Jacob and the Nurses

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Jacob gets punished by a nurse academy.
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Jacob was elated. He'd been working as a maintenance guy for a few years now, and the job he was just hired for was absolutely amazing. A nursing college? He knew nurses were incredibly hot... and the way that they care for their patients... he knew he would have a great time checking all of them out. Jacob was in his mid 30's, he was average in height and appearance, with a short stubble and wavy black hair. He was currently in a relationship, though it wasn't too serious, and they never really talked about becoming official. He had always been a pervert. He loved to watch all kinds of woman move and interact, and wished to fuck every single one of them. It was one of his life goals to be with a woman of every race and variety. Of course, he never told anyone this, and it was more a fantasy than anything else.

He studied home maintenance and repair as soon as he graduated from high school, and was always very good at it. His computer skills were his greatest asset, and he learned quickly and was able to utilize his new knowledge proficiently. He was good at his job, and he was hired quite often, people usually recommended him to their friends, and he was able to afford a nice bachelor apartment in the city for himself. This made him attract plenty of women, though most were average looking like him, which made him grumble a little to himself at times.

The woman's college was stunning, a 6-floor building located in the heart of the city, with glass windows covering most of it. People hurried past into and out of the building, all ready for their tasks for the day. Jacob approached with his usual tool bag, wondering why they had asked him to come in in the first place. The headmistress's secretary didn't really explain much, which was quite annoying. Jacob knew he would probably have to go home to gather more supplies. He approached the front desk, where a beautiful woman with long black locks sat, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. He cleared his throat and she looked up at him, her brilliant green eyes locking with his. "Hi, I'm Jacob. I'm the maintenance guy." He shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant in front of the beauty. If the rest of the women at the college were as beautiful as her... he gulped. This would be a really tough time for him.

"Ah, we've been expecting you." She said rather coldly. She pressed some buttons on the phone in front of her while he watched patiently. She then said, "the maintenance guy is here." A female replied to send him up and hung up. She looked at him like she was dissatisfied with how he looked and said in the fakest nice voice possible, "5th floor, you'll see her as soon as you exit the elevator." He nodded, not wanting to anger her further. Clearly she was in a bad mood, or maybe she was always grumpy to guests who entered the building. Jacob thought to himself that she must be a particularly bad secretary, and then immediately forgot her as he studied his surroundings.

It was stunning, a large waterfall at the end of the hallway with plants that clearly weren't local to the city. He had no idea how a nursing school could afford a building like this, but figured they received a lot of donations from the rich folk in the city. He reached the hall littered with 4 elevators, and waited with a few other women, who all ignored him and played on their phones. He pressed the 5th floor as he entered, and began to feel a little nervous. Would the headmistress be a little crueler than the secretary downstairs? She must have a lot of authority to be able to command a space like this.

Before he could think too much into it, he arrived on the floor, which was as stunning as the lobby. There were plants everywhere, and a huge sign declared it was the main office of the "Armentrout School of Nursing for Women." The floor was covered in an intricate black marble design, and the secretary situated at the desk was as stunning as the last. He approached, his footsteps echoing against the ground. She looked up at him and smiled, "you're Jacob?" She asked.

He nodded, breathing out a sigh of relief that not all women were scary here. "Yes, were you the one who called me?"

She smiled back in return. "Yes, I'm Mrs. Hamilton's main secretary at the academy."

"Will you be the one explaining to me what I'm here to fix?" He asked, his eyebrows raised. It was very unprofessional of them to not tell him what he was here for sooner.

"Yes, it'll be easier if I show you." She stood up from behind her desk, which had a silver plate naming her as 'Katie Black'. He nodded, though he couldn't help but check out her gorgeous body. She was wearing a black form fitting dress, perfect for demonstrating the curve of her body. She was absolutely stunning, and exactly Jacob's type. He followed her like a lost puppy down the stairs to what appeared to be a large changing room. She flipped the light switch and entered, with him following in tow.

"So the lights have been flicking on and off recently, and we tried to deal with the breaker in the basement but nothing's been helping." He studied the mounted fluorescent lights flickering above them, making the mood seem a little ominous. He nodded, already having an idea as to what was wrong. "The other changing rooms have this problem as well. There's four of them on this floor."

His eyes widened. How many girls could there be in this academy? He didn't even know the country needed that many nurses. "Okay, I think it'll be a few hours to fix. I'll head home and grab my supplies and be right back."

She nodded, and then showed him the keys in her pocket before removing it. "Here, you'll need this to access the basement. Return it to me when you're done, and send your invoice to this address addressed to me and we'll take care of it."

He nodded, realizing that they really didn't care about how much he charged them. The academy must've been very wealthy. They said their goodbyes at the elevator and he drove home immediately.

As soon as he arrived, looking down at his tools, an idea popped up in his head. He's seen the two secretaries and the wonderful ladies throughout the academy that didn't bother to look or chat with him. All of them were more gorgeous than the last. He had to see what they had underneath their outfits... underneath the matching nurses apparel that already got his dick hard just thinking about it. And now that he had complete access to every single changing room in the academy without anyone bothering him, he could finally take advantage of the new camera technology he had purchased and configured just recently for this very purpose. He shivered at the thought of it. Being able to watch these beautiful women change every day? The thought alone was wonderful. And it would be so hot he could even sell it online to make some money. It would be the first of many of his tests. He had access to buildings all around the city, all filled with gorgeous women that men would drool to look at.

As he picked up the cameras he intended to install in the changing rooms, he smiled to himself, praising himself for being so clever. He spent the afternoon at the girl's change rooms and down in the basement, fixing the lights and installing micro-cameras here and there, hoping none of them would notice him doing anything too sneaky. He pulled out his phone regularly to check whether or not the feeds were live and in good quality, and smirked as he imagined what it would look like when the nursing students arrived. When he was finally done, he went up to say goodbye to Katie, who thanked him for his help. He immediately texted his girlfriend, asking her to meet up. He was way too horny thinking about the girls all day, and needed someone he could fuck to get the release he needed.

Chapter 2

Katie knocked on the door of the headmistress's office gently, knowing the woman didn't like being interrupted, particularly by loud noises.

"Come on in." The older woman drawled, and Katie entered, completely and utterly poised and composed.

"Headmistress..." She said, wondering how she could possibly explain the situation to her. "I have some terrible news."

The woman sitting at the desk in front of her glanced up from her seat, her glasses tilting upwards as she tucked her grey hair behind her ears. "Yes?" She said, already looking a little angry.

"You know the maintenance guy we hired, Jacob?" She began.

The headmistress shook her head, "that you hired."

"Yes, one of my friends really loved his work." Katie explained, already beginning to stammer her words out.

"What about him? Are the lights flickering in the changing room again?" The headmistress asked, not too concerned about the situation, yet.

"No, we've discovered something worse." Katie, just tell her! "Well, you see, one of our staff, the new girl, told me that she found a weird device beeping above her locker, and she realized it was some sort of camera."

"Excuse me?" The headmistress said, her attention focused solely on Katie.

Katie nodded. "We believe it was the act of Jacob when he was here last week."

"This is a huge violation of our privacy policy. We could get sued for this. By any of the students or staff. This needs to be dealt with this instant." The headmistress said, getting up from her seat to look out the window onto the cold winter streets below.

"I will call the police on Jacob immediately." Katie concluded.

"No, no." The headmistress said, turning around to look at Katie somewhat maliciously. "He needs to be punished for what he did."

"Punished?" Katie stammered. "Punished, how?"

"There's an academy wide staff meeting in a few hours. We will discuss the method of punishment then. Bring your evidence to show the group, we need the girls to be angry for what he did."

Katie nodded, feeling very uneasy. "Okay, headmistress. I'll leave you alone now."

She was waved out of the office, and Katie closed the door, feeling both eager and concerned for what was to come.

During the staff meeting a few hours later, Katie stood at the front with a projector which was connected to her computer. She entered the link that she found a few hours before, and opened it to reveal the heading, "Hundreds of Nursing Students Get Dressed Daily; Live Feed". There were thousands of views, all of whom had to pay to be able to view the live feed. Katie pulled up a sample of it, and the women in the group gasped, looking at their students as they changed their clothes, revealing their bras and panties in HD quality. "This is disgusting." A woman said, completely and utterly appalled. She was the head teacher of the academy, and one of the strictest.

"I have informed Katie not to call the police, we need to punish him our own way." The headmistress said, and the room was immediately silent for the woman in charge.

"What do you suggest?" The new staff member who found the camera asked.

"No, what do you suggest?" The headmistress asked, a gleam in her eyes. "I remember during our interview... that you said something particularly interesting."

The woman raised her eyebrows, confused. "What are you referring to?"

"How your family has a history of magic, that all the women in your family are witches." The room scoffed at once, all of them scientifically minded and clearly don't believe in magic. They were appalled to see that the headmistress somehow believed the new teacher.

"I..." She blushed. Ms. Pettit shifted her long braided blonde hair behind her back, clearly feeling uncomfortable. "I don't think it's actually real."

"Show me. Show them all." The headmistress slid something across the long conference room table, and the girls started to giggle as they realized it was a penis from one of the mannequins in the teaching auditoriums.

Ms. Pettit looked frightened, like she didn't know if she should reveal her family's secret to the thirty staff members now looking intently at her, but she nodded at the end and closed her eyes. She whispered a spell, and the penis started to glow strongly. The women in the room gasped, but none of them said anything as they watched the penis transform into a frog. The spotted green frog croaked, and the women burst out into amazed laughter.

"How did you do that?" One asked, and Ms. Pettit only shook her head shyly, like she had no idea herself.

"It's a family secret." She revealed. "Please, never reveal this to anyone." They all nodded, all thirty of the women trusted each other and had been working with each other for quite some time. It was a loving community of strong women, which made this experience even better.

"We won't." The headmistress said. "Though I will need your help in punishing the man who intruded on us and broadcasted our precious students to other dirty men online." She said 'man' with venomous intent, like she knew every single one of them would do such dirty acts if they had the chance. She knew she shouldn't have let Katie ask a man to help with the lighting problem.

They spent the rest of the meeting forgoing what they were actually meeting to discuss and came up with a masterful plan of how to properly punish the man who had done this to the academy. Ms. Pettit had addressed her skill in transformation spells, and they decided this would be the best course of action. They all departed and went back to their classrooms smiling ear to ear, all of the women excited for what was to happen next.

Chapter 3

"Hello, Jacob speaking." Jacob was twirling his keys in his hands and lounged on his sofa, waiting for his next job. He had spent the previous week raking in tons of cash, and considered quitting his job as a maintenance man and fully taking advantage of the women he broadcasted to the rest of the world. Clearly, the women were incredibly hot, and men couldn't help but stare and pay him a monthly subscription for more of the action. They were especially into the fact that the women had no idea they were being filmed and broadcasted. What dirty men they all were. Jacob didn't care though, he was loving every second of it, and loved to watch the feed in his spare time as well.

"Hello, this is Katie, from the nursing academy?" A familiar voice said across the line, and he immediately stiffened. He shook his head, there was no way any of them would be capable of finding the small cameras he had installed all over the changing rooms. They were too discreet to be noticed. They probably just needed him for another job.

"Yes, I remember. Did the lights stop working again?" He asked, hoping he would be able to go to the academy again to set up some more cameras.

"No, no. We actually wanted to thank you for doing such a good job." She said, her voice soothing and friendly.

"Oh wow." He said, "no one's ever bothered to call me to thank me before." He was feeling quite flattered, and continued to twirl the keys, eager to get more compliments from her.

"We were wondering if you wanted to join us for a Christmas party, just you and the rest of the staff at the academy. You are part of our family, after all. We would be eager to ask for your help in the future if anything ever breaks down again." He shot up from the sofa, unable to believe his luck. A party with him and all the gorgeous women who worked at the academy? Why? How? How could they all be so sweet to him? Of course he had to accept. He would be flirting with them heavily all night, hoping one of them would go home with him.

"Yes, of course!" He grinned, his heart already pounding from how excited he was. "What day and time? I'll clear my schedule."

She paused over the line and gave him the information he needed. He spurted out a thank you before cutting the line, too excited about what was to come.


The night of the party, he dressed up in his nicest suit, eager to please the clearly dignified women who worked at the academy. He would bring his A-game tonight. When he arrived at the large auditorium that was decorated in wonderful Christmas decorations with a nursing theme, he gaped at it, wondering who they hired to create such a beautiful atmosphere. It was the greatest Christmas party he'd ever been invited to. He stepped into the room and almost all the women turned to look at him, thirty hawks that were incredibly stunning. Even the headmistress, who was in her 50's, seemed like she went on regular runs to keep her body in top shape. Jacob gulped, not realizing what he had gotten himself into. They were all too gorgeous for him, and it was a little intimidating with them all staring at him like that. Where were the other men when he needed them? Maybe he would be able to convince the headmistress or Katie to let him invite some of his friends to join them. They would have a quite a lot of fun with these intelligent women, and probably love Jacob for introducing them.

At first, he had no idea what to do, so he stood at the side against the wall, waiting for someone to approach him and introduce him to some of the staff members. He watched as they interacted with each other, all laughing and giggling away, though found it a little suspicious as to why they kept glancing at him from time to time. It was probably because he was the only male in the room, and didn't actually work in the academy.

When Katie finished talking to a girl with long braided blonde hair, she walked up to the table and poured a second drink for herself. Jacob was wondering why she needed two drinks when she approached him and handed him one. "Here you go." She said. "It's just fruit punch, none of us drink during our parties at the academy."

He nodded his thanks, and sipped on the drink as he studied her. She was wearing a shimmering grey dress with a slit down the side of her leg, and he wanted to rip it off of her immediately and have his way with her. God, how could a woman be this stunning? She nodded for him to follow her, and she introduced him to the headmistress along with a few other women, who looked at him with gentle grace and composure. He was feeling a little awkward but all in all having a good time. He didn't care what he was doing as long as he could watch them all day.

It was an hour later when he began to feel dizzy. He held onto his head and groaned, wondering what was wrong. Katie looked at him with concern and asked him if he needed any help. He merely shook his head and told her he just needed to take a seat. He sat down and pulled some migraine pills out of his pocket, swallowing a few before leaning back in his chair, closing his eyes. This was absolutely the worst time to have one of his migraines. He put his head in his hands, trying to breathe properly to calm himself down.

It got worse and worse, and the pill wasn't working at all. At a point where it was too much for him to handle, he felt his consciousness slip away, and he collapsed onto the floor, groaning as his head hit the table.


He woke up moments later still feeling dizzy, and tried to rub his head when he realized something was wrong. He opened his eyes and tried to adjust, his eyes blinking a few times as ways of nausea hit him. He was laying down somewhere, though still at the party. The room was darker than before, though, and all the decorations in the ceiling seemed a little more gloomy. He looked up to see that his arms were handcuffed to the posts of the bed, making him stretch out and completely unable to move. Wait, bed? Why would there be a bed in the centre of a school auditorium? It definitely wasn't there before. He struggled, now feeling nervous. What the hell was going on.

He looked further to see the entire staff of the academy staring at him, with three women standing in the front, all studying him with murderous intentions. It was Katie, the woman she was talking to, and the headmistress, all looking like he wasn't tied to a bed in the middle of a Christmas party. He groaned and yelled, "hey, what's going on here?"