Jack's New Position


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Aside from his jeans, a white t-shirt, socks and sneakers the important item of clothing Leffera brought to him the night before was his black hoodie. The sweater's hood was large enough to cover his new headgear so he hoped to slip out of the hospital with some anonymity. When the lift opened to the lobby he was shocked to see a huge crowd waiting outside the front doors. He jammed the door close button and the elevator took him down one more level to the parking garage. He peeked around the door when it opened and saw Bal and Gee waiting to board. When they saw him they held the door open and gestured for him to exit.

He stepped cautiously out in the basement lobby and they each took an arm and led him to an armoured transport.

Only the three of them were in the back this time as the vehicle moved out.

He looked at the two females who were sitting stiffly on the opposite bench trying to avoid looking at him. He felt really bad about what happened when they tried to get him back to Altaria.

"Bal, Gee. I just wanted to tell you both how very sorry I am about how I behaved when we were last together," he said gently. He saw their eyes dart to him and away.

"Apparently my body was going through some kind of transformation and it was throwing all kinds of pheromones out that caused a lot of unintended and uncontrolled behavior. I'm so sorry. I hold you two in utmost respect and I believe you are consummate professional who were placed in a really bad situation. Even with that you still got the job done. Thank you."

He saw them both nod. He was getting a little over heated in his sweater. He unzipped it and as he was safe from prying eyes in the windowless vehicle he tossed the hood back and relaxed back against the seat.

Bal and Gee gasped simultaneously and stared wide eyed at his horns.

"Oh, yeah. This was the end result of the transformation. Crazy, huh?" he scowled then closed his eyes as he leaned his head back. He rested a while letting the gentle sway of the vehicle rock him into a calm state. After a bit he realized it was taking longer than normal to get back to his place. He felt it banking and wondered where they were going.

He heard a throat clear and opened his eyes. Gee and Bal were leaning forward. Gee was the one trying to get his attention. "Yes?"

"We've been ordered to bring you to the Security Ministry's headquarters for a press conference. News of your... transformation hit the social network last night when a hospital volunteer overheard some nurses talking about you. She snuck into your room and took a picture of you sleeping and posted it. Your- Your horns are much more impressive in person. The photo did them no justice at all," Gee said nervously.

Jack was mortified! Someone took a photo of him sleeping and posted it online? Suddenly he felt very, very angry. Bal and Gee saw his expression change and looked at each other nervously. "This... person was arrested?" he growled deeply.

They nodded wide eyed.

"I would like to... speak to her," Jack stated, his voice dropping another octave.

"That's not a good idea," Gee said and he looked at her barely holding his rage in check.

The vehicle swooped down to land in the guarded lot behind the building. The rear door opened and Gee was first out. Jack was right at her back as she let the way into the building with Bal scrambling to keep up.

He hadn't bothered pulling his hood back up so as they walked through the halls of the building the office workers stopped to stare at the imposing, angry man with the gorgeous horns. Gee brought him to Hellna's office. Her secretary got up immediately and fumbled with the door knobs as she couldn't tear her eyes from Jack. Once the door was open Gee and Jack walked in and Bal waited outside.

Hellna looked up and her eyes widened but she smiled. "That will be all Gee. Thank you." She stood and walked around her desk to shake Jack's hand as he had shaken hers. This gentle civil behavior calmed some of Jack's ire. He took the chair she offered him. "Would you care for a beverage?" she asked calmly.

"Yes, water please." He was beginning to feel a little better.

She turned to the door where her secretary stood transfixed. "Steffa, a bottle of water for Mr. Danner if you will." At the sound of her name the secretary spun and rushed to get the bottle from the little fridge. She rushed back into the office to give the bottle to Jack but Hellna intercepted and gestured for Steffa to leave and close the door.

Hellna handed the water to Jack and took the seat next to him.

"I'm terribly sorry for the deeply personal invasion you have endured. The culprit has been detained and will stand trial. We will be seeking the maximum punishment for her actions. I'm afraid the image has also made its way into Earth's social network as well. We are being contacted by the Earth Council demanding to speak with you. The best way to deal with this is through a press conference where you can present yourself and state your request for privacy for all to hear. There must be respect for your personal space. We are a civilized race. Some need to be reminded of this fact."

Jack took a long drink of the cool water. Then he took several deep cleansing breaths. "Yes, I suppose that would be the best solution to this situation. When can we do this?" he sighed.

"The press is waiting for you downstairs in the main conference room. Every major network is there so everyone should be notified of your wishes in one broadcast. This will also be broadcast on Earth. I'm sorry if they don't take the news as appreciatively as the Altarians will."

Jack just hung his head and nodded.

He caught Hellna's eyes swinging up to his horns.

"Would you like to touch them?" he asked with resignation.

"No! Uh, no, I wouldn't want to offend you." she stuttered, her eyes locked onto them.

"It's OK. Go ahead," he said leaning his head down for her. He realized that while the horns were heavy, his neck, shoulder, back and chest muscles had bulked up to compensate for their weight so the difference was negligible. He wondered how the extra mass was going to affect his running.

He felt her gentle touch as she ran the fingers of one hand over the ridges.

"They're lovely!" she said with wonder in her voice.

"I'm sorry. I don't understand the attraction. Humans don't have horns. We've never had them. It's not part of our cultural bias for beauty," he said, gently pulling his head back. He recalled the evening before when Leffera brought him his clothes and the hoodie. She had been stunned to see his new headgear and had to be gently pushed from the room after visiting hours were over. If she'd stayed he was sure she would have been in his bed. He'd scented her intense interest and it took everything in him to resist the urge to grab her and fuck her senseless again. His drive was almost out of control.

"Are you ready?" Hellna asked, having composed herself again.

"As ready as I'll ever be I suppose." he sighed.

They stood and Hellna led them out of her office. Now that Jack had calmed he pulled his hoodie over his head to disguise himself on the walk there.

Bal and Gee fell into position with Bal leading and Gee taking up the rear.

They descended a set of stairs and walked down a long hall to a doorway guarded by two more ebony Altarian females. Now he understood the coloring was natural, just the case of that monochromatism gene. He wondered if he'd ever meet a pure white Altarian. He wondered what her eyes would look like being completely white aside from the pupil.

The new guards gave him only the briefest look as they read the body language from Bal and Gee. Hellna nodded and the doors were opened. Hellna walked in and Jack followed two steps behind. They climbed three steps and sat side by side at a table. Jack looked out at over three hundred faces and at least half that number of cameras pointing his way.

Hellna held her hand up and the room went silent. She looked around.

"Last night, Jack Danner, our Trade Representative with Earth and our Altarian Ambassador had his personal privacy violated in a most distasteful and repulsive manner. The culprit was arrested and is in custody. We will be seeking the maximum penalty for her abhorrent actions." She paused to let the press absorb this fact. The Security Ministry wasn't fucking around.

"Ambassador Danner has undergone an unexpected and surprising physical transformation. How it happened is still being investigated but it seems like a series of exceptional conditions over an extended period of time, a rare Altarian virus, Mr. Danner's unique genes and his even more unique reaction to the aforementioned conditions are the likely cause. The transformation has stabilized and the chance of further changes is estimated to be extremely unlikely. He has achieve a stable and final state." She turned to look at Jack who sighed and looked down at the table. He composed himself then pushed back the hood with both hands. The collective gasp was thunderous and made Jack nervous. He decided to make a statement while he had their shocked silence. As this was going to be seen on Earth as well he needed to say his piece.

"What you are seeing are horns. They are real and I'm told they are permanent. They are fully integrated and are required to maintain the structural integrity of my cranium. I don't know why this happened but it did and this is the new me. I will just have to get used to it." He looked out at the cameras with a determined expression.

"On the matter of my picture being taken in the hospital room as I slept, I'm more than a little horrified and offended by that invasion of my privacy. I don't hold the hospital responsible for it. They have been wonderful to me during this very trying time and helped me get through it."

He paused and took a sip of water from a glass on the table. Voices started to call out questions but he held up his hand as he'd seen Hellna do and the room went silent once more. He smiled at the civil group sitting before him. "What you did just then. That is why I loved the Altarian people. Your gentle and kind nature. Your civility, social awareness, excellent manners, and inner beauty. This is why the invasion at the hospital was so shocking. It exposed weakness in the civilized behavior of a people I've come to love and respect. It also hurt me deeply and damaged my trust. I will answer questions but I ask that outside of the environment of this press conference my privacy should be respected. As you deserve to have your privacy protected so do I."

Hellna leaned forward. "I will select the reporters to ask their question. Raise your hands if you have a question for Mr. Danner." Immediately the room filled with raised hands. Hellna looked at the shocked and resigned expression on Jack's face. He nodded to her. It was going to be a long afternoon.

Gee and Bal escorted Jack home. The question period had been exhausting but Hellna felt it had been a great success. He'd slept in the transport on the way home from the conference so he was a little groggy. Gee and Bal brought him right to the door of his apartment so he let them touch his horns as he owed them at least that much. Once they'd satisfied their curiosity they nodded to him and left. He went inside and saw he had a message so he asked for a playback.

Karrel's beautiful face filled the screen and he smiled. "Hello Jack! We watched the broadcast of the press conference. You were most eloquent and the camera caught the exquisite surfaces of your horns far better than that amateur last night. I promised you an answer to your question yesterday so I hope you don't mind having visitors as we will be over at 10PM. This should let you rest a little. See you then."

Jack groggily looked at the clock and realized he had about three hours so he went into his bedroom, set his alarm, and fell face first onto the bed. He was asleep before he stopped bouncing.

His dreams were of Karrel and they were highly erotic. He woke with her scent in his nostrils. He smiled and stretched luxuriously on the bed. He tugged his clothes off and stretched again. His cock was hard as iron and tingling madly. He scented the air and picked up Karrel's scent again. The room was filled with it. He got out of bed and walked quietly out of his bedroom following his nose. She was in the dining room standing next to the table with her back to him. She looked good. Really good!

He prowled closer on silent footsteps and saw her scenting the air as he got closer. He began to growl quietly deep in his chest as he took in her sleek chocolate brown legs with the delightful white fur of her inner thighs. Her hips, did they look a little curvier? Mmmm, she'd added just a little weight and it looked good on her! Good enough to eat!

Karrel froze when she heard his growls and he saw her trembling. He smiled. He knew she loved when he 'hunted' her. He was feeling exceptionally warm and wondered if this meant he was releasing his musk. He picked up her excited musk and it was sweeter than before. Sweeter but also a little different. More earthy but definitely hot. She was very excited! His erection throbbed almost painfully.

Jack stood directly behind Karrel and moved his jaw to her neck and nibbled as he growled. He could tell she was struggling to remain silent, quelling the instinctive need to bleat.

He reached up and undid the clasp on her gown and roughly pulled it off. He noticed it was very fine. Instead of just tossing it aside he placed it over the back of a chair.

Now Karrel's ass was exposed and looked delicious. He wanted to eat it but first he'd prime her with some attention to her neck. He reached around quickly and grabbed the top two rows of breasts as he fastened his jaws on her neck with another sexy growl. Fuck! Her tits were a little bigger too! Her extra weight went to all of his favorite places!

Now she bleated and LOUDLY, thrashing in his tight grip. His cock was wedged between her butt cheeks and she bleated again. He squeezed her helpless body against his chest and roughly ran his cock up and down between her cheeks as he ran the flat of his tongue against her neck. She shuddered and gushed cum down her thighs. She was more excited than he thought! Excellent! Time to taste her.

Jack pushed Karrel forward over the table until her ass was hanging over the edge. He grabbed her ass cheeks in his hands then spread them open and saw the glistening opening dripping from her last orgasm. Jack ran the flat of his tongue across her wet lips, dipping deeply inside then circling her tight rosebud. She was delicious!

Karrel thrashed and bleated again as she clung to the far edge of the table. Again and again he lashed her with his tongue then fucked her with it until she began to spray her excitement in a second colossal orgasm. It must have been a long time for her as well for her to be this excited! He drank her liquids and lapped as she gushed.

Before she had a chance to recover he stood up and lined up his cock with her opening and slid deep into her hot, wet depths.

Fuck she was so tight! She was pushing back against his thrusts and that increased his excitement exponentially. Absence does make the heart grow fonder as he was surprised by her aggressiveness. He grinned as he pulled out and slammed deep inside once again. With the increased wetness sliding his cock into her was becoming easier so he picked up the pace.

She was crooning loudly as he pounded into her, slapping his pelvis into her ass again and again. He was getting close to his orgasm and felt his cock swelling. She moaned in delight with the sensation of being so full.

Jack picked up the pace again and rubbed his slick thumb across her asshole. She bleated and her legs kicked out ineffectively as he pinned her to the table.

Fuck! He was really going to cum big as he hadn't had sex in a long time. Well, Karrel liked a big load so she should LOVE this one!

He began slamming his cock roughly into her as she sprayed another orgasm over him. His dam burst and stream after stream of hot cum gushed into her wet channel. He threw his head back and felt his mind whiting out as it was one of the most incredible org-

"MOTHER!" Karrel screamed from his open front door as Leffera stood gaping behind her.

Jack felt the last ebbs of his orgasm firing deep into the woman... who was not Karrel. He tilted his head to the right to look over at the females standing in the doorway. He was unable to comprehend what he was seeing.

He looked back at the woman on the table. She couldn't speak she was breathing so hard. He felt her clamping down on his buried cock, squeezing out the last streams of cum. She turned her head and smiled dreamily back at him and trembled through an aftershock. Her pink tongue ran across her black lips and she gasped. She looked a lot like Karrel but now that he could see her face he saw the differences. She was definitely older but still absolutely gorgeous!

Jack stepped back from the table pulling his softening cock from her tight grip. He tugged out a chair and dropped himself onto it. The woman pushed herself upright and turned to face him. Her breasts were larger and her stiff nipples were pierced like Karrel's but age had added additional curves which just added to her sensuality. She had the sexiest smile on her face as she looked into his eyes. His flagging cock immediately started to rise again and her eyes dipped down to see his response to her. That sexy smile broadened into one of delight.

Before he could react further she stepped forward and straddled him on the chair sinking down over his hardening cock. She was right on target and he felt her wetness sliding down over and around his erection. She sighed and leaned in for a kiss.

Her lips were sensual and her tongue darted in to stroke across his. As her sweet musk filled his senses once more he thrust his tongue deep into her mouth and took his kiss. She squeaked into his mouth as he gripped her ass and pulled her down hard.

Her hands went up to his horns and took a grip on them. For some reason this increased Jack's aggression and he began to slam her hips down as he thrust up into her, reaching deeper than he had before. She threw back her head and crooned her bliss. Her breasts were in his face so he sucked on her nipples, gently tugging them with his teeth. The crooning went up and off the scale as she reached a quick orgasm and shook in his grip. His took him by surprise and he grunted as shot after shot fired up into her gushing orifice. He rested his head between her breasts as he panted and listened to her gasping for breath.

"Mother! Get off of Jack! Now!" Karrel hissed from nearby.

The words slowly sunk into Jack's brain. Karrel had been gone for several months to visit the Regency. The Regency was her home. She was a princess, daughter to... THE QUEEN!"

He pulled his head back and saw a most euphoric smile on the older female's face.

"Hello Jack. I'm Elissa, Karrel's mother," she panted out.

"So pleased... to meet you... your majesty," he breathed back between gasps. She chuckled.

"I'm sorry... from behind... I mistook you for... your daughter," he continued.

"A fortunate mistake," she smiled. "You are... quite skilled. I haven't felt this wonderful in a very long time. If ever." He felt her squeezing his shrinking cock and willed himself to ignore it.

Jack looked over to Karrel whose face was flushed and wore a conflicted expression.

"I'm sorry Karrel. I really thought it was you," he blushed. Elissa stood up and put a hand to herself to keep from dripping. She scooped up her gown and walked carefully over to the guest washroom to tidy up.

Karrel looked down at Jack's spent cock and she dashed into the kitchen to grab some towels for him to clean himself with. She dropped them in his lap and he did the best he could. She used a wet cloth to wipe her mother's fluids from his face.