Jail Bird Pt. 01

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A freed man meets a blind Domme. What could go wrong?!
13.7k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/19/2020
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"That's what I've been telling you for the past six fucking years you fucking god damn pissant!" Max -- or Maximillian his given name -- spat as he lunged at the state prosecutor that had tried him six years ago for a crime he didn't commit. The guards had to restrain him as his anger burned in his veins. For six years he's been sitting on death row for a murder he didn't and wouldn't have at the time ever commit. Having been tried as an adult at the age of seventeen. It was only thanks to the Innocence Project that he even had this chance to be a free man. Without them he would have been executed without his name being cleared. The woman in her mid-thirties was clearly taken aback by his hostility towards her. "You took six years! Six years of my life, you ruined it! And now you fucking believe me! Fuck you!" Max screamed his face red with rage.

"Calm down or we'll have to use force," Brad -- the guard that had watched over him during his stay in the maximum security prison -- said his arms straining to hold Max back. "Don't do something that requires you to be stuck in here longer than necessary," he warned.

"I understand your anger..."

"You understand! You understand! My parents disowned me because of your lies! My own sister won't talk to me because of your shitty investigation! So don't tell me you understand!"

"Very well, this is the form for your immediate release," the female DA said, laying the paper on the table. "Whether you believe me or not I am sorry," she said, closing up her briefcase.

"Not yet, you aren't," Max warned. "But you will be, I didn't survive in here for six years and not learn a thing or two."

"I would advise you not to threaten a DA, Mr. Daysome. Any crimes will be met with a swift response."

"Oh, I didn't know suing the city, the state, your office and everyone else was a crime, who knew!" Max snarled at the woman.

"Then I wish you the best of luck," she said, knowing how bad she had smeared him during the trail and out of it, she definitely was going to take a hit.

"Max I know you're upset," his lawyer from the trial popped into the room, the same lawyer that had represented him when they finally tested the DNA they had discovered that the police and the DA had withheld for six years. "But this isn't going to make your case."

"Like you fucking care, once you lost you left me here to rot, you're just as bad has she is," Max growled his legs kicked out causing the chair to be flung across the room.

"Last warning Max, I will tase you," Brad warned.

"Alright, alright man, chill, I hear ya," Max said, simmering down, and not fighting their hold. "The only thing you can do is get me a fucking car! Now!"


"Mr. and Mrs. Daysome in light of the new evidence that proves that your son did not kill Kelly Watts. What do you have to say to your son whom you very publicly condemned on live TV..."


"Where you not informed?" the off screen reporter asked.

Max huffed as he read the closed caption as he stood outside the electronic store. Looking at his reflection in the glass, seeing the hardness of his eyes staring back at him. Knowing the boy that went into prison was not the man that had exited it. Tattoos lined his arm, muscles housed his once thin frame, scars dotted his body from the attempts on his life while inside. Turning away, he didn't care what his parents had to say. They didn't hear his words; he didn't want to hear theirs. The check the state wrote for the years they kept him on death row burned in his pocket. That wasn't all he was going to take from them, it was only a start. He'll burn everything to make them feel just an ounce of the fear they made him endure. Yet first, he needed a place to stay, peering across the street at his old bank. He wondered if his old account was still open.

He felt their eyes on him as he walked into the bank. His demeanor practically screamed felon, and for the past six years he'd had to sleep in close proximity to some of the most horrendous of them.

"I need to know if my account is still open," Max said, as he stepped up to the teller counter.

"I-I'll see what I can do," the pretty young black woman said, praying that she wasn't going to get robbed. "Do you happen to know the account number?" Her fingers moved along the keyboard as Max rattled it off. "There seems to be a hold on it, it appears to have been inactive for a while..."

"Happens when you were on death row," Max said, bitterly. "As you can see I'm out. Can you undo that hold thing?"

"I'll need a transaction for that, a deposit I mean," she said, smiling nervously.

"Here," slamming the check on the counter causing the woman to jump, "that should be enough of a deposit, yes?" Max asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Y-yes, that should be," the woman nodded weakly. "Please don't hurt me," she whispered.

"Hurt you?" Max asked confused, tilting his head. "Why would I do that? I simply want my check deposited and some money so I can eat."

"This big of a check will take some time to clear... and the available balance was forty-two dollars and sixty-seven cents..."

"Then give me twenty and I'll be out of your hair," Max said, peeking over his shoulder taking in his surroundings.

"Certainly, sir..."

"How long will it take to clear?" Max asked, wondering where he could stay during the duration.

"A check this big... normally a week," the woman said, the twenty dollar bill trembled in her hand.

"I see. I'll be back then," Max said, taking the bill from the woman. Not seeing how the woman sighed as he left the building.

Max tossed the fast food bag into the trash after he had scarfed down a Big Mac. Walking into the park wondering if he could sleep there for the night since it was warm out. Heading into the woods that sat in the center of the park. His head shot up as he was deep within the heart of those trees.

"Help! Someone help! Please!" Came a frantic female cry.

"Shut up!" Max's sinews became taut as he heard the woman's cry of pain.

"Fuck! God damn it!" Max grumbled in his mind. He just simply wanted to find a place to sleep and forget about the world just like it forgot about him. Yet it would seem even death row couldn't kill off the last good thing that made up his core. His nostrils flared, his lungs burned, his legs flew along the ground as he raced towards the woman's voice. "Get. Off. Of. Her!" Max roared as he flung the late twenties man into the tree.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" the man growled. "Do you have any..." The man's words were cut off as Max drove his fist into the man's gut. He was never a fighter that was until he went to prison. Then he had to learn hard and fast on how to defend himself. Being stabbed twelve times and slashed another eleven, and almost gangraped twice in the showers will do that to you. It was only when he ripped off the sack of one of them that they decided he was more trouble than he was worth. He was already on death row; it wasn't like they could tack onto his sentence.

"I know a piece of shit when I see one," Max spat down at the unconscious man. Turning his attention to the woman he had been attacking. Her pantyhose were torn, so was the front of her floral dress. Her lip was bloody, her eye was starting to swell. He started to move only to see the look of fear as she tried to scurry away as her left hand darted about looking for something. Turning his head looking for what it was that she so desperately tried to find. Arching an eyebrow when he noted the folding cane. Walking over picking it up where the man had probably thrown it. How he wanted to stomp his skull in. Then he knew he would be back in that cell.

"Please... I don't..."

"Relax, I'm only trying to help," Max said, softly. Watching how the woman turned her head as if she was hearing where he was. Noting how she flinched as he softly touched her hand. "Is this what you were trying to find?" he asked, as he laid her hand on her cane. Seeing the relief flooding her face.

"T-thank you," the woman spoke softly.

"Can you stand?"

"I think so," she muttered trembling as she used his arm to lift herself up.

"There's a bench a few feet from your right," Max said, gently leading her to it. Seeing how her hand darted out looking for the seat before lowering herself onto it. Looking around wondering if the police, as much as he loathed them, patrolled this path. "I'm going to have to go and see..." Arching an eyebrow as the woman's hand darted out taking hold of his pants leg.

"Please don't... I'm scared," she said, tears forming in her eyes.

"Listen I don't have a phone..."

"My bag..." Her hand darted around the bench looking for it. Noting how her left hand covered her right breast where the man had torn at her dress.

"I think I see it," Max said, the little black clutch was covered in a layer of leaves. It was only because of the gold buckle that he even noticed it as it glinted in the light. "Here you are," he stated, placing her right hand on it as he laid it on her lap. Watching how she almost broke down as she called 911. Max stood off to the side to give her space. Honestly, he wanted to be as far away as possible before they showed up. She did, however, bawl her eyes out when she called her sister.

"Will you stay w-with me, please?" she asked, looking straight ahead.

His hand ran down his face, this was not how he wanted to spend his first day out. Sighing when he knew he couldn't leave her. No telling when or if that man would come to.

"Thank you," she whispered, her hands clenched tightly to her cane and purse.

"Not a problem," Max muttered.

"Can I ask, what's your name?"

"Max Daysome."

"Kate Moss." Holding up her right hand, Max silently sat there studying her face. Wondering if she was truly blind.

"Nice to meet you," Max said, shaking her hand gently.

"There's strength in your hands, and something else," Kate said, turning her head to look at him knowing now which side he sat on.

"You got that from a handshake?"

"Mmmhmm," Kate nodded. "You learn to cope when you're blind. Mostly."

"So... not to be rude or anything, seeing how you just went through that. But does that always happen?" Max asked, gesturing at the man even though she couldn't see.

"No," shaking her head, "most men think they can grope me whenever they want thinking it's okay since I'm blind."

"Oh. On behalf of the male gender not everyone of us is like that," Max said, gently laying his hand over hers.

"I know," Kate said, with a weak smile. "Some of them are really nice. Some even beat the shit out of that thing." Max had to admit the woman had a beautiful smile even if her lip was spilt.

"Trust me, I'm not that nice."

"You helped me, you saved me, if that's not nice then I don't know what is!"

"Okay, you got me there." Max couldn't believe he was chuckling and yet he was.

"How come you don't have a phone? Isn't that like a necessity these days?"

"Just got out of prison," Max said, wondering how she would react.

"Well... huh, then I'm very lucky you did," Kate said, taking Max by surprise. "So... umm... not to be rude, or anything, what were you in for?"

"Falsely accused of murder."

"Wait! What? How can you be falsely accused?" Kate asked, looking for anything to take her mind off of what just happened to her.

"Happens when the cops are too focused on you and the DA railroads you and hides evidence of your innocence," Max said, not knowing who Kate's sister was.

"And they can get away with that?!"

"Seems so, they got away with it for six years. I would have probably died in there if the DNA evidence hadn't come to light."

"Well shit!" Max felt a smile forming for the first time in six years. "So no conjugal visits?" Kate asked, smirking the best that she could. "You have a beautiful laugh," she said, her hand tightening around Max's left hand.

"I don't know how to take that, my laugh has never been called beautiful before," Max said, wondering how weird this all was. "Seems the cops are finally here." Turning his head to the right seeing the boys in blue jogging down the path.

"What's wrong?!" Kate asked, feeling the muscles in his hand tense.

"Nothing you need to worry about," Max said, looking back at Kate. "I think I should go now."

"Please... stay... at least until my sister gets here," Kate pleaded.

"I think she already is," Max said, trying to keep his anger from his voice as he saw that woman keeping pace behind the police.

"Really?! Then I want you to meet her! I know she'll like you. You did save her cute little sister after all," Kate said, Max saw the pain in her eyes as she smiled.

"We already know one another. She's the woman that put me in prison. Take care of yourself Kate," Max said, rising from the bench. Seeing the shocked look on Kate's face.

"You! Hands were I can see them!" the male officer barked as he drew his gun on Max's back.

"Listen officer I'm not the one you want. The ass that's laying on the ground is the one you want," Max sighed as he raised his arms.

"He's right, he's the one that saved me from being raped!" Kate said, jumping to Max's defense.

"Are you sure about that ma'am?" asked the female officer covering her partner as he checked on the man.

"Carol?! I think we caught you know who," the male officer nodded to the briefcase that had been kicked open in the scuffle. Spilling the man's rape kit onto the ground.

"You going to tell me that case isn't yours, right?" Carol asked, as her partner handcuffed the unconscious man to be safe.

"Does it look like I'm the type of man that carries around a briefcase?" Max asked, wondering why that voice sounded so familiar.

"Sir, I'm going to need you to slowly lower your arms and place your hands behind your back until we can sort this out," Carol said, in a stern and calm voice.

"Kate! Oh my god, Kate!"

"Ma'am I'm going to need you to stay back," Carol said, holding out her arm.

"Why won't you listen! This man saved me! Do you even hear me?!" Kate said, her hand darted out taking hold of Max's pants leg.

"Save your breath Kate, this city's police department doesn't care for the truth," Max said, bitterly.

"That's rich coming from a felon..." Seeing the prison tattoos that lined his arm. "Max?!" Carol gasped as she handcuffed her brother.

"Do I know you?" Max asked, tilting his head back peering over his shoulder. "So how long you going to put me in for this time?" he asked, as that woman wrapped her sister in a hug.

"I assure you Mr. Daysome, if you're innocent..."

"Where have I heard that before," Max rolled his eyes as he was led away.

"Sis, why won't they listen, he's done nothing wrong?!" Max could hear Kate pleading with her sister as he was led away.

"Don't you know who I am?" Carol asked, as her partner dragged/supported the semi-conscious man down the path to their cruiser.

"Am I supposed to know every cop in town?"

"It's me Max, your sister," Carol said, a little taken aback by the coldness of his eyes.

"I didn't know I had one."

"Watch your head," Carol said, trying to keep her emotions in check as she placed her brother in their curser.

Max ran the chain of the handcuffs along the metal ring creating his own little rhythm as he sat in an interrogation room. He knew they were watching him. It had become a sixth sense with him, and since he hadn't done anything wrong, other than beating the crap out of a would-be rapist; something he would have thought would be met with praise, he knew he had nothing to fear. Still, a lawyer would be nice. He had learned that the hard way. His face took a hard edge to it as the detective that had questioned him during the Kelly Watts investigation appeared in the open doorway.

"Lawyer, now!" Max sneered at the man.

"Relax Mr. Daysome, the questions I have won't require..."

"Lawyer, right now! I'm not saying a damn word until I get one!" Max demanded once again.

"Very well, if that's what you want, it might take a day or so to appoint a lawyer for you, or you can simply tell me what led up to how you found Ms. Kate Moss," Detective Mallard stated pulling out the metal chair.

"Want to tell me what crime I've committed for you to hold me?" Looking behind the man as a knock came upon the window. "Run along little pig," Max spat.

"Detective Mallard I'm going to send in someone else, someone who doesn't have a history with that man."

"Captain?! This is my case..."

"And it still will be, yet you aren't going to get anything out of him like this," Captain Halbert said, gesturing to the room. "Why don't you question the other man while we try to get him to detail the events without getting an attorney involved?" Turning to look as the door opened, arching an eyebrow as DA Moss entered the room.

"Has he said anything?" Jessica asked, as she peered at Max then to the other man.

"Him?" Halbert said, turning to look into the other interrogation room. "It seems Mr. Daysome pounded on him good, hardly can understand a word he says. Mr. Daysome is refusing to speak to us without a lawyer present," Captian Halbert stated.

"Captian?!" Carol said, sticking her head into the room. "Can I have a minute to speak with my brother?"

"Officer Daysome, that would be..."

"Wait a minute, maybe she can get him talking," Jessica said, hoping he was innocent she didn't want to put another man in prison that wasn't guilty of a crime. She was far too eager to make a name for herself. She cut corners, ignored evidence, and a man's life was destroyed because of her.

"I can try..."

"Captain!" Detective Mallard barked.

"You still have a suspect to question," Halbert said, shooting his detective a look.

"Thank you sir," Carol said, before slipping out of the door.

Max stared at his handcuffs, wondering if they were a new model as he passed the time. He had seen enough of them to note the difference in them. Looking up as the door opened. Arching an eyebrow as his sister walked in holding a file tucked under her arm.

"Hello Max..."

"This is what, the dirty cop and bad cop routine?" Max asked, watching how she allowed the remark to roll off her back.

"This is serious Max..."

"Six years falsely imprisoned in Lampac is serious. This is a picnic compared to that."

"I've read your prison file," Carol said, pulling out the chair across from him.

"Oh?! Find anything interesting worth reading?" Max said, sarcastically.

"Yes actually, shall we go over them, or we can discuss the events of the park. Which one would you prefer?" Carol asked, opening up the file. "Okay if you want to remain silent that is your right, I'll begin," she said, looking down at the photos of every assault he had sustained. "When was the first time you were stabbed? When was the first time you were almost gang..."

"I was looking for a place to sleep, alright?!" Max sighed irritably.

"Okay, elaborate," Carol said, pulling out her notepad. Noting how his dark brown hair was messy, like it hadn't been combed in days. How those green-brown eyes looked at her like she was a complete stranger to him. Not that she could blame him, she probably was.

"I went to the bank, got some money so I could eat, went to McDonald's got a burger and went to the park to find a nice hole to sleep in."

"Why didn't you call one of us?"

"Why the fuck would I?" Max shot back. "You're a so-called cop, surely one would think a cop," putting up air quotes, "would know fabricated evidence when they see it. Yet sadly it seems they don't teach how to catch your people's crimes, just planting evidence on innocent people."

"I see. So you went and got something thing to eat, then what?"

"Like I said, I was trying to find a place to sleep, since I have no money, no phone, just the clothes on my back. Thinking I'd hit up the homeless shelter tomorrow, but a nice big cell would be nice. At least then I'd be fed, if not bored. At least in Lampac I got my cardio in. That's when I heard a scream, a cry for help. Honestly, I didn't want to, why should I. This world turned its back on me why should I lift a finger to help?"