Jenny and the Storm


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"Unca Jay, I love talking to you. I always know what to do after." She leans over, kisses my cheek, and starts to clear the dishes. I go out to the garage, and with the last light of day put up some storm windows. Close up the outer doors, secure the garage door. Half an hour later, I'm back...and it's getting windy. Flashlights in both our bedrooms, candles and matches at hand if we need them...and we're as ready as we can be.

I tell Jenny I need to take a shower, and take the fastest one on record...both worried, and secretly hoping she would come around the corner and join me. Relieved and disappointed, I shower alone, then dress in cotton shorts and a t-shirt and head back downstairs.

Jenny is in the middle of the couch in the family room, wearing her baggy t-shirt and with a light blanket covering her lap and legs. I sit with her on the couch to watch her movie choice...and so begins Titanic (oh God).

Just like last night, Jenny leans against me, her head resting on my shoulder, her hands in her lap. I put one arm around her, and we watch as Leonardo becomes the luckiest man in the world - by winning a ticket on the doomed ship. I sympathize Leo...I really do. As the movie progresses, Jenny pulls her legs up underneath her, and her thighs rest against mine. And there's something different. I don't feel her flannel pjs...I feel her skin on my legs. What the hell is she wearing - or not wearing! - under this blanket?

I slyly glance down to sneak a peek, and fail and succeed at the same time. I can't see her legs...the blanket is covering all. But by looking down, I can see she isn't wearing a bra, and the thin material of her shirt doesn't do anything to hide the curves of her pretty mounds. Yep...and there's her two nipples, jutting out of the shirt with pride. I am overcome with the desire to lift my other hand, and smooth and caress her sweet little titty - it seems the completely natural thing to do, and I only stop myself with a massive act of will.

It's getting hot under the blanket, so I push it off my legs, letting it fall to the floor. Without a thought in the world, she pushes it off her lap too, and leans back against me. And now, I know what she is wearing. Soft, thin baggy t-shirt...and pretty little yellow panties. Period.

I freeze when I first catch sight of them peaking out from between her thighs. I think she feels me freeze, but glosses over it...just like I did yesterday when I looked down her pants. OK, no big deal...a lot of girls sleep in panties and t. This just shows how much she trusts you, that's all. Be cool, fool. And so I sit back, and pretend to watch the movie.

Halfway through, Jenny asks if I can pause it so she can go to the bathroom. She gets up and stretches...which pulls her shirt hem up and over her panties. She's looking away like I'm not here, and I take the opportunity to really stare at her hips and pussy area. Her panties are pulled up tight into her slit by her stretch, and the evident crease between her soft outer lips is clearly visible...and inviting.

With her arms still stretched to the sky, and her shirt still up around her hips...she suddenly looks down at me. Sensing her eyes, I look up at her, and see her watching her. Busted for sure! I freeze in panic, but she just smiles at me, slowly drops her arms, and walks over to the bathroom. Damn she walks away fine!

Alright, one of these three things must be true: One; she is innocent, trusting, and sees nothing wrong with her favorite uncle seeing her in her underwear. It's all just family. Two; she is teasing me on purpose, driving me to the limits of insanity just because she can. Or, Three; she's trying to seduce me. Number Three thrills my boner, but scares the crap out of my head. Two is just torture, and it would be better to just walk away (like I ever could). One is the safest, if inappropriate choice (hell, there are no 'appropriate' choices's gone past that), and I cowardly settle on that reaction. 'No big deal, we're all family here...let's get naked!'

She comes out of the bathroom, goes into the kitchen and asks if I want anything to drink. "Yeah, a beer" I call back, hoping it will settle my nerves. She walks back in, a bottle in each hand and a little smile on her face. I can't help noticing how her lovely long thighs almost come together as she walks, but never quite touch. And, the little inch of yellow panties peeking under her shirt as she walks over, hands me a beer, and takes a long pull off of hers. She puts her beer down on the coffee table, crawls back up on the couch and cuddles with my left side. Knees together, feet on the couch by her butt, she rests her legs on my left thigh. We restart the movie, and I pretend I can't see right up her shirt to that little triangle of yellow cloth covering her pussy.

A minute later, she unfolds her left leg and puts her foot on the ground so she can reach her beer for a drink. With her right leg still resting on my thigh, this spreads her legs a little - giving the tv a great shot right up between them. As I vainly try and catch her reflection in the tv screen, she sits back, pulls her foot up from the ground onto the couch, and hugs her knee to her chest - tilting her hips towards me and presenting me with a beautiful view of her entire panties. Feet together, but knees and thighs spread, I don't even pretend to watch the movie, and stare at my teenage niece's cloth covered pussy. Her pussy mound is evident...a soft swell down where her thighs meet...I am entranced, and oblivious to everything else around me.

I don't notice her eyes as she watches me stare at her panties. I don't see her little pink tongue peek out, and lightly lick her lips. I don't see her cute little nipples harden and push through the thin fabric of her shirt. But, I definitely DO see her as she drops her raised knee away from me, sitting almost cross legged on the couch, spreading her legs wide and completely exposing herself to my gaze. Again, I am overcome with a, a NEED to reach over and stroke her soft pussy...the most natural thing in the world. Before I can even start my internal argument, I watch as my left hand leaves my side, and starts to slowly reach for her panties, stretched flat against her cuntal plane.

As she watches my hand approach, I suddenly regain control and STOP. Dropping my hand where it is, I end up resting my palm on her inner thigh, about 6 inches from her crotch. She sighs (excitement? disappointment?), then closes her legs together, trapping my hand. At the same time, she hugs my upper arm with both of hers...pulling my arm against her nearly naked breast. I can feel it squishing on the back of my arm, her hard little nipple poking into my skin. She leans her head on my shoulder, sighs again, then says we should restart the movie.

Movie. What movie? Oh...yeah...icebergs.

As we pretend to watch the movie, I'm totally focused on my left arm. Apparently unconsciously, she has been moving the arm up and down a tiny bit while hugging it. Not really enough to be noticeable, but definitely enough to gently rub her little titty on the back of my arm. At the same time, I gently squeeze the thigh my hand is sitting on, and she lets her legs move an inch apart. It's getting really hard to pretend this is all just innocent.

She drops one of her hands from my arm, and covers my hand on her thigh with hers. As the wind whips by outside, and the first rains begin to fall, Jenny softly moves my hand on her thigh...tiny movements, back and forth. Then, a small pull, and my hand is an inch closer to her molten core.

This has stop, I have to stop! There is only one place this is leading, and although I've been having a great time fantasizing about screwing my little niece, the possible reality is finally scaring the shit out of me. Not sure what to do, I feel her move my hand on her leg a little more, then pull it up another inch. Now my hand is almost touching her panties as she slides it into her inner thighs.

And suddenly, like the bolts that are soon to come from the sky, I regain my strength. Pulling my hand away and standing up, I croak "my turn", and head off to the bathroom...trying to hide my massive erection as I go. To no avail - she stares right at my crotch as I stand up, and I'm tenting my shorts out a half a foot. Still, cowardly or not, she has to know this is a rejection...of either her teasing or seduction ( I don't believe the innocent explanation anymore). I hope she doesn't get mad. In the bathroom, I splash cold water on my face, consider the idea of beating off (it would be quick!), and generally get control of myself. I stay for a couple of minutes, and when I come back out, Jenny's watching the Titanic as it starts to sink.

Sitting back next to her, she grabs my arm again to hug close to her body...but this time it's sadness, not sensuality. As the people run, and yell, and try to save themselves, Jenny is softly crying into my shirt. When Leo succumbs and sinks slowly into the water, she is weeping openly with her head on my chest. As the credits role, I try and console her: "'s just a movie."

"No, it's not! This was real, these people really died! Well, not THESE people, but people really did. Mommies and Daddies and babies, and...and..." and she breaks down completely, sobbing on my chest. I hold her, softly stroke her hair and back, and whisper calming words into her ear.

"It's OK baby, it's OK. Long time ago, honey. It's just history now...nothing to cry about. There you go baby, there you go Pretty Girl...everything is fine..." Slowly, she begins to calm down, hiccuping a little as her tears stop. I offer her my shirt to wipe her tears, then hold her a little longer before I go get some tissues. Blowing her nose above her bloodshot eyes, I realize this emotionalism is probably not just about the a ship sinking a hundred years ago. Between the movie, and the approaching storm, and the intense sexual tension we've been swimming has all just become too much for her.

I hold her for a little longer, listening to the rain and far off distant thunder, and when she's calmer say it's probably time for bed. She nods, so I walk her to her room, give her a saintly kiss on the forehead, and go upstairs to my room.

Laying awake on top of my bed, I think of how sweet Jenny is...and how lucky I am. If it hadn't been for that sad movie, I don't know what I would have done when I came back. She was my sweet little niece, crying at the hurt of another, and I was there to comfort her.

As I started to fall asleep, basking in the warm glow of righteousness, I started to remember the time BEFORE I went to the bathroom. How she held my arm and rubbed it against her little breasts. How she spread her legs and watched me as I stared at her panties. How looked like another long night after all.

I had no idea.

BAM BAAAAAM! I was woken by a huge crash of thunder...quickly followed by another. The windows were rattling, rain sleeting against them, and flashes of lightning kept strobing through the glass.

FLASH - BAMMMM! Almost right on top of each other. This storm was just about over heads. Clock and tv light off, we must have lost power. I grab a candle, light it and put it on the dresser, when I see the crazy swinging of a flashlight coming up the steps.

"Unca Jay...Unca Jay! What's happening? Are we safe?" she yells, running into my arms. Thank god I've been wearing boxers to bed since she got here.

"Yes honey, it's just the big storm. It's right over us'll go away soon."

"Can it get us?! What if the house is hit?"

"No, it can't get us. And the house is protected by a lightning rod. We're safe baby, nothing to worry about."

Still clutching me fiercely, Jenny say "I don't want to go back to my room. Can I sleep here tonight?"

"Sure honey, sure. Here, you climb into bed." I put her under the covers, then tuck her in with a kiss on the cheek. Yep...and I'll sleep in the chair. No way am I going to climb into that warm bed with my niece.

"Wait...I want you to hold me. I'm scared Unca Jay..." she looks at me just like she did when she was 8, passing a particularly scary dog. I relent, and go lay down next to her...but I'm on TOP of the covers. As she turns and cuddles my side, at least I have a couple layers of sheet and blanket between us.

She's shivering, and every time a flash or bang goes off, she tries to squish into me a little more. Figuring that knowledge is power, I explain how she can tell how far away the lightning is.

"You see, the flash and the bang happen at the same time...but the sound moves slower than the light. So, if you count how many seconds between the flash and the bang, you can tell how far away it is! Five seconds is about a mile. Here, let's try," and we both wait for the next flash. There! One thousand two thousand three BANG..."that's about a half a mile."

Still scared, she's now interested, and starts trying to count all the strokes. As the count moves to 4, then 5, we can tell that this part of the storm is moving away. As it begins to quiet down, she begins to relax...eventually rolling away from me on her side, then pulling my arm around her so we are spooning. As her little ass settles into my crotch, I'm thankful for the intervening blankets. Slowly, slowly, her breathing deepens...and she falls asleep.

Twice more we are awakened in the night by a battle of the gods. Twice more I hold her as she shakes and shivers her fear of the noise, the wind, the violence all around us. It doesn't really register that the last time there was no blanket between us - Jenny was now laying on top of the bed like me. We both pulled the corners of the covers over us to stay warm, and she backed into my body to spoon as we fell asleep again.

This time, the dreams kept intruding. Dreams of Jenny, and me, and her body pressing warmly up against mine. Dreams of her in her bikini, rising up from the deck and exposing her little breasts. Dreams of seeing her panties, the cotton ones and the yellows she was wearing now all mixing together. Dreams of fondling her little titties as I hugged her as we spooned...dreams of sliding my hand down into her panties, and gliding my finger into the smooth crease of her wet little pussy.

Dreams of her straddling my hips, hands on my shoulders to steady her, as she rubs her panty clad pussy up and down my dick. Dreams of her hair hanging down over us as she moves faster and faster, or the look of concentration on her face as her passion overcomes her. Dreams of her soft moans, and her voice as she says "Oh baby. Oh oh oh oh...yes...right there...right there...Ohhhh, I'm getting close. Oh,'s gonna happen, oh Unca're gonna make me come..." Her hips moving faster on my dick, her hands clutching my shoulders painfully, I look into her half closed eyes, and finally admit to myself what I have known for a while.

This is no dream. Jenny is riding me, rubbing her pussy against my dick with only her panties and my boxers between us, and cooing out her coming orgasm. And there is no hesitation, no doubt...I'm going to help her. Reaching up inside her shirt, I cup and caress her beautiful little titties. Little more than a handful, I squeeze and knead her soft smooth flesh, while rubbing and pinching her erect nipples. Her eyes widen as she looks into mine, starts to grind down harder on my cock, and then..."Oh god, here it comes...I'm coming...I'm COMMMAAGGGHHH!" She falls forward onto my chest, gasping and shivering as her orgasm courses through her young body.

She stays there for a minute or two, breathing hard and holding me as her shivers start to recede. Sitting up, she looks down at me, and says "Oh my god. It's real. It's really real." Grabbing my left shoulder, she rolls off of me, pulling me with her. Still rolling, she rolls onto her back, pulling me on top of her, and spreads her legs wide so I fall in between them. With no thought or plan, I start to rub my dick up against HER, stroking her like she just stroked me. She has a catch in her breath, then starts moving under me...clothed genitals rubbing against each other, if anyone had seen us they would have thought we were screwing right there. Which was the thought topmost in both of our minds.

"Ohhhh...Jay...I'm ready now. Fuck me Unca Jay...take off my panties and fuck me."

There is no stopping us now. In this strange world of wind and water, of love and sex, there is no where this can go - except where it does. I grab her panties at each hip, she lifts her bottom to help me as I pull them down and off. Normally I spend plenty of time on a woman's pussy...hands and tongue, I like to make sure she is ready...but no time now. I catch a glimpse of her pretty little pussy as I lay back on top of her: bald little mound, with her pink inner lips and tip of her clitoris peeking out between. Slick with her juices and slightly open, it's calling my dick in like a siren of old.

Resting on my forearms, I start to slide my cock up and down her wet slit, coating it with her slick juices. Too impatient, Jenny reaches down between us, takes my dick in her small hands, and brings it to her tiny hole. Pulling me forwards, she dips the head in, swirls it around her hot little opening, then takes it back out to paint and smear her outer lips. Pulling back in, I sink a couple of inches into her tight cunt. A couple of little pumps, and I'm out swirling again...only to be dipped into her blazing fuck tube again and again.

She lets go of my dick, humps up against me, and I'm sunk balls deep in my cute little niece's cunt. Screeching hot, her teenage pussy grabs me like a greasy fist...I can slide in and out, but she's so tight I have to move slowly. As I stroke, she opens up more, and within a few moments I'm pumping all the way in and out...from barely inside her lips, to driving as deep as I can into her blazing depths. No slow start, no foreplay (that I was awake for), this is just deep all out fucking. Faster and faster, deeper and deeper I screw Jenny's ass down into the bed.

She's into it as much as I am. Legs spread, hands clasping my back, she's humping her ass off the bed to meet my strokes...whining and moaning the whole time. As I start to pump harder, she wraps her long legs around me, and starts to bone her little hips hard against my cock.

Looking down into her beautiful face by candlelight, I see her look of total concentration as we fuck for the first time. Suddenly, her eyes pop open in surprise, she looks at me...and a clench moves through her body. Not a shiver or convulsion...more like her whole body grasping at something for a moment. After it passes, she looks at me questioningly for a few moments as I keep fucking her...then a far away look just before another clench rips through her.

It is obvious she has never felt these clenches before, but it only takes a couple for her to know she likes them...and wants more. Now as they come...closer and closer together...she bears down on them, holding her breath and squeezing. When it passes, she lets out an explosive breath, then pants like she's hyperventilating...until the next one comes. Not only does her body crunch, but her pussy does, too. Seeing her face, feeling her small body moving underneath me, and feeling her cunt squeeze me like a vise every time she clenches is blowing me right past any attempt at control, and I don't have long before I cum.

But neither does she. Hugging, squeezing, pumping her hips up off the bed to meet my thrusts, her freezes are coming closer and closer. As I start to race inside her tight little pussy chasing my orgasm, she's overtaken by hers as they all join together.

"Oh. OH. OH GOD! Here it it comes...oh Jay, I'm gonna...ahhh...I'm gonna...AHHHHHAAAA!" And she screams out her orgasm as her legs fly open, her eyes roll up, and her pussy pumps and flutters all over my cock.