James & Jasmine Ch. 04


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"You like?" he asked tentatively.

"Umm, are you kidding me? It's unbelievable, James. You and Paul know how to live."

"Well, Paul isn't here and you are. So enjoy this to the fullest," he declared

"That I shall. So, what do we do first?" she added with a sly grin.

"Well, rather than ravage you in the next five minutes, I think we should settle in – there are two bedrooms – you choose one and I'll take the other. Then I'd suggest we go down to the pool for a little bit of late afternoon sun. Then..."

"I can get behind that plan, James. It's a beautiful pool and I can't wait to get down there."

"You can see, then, that tops are optional," he said with a sly grin.

She returned his smile. "Let's see how I feel when we get down there," she replied.

"Listen, I have to call into the office and make a few other phone calls. Why don't you head on down to the pool and I'll join you within the hour," he explained.

"Okay, James. But don't leave me stranded down there. I may need some help with sunscreen," she offered with a devilish smile.

"Mmm. In that case I'll make these calls as quick as I can."

They chose bedrooms and James retreated to his and was in the middle of a call to New York when he saw Jasmine appear in his doorway. She had changed and was headed to the pool and James eyed her hungrily. It was hard to see her suit, what there was of one, as she wore a flowing diaphanous silk robe that hung loosely about her exquisite frame. Her high open-toed sandals elongated her calves in a sinful stretch of muscle and skin. Her hair was piled high, twisted in a casual chignon and a beach bag was slung over her slender shoulder, her gorgeous eyes hidden behind large tortoise shell sunglasses. She smiled and waved goodbye as James returned the gesture, hoping to get through his calls as quickly as possible.

Jasmine found her way through the winding corridors and took the elevator down to the main level, following signs to the pool. She strode out onto the pool terrace and surveyed the layout, finding a couple of empty chaise lounges on the far side of the pool. She could feel eyes, subtle though they were, following her as she walked with purpose around the pool. She realized that the layout of the hotel and the tiered terraces around the pool made it the focal point of all outdoor activity and a voyeur's paradise. The pool terrace itself looked out on the glorious azure of the sea. All the rooms facing in toward the pool had wrought iron balconies with a small table and two chairs. She didn't mind the focus, and, in fact, she liked being noticed as she lay down her bag and slowly shed her robe.

She had worn a very small multi-colored Italian bikini and knew she'd decide once poolside as to whether the top would remain on or not. She quickly surveyed the other lounges and saw very few women with tops on. Not wanting to appear out of place, she discarded her top in one fluid motion and sat down on the chaise. Her soft breasts, now finally freed to the open air, bounced succulently as she sat down. Once seated, she dug in her bag for sunscreen, then applied a large dollop to her palm before applying it all over her shoulders, neck and upper chest. She was sitting up straight and could feel more than one pair of eyes watching her and the thought excited her.

The second squeeze of sunscreen, more generous than the first, was spread between both hands before she cupped her breasts and began to coat her bosomy flesh with sun protection. Her nipples glistened and stood hard and proud as she massaged her bust, well aware of the show she was putting on for those poolside, and, perhaps, even for some casual observers up on their balconies. She finished with her tummy and legs, having to spread them slightly to make sure her inner thighs were adequately protected. Too bad James wasn't here to see her display of topless bravado. She smiled at the thought that someone, anyone, might be watching her as her hands lovingly applied lotion to her almost naked body.

She lay back down and enjoyed the strong Provencal sun. It beat down on her with pulsating thickness. It was only May and she hadn't been out in the sun much in New York, so her smooth body was still pale from the long, seemingly endless, winter. The heat hung thick with humidity as she listened to the French conversations and the gentle lapping sounds of someone swimming nearby in the pool.

Looking down she could she her breasts jutting skyward, both perfect round mounds of pale flesh, tipped by her lovely pink nipples. The bottom of her thong bikini was not much more than a small triangle of multi colored metallic stripes of gold, reds and browns. Her delicious mons rose proudly from between her taut thighs and her labia gently and subtly stretched the thin material; a shallow crease clearly indicating the indentation between her full lips. Her stomach was a flat plain of soft curves in this position. She felt on display, laying topless by a French pool, as the late afternoon sun baked away the tensions of the past week. She smiled to herself feeling totally relaxed; comfortable that anyone who wanted to look at her body at that moment, could do so. She drifted off into a sun-drenched nap.

A soft voice in her ear woke her from her solar reverie.

"That is one lovely sight. I hope you put sunscreen on, Jasmine."

Jasmine smiled at the sound of James's voice and opened her eyes to the glaring Mediterranean sun.

"Mmhmm. I did. But I may need some help with my back," she crooned as she turned over onto her tummy." Her suit bottom was little more than a thong and disappeared sinfully between her delectable round cheeks.

"Well, I'm sure there would be no shortage of volunteers around the pool here, but I'll be gallant and offer up my services," James responded.

"You're too kind, James. God, the sun feels good," she sang out softly.

He applied a generous amount of sunscreen on her back and spread it over her shoulders and back as Jasmine settled deep into the chaise. James admired her perfect backside, her round cheeks sloping up steeply from the small of her back, forming two perfect globes of heavenly flesh. He spread the lotion south until he encountered the small triangle of her bottom disappeared seductively into the deep crease of her protruding butt.

He didn't want to get any grease on the small string of material that wrapped around the curves of her hips, so he applied more lotion to his palms and spread it over the backs of her thighs, slowly moving his spread fingers up to knead and massage the cream into her soft cheeks. It was a blatant public display, but it felt natural in their surroundings. He finished with her lower legs and lay back to critique his handiwork.

"Beautiful. Just beautiful," he stated to no one in particular.

"Mmhmm," Jasmine replied lazily, lost in the thick heat of the afternoon sun.

James surveyed the scene and smiled to himself. He'd always enjoyed his stays here with Paul, but this was a huge bonus – being here with a young beautiful woman who had become his lover. The cast of characters around the pool was typical of an early spring crowd – a mix of French and Europeans, mostly young and tan, but some moneyed and well-preserved older folks as well. A cacophony of languages permeated the air – much of it French, but a smattering of German, Italian and accented English as well. James could hear what sounded like Russian from a couple of young blond women seated nearby. As his eyes scanned the surrounds, he saw the bar and the urge for a cool drink struck hard and made him smile.

"Jasmine. Would you like something to drink? I'm going to saunter over to the bar. I'll bring you something back, if you like."

"Mmm. White wine would be lovely," she replied without opening her eyes.

James hopped up and walked down to the bar, ducking under the shade of the canopy that covered a short seating area. He perched on a stool and ordered two glasses of Chablis. As the bartender was pouring his order, he looked up to see Jasmine striding toward him. It took his breath away. All she was wearing were her high heeled sandals and her tiny bottom. Her hair was still up, sunglasses on, and her body moved with a sleek fluidity that was intoxicating. Her breasts bounced and jiggled tightly with each step, accentuated by the height and angle of her sandals. James could only stare. She had a smile on her face that said, 'I know I have a great body, I'm proud of it and I don't mind showing it off for anyone who wants to look at it as I walk across the pool terrace topless.' James could see a few heads turn as she approached his perch.

"Thought I'd stretch my legs and join you for a minute," she offered. James grabbed each glass low on the stem.

"You stretched a few necks on your way over here, I'll have you know. Here you go," he said, handing her two glasses that sparkled in the sunshine. Let me settle up, I'll be right there."

Jasmine wheeled and turned. The barkeep put his tab on the bar, but James was distracted by Jasmine's departure. All he could do was watch her perfect rear as she strode back around the pool, her soft round cheeks jiggling tightly and her curvy hips swaying as she returned to their chaise lounges.

"Elle est incroyable," James heard to his right. He turned to see the bartender watching Jasmine's retreat. "Tres belle," he winked.

"Oui," James replied. "C'est vrai."

He signed the room number, threw a generous tip on the bar and returned to Jasmine's side. They drank their wine and toasted their good fortune. Suddenly Jasmine's phone buzzed with a text. She swiped her thumb and announced that it was Sophie.

"She's just confirming for tomorrow. What should I tell her?"

"She's welcome to join us for dinner, if she'd like. Or later in the evening? Up to you." James watched as his topless companion sat and texted, her thumb moving rapidly, just as she would have if she was fully clothed.

"Hmm. Family commitments in the early evening. But she could meet us at a club later on. Is that okay?" Jasmine asked, turning to James for approval.

He nodded and the date was set. They lingered by the pool as the late afternoon sun angled sharply and the shadows began to stretch.

"What's on our agenda, James?" Jasmine asked as she took her last sip of wine.

"Well, I propose this. Let's return to our respective rooms and get ready for an early dinner. I know that is tres unfashionable, but I want to eat early so we have a full evening in front of us after dinner. They have an excellent restaurant here in the hotel and I'll make a reservation. After dinner we'll return to the suite. And then...?"

"Mmm. Sounds good to me. Let's get all dressed up for the evening. I can't wait," she said with glee.

"Neither can I. You can wear one of those fancy dresses Missy had you buy. Better get some use out of them."

They gathered their things, Jasmine modestly put on her tiny top and robe, and they returned to their suite.

James was sorely tempted to grab his female companion the minute the door closed. But he knew that they wouldn't come up for air for hours. He needed to resist the temptation, just for a little longer, and stick with his plan. He knew it would be worth it. He called to make a dinner reservation and then retreated to his room, as Jasmine had.

An hour later, showered, shaved and dressed casually, James awaited Jasmine in their common room. The French doors were open to the terrace and a cool early evening breeze, tinted with an aroma of sea salt, wafted through their space. Finally, Jasmine's door opened and she entered the room. He'd expected to be blown away, but he still wasn't prepared for the ravishing beauty that swept into the living area.

She was wearing what could only be described as a "little black dress", with the emphasis on the "little" part. Yet, it was still a very elegant cut and style that fit Jasmine to a tee. The spaghetti straps supported a low-cut bodice that was working overtime to contain the soft fullness of her breasts. The dress tucked in tight around her midsection, hugged the curvy sway of her hips and then fell in a loose swirl around her long taut thighs. It looked to be of a very expensive silky material. She had on the tallest heels James had ever seen her wear, in what looked like snake skin with black spikes. Her hair was loose and languid, mahogany tresses that hung wild and free. Large hoop earrings, a scarlet choker and a small red bag complete the ensemble. Her eyes glowed darkly with just the right amount of make-up and the open toe of her heels showed off a matching manicure and pedicure.

There was no way she could be wearing a bra – the cut of the dress and the hang of her breasts meant only natural bare skin lay beneath the cut of her swooping neckline. Jasmine sauntered in confidently and twirled for effect, her hemline swirling up and out in a delayed display of centrifugal force, showing off her long lean thighs for just a fleeting moment. The dress was exquisite and few women could have worn such a style with the confidence with which Jasmine did. 'Missy had come through again', James thought to himself.

"Wow!" was all he could muster in return. His slack-jawed stare was all Jasmine needed to see. She hadn't been sure the right occasion would arise to wear this number, or the shoes. But seeing as they weren't leaving the hotel and she didn't have to walk far, she'd decided to take a chance. She certainly seemed to have an appreciative audience.

"You like?" she asked benignly, knowing full well what the answer would be.

"What's not to like? You look amazing, Jasmine. Absolutely amazing."

"Thanks, James. You look pretty debonair yourself," Jasmine responded. James was wearing black silk trousers, expensive Italian loafers with no socks and a white linen shirt with two buttons undone at the collar. His sport coat was folded over the chair as he sat comfortably, watching Jasmine with that same hungry determined look she'd seen when they'd first met. His eyes showed such deep appreciation and his body language just made Jasmine want to curl up on his lap and kiss his mouth; kiss him everywhere, in fact.

"So, let's go. Allons," James added with a smile as he arose with a start and grabbed his sport coat. They left the suite and made their way down to the restaurant. It was on the early side for a French dinner, but they had a full evening ahead and didn't care if their 7pm reservation looked too American. They settled into a nice corner table overlooking the sea and ordered a lovely rose to go with their meal. The conversation flowed as easily as the wine.

"I've been looking forward to this evening all week, James," Jasmine said, as she lightly stroked the back of his hand.

"Me too, Jasmine. Since the first moment I saw you, actually," he replied. She curled her fingers over his cupped fingers and they both felt the vibe of the evening unfolding through their touch.

"So what is our agenda for tomorrow, James? We have a full day and early evening before we meet Sophie around 10 or so. Thoughts?"

"Well, we can sleep late – or at least stay in bed late. Let's take in a few of the sights of Nice tomorrow. I'll show you around town – maybe have lunch out and about. It's a lovely city. We can take in the Matisse Museum. Let's just be leisurely tourists – not much of an agenda – just enjoy the day and the city."

"Sounds great to me."

"And, listen, I know that you want to see Sophie tomorrow night but I don't want to intrude. So, if the two of you would like a night out on the town, I can fend for myself," James offered.

Jasmine looked at him like he had two heads. "Are you kidding me? You don't want to go out dancing with two hot babes?" She felt his forehead. "Do you have a fever or something?"

"No, Jasmine. Just being respectful of your space. I saw how you two were getting along at dinner last night. I don't want to get in the way," he explained.

"You wouldn't want to get in the middle of that?" Jasmine asked in disbelief. "I think Sophie is still stinging from your pass on her the last time you were here. She wanted to know all about you. And I know that she'll be much more excited to go out with the both of us than just me. And I feel the same," she said, turning serious now. "Is arm twisting necessary?" she asked as she reached out for his arm.

"No, Jasmine. That sounds wonderful. I just wanted to offer you enough space to do what you want. That was our agreement in your coming to Nice," he said.

Jasmine smiled and squeezed his hand. "The only space I want is enough to include Sophie in our plans tomorrow night. That would make me happy. In fact, that is likely to make us both happy," she added with a wicked grin.

"Well, let's just see where it goes tomorrow night. And let's not worry about that now. Let's think about tonight. Let's think about now."

They were almost done with dinner and James asked for the check, deciding to skip dessert. They left the restaurant arm in arm and headed upstairs to find out what the night held in store. James lent his elbow for support, as Jasmine's impossible heels were not made for walking – even short distances within a hotel. But they survived the journey and were soon key carding their way into their suite, both smiling broadly at the moment that had arrived.

Jasmine dropped her small purse on the table and James turned on some music. He removed the cork from a bottle of chilled Sancerre as Jasmine opened the doors to their terrace and let the fresh sea breeze wash through the room. Sounds of the Riviera night wafted through their doors and Jasmine turned to see James, now sans jacket, approaching her with a glass of liquid gold. She took a delicate sip and set the glass down on the fireplace's marble mantel. Then she began to sway to the music as James took a seat and settled deeply and comfortably into the leather sofa.

"Dance for me, Jasmine. Show me your body," James suggested in a sexy voice. Jasmine was already losing herself in the sexy music and comfortable atmosphere.

This was a moment James had been waiting for – they both had been, for that matter – since the first day they had met. Jasmine swayed with her eyes closed, getting lost in a sensual trance as James watched. He realized that it wasn't just that her body was perfection; it clearly was. What he found even more alluring was the way she moved that body. There was a slow feline quality to every single movement she made. James was completely entranced by her aura. Every turn of the hip and sweep of her hand was steeped in sensuality. Watching her walk across the room was always a visual treat. But watching her dance and sway to music and the rhythm of a French night brought her seductive powers to another level entirely.

As she grooved to the beat, her private dance for James became more intimate. She opened her eyes and looked at James with lust as she began to touch her body. Her hands followed the curve of her tummy and wandered lightly over the fullness of her incredible breasts as she watched her sexy companion with a knowing smile. James had the feeling that she was offering herself up to him and he had every intention of taking whatever it was that she was willing to give. She walked over to James, one foot in front of the other and turned sharply, her back arched seductively.

"Unzip me, James," she commanded. "Please."

James slid the zipper slowly down the long curvature of her back and spotted the thin horizontal black line of her bra. She walked away again, but didn't turn – she stayed facing away from James as she shimmied out of her little black dress, taking her sweet time. It fell to the outward curvature of her hips, but would need assistance from there. She hooked her thumbs in the clump of material at either side of her waist and began to slide it down her lower body, looking over her shoulder at James as she slowly and seductively exposed her ass to James's view. Clearing her hips she let the dress fall to the floor in a silky black heap. She stepped out of it, in just a black bra and thong, along with her stilettos, and James caught his breath at the beauty of this exquisite creature now before him.