Jai and Malenna


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Sleep fell on him like he'd been drugged. Awareness departed and the void absorbed him. When it returned, he was aware of only one thing, the hand on his very hard cock. For a few moments, moments that seemed eons long, he only focused on the hand cupping his hard cock through his briefs. Then it moved. The motion electrocuted his mind, flashing through him with little popping sparks. He opened his eyes, letting his mind expand into the spangled darkness of his room.

She was there, a gauzy shadow bent over him. She'd pulled back the bedspread and sheet, so he was bare. Her hand grasped his hard cock through the fabric of his briefs, moving up and down on it, very softly, very gently but without any doubt that she had him in her hand.

Jai couldn't help himself. He groaned. It sounded like a great horn blowing to him, like it announced the beginning of something astonishing and so it did.

"Shhh." Malenna hissed. "Shhh." Knowing he was now awake, she sat on the bed, then stood and put a knee beside him, swinging the other over his thighs. She wore the short robe but it hung loosely from her shoulders, not closed so he knew her skin was exposed from chin to crotch. She wore no panties. He felt her skin on his legs. He wanted to speak but his chest seemed constricted so he could barely breathe much less speak. With two hands, she pulled his briefs down over his cock, down till they were onto his thighs. "Shhh." She said again, as she rose up over him and knee-stepped up his body. He felt her hand on his cock.

"She's not going to slap me." He said in his head, the words filled with awe and wonder. His cock head touched her. Her hand held him, directing him to the entrance to her body. He felt it, the soft cleft that swelled around the end of his cock as she let her body settle down onto him.

Jai wanted to shout, to scream but he clamped his lips closed, irrationally terrified that if he made a sound, he might frighten her away. His mother was fucking him!

Down, down she descended. She moaned softly as he entered her, the folds and swells of her pussy enveloped him, taking him inside her body for the first time. Down the shaft, Jai felt the dampness of her pussy, slick on his skin and soft but biting, as though she were clinching around the invader, either resisting as he first thought or possessing him with full passion and obsession. Malenna settled her body down onto him.

His orgasm arrived like a bolt of lightning. One moment he was luxuriating in the depths of the unbelievable pleasure of her body settling down on his and the next his cock erupted deep inside her. He groaned and his hips jerked up under her. Then again and again, popping up under her as he spewed cum into his mother. It passed, leaving him in the lee of it like the silence after an avalanche.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He whispered. Malenna took it as an apology. She bent over him and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"Don't be. It compliments a woman when she realizes that you cannot control yourself and she thinks it is because of her. It is because of me, yes?"

"Oh god, yes." Jai whispered back.

"Don't move." She said, her voice rising in volume and strength. She lifted off of him. He felt the fluid slick on his cock, the cock that was not even giving the least indication that it was done. He groaned, realizing she was leaving. She stood up and he saw she wore the robe, still, flapping about her. He felt desolate, empty, caught in the clutches of her command and basking too in the afterglow of his instant orgasm. He closed his eyes.

Startled, he realized he'd dozed. He felt her presence and elation roared through him. She'd returned! He felt her hand on his cock and then a warm wash cloth. Gently and carefully she swabbed him clean, dabbing at the tight curls of hair to remove all the effluvia she'd released when she left him. Jai closed his eyes, concentrating on her touch and the downy cloth, warm and wet on his cock, balls and abdomen. The sensation swelled up in him and then it hit him. He'd just had sex with his own mother! She'd fucked him! He was about to consciously open his eyes and start some idiot's conversation when she kissed the tip of his cock. The sensation electrified him and then the realization that she was going to perform fellatio on him wrung the last conscious ability to act on his own out of him.

Malenna's lips...the thought made him gasp for air. Malenna's lips held the tip of his cock between them, expressively kissing it, her tongue testing the texture of his skin. Her hand gripped his cock, holding it upright as she kissed it. She kissed and kissed, sucking gently on the little bullet head. When her tongue touched his cock for the first time, Jai groaned and flinched. He felt it, a sort of emanating emotion from her, approval and yes, pride. Then her mouth pushed further down his cock and he quit thinking. The feel of her lips rippling down the length of his cock together with the darting tongue around it enthralled him. He held his breath. She sank down very far, until most but not all of his cock was in her mouth. She withdrew.

"Put your hand on the back of my head." She said, her voice delicate but strong. "I like that, feeling you holding me there."

My god, Jai thought, she spoke like this had happened before. What if she was sleep walking? The idea seemed absurd. Suddenly, though, he had to know that she was awake, that she knew she was sucking her son's cock.

"I'm Jai." He whispered. He regretted it almost immediately.

Malenna moved away from his cock, though her hand remained clasped around it.

"I know, my son, I know." She shifted onto the bed, getting astride him once more. Again, she directed his cock to her entrance and again she settled down onto it. She was slick, wet, open and erotic. She seemed to float over him, speared with his cock inside her but finally drifting down his cock as she groaned, filling herself with it till they were sealed together.

"Oh Jai, that feels so wonderful!"

He knew that voice. It was the voice she'd used when she spoke about the ballet. She shuddered over him, a great tremor that made her shift on him. Her body clinched down on his cock.

Jai had a funny feeling, remembered Lana astride him like this. He moved his hands to his mother's ass and gripped her hard, pulling her down onto his cock while arching up under her. Malenna cried out, tipping forward but catching herself on her hands, planted on his chest. Her ass flexed in his hands and then she ground them together.

"I adore your hands on me." She whispered. "Oh my goodness." Her body quivered and she began to ride him. Her hips throbbed to and fro, up and back, thrusting his cock into her, swishing it around inside her while his hands rode her ass. Her hands clinched on his chest, leaving fiery lines on his smooth skin.

"Oh, oh no, please don't stop!" Malenna cried, her voice taut with arousal. Jai arched his back again and she bucked over him, her shoulders swayed back, settling all of her weight onto his cock. He squeezed her ass, pulled her down hard on him and thrust up into her.

He swore he felt his cock bend inside her as though he encountered some distant barrier that bowed him. Her hips shifted faster and faster, the rolling motion was small but profound. He felt her jerk once and opened his eyes. Her head was thrown back. Her hair dangled off her shoulders. She still wore the short robe but it was loose, hanging off her shoulders, parted around her breasts and her dancer's belly. She leaned back, her hands trailed along his legs to grasp his knees. She leaned far back and then punched at him with her ass, striking them together.

"Oh, oh god!" She cried out. Her body became rigid, freezing as she hissed, sucking air past her clinched teeth. Her ass bucked once and then again. She lifted her weight off her hands, and that put new and different pressure on his cock. Her hips jerked again and she fell forward.

"Oh, oh, oh!" She cried. Her hands found his shoulders and for a moment, he thought she was going to stick there, suspended over him like a pending storm. Her hips continued to rock back and forth, massaging her deep inside with his cock.

"Oh!" She cried out, her voice trailing off as though she were a departing train but her body defied Kepler's explanation. She was not getting further and further away as her voice waned, she just ran out of air.

Her arms buckled and she settled down on him, rather like a blanket with air trapped under it fluttering softly down until she was laying over his chest. Her breasts kissed his chest and then puddled between them as she lay down on him. Her arms moved her hands to his face. She kissed him on each cheek and then found his lips and kissed him, passionately, desperately, deeply. Her mouth opened and their tongues met, touching tentatively until hers ventured deep into his mouth, strafing across the roof, leaving contrails of pleasure in its wake. Jai copied her and felt her immediate response. She broke the kiss. In the gloom, she gazed down at him.

"Oh, my beautiful son." She whispered. "You are inside me, you are making love to your mother." Her voice warbled, replete with her version of awe, echoing the amazement that kept trying to fight through the immediate sensual feelings suffusing him. Jai released her ass, running his hands up her lithe back, past the base of her breasts and thence to her face. He held her, pulling her down to kiss her. He felt it, the consuming pleasure ripping through her when he pulled her mouth to his. It was an insight. It blinked in his head like a neon light pointing the way. The meaning appear in him as a sudden and irresistible need filled him, the desire to put her on her back, to be mounted between her legs, over her, in her, pushing down, pinning her to the bed.

He released her mouth. He felt her waiting, a girlish eagerness in her, an excitement he'd touched but never mastered in his lovemaking before. He loved it, he wanted it, he wanted more! He pushed her upright, feeling her confusion. He sat up, pecked her on the point of the chin, then wrapped his arms around her and twisted her onto her back, all without dislodging their conjunction.

Malenna sighed as she settled onto her back. Jai arched his back, pressing his cock deep into his mother. He planted his hands beside her.

"I am fucking you." He said, knowing she didn't like that sort of language. When she didn't respond, more importantly didn't try to tell him not to speak that way, he ground down into her. She moaned, then, her voice raucous with arousal, enthralled beyond the limits he thought he'd heard at the ballet. This was greater, far beyond the delight he'd heard early. She was consumed with pleasure. He bent down and kissed her neck, kissing up to her ear. She gasped as his tongue swirled around the curls of her ear.

"I am fucking my mother." He said softly, only realizing after the words were past his lips that he was still trying to get her to slap him. It wasn't the desire for that pain so much as the need to feel how close were the boundaries he dared not cross. She merely huddled under him, lifting her hips in response to his words, seating him deeper in her body.

Jai had a weird feeling then, as though this were a fantasy, a dream and he was going to wake to a bed empty of her but full of unrequited lust. Malenna felt the moment bump against him.

"What?" She whispered. "What are you thinking?"

"I am thinking this is a dream. I never, I thought..."

She turned her head away in the gray darkness. After a moment, during which her pussy tightened and relaxed on his cock, she turned back to face him.

"I wanted you. I don't know why I sent you away. I, I wanted you so much, I think it scared me. You're my son..."

Jai kissed her. Her lips were hot on his and immediately responded to him. He pulled back to gaze down on the woman under him, who had him inside her.

"You are my mother and I love you." He felt the words and the full explanation bubbling up inside him but Malenna lifted her ass and clinched down on his cock. It was like she reached out and created his orgasm, bringing it into being out of nothing.

"Oh god!" He groaned as the climax rose up in him, a fountain of sensation rippling along his spine, up and then back down to explode in his loins. He came. He lost strength, dropped his head beside Malenna's, groaning as the orgasm possessed him. Her arms wrapped around him and for a moment, he felt her love, cuddling him against her body while he pulsed inside her, thrusting into her with little jerks as each new explosion of cum flowed into her. She seemed to shiver as each new thrust added more inside her. His hips pulsed between her legs and Jai became conscious of her legs, splayed under him, cupping him while he climaxed deep inside her.

The conflagration passed.

Jai lay on his mother gasping for air. Never had sex been like that for him. Never. He lifted his head and tenderly kissed her forehead and then each closed eyelid, licking her eyes softly.

He felt her panting for breath and realized his weight rested directly on her diaphragm. He rolled to the side. His cock extracted out of her and he felt unfit, incomplete, incompatible with the world suddenly. He flopped onto his back. He felt her rising to leave.

"Where are you going?" He asked. He wanted to wake in her arms, to have her again in the day's new light.

"Jai, let me go now. I don't know what tomorrow will bring, how I'll feel, what we'll be now. We should not be doing this but, I couldn't resist any longer. I wanted to make love with my son and now I have. I...I don't know what to think. I should feel regret or something but...I don't. I want to stay here, but I have appointments and you have to open the store for me, remember? Let's talk tomorrow night. Don't get up until I'm gone. We'll see how we feel tomorrow."

"I'll want you more." He growled. "Again. Always."

Malenna lay a finger on his lips.

"Don't say that, my beautiful son. I am your mother. This is ours and it is private. We cannot...should not be discovered by anyone. This is pleasure, a grand and glorious pleasure, I know, I know we'll want it forever but nothing is forever. We must let it be what it is, and not try to hold onto it. It will consume us, destroy us. Let's go one day at a time and not try to control tomorrow by holding on too tightly to now." She bent down and kissed his cheek. "I'm still your mother. I'll always be your mother but this, this pleasure..." She couldn't finish.

Jai didn't want her too. For a moment, she hesitated and then she vanished into the gloom.

* * * * *

From the Author: This story is about a woman who is the mother of a fan. Please leave him a comment or two so he can read about how you like her. It's the least you can do. Thanks in advance. -C

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krazykajunkenkrazykajunken5 months ago

What a fantastic story teller you are. I wished you had described the mother a little better. But otherwise it's perfectly and extremely,brilliantly written. You are by far my favorite writer here and as a published author ( if your not published you should be!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Thank you for the story. A little bit construed, word wise, but crafted with finesse. Your friend's mother sounds like a wonderful person. A beautiful soul, with endless love. Her justification is plausible. When she opens herself slowly, to the one man n her life, her flesh and blood, it would make any mother and son, who are free souls, recognise themselves. The actual sex is sensual and fulfilling. The prelude, the penetration and the post-orgasmic thoughts and acts, make one wish this particular son and the mother, he worships, happiness. What they both do, is theirs to enjoy. No one else has a role to play.

The gallon of red in a pint. A ballet of words. The Keplerian force is a nice twist. No force in the universe can overcome this unending mother son attraction.

One can envision this Punjabi mother, in her grace, her enduring patience and her unending passion quite well.

Foxterot7aFoxterot7aabout 2 years ago

Good story. Unusually written from India standpoint. I like this style and story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

5 stars lovely story

wish_thinkerwish_thinkerover 2 years ago

Just love her, always

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