James The Butler


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“What if there is no proof. What if he’s clean?” I asked his neck.

He pulled away to look in my eyes. “Do you believe that?”

No. Peter Hyde would deal with the devil for enough of a profit. “I don’t know what to do.”

“Sean. Train Sean. I’ll help you.”

“This is mad. What do you want in return? No one does anything out of the goodness of their own heart.”

He smiled down at me. “I’d just like to know this dark cloud doesn’t hang over your head. I want to know there’s a chance for something more.”

I didn’t want to let it go. “You’re lying, James.” Did I really want him to admit he was a spy? I didn’t know.

“You think I’m after money?”

“Worse. I think you might have this idea that you and I will ride off into the sunset. That won’t happen, James.”

“It won’t?”

I shoved again and he let me go. I got up and headed for my closet where my robe was hanging. Suddenly I was in his arms, a fireman’s carry, I hadn’t even heard him move. He dumped me on the couch.

Before I could protest his mouth was on mine and he pulled my wrists above my head. I struggled with my legs but he settled between them. Jesus, I wanted it, but I didn’t want to want it and he knew this. He let me struggle and just used one meaty hand to pin my wrists down. The other fondled a breast ruthlessly until the nipple was stiff and then he plucked it. All the while I bucked, trying to unseat him, but just rubbed against the outline of his erection.

The front of his pants was smeared with my wetness, there was no way he didn’t know how this excited me. Still it was forced and he smiled coldly at me, rubbing his erection against me harder. Bastard.

He leaned in for a kiss and I bit his lip. He jerked my arms, making me cry out into his mouth. I tasted his blood and somehow it made it more erotic. There was no resisting his kiss from then on.

Trancelike I sucked his tongue, he fumbled with his zipper and parted his pants and boxers with his free hand. His cock was rock hard, dripping with precum. No one would mistake how much my forced submission aroused him. He slammed his cock inside, hitting my womb and I screamed into his mouth.

I came almost instantly as he ground himself into me, gifting me with a drawn out orgasm. This was about me now, he patiently delayed his pleasure, forcing mine on me. Just when the shudders stopped he reared his hips back and slammed back in.

It was violent and painful but I wanted it that way. I didn’t want it to be my choice, I didn’t want the responsibility of surrender. James came quickly and I felt like he shuddered and spilled inside me for hours, but it was over too quickly.

I would be bruised on the wrists and inside the next day, but I didn’t care. I had enjoyed that, to my humiliation.

“There, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” He kissed my temple and pulled out. I closed my eyes, listening to his zipper, the sound of footsteps, and then the door. He was gone.

The bastard. He was good at this, too good. # Sean came from a rich family. He resented working but knew it would bring him more money in the long run, so he viewed his position as an investment. I knew money wouldn’t turn his head and I was at a loss until James made the horrifying suggestion that I barter my body.

I balked but then I noticed how Sean watched me, and how James did. If I fucked my assistant I had my own spy and maybe, just maybe, James would hate me. If I was lucky.

He asked me on Thursday night. Our lovemaking had been slow, I had been expecting violence and he had gifted me with his submission. No one was better at games. Even as he pretended to submit, let me take him, let me wrap my lips around his juicy cock, let me ride him, he was in control.

The power he had over me was strange and complete. He always knew what my body wanted, what I desired, and he could make me beg for it. The bastard controlled my every spare thought.

I came, thinking he came with me, but when I came down he was still hard. James pinned my hands to his chest and trapped my legs with his. I couldn’t move.

“Sean knows something, I know he does. His father has access to information, Keelin. Get him to be your spy.”

“How? I have nothing he wants.”

“This. He wants this.” And with that he jerked his hips, surging into me.

I moaned but soon my head cleared. “I’m not going to be a whore, James.”

“You’re not a whore, Keelin.”

He rolled until I was on my side and then he eased out. Before I could move he was behind me and deep inside again, his hand buried between my pussy lips. I moaned long and low at the pleasure, felt his breath in my ear.

“I’ve seen how you look at him. Oh, he can’t do what I can do, no one can give you this.” He punctuated his words with thrusts, the last hard and deep, complete.

“But he can give you variety, something different. Enjoy it. I won’t be jealous. You’ll always come back to me.” Now his free hand was on my breast. He plucked and rolled, pinched and pulled. I clawed the sheets, my mind reeling against what my body was so excited by.

“You can imagine him, can’t you? He’s so big I bet he’s big everywhere. He’ll fill you even more than me, hit your cervix every time. You like that, you like it rough, and he’ll be rough. Those giant hands on you, you’ll love it.”

I tried to fight it, moaned a denial, but the spurt of moisture between my legs didn’t lie.

“But you’ll come back to me. I know you, your every secret, your every desire. I can make you come,” this brought another deep thrust, “when I want.” And then he scissored my clit and I came. The hand on my breast moved to smother my mouth as I screamed, trembling and jerking against him.

“Yes.” He kissed me softly. “You’ll come back. But there is no way he could resist this. Take what you know you want and get what you need.” He pulled out and moved me in a daze.

James sat cross-legged and somehow I was wrapped around him, his arms around me. We ground, face to face, and when I came he came with me. Far from the back of my mind, I knew in my heart I would do anything he asked and it terrified me.

Already I had cut back on my drinking for him, started writing more. Everything I did lately was for him, to my humiliation.

He seemed to find it erotic that I ordered him about coldly during the day. In front of my father he loved to be oh-so-cordial while every humiliation I dealt out was filed. At night he made me pay tenfold, and he made me love it. Our days became forbidden foreplay.

Bobby and Dad couldn’t see it but Consuela gave us odd looks and Sean started to. I was counting the days until my vacation so I could clear my head.

Friday came and I was off. I brought Sean with on my little vacation to the spa under the guise that it was tutelage, but in reality it was a planned seduction. His or mine, I wasn’t sure.

Phoenix was burning hot but the world class spa was air conditioned cool. We had connecting rooms and parted that night for much needed sleep. The party the night before had been exhausting.

The next day I let Sean do whatever he wanted on my dime and I got the works. I got massaged, seaweed wrapped, mud masked, cleansed, toned and clarified into soft perfection. By dinner I was feeling gorgeous and ready to take on the world.

Sean was waiting for me in the dining room amidst the other guests. The walls were a deep color in the dim light, candles lit the room in blue jars. Every so often a jeweled blue sconce cast a soft glow. It was supposed to be soothing but it was romantic.

Sean was looking somewhat tan, amazing for a redhead, and well rested. He stood when I arrived and held my chair for me.

“Thank you.”

He nodded, sat down and we took the menus from the host.

The wine steward appeared and I asked if Sean knew much about wine. To my surprise he was an expert and asked for a sparkling Riesling for our appetizers and a hearty Bordeaux for dinner.

The waiter appeared and I ordered veal, he ordered steak. Then we were alone and my nerves rose.

“Thank you for coming. I thought this would be a good chance for us to get to know each other.”

“Oh?” He raised an eyebrow. I cursed myself inwards for coming on too strong.

“I believe in being blunt. You’ll get used to it. My grandfather asked you to spy on me.”

He seemed shocked, at least he was speechless.

“You wouldn’t be the first,” I continued, “and you’re certainly not the only one. He probably has spies here in this hotel.”

His eyes immediately swept the room and I had to stop myself from laughing.

“I don’t hold it against you. I hold it against him. He wants to know every move I make.”

I had to wait as the sparkling was poured and the scallop appetizer was served. Finally the servers moved away and we were alone in the glow of a candle in a blue jar.

“So what happens now?” Sean asked.

I laughed. # I was amazed. I too, had underestimated Sean. I thought he would be rough with me but he was gentle. James had convinced me Sean was as rough as he looked, but he was so very gentle. In his arms I was something precious, as if he was afraid I would break.

Our first kiss was soft but firm and he made me enjoy it long before his tongue slid in. This one was a master in more of a Beta manner, a way James would never understand.

He undressed me slowly and made sure to pay attention to every inch of flesh exposed. It felt like he was totally focused on me like no man ever had been. James was intuitive, he knew how to read sighs and the smallest movements efficiently. Sean was more of a scientist conducting a pleasurable experiment.

Erogenous zones were newly discovered. He nibbled just above my armpit and the forbiddeness of that alone made me shiver. He licked my whole breast, nipping at the underside before stroking the aureoles with his soft tongue. By the time he got to my nipples they were raised painfully and I was begging.

Every inch of my stomach was kissed, he toyed with the hinted at ridges of muscles making them flutter. I reached for him and he kept out of reach, chuckling when I moaned.

My thighs were tortured and then he moved lower. I was massaged, caressed, whimpering and mindless by the time he returned to my mons. One simple lick at my clitoris and I came, shaking and sputtering.

He didn’t stop, pushed the hood back with his thumb and kept licking, pushing me higher. For what felt like forever he experimented to see what I liked and then inserted a thick finger. Two made me uncomfortable but one was perfect. He found my g-spot and drove me slowly out of my mind.

I came again and again before he kissed me softly there. When he rose up to kiss my lips I tasted myself, tangy and sharp over the hint of wine. He let me strip him down and watched with keen interest as I licked my lips and caressed his bulging muscles. My voyeuristic streak must have showed, because he stilled my hand and grabbed his own heavy cock before I could reach it.

“Watch me,” he pleaded. I had to, had to stare at that hugely thick cock grow harder in his ham-like fist, watch the beauty of it all. I leaned back on the bed and stared at his red cock, thicker than I’d imagined, pumped to shining arousal by his hand.

At long last he took my hand and wrapped his around it, making me stroke with him. He showed me how he liked it and it was darkly thrilling. Then his hand left me on his cock alone and wandered across my hip to dive inside me again.

By then he was a fucking master and I closed my eyes, helpless to the sensations. My movements became so erratic he pulled my hand from him and kissed the palm, pushing me back into my pillows.

He brought me again and then reached down to his pants on the floor. The condom was rolled on swiftly, I didn’t even notice it happening, and then he was sitting between my thighs.

“How do you like it?” he asked quietly in that sexy brogue.

I had to think. How did I want him? “On top,” I whispered finally.

He nodded and helped me to move, rolling swiftly beneath me. His erection was hard but a little softer and I knew this would make it easier. He was huge and intimidating. I straddled him and he let his hands rest gingerly on my thighs as I sank down.

Jesus, I’d thought in the back of my mind that my body was done but desire came roaring back. Moisture welled and trickled down between his thighs, spilling from between mine.

He groaned and kept me still, catching his breath once he was hilted.

I tested him and ground more than thrust. It worked for me, worked very well, but for most men it made them flaccid. He got harder, watching me, and I closed my eyes and leaned forward.

My nipple met a warm suckling cavern and then his teeth tugged jut as my clit swelled against his wiry hair. I came, crying out, and that’s when he gripped my hips. He pumped once, twice, and came with a hoarse shout.

His pinnacle of pleasure was more expressive and vocal than any I’d ever seen and it was beautiful to behold. Sean let me crash on top of him then, a big burly warmth beneath my cooling sweaty body.

Finally I rolled off and padded naked to the bathroom to fetch a towel. I rolled the condom off for him and cleaned him up, licking him clean for a final treat.

“How about a ham sandwich?” I asked softly, reaching for the phone.

With that smile I knew I had my spy. # James did exactly what I was afraid of. He was not happy that I fucked Sean during the day and him at night. He wanted to call me whore but I reminded him again and again that it had been his plan. They each knew about the other but Sean didn’t care. He had lovers on the side, I knew that, and we always used a condom and made sure to keep it light.

James treated every night like a chance to brand me, making sure I would never forget him. As if I could. He was raw and powerful and so masterful that I knew if he asked I would follow him to hell. That was when he was touching me. When we were apart I felt clearer, like he was some kind of drug.

Grandfather upped the frequency of his parties that month, and I was forced to partner Tom Goddard. I had the feeling that if grandfather could he’d drug me and let Tom rape my unconscious body, just to begat an heir he could control.

I was always careful not to eat or drink anything offered.

Sean gave reports to grandfather that I was flying on the straight and narrow so there were no more surprise visits. Four weeks passed tensely for Sean could gather no evidence, and James was getting more and more jealous.

Finally James bitterly suggested I seduce Tom Goddard and I laughed about that with Sean, letting him know Tom was gay. Sean relaxed on the couch where he was sitting, still shirtless from our last interlude.

There was frustration between us on some small level for he was always so gentle with me. Just once I wanted to force a lover to bend to my will. Still, Sean was good, and there was no room to complain. What we had was light.

He always made love to me with his mouth so tender, and then came the fingers. He made me come so hard and get so wet I had to keep a towel beneath me. I sucked his cock and he made sure to never let it get too hard, to never jerk my hair or harm me in any way. He seemed self conscious of his size and nothing I could do would change his mind.

His lovemaking was delicate and careful and though he made me come harder than I should have, it was never enough. Hours later I would always hunger for James.

That afternoon we’d made love on the window seat where he still reclined and I sat, discussing Tom and James.

“I coul’ do it.”

I stopped buttoning up my poplin and stared.

He shrugged. “I like men too, not as much as women. But I’ve seen him and I coul’ do it.”


“As I sai’, I’ve seen him.”

“Why are you so willing to help me?” The thought of the two men together, delicate perfection and brute strength, was powerfully arousing.

Sean pulled me down until I was sprawled across his body and he kissed me soundly. “I’ve a hea’ for business and I think that if you le’ me bugger Goddard you have him in the palm of your hand. So then your gran’father goes ta jail and you have a nice tidy position for me.”

“Blackmail, ‘eh? Got that going on me?”

“If I get a good position from this, lass, then it’s you who coul’ blackmail me.”

“Good point.”

“So have Tom over for dinner, tell him it’s ta discuss things away from your gran’father’s ears. Leave it up ta me.”

So pliable, he played the game so well, and he went both ways. I was going to have remember that. # “Thank you for having me over. I’ve been curious about this place for a while now,” Tom said with a tight smile.

We were seated with Sean at the table while James served. I hadn’t told him anything other than Tom was coming over and I think James was waiting to see if I fucked him.

“Certainly,” I said with a sweet smile.

Tom was nervous and smiling, Sean had talked with my grandfather and knew that he had told Tom to fuck me, knock me up, or there would be consequences.

He wore a suit which lay nicely on his broad shoulders. The off white of his shirt complemented his tan, the navy of the jacket the blue highlights in his inky hair. He was almost pretty, but a long healed broken nose saved him from it. His deep green eyes were cat-like and watched me nervously, but I saw the gaze flicker to James.

I dismissed James when dessert was cleared and the wine was left on the table. The plan was to get Tom drunk, make a move, and let Sean take it from there.

Tom watched me nervously, I’m sure imagining James in my stead for he had been the best looking in the room. The conversation turned intimate, talking about school days and Sean made sure that Tom knew they had much in common.

I moved us to a lounge and closed the doors, turned the music on low. The plan was simple. Pretend I was drunk, take my top off, peel off Tom’s clothes so he could do his duty, all the while making him forget Sean was there. And then Sean and I would trade places.

A digital video recorder was watching us. Sean moved quietly into a corner while I wavered closer and set my hand on Tom’s thigh. He gulped but covered it. Our words trailed off as I kissed him, slipping my hands inside his jacket. Surprisingly his chest was well-defined and hot to the touch.

He was a good kisser, soft and almost feminine but for the stubble. I had to take control and did so. I slipped his suit jacket off and stroked his gym-sculpted chest as we kissed.

Straddling his lap I unbuttoned some of his shirt and guided his hands to my breasts. I felt his cock stir and was flattered. I lost myself to his kiss and soon we were breathing hard, both aroused.

Then I felt another head beside Tom’s, kissing his ear. Our hapless victim stiffened in surprise so I kissed him more deeply, forcing him to relax. I stripped his shirt and then Sean took his mouth, I kissed the bared skin. Tom had a beautiful chest, the chest of a man who appreciated all that male beauty could offer.

I opened his pants and gave in to temptation, licking his cock. It was long and average in width, but curved slightly and quivering at the feel of my tongue. He groaned and then Sean grabbed him from me. Whereas with me Sean had been gentle and mesmerizing, with Tom he was forceful. His meaty hand moved my face gently away before roughly grabbing Tom’s cock.

They were obviously now involved with one another so I slipped out but left the door open a crack. I wanted to watch, mesmerized, from the other study.

They left their clothes on while they kissed, almost wrestling for control. It was beautiful to watch but in the end Sean would win. I slipped a hand inside my shirt and cupped my breast knowing the study I was in was empty.

When Sean’s mouth sucked in Tom’s penis I moaned and lifted my skirt. I was wet and swollen and my fingers felt too thin, too cool and the tips sharp. I wanted something more but I was too hot to wait. Too hot to find James and I didn’t want to leave my visual feast.
