Goldenrod?"

"A big black guy, his name is Reggie Diamond. He also owns a strip club called The Black Knight."

"It's on the edge of downtown. I've been there."

"Artie, when did you go to a strip club?"

"When I turned twenty-one. The guys in my dorm took me there. It was right before we started going out."

"You never told me about that."

"It never came up. I didn't think it was that big a deal. Lots of guys go to strip clubs when they turn twenty-one. Are you mad at me because I did it?"

"Artie, wouldn't that would be a little hypocritical? The night you went to the strip club some fraternity guy was probably fucking me."

"Now that's an exciting idea."

"Artie, you're incorrigible."

"What can I say? I'm a natural born cuckold. I'd rather watch you give another guy a lap dance, then get one myself."

"Is that true Artie?"

Suddenly embarrassed by the frankness of my admission I stammered, "I ah, well..."

"Artie, I'm sorry. Please don't be embarrassed. I think that's unbelievably exciting. It's just that while I love your attitude, it's going to take me some time before I fully comprehend it. I think one of the reasons were so good together is that in many ways we're complete opposites. I love getting direct physical pleasure. You enjoy denying yourself pleasure. I have some sadistic tendencies, yours are masochistic. You enjoy being submissive, I like to be in control. I'm sexually aggressive, you're more passive. Artie, neither of us is right and neither of us is wrong, we're just different and because we're different there may be times when it's going to be difficult for us to understand each other's perspective."

"That's incredibly insightful. Jackie, I'm always amazed at how smart you are."

"Thank you Artie, that's a nice compliment."

"I meant it."

"I know you did." Jackie paused for a moment and then she said; "You're going to be just fine tonight, aren't you Artie."

"I think this may turn out to be one of the most sexually exciting experiences I've ever had. It's certainly going to beat the hell out of getting a lap dance at a strip club."

Laughing, Jackie asked, "Artie have you changed your clothes?"

"Not yet, I was going to do that when you called."

"I still have to go to my mothers and change so we'd better get going. I'll see you at the Goldenrod."

"I'm looking forward to it."

"Artie, parking is difficult around the Goldenrod, so use their valet parking."

"Jackie, I'm a teacher. I can't afford valet parking."

"Artie, you're a teacher who's married to a successful attorney. We can afford valet parking."

"I don't know how to do it."

"Pull up to the front door of the restaurant. A man will open your car door and ask you if you want to use valet parking. At the Goldenrod it costs five dollars. Pay him as you get out of the car. He'll give you a claim check. When you're settling your bill in the bar, give the waitress your claim check. If you do that your car will be waiting for you when you come out of the restaurant. Have a five dollar bill your hand. As you walk by the valet, slip it into his hand."

"Jackie we certainly lead different lives now."

"Artie, I'm very successful and I owe much of that success to you. There shouldn't be any disparity in our lifestyles. I'm afraid that there has been some and that's inexcusable. I'm sorry about that Artie. I promise that I'm going to do my best to make it up to you."

"Thanks Jackie, I appreciate that, but I'm a pretty simple guy. I'm happy with my life style and Ms. Conners, since you are my superior; I think a little disparity in our life styles is appropriate."

Jackie gasped and then she whispered, "Artie, my pussy just gushed."

I laughed. "I'm pretty excited too."

"Artie, I know you masturbate, especially on nights when I'm out."


"Sometimes when we're getting ready for bed I've noticed bits of dried tissue stuck to the tip of your penis."

"Jackie, I'm sorry; I don't know what to say."

"Artie, you don't have to say anything, you don't have to be embarrassed and you certainly don't have to apologize. I masturbate too."

"You do?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I? It's free and it feels good. Also if anyone needs to apologize it's me. I should have been paying more attention to your needs. I promise you, in the future I intend to rectify that."

"Jackie, I'm not sure I want..."

"Artie, we can still play games with denial. Even if I limit the times you get to fuck me or get blow jobs, we can still have fun. Maybe I'll make you masturbate for me while I tell you about my dates."

A jolt of excitement rippled through my body. "Jackie that would be wonderful. Could we do that when you get home tonight?"

"Why do you think I brought it up? Imagine how much fun it will be if I sit on your face and tell you all about my date while you jack off."

"Will you sit on my face, even after another man's..."

"Fucked me? Yes, but you don't have to worry; I won't be messy."

"You won't?"

"No Artie I won't. I won't know anything about the man I'm going to be with tonight. Because of that he's going to have to use condoms."


"You sound disappointed."

"I...well...It's just that..."

"Artie, STD's are a serious issue."

"Yesterday Ron wasn't wearing a condom."

"Yes, is suppose you did notice that. Artie, I know Ron. He's married to a sexually conservative woman who he loves. He's even more careful about STD's than I am and I'm extremely careful about them. Because I know that, I'll let him do me bareback."

"I see."

"Artie, I was going to tell you this after I got home tonight, but since it's come up, I'll tell you now. I called Ron today. If it's all right with you we're planning to get together at our house on Saturday. He's going to tell his wife that he's playing golf."

"What about the girls?"

"My mother is going to take them to the movies. If you'd like to you could go with them, but you could also stay at home."

"And be there while Ron is there?"


"What would I do?"

"Right now he believes that I've convinced you to have an open marriage. He actually envy's you. He wishes that he and his wife could have an open marriage, but he's afraid to even discuss it with her. That means you'll be free to stay in your basement office bedroom or if you choose, walk around the house. After all, it is your residence. In either case, you won't have to worry about being embarrassed about Ron's opinion of you because you know what's going on in the bedroom. He'd love to have the same marital situation he thinks you have."

Jackie paused. After a moment she said; "There is another choice."

"What is it?"

"Right now Ron is so grateful that you're not going to name him in a divorce suit that I think we could get him to do anything we asked him to do. Artie, if you really would like to watch, this might be the best chance we'll ever have to make that happen. Of course, if we decide to do that we're going to have to tell him the truth."

"I don't know Jackie. I'm not sure I'm ready to do that yet."

"You don't have to decide right now. We can talk about it more over the next few days. However, no matter what you decide about watching, I do think you should seriously consider staying home on Saturday. If you do, as soon as Ron leaves I promise you that I'll make you come into my bedroom and lick my just fucked pussy. Cuckboy, this coming Saturday you have a chance to eat you're very first fresh cream pie."

I gasped.

Jackie giggled. "Cowboy, I told you I was going to start taking better care of you."

"Jackie, I..."

"You don't have to say anything Artie. Now go change your clothes. I'll see you at the Goldenrod in about an hour."

"I love you Jackie."

"I love you too Cowboy and no matter what you see me do tonight, please don't forget that."

"I won't."

Jackie ended the call. I put the telephone back on its cradle and hurried into the bedroom to change my clothes.

After a quick shower I took my blue blazer and gray slacks out of my closet. I usually wore a golf shirt and khaki slacks to work, so the blazer, gray slacks, dress shirt and neck tie were generally reserved for funerals and weddings.

I was just slipping into my loafers when I heard Connie come into the kitchen. Leaving my blazer and necktie on the bed, I hurried to the kitchen to greet her.

At 53 Connie Reid was still a strikingly beautiful woman. That evening she wore her long dark brown hair pulled back in a ponytail. Her snug fitting cropped tee shirt and skin tight hip hugger jeans accentuated her voluptuous figure. Her spike heeled patent leather pumps and the gold chain she wore around her right ankle added an unmistakable aura of sexuality to her already exotic persona.

The girls were still seated at the kitchen table. Connie was standing next to them. She was admiring their coloring projects.

As soon as she heard me enter the kitchen Connie turned and smiled at me. "Hey Cowboy."

I smiled back.

Cassandra asked, "Grandma why did you just call daddy Cowboy?"

"I like your daddy. Cowboy is my new pet name for him."

Monica set her crayon down and asked; "What's a pet name Grandma?"

Connie answered, "Sometimes we give special names to the people we really like. We call those names pet names."

"Can we call daddy Cowboy too?"

"You already have a pet name for your daddy. You call him daddy. I think you should keep using that one."

"Okay." Clearly satisfied with this explanation, Monica picked up her crayon and started coloring again.

Looking at me, Connie said; "You clean up pretty nice."

"Thanks, I guess it's a special occasion."

"I'm glad you feel that way. Are you excited?"

After considering Connie's question for a moment, I said; "Yes I am, but I'm a little nervous too."

"We don't have to do this tonight. I can call Jackie. She'll come straight home. She's nervous too. Artie she really does love you and she wants to avoid doing anything that might hurt you."

"I know and that helps. No, earlier today you suggested that this is a good first step. I agree with you. I want to do it."

"All right then, it's time. Let's get your coat and tie and get you on your way. We don't want you to be late for the show."

Connie followed me to the bedroom. When I picked up my tie she took it from me and said, "Why don't you let me do that."

"I can tie my tie."

"I'm sure you can, but tonight is special. Tonight you're going to become my daughters willing cuckold. I understand that it might be a little scary for you, so I want to be certain that you know just how much Jackie, Nattie and I care about you."

She pulled the collar of my shirt up and slipped the tie around my neck. As she began tying it, she said; "Just before I married Gary Conners I took a job as a receptionist for a local insurance agency. It wasn't the agency were I work now. My boss and I developed a very close relationship. Every morning we spent a little quality time together in his office. When we were finished I always retied his necktie for him."

"Did you keep spending quality time with your boss after you got married?"

Connie paused for a moment and then she sighed and said; "Yes Artie I did. Frankly, I never even considered stopping. I didn't see any reason to do that. Mark, that was my boss, meant nothing to me. He was just fun. I hope you can understand that. The other men were never a threat to Gary and the other men in Jackie's life will never be a threat to you."

Connie resumed working on my tie.

"I gather that Gary couldn't understand that."

"No he couldn't. I attempted to explain it to him, but he had too much pride. He wouldn't even try to understand."

After tightening the knot, Connie pulled my collar back down. As she was straightening it, she said; "There, you look great."

I smiled. Connie walked over to the bed, picked up my blazer and handed it to me. While I was putting it on, she said, "I think you should bring your Kindle."

"My Kindle, why? Connie, I'm going to be much too excited to read."

"I know, but it will make a good cover. No one will pay any attention to you. You'll just be a reserved businessman reading while he has a cocktail after a busy day."

Understanding immediately, I said; "That's a good idea."