Jack's True Calling


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He watched her walk away to her room with a puzzled expression on his face. Then he went into Emily's room. Diana was just finishing up a story. He gave his daughter a kiss and wished her sweet dreams. He followed Diana out and she shut off the light and closed the door.

When she turned to look at him Jack suddenly realized why Eve had smirked. Diana was almost twitching with need. Big green eyes looked into his hopefully and he nodded. She grabbed his hand and dragged him across the condo to the master bedroom. He flashed back to the first time they'd been together on Earth. Then, she'd dragged him across her house to her bedroom.

Once they were inside the master, behind the closed door, she quickly undid his shirt and pushed it back over his shoulders. He returned the favor, undoing the two clasps on her Altarian gown, and soon her large tits were exposed. He immediately took them in his hands and kneaded the firm flesh. He bent and kissed her nipples and found himself dropping back onto the bed. She manhandled him in her desperation and he was impressed with her strength. Off came his jeans in a series of frantic tugs and she was knee walking up his body. She was ready and he was too so she skipped the foreplay, lined him up, and drove him deep inside her in one thrust. They gasped in unison at the bliss they felt.

He knew what she needed so he took her hands and lifted them to his horns. She trembled as she took a grip on the thick black spears growing from his hairline. He knew the bone caps were in place so she was safe from the deadly tips. He could tell she deeply affected as her grip was intense and her breath was coming in gasps. He needed to catch up so he began to lift his hips to drive himself into her heat faster and faster.

She cried out wordlessly as her eyes began to roll back and her jaw went slack. Her body clamped down on him in pulses with her orgasm and this was all he needed to reach his own release. She slumped forward on his chest, breathing hard.

As they relaxed together, enjoying the afterglow, his mind went back to that first time. That interlude had led to Emily but he wasn't worried about her getting pregnant now as she'd received a birth control implant. If they decided on more children she'd have the implant removed.

Jack had suggested he could do one but he'd been voted down by the Queen. And Karrel. And Leffera and... well, the list went on. The Altarians were not impressed with the idea of him restricting his fertility in any way.

Diana pushed back and green eyes twinkled as she looked down at him. "So... bunny people?"

"No! And don't you start calling them that!" he sighed. "They're Harruushans. Their similarity is purely coincidental and you can't tell them about it as that would be highly insulting."

Her eyes widened. "Am I going to meet them?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. I'm going to speak to Elissa but it'll be up to her and her council whether or not the Harruushans are allowed to emigrate some of their people to Altaria or one of the colonies. They need to get away from their planet and its altered sun. To see if they can reverse or correct the damage it's doing to them."

Diana slid off of Jack's body to lie next to him. "You're a good man, Jack."

He shook his head. He didn't think he was doing anything special here. "They seem like really nice people. If she agrees that it might be worthwhile, I'll suggest Elissa send a delegation to their planet to get a more accurate impression of the people. If the delegation agrees then we might see some Harruushans on Altaria."

Diana gave him an impish smile. "Are they attractive?"

He looked into her eyes and a slow smile appeared on his lips. "Yes, well... the ones I met were. No idea if they were representative." Her eyes were still twinkling. "You thinking what it might be like having sex with a Harruushan?"

She gasped and pushed at him but he could see something in her eyes... a curiosity and something else.

"Talk to me," he said and her face flushed with embarrassment. She covered her face with her hands but he gently pulled them away and looked her in the eye.

Diana squirmed and looked at him but saw he wasn't judging her. She took a deep breath and nodded to herself. "You know... you know how I get. My... earliest memory of feeling this way happened in my teens when I was sitting in my parent's playroom on a Saturday morning watching vintage cartoons. There was a rabbit and he was so much smarter than everyone else and... I... imagined what it might be like." She shook her head, lost to her memories. "I'd never fantasized about anything like that before. The thoughts were so provocative and intense, it stuck in my head. I was so confused. It didn't make sense so I just pushed it down deep in my mind. My parents did their best to isolate me from the Gate Network and the races coming to Earth but the first time I saw aliens, those thoughts resurfaced and I was confused all over again." She held his eyes and smiled happily at him. "You were my first experience with someone who wasn't human, I mean fully human- you know what I mean!" she finished in exasperation.

He grinned at her. "I'll have to introduce you to Dann."

She blinked. "Who's Dann?"

"He was the male Harruushan diplomat I met. A handsome specimen of his race. I think he might enjoy a tumble with a lusty Earth woman," Jack said with a grin.

Diana's eyes widened in surprise and she gave his arm a half-hearted slap at his audacious suggestion. Jack watched her face closely and he could see she was imagining it guiltily.

"Wouldn't you get jealous?" Diana challenged.

"If you were giving him your heart and cutting me from yours, I'd be really sad but do you really think I've lived the Altarian lifestyle this long without overcoming my Earth based concepts of infidelity and jealousy?" Jack said reasonably. "Sharing pleasure with another willing being is no threat to my relationship with you. I know you and SennLann have enjoyed each other."

Diana squeaked in embarrassment as she thought that had been private.

Jack frowned. "Please don't keep secrets from me. That always backfires and someone gets hurt. You're the only one who's still dealing with the stigma of casual sex in a long term relationship. I love you woman! I'm secure in that knowledge. I know you love me too. I'm not worried about you finding a little happiness in the arms of a lover. What kind of hypocrite would that make me?"

She pouted as she realized she'd messed up but he didn't look angry or hurt so she just kissed him tenderly and cuddled in against him. They were quiet for a bit as she processed what he'd said.

"Would... would you make love to a female Harruushan?" she asked quietly.

He smiled. "If Juul offered I suppose I would. She was very pretty and very nice."

They were quiet for a while and Jack thought Diana had finally fallen asleep.

"Would you be there if Dann agreed to have sex with me?" Diana said in an even quieter voice.

Jack's eyes widened in surprise. So the old fantasy lived on. "Before we get any ideas, I don't know if they have any taboos against cross race sex or have any interest in it but if those weren't concerns to them and if all the stars aligned, then yes, I'd be there."

She snuggled in tighter and they both let it go, for now.

He was glad she'd opened up so she could feel comfortable about discussing sex in the future. It wasn't healthy to keep secrets in a relationship.

Especially in one as complicated as theirs.

Chapter 4

It took five days of vicious and bloody skirmishes but by the end, Jaas Tenn Gunnk stood in the throne room of the palace facing his squad of elite warriors and shared a victory roar with them. At thirty two in number, they were short eighteen voices. These losses Jaas felt the most acutely but considering what they'd achieved the price was bearable.

Truthfully, they'd defeated the larger western army with relatively few losses of their own. While they'd fought with a desperate ferocity, the warriors of the west were too accustomed to their conveniences and just played at war. They'd soaked too long in the civility offered by the Gate Network. They'd grown soft while his hardened warriors fought with a savagery their ancestors would have been proud to behold.

Jaas smiled as he looked over the gathering. Most of his army was celebrating their victory in the city outside the palace, with orders to let the residents live as their continued survival was required for the functioning of the city. Unless they attacked or were found harboring a member of the western army, they were safe.

He snorted. Maybe safe was too strong a word. His men had their blood lust up. There would be fights and some citizens were likely to get hurt. The females would be up for grabs to quench his men's other desires. He would let that go for tonight. They'd earned it. Tomorrow was soon enough to bring them back to order.

Tonight, he and his elite warriors would feast and drink at a very special banquet following an ancient ceremony his ancestors practiced after defeating their enemies. The well-deserved reward for victory.

He looked to the gathered warriors and felt pride and honor sweep through his being at being their leader. He'd come so far.

When he'd first joined the Eastern army so many years ago, he floundered as he wasn't sure of his way. His father had been cast out and died in shame. Jaas had hastily joined the army to combat that shame but he lacked focus and discipline and took many beatings.

Then he moved in with his uncle and his life changed direction. The elder had been a fierce warrior in his time but was hobbled by the numerous injuries he'd endured. However, his mind was as sharp as his tongue and his remaining eye saw something in Jaas. His studies of Phem Kalos history had led to the discovery of scrolls containing an ancient warrior's code. He knew what Jaas needed and introduced him to the scrolls, encouraging him to follow this path. Jaas finally found meaning and purpose for his life. He took the philosophy to heart, pledging to live his life by the code.

He quickly began to make his way up through the ranks. The code gave him a strength and savagery that none could withstand. Soon, he began to draw the attention of the Eastern leaders. They saw him as a threat to the peace of the region. When they tried to covertly contain him and the warriors who began to follow him, they failed.

Jaas made converts to his cause faster and faster. He was outspoken on how the Phem Kalos had lost their way. The peace they were offered by the outsiders dulled claw and tooth. It denied who they truly were. They were warriors. It was their destiny to battle and defeat any who opposed them. Jaas walked the path of the ancients and became Warrior Supreme, ruler of the Eastern continent as the old leaders, 'retired'.

Since that day he'd honed his army into the killing machine it was today. He'd shrewdly kept the numbers down, maintaining their so called king's belief of their inferiority. However, his troops became sharper, stronger, and far deadlier than the west's army. He'd reintroduced the banned weapons their ancestors perfected and made his men practice with them until they were experts with the cruel and vicious tools of war.

He'd prepared himself and his army so when the day finally came when he told them they would be taking the Capital during a visit, not one had doubted his wisdom. They had complete and utter faith in him. He could see it in their eyes. They would follow him against any enemy and they would bring him victory.

Skarl Vonn Augg, Jaas' most trusted commander approached with a determined look on his scarred face. Some of those scars were put there by Jaas when they battled during his rise to power. Skarl was the weapon the Eastern leaders had sent to deal with the upstart. Instead, they handed Jaas one of his best warriors... once Jaas defeated him and convinced the fighter he was destined for more than his 'leaders' envisioned.

"Jaas, you claimed it at the tournament. Are you going to take on the title of King now?" Skarl asked.

Jaas made a rude noise. "I already have a title. It will suffice to keep the weaklings in line."

Skarl nodded his approval.

"How go the preparations for the feast tonight?" Jaas asked.

Skarl frowned uncomfortably. "We found them where you said they'd be. It didn't feel... good... taking the lives of the little ones."

Jaas caught his commander's eyes and held them. "You understand the importance they play in the ceremony," he said earnestly. He needed his men fully committed and he valued Skarl.

The warrior's eyes showed his resolve once more. "Yes! Of course! We did our duty. There are no loose ends... except one."

"What?!?" Jaas snarled.

"SennLann Du Kess, the King's cousin is missing. She wasn't in the royal enclave." Skarl confessed.

"Check with the concubines!" Jaas growled.

Skarl nodded. "We did. She's not there either."

Jaas was not happy that a member of the previous ruling family's bloodline was unaccounted for. Granted it was only one female but he wanted them all. These females would be his personal slaves. "They kept records! Find her!"

The commander bowed slightly then rushed away.

Jaas allowed himself a small smile as he acknowledged that once again the ancient ways had fulfilled their promise. His enemy was vanquished, the offspring of the ruling party had been culled to eliminate a generation thirsting for vengeance, and the females were his breeding stock to create a new generation of faithful warriors. His ambitions were being met with the success the warrior's code promised.

He walked amongst his elite warriors comparing new scars and hearing of their victories. He listened to their tales of fallen comrades and the vengeance they'd taken for each death. He was so proud of them!

They heard a chime and he smiled at those around him. "It's time to feast!"

Another roar went up and they made their way to the adjoining dining room. The vast table was set with drink and platters of food but in front of each seat was a plate containing a single cube of raw meat.

Everyone stood before a place setting with some lighthearted position jostling. Then they looked to the head of the table where Jaas stood before his own place setting watching them. The room fell silent.

"Our being here today was destined. The moment we decided to follow our own path and shed the false promises of the outsiders, we took on the mantle of greatness. Yet, this is still early days. Too long the people of Phem Kalos have been blinded to the true destiny that is theirs to take if only they opened their eyes. Our eyes are wide open. We see what we want and we take it!"

The room erupted in shouts of victory. As quickly, the room went silent as they waited for his next words. All eyes were on him.

"We will reshape this world to how it should be. Then we will set our sights on expanding our domain as our forefathers originally intended before the Gate Network interrupted the natural order. The Phem Kalos Empire will be reborn!"

Now the noise was deafening. He smiled savagely and watched his warrior's excitement with pride.

Skarl returned, nodded to his leader, and took his position at Jaas' right hand. He looked down at the plate then glanced at Jaas as he suddenly realized what it was. He barely kept his surprise and revulsion from his face.

Jaas extended a claw and pierced the cube of meat on the plate before him and held it up before his face. Everyone followed his example including Skarl.

"We will crush our enemies. We will take what is theirs and make it ours. We will end their bloodlines. We will thrive and prosper as they return to the dust. This is the path," Jaas boldly spoke and turned his eyes to Skarl as the room echoed his final words.

"This is the path!"

Jaas placed the morsel of tender meat in his mouth and savored it. He watched his warriors enjoy the tidbit as well. He saw Skarl chewing and smiled when the commander swallowed. He'd had a moment of doubt about the strength of the commander's convictions but he'd passed the test. Knowing intimately what they were eating and following through was as strong a test as the leader could devise. He allowed himself to relax completely.

"Eat and drink my warriors for you have earned it!" Jaas roared out and they tore into the platters of roasts before them and poured themselves ale. He grabbed a wild boar's leg from a platter and joined in the feasting.

Skarl poured himself some ale and rinsed his mouth with it before swallowing.

He couldn't get the vision of the child's terrified eyes looking up at him out of his mind.

He needed ale. Much more ale.

Chapter 5

Monday morning Jack had a special treat. SennLann and the twins joined him on his walk in to work.

He'd finally managed to have his talk with SennLann and she saw the wisdom in his idea though she was a little nervous about it. They'd talked it over with the others when they got together at Elissa's on the weekend and they'd all agreed. He'd reached out that night to make the arrangements.

Jack smiled to himself as he remembered tumbling around in the back yard with his kids. He'd brought along an eight player croquet set and explained how the game worked. It quickly devolved into knocking each other's croquet balls all over the back yard and then became a wrestling match, all kids against Dad.

This morning he'd gone running and as usual the twins went with him. They were able to keep up with him over the distances he ran even at the speeds he maintained so he was toying with the idea of having them join him in an annual off-world run he did. He'd talk it over with SennLann closer to the date.

It was Embassy duty this morning and he had guests to speak with the twins, first thing. It was the reason SennLann was with him.

They went in the building and up to the offices. As they walked into the outer office Denee looked up from her desk and smiled at Jack. Her smile widened as she saw SennLann and her girls.

"Good morning Jack, SennLann, Adina and Zaina! What a pleasant surprise!" Denee grinned.

"Yeah, it was nice to have their company on my walk here," he answered as the twins darted forward to get hugs from the female.

Denee looked over at Jack after giving SennLann a hug as well. "You have guests in your office."

He smiled. "Yes, I was expecting them. Thanks!"

Jack collected his family and led them into his office. Sitting on the couch were two black Altarians, using the time to inspect their weapons. These quickly went back under their gossamer black gowns as they stood. Jack moved forward and gave Gee and Bal a hug. This was his turf and if he wanted to hug them here he could. They didn't complain too much and Gee even smiled... a tiny smile which disappeared as quickly as he noticed it.

Adina and Zaina stood before the agents looking up at them in awe.

Jack knelt down between the girls and got their attention. "Remember I promised I would find you two something to do? Well I've arranged with the Ministry of Security to get you two some training with agent's Gee and Bal. They will take you through the Agent training protocols and you must give them your complete attention at all times and follow their instructions. They will be assessing you on how you are progressing and if I get reports of you two misbehaving in any way, the lessons stop. Is that understood?"

The girls were vibrating with excitement and nodded to him rapidly. He stood and faced the agents. "They are voracious learners. They learn very quickly, their retention is excellent, but they share a gestalt sensory input which can lead to distraction. I filled you in on that so just be aware of it while doing training. I gave them training on how to isolate their individual experiences and function like that but your training is a completely new story. Their fitness and endurance is excellent. All this said, their curriculum is up to you and the Ministry. Thank you very much for taking your time for this."