Jay's Sex Club Adventures Ch. 24


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"You're telling me; poor guy. He has no idea, what he's really in for."

We both watched, as Ryan approached Kendra again and once again, the two started talking and flirting. I'm almost ashamed to say that for the next twenty minutes, Rob and I just sat there drinking and watching my cousin flirt with Kendra.

It wasn't until I saw Kendra backing him up against the wall and sliding her hands down his back, that I realized...this was really going to happen. All bets were off now though, I wasn't going to make another attempt to turn him away from his inevitable fate.

We watched, as Kendra took him by the hand and led him to one of the empty bedrooms. I shook my head, opening a fresh beer and Rob chuckled beside me. "Well, it's too late for him now."

"Ah, it's not the end of the world."

"What does that mean?"

"It's gonna hurt like hell at first but, I'm sure he'll enjoy himself in the long run. Kendra's got a big package but it can make you feel like you're in heaven, if you can get past the initial pain."

"You would know, wouldn't you buddy?"

I gave Rob a bit of a shove and he started laughing, as we watched the bedroom door close. It only took a few minutes after that, for me to forget about what was going on between Ryan and Kendra. I started conversing with everyone else who had shown up for the party, and somehow wound up talking with Christy again.

The night was moving quickly and I was starting to feel drunk. By around 10:30 I was already feeling really good and so was Christy, who had been flirting all night. The more alcohol I consumed, the more horny I started to feel.

I recall how good of a fuck Christy was. That cock was almost as magical as Kendra's and she really knew how to use it, too.

By 11:00 Christy and I were dancing together, bumping and grinding, with her standing behind me. She had her arms wrapped around my waist and was grinding her cock against my ass through our clothes, rubbing my chest and breathing in my ear. I felt a bit guilty though, despite how aroused I was.

Sure, Holly had said this was totally fine...that was great. I knew Holly was a very frisky kind of girl and she was probably back home right now, getting her freak on with Annie and Lisa. That was okay with me. It just felt kind of strange not having her here, knowing that I was probably about to get it on with Christy and even though Holly had said that was alright...I just felt weird.

I pushed it aside though and soon enough, Christy was leading me towards one of the bedrooms. The door slammed shut and our lips locked together, tongues wrestling and hands roaming. Clothes were quickly removed and thrown to the floor, forming a pile, until we collapsed naked onto the Queen size mattress.

My hand moved down her thigh and found her cock, wrapping my fingers around her shaft and slowly stroking, as I sucked on one of her tits. I was so fucking horny...but I still couldn't stop myself from thinking about Holly and feeling some what guilty.

Christy pushed me down onto the bed and lifted my legs, spreading them wide and moving between them. She moved forward and forced her mouth over mine again, tongues wrestling as she probed my ass with her cock.

"Mm, s-stop!"

She listened and backed off immediately, looking at me with confusion. "What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, no not at all. I just...I don't know. Would it be okay if we just messed around? Like just sucking each other off?"


She looked disappointed and suddenly, I felt bad. She must have been thinking that I wasn't interested for whatever reason. I gave her a reassuring smile and a kiss on the forehead.

"It's not personal," I assured her. "I just...feel weird."

"Because of Holly?"

"Honestly? Yeah...because of Holly. I know she's okay with this but, it just feels weird. You're not mad at me?"

Christy smiled and moved out from between my legs, lying down beside me. Her huge, hairless cock was still standing straight up and oozing a bit of pre-cum now.

"I'm not mad," she replied. "I think it's adorable actually. You really are in love with her, aren't you? That's awesome. We can do whatever you want or, do nothing at all if that's what you want."

"Well I'm very horny, don't get me wrong...I just don't want to go past a certain point if that's okay."


I felt relieved to know, that Christy wasn't going to be too pushy with me about this. We wound up in 69 with her on top and that was more then enough, to get me going. Her ass backed up in my face, cock hanging right in front of my mouth. I inhaled the musky aroma of her balls and ass, sucking on her cock, while she gave me lots of deep throat action herself.

As Christy sucked my cock, she pushed my legs apart slightly. I tensed up just for a moment, fearing that she might try to defy my requests. I felt her index finger pressing against my ass and relaxed my hole, just enough for her to slide it inside. There was nothing wrong with a few fingers, I told myself.

She pushed it in up to the knuckle, rubbing my prostate as she sucked my cock deep into her throat. I gasped and moaned, humming against her own erection and causing her to moan too.

We were both getting close, I could tell.

She slipped a second finger and then a third into my ass, spreading me even wider and pressing firmly against my sweet spot; that was all I could take. My heart pounding in my chest, I lifted my ass up off of the mattress and erupted, deep in her throat. Christy groaned, tasting my cum and swallowing every last drop.

Seemingly at the same time, she gasped and her body began to tremble as her own cock started to throb in my mouth.

I tasted the warm, salty flavor, as her cum splashed across my tongue. I sucked her dry and then slid out from underneath of her, both of us lying side by side and struggling to catch our breath.

Christy really knew how to deliver a powerful orgasm, even without penetration. Just sucking each other off, had been fulfilling enough for me. We stayed in bed for a little while and just talked, catching up a bit and then decided to return to the party.

It was just past midnight and we could still hear the music blasting and people talking quite loudly; the night wasn't over.

As we exited the bedroom, I knocked lightly on the door to the room that Kendra and Ryan had entered earlier. I pressed my ear to the door and didn't hear anything. No response to my knocking and no sounds, that would indicate anything sexual. Then again, the music was pretty loud and it would probably be hard to hear anything even if there was anything to be heard.

Curious, I turned the door knob and pushed the door open. I poked my head inside and my eyes went wide with shock.

Ryan and Kendra were in bed together, Ryan bent over on his hands and knees with Kendra slamming her big, black cock in and out of my cousin's asshole. Ryan was shaking and moaning quite loudly, to the point where I couldn't tell if he was in pain or pleasure.

I smiled to myself and drunkenly shook my head. It was probably a good mix of pain and pleasure, considering this was his first time. Then again, I wouldn't really know for SURE considering Kendra hadn't been the one to take my anal cherry. That one belonged to Lisa. Even though I hadn't been a virgin to anal sex when I first hooked up with Kendra, I still remembered how painful it had been that very first time with her.

If Ryan was not in pain at that particular moment, he would certainly be feeling it in the morning.

I backed out of the room and closed the door softly, hoping not to alert either of them, that I had been spying on them.

The rest of the night was a blast. The party didn't really stop, until almost 4:30 in the morning. As promised, Rob didn't do anything too bizarre out of respect for Holly, for the exception of what happened with me and Christy.

I could tell she was disappointed that we hadn't done much more then sucking each other off but, she had enough respect for Holly to listen.

I passed out around 5:00 that morning and slept for a good few hours. It wasn't until around 11:00 in the morning that I woke, with a dull head ache and a dry mouth. I sat up on the floor where I had fallen asleep, and looked around at my surroundings. It felt like a scene from the movie "The Hangover" and I half expected to find a tiger in the bathroom.

The place was trashed and people were spread out across the floor, still sound asleep. I pushed myself up on my shaking legs, and stumbled towards the bathroom, stepping over people as I moved and trying not to trip over anyone.

There was no tiger in the bathroom; that was a relief.

I returned to the living room and found Kendra, slipping out of the room she shared with my cousin. She looked up and smiled at me, moving into the kitchen and I followed her out there.

"How was your night?" I asked, leaning against the counter.

"Oh Jay honey, it was great. You got one sexy little cousin."

"How's he doing?"

"He'll live," she laughed.

"That ass though...oh, so fucking tight. He made me cum so hard, and more then once!"

"Did he enjoy himself?"

"I think that goes without saying. The boy cums a lot."

We both laughed and Kendra stepped forward, giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I got to get rolling now baby. But when your cousin wakes up, you give him my number, please?"

Kendra handed me a piece of paper, with her phone number on it and a heart drawn underneath of the number. I chuckled and nodded my head, "I'll be sure to pass it on to him."

"And thank you, for sticking to your word and hooking me up with a sweet boy like yourself. I'll treat him real good, you have my word."

"It's no problem Kendra. I'll see you at the wedding?"

We hugged one more time and she made her way out of the hotel room, leaving me and everyone else behind. It wasn't long after Kendra left, that all the other people started to wake up and get themselves together. One by one, everyone said their goodbyes and moved out of the hotel room. I thanked them all for coming out the night before and we all agreed, it had been one hell of a party.

We all had Rob to thank for that much.

By 12:30 in the afternoon, everyone was gone. It was just me, Rob and Ryan. We quickly started cleaning up the best that we could. We wanted to make it look semi-decent before room service showed up, and billed us for the full mess. That would be one hell of a bill if they saw the room for what it really was.

Somewhere along the line, we heard the soft click of a door opening and closing. Looking down the hallway, I saw Ryan stepping out of his room and leaning on the wall for support. Rob and I both started laughing, still picking up trash from the floor. "How you feel cus?"

"My head is pounding," Ryan said, his voice cracking as he spoke.

"What the fuck...happened last night?"

"You were trashed buddy," Rob laughed. "You had a good time though...how much do you remember?"

"Not a lot," he replied, collapsing on the couch across from us.

"Wait...where's Kendra?"

"She left earlier," I said, sitting down beside him.

"How's that ass feeling?"

Ryan chuckled, wiping the sweat from his forehead and shaking his head.

"Sore as hell but...I had a lot of fun. You weren't kidding though, Jay. She's got one big fucking cock!"

"I told you!"

"It hurt like a bitch at first but, I just powered through it and before long, it actually felt really fucking good."

"That's no surprise either. Kendra knows how to use, what she's got. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself."

Once Ryan got himself together and got a couple glasses of water in him, he proceeded to help me and Rob finish straightening up the room. We finished up, just before room service arrived and thankfully, the place didn't look nearly as bad as it had when we all first woke up that morning. We each took a shower then made our way downstairs, to check out and head back home. It had been a long and exciting night but, I was glad to be heading back to my house, to be with Holly.

When I arrived home, I got there just in time to see Lisa leaving. We didn't get to talk, since she was already in her car and halfway down the driveway. She waved to me, as we passed her and I got out of Rob's car.

I said my goodbyes to Rob and then me and Ryan, made our way into the house. Holly was sitting at the kitchen table and stood up to greet me, with a hug and a kiss. Ryan made his way directly upstairs; he said he wanted to catch some extra sleep.

Between the amount of alcohol he'd drank and the hard fucking he took from Kendra, the poor guy needed some rest.

"So, how did it go?" Holly asked excitedly.

"It was a lot of fun; crazy fucking night."

"And did you do anything...extra fun?"

"Aha, yeah maybe. I heard you practically signed me up for it, huh? Trying to get rid of me or something?"

"Of course not," she giggled.

"Christy was there. We fooled around a little..."

"I know; I told her it was okay with me."

"I felt kind of weird about it though," I admitted. "We didn't do anything more then give each other head. I couldn't do anything more then that. I just kept thinking of you and I couldn't bring myself to do it, even if you did say it was okay."

"Aww...that's sweet. You could have done it though, really!"

I kissed her on the lips and wrapped my arms around her, hugging her close to me. "I know...I didn't want to though."

Holly sighed, snuggling closer to me and I could tell she was smiling. Her arms moved around my waist and one hand traveled down, over my ass and gave it a squeeze.

"That's good...because this ass belongs to me, anyway."

"And apparently, Ryan's ass belongs to Kendra now."

Holly backed away from me, looking up with shock in her eyes. "Are you serious?"

"Oh yeah; they really hit it off. Believe it or not though, it wasn't done through me. They just seemed to naturally gravitate towards each other."

"So I'm guessing Ryan's feeling it pretty hard, this morning?"

"Oh yeah," I said, sitting down at the kitchen table.

"He's hungover and he's got quite a pain in the ass. Apparently he really enjoyed himself though. Said he wouldn't take it back for the world...and he got Kendra's phone number."

"Wow," Holly said, pouring me a cup of coffee and handing it to me. "Never saw that one coming. A virgin that can handle Kendra? Your cousin must have some talent."

"He's got to have something special. Anyway, it looks like him and Kendra are going to be a thing from now on."

"That's funny but, I'm glad they found each other."

I could agree with that one. I knew that Kendra had been feeling lonely for a while now. I also knew that Ryan was happy, to have finally experienced sex with a woman like Kendra. They looked like a good couple and I was pretty sure, they were going to be great together. In time, Ryan would adjust to that massive black cock.

Holly proceeded to tell me about her night with Annie and Lisa, and how she and Annie had basically used Lisa as their "cum dumpster" the whole night. Those were Holly's exact words, by the way. She admitted however, that she had at one point allowed Lisa to reverse the roles and fuck her in the ass.

I didn't hold it against her, though she had feared I would.

We got to talking about the wedding; only one week away. We were both so excited, realizing that in just seven days, we would be husband and wife. I wondered...would all the crazy sex flings with other people come to an end, once we were married?

I wouldn't be totally against that, if it were to pan out that way. I wasn't sure if that's what Holly wanted though. I would be okay with the alternative too, enjoying the sex just as much as Holly. we were already in an "open relationship" if that's how you want to put it, but would that carry on into our marriage?

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WoodwiseWoodwiseover 1 year ago

ok Ryan has to have had some experience, no way can a virgin ass handle that size cock , lucky bastard lol :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Hey whiskey ur awesome man pls continue this story, don't be stop its a best story of this site , I am read this story, I am gonaa fucking horney man I want more of part of this story, thanks for the best story ever

SantacruzmanSantacruzmanalmost 7 years ago
Agree with Wallace99

Whiskey, You are the only one that consistently posting good quality, loving stories. Not the hate revenge crap. Even when your protagonist isn't the one dressing up, it's still quality.

Keep us happy, please.


tomkawtomkawabout 7 years ago

Holly proceeded to tell me about her night with Annie and Lisa, and how she and Annie had basically used Lisa as their "cum dumpster" the whole night. --- This is the chapter I would like to read ;)

wallace99wallace99about 7 years ago

I'm glad Kendra found someone who can appreciate her rather large endowment, lol. Also, I was a bit disappointed Jay didn't go further with Christy, but I understand why he didn't. Maybe you could bring Christy back, once Jay and Holly decide they still want to fool around with others when they are married.

Btw, thanks for continuing this series. You are pretty much the only author in this genre who posts quality material on a regular basis. Much appreciated.

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