Jenny's Sex Binge Ch. 08


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That evening, Jim and Andy were talking to us in our room. Jim mentioned, "Ann, Greg was asking today if you were going to wear your thong again tomorrow. I told him that you had said that you were planning to dress quite a bit more conservatively. He seemed a little disappointed until I told him that even your most conservative swim wear would be considered risqué to a lot of people."

Ann told him, "Even you might be surprised by how little our suits will show tomorrow. We want to find out how interested they are in us when they are thinking with their brains instead of their cocks."

I added, "There is something that we need to discuss with the two of you before tomorrow. We don't know how things are going to go; but if things get real interesting, we need to know where you two stand. If we start doing anything with them while you are here we don't want you to have to be standing around with your dicks in your hands. On the other hand, we don't want to let your friends know that you're fucking your cousins, if you don't want them knowing."

Jim said, "Hey, they know that we are good friends; but if they find out how good, that won't bother either of us. We're going to be gone in a few days, so it's you who needs to worry about any future relationships with these guys."

Ann said, "We don't care. We don't even know how far things will go between us and those guys; but we just didn't want you being embarrassed."

When Ann and I got out of bed in the morning, mom was waiting for us in the kitchen. Jim and Andy had left for the golf course before seven and daddy and Uncle Bill had left a short while later. Mom wanted to show us the food that she had out thawing for us to eat. I asked, "Why are you telling us about this. Are you on strike from fixing meals or something?"

She said, "No. When your father and Bill get back from the golf course at about noon, the four of us are leaving. We are going to stay at a cottage at Gatewood for the next couple of nights. We should be back by noon on Saturday."

Ann asked, "Why this sudden decision?"

Mom told us, "It's not so sudden. I have been telling your father that I wanted to go for some time. He kept putting me off about an answer, so I just told him that if he was going to take all of this time off of work that he could do something except go to the golf course. Betty and I told them last night that either the four of us went or we were going to take Jim and Andy and their two golf buddies up there. Your father said for me to call for the reservation and I told him that I had made it the day before because Betty and I were going one way or another."

I said, "So you're going away with two old guys when you could have had four young, eager cocks going with you."

Betty laughed and said, "We may have made the threat; but we weren't sure about two of those young cocks. Besides those old guys have been keeping us satisfied for many years now and we kind of love them. We just have to threaten them once in a while to keep them in line."

Ann smirked as she said, "Jenny, it looks like they're leaving the four young cocks for you and me."

Mom asked, "Are they coming today?" When we both nodded our heads, mom stuck her finger in Ann's face and told her, "You're not going out there with your bare ass showing today. Wear something that you can at least walk across the deck without your tits falling out."

I interrupted, "Mom, we have discussed it already. We both want to wear something that we're comfortable in and we decided that we would wear our black bikinis."

Ann and I each had a black bikini and they were the most conservative of our two-piece suits. The bottoms on each of our suits are similar. The have a string that ties on each side and the backs covered more than half of each cheek of our ass. Unless we are struggling in the pool, the front covers everything and has little chance of riding up into our pussies. My top is two small patches of cloth connected to a string that goes around my neck and two strings that go around my back. Those small patches of cloth manage to cover each tit entirely. Ann's top is similar except the patches of cloth are much larger. Her top shows a generous amount of cleavage and most of the tops of her tits. Her nipples are more than adequately covered. The big thing about these suits is the material that they are made of. It is very thin and our nipples are quite evident, even when not aroused. When it is wet the material clings to our body and accentuates the cracks of our asses and the lips of our pussies.

Mom just shook her head when she found out what we were intending to wear. Apparently she didn't feel that pursuing the matter any further would do any good. The fact is that it probably would have just upset her a little.

Mom and Aunt Betty were scurrying around trying to get everything ready for their short trip. Ann and I tried to stay out of their way as much as possible. The temperature was really rising and we decided that we didn't have to wait until Jim and Andy returned to go out and soak up the sun. On Monday, we had neglected to put oil on our bodies, as often as we should have and, as a result, we were both a little tender. We were not going to make that mistake again. We decided to get a good coat of oil on before we put on our bikinis. We aroused each other when we were helping each other get the hard to reach places and ended up eating each other's pussies before we got dressed.

As Ann and I were walking through the house on the way to the pool, I told mom, "Holler at us when the guys get here will you?" "What you want to get as naked as possible when they get here?" "Actually, it is just the opposite. We haven't put our tops on yet and we want to have them on before they come out back."

Knowing that mom or Aunt Betty would let us know as soon as the guys drove up, we laid back and let the sun beat down on our bare chests. We were just about to turn over on our bellies when Aunt Betty stuck her head out the back door to inform us that we had company. Instead of moving to turn over, we put our tops on and went into the water. We stayed in the water until the guys started moving toward the pool. We went back to our chaise lounges and we oiled each other's back. We were able to oil them without removing our tops because the strings were quite small and easily moved. We each laid a large beach towel on the deck and laid down on it facing the pool.

Once in that position, we untied the strings to our tops and began to carry on a conversation with the guys who were in the pool. There was always at least one guy hanging on the edge of the pool trying to feast on the view of our tits. We managed to keep them somewhat concealed until mom stuck her head outside the back door to say goodbye. Without thinking, Ann and I each rose up and turned our heads to speak to our mother and both sets of tits were exposed to Jerry and Andy who were directly in front of us.

Realizing what we had done, Ann and I quickly pulled our tops to our chests and we re-tied them. I decided to sit up on the deck and I continued to talk with the guys. Ann decided to be brave and went into the water. We were reasonably certain that Greg or Jerry would not try to pull anything; but we were unsure what our cousins might do to us when we were in the water. Ann had been in the water for a while and she had not been accosted yet. She swam toward the edge and said, "Come on, Jenny, get in the water."

I started to stand and said, "Not just yet. I'm going inside to fix myself a sandwich. Does anybody else want one? I don't offer very often, so you had better take advantage of it while you can." One-by-one, they all decided that they wanted something to eat. I decided that I would just go inside and fix about a dozen and then bring them and the condiments outside.

I had almost finished making the sandwiches when the back door opened and Jerry came in. He said, "I came to see if you needed any help with anything in here." "I am just about done. You can help me carry things outside." "That works out just great. That is about the extent of my food preparation abilities." "What are you going to do next semester when you live in an apartment? Can you afford to go to a restaurant every night?" "No, I'm going to have to suffer through indigestion and hunger pains while I learn to cook." "That's one thing that bothers me, too. I am no stranger in the kitchen; but I'm no Julia Child either." "Well, maybe we could get together and practice cooking before we leave for school." "Until it is time to leave for school, I intend to have most of my meals cooked by my mother." "How about if we get together to do something else between now and when we leave for school?" "What, do you think that the way we flaunted our bodies the other day that it might be easy to get into my pants?" "Whoa. Slow down. I didn't say anything about that. I am just as normal of a red-blooded male as the next guy, so I won't lie to you and say that that was never on my mind. I just enjoyed being around you and I think that I could have fun with you -- whether I was successful or not at getting into your pants." "At least you're honest. Half of these creeps claim that they just want friendship or they're interested in my mind. "'I'm interested in your mind,' I think that that is a male euphemism for 'I think with my cock.'"

Jerry began laughing so hard at that comment. He stammered between chortles, "I have never understood that line either."

I handed Jerry a tray with some condiments, napkins, paper plates and plastic silverware on it and told him, "We'll talk about it later. Right now, see if you can stop laughing long enough to carry this outside without dumping it." I picked up two plates of sandwiches and followed Jerry out the door. When I stepped into the back yard, I hollered, "Andy and Jim, I got the food ready. It's your job to get the soft drinks."

Jim hollered back, "They're in the cooler. We filled it before we left for the golf course. Everybody can help themselves. You have already given them more service than most of them deserve."

When everyone had gotten something to eat, they all took seats at one of the tables located around the pool. Greg and Jerry sat at a table near where Ann and I were seated. When he was about half finished with his sandwich, Jerry asked, "Greg, are you interested in Ann's mind?"

Greg stared at Jerry with a perplexed look and told him, "Why would I be interested in her mind. Right now, the only thing I interested in is whether she'll go out with me. If she goes out with me, then I will worry about other things. Her mind is not high on my priority list right now."

Ann's brow was furled as she, apparently, wondered what that conversation had been about. What made her more puzzled was my laughter and Jerry's smiling look at me. Ann asked, "Why do you find their conversation so hilarious?"

I told her about the conversation that I had had with Jerry and what I had told him. Ann began to laugh as hard as I was. With the two of us laughing at our table and Jerry's big smirk, Greg had to be wondering what was the joke that he had just become the brunt of. Ann picked up her soft drink and slid her chair over to the table where Greg and Jerry were sitting, so I got up to go over and join them. We sat and talked for a few minutes and I suggested, "Why don't we all go back into the water for a while?" Jerry and Greg seemed to be willing to do anything as long as Ann and I were going to be near them. Jim and Andy were already in the pool when the rest of us joined them.

Ann and I were content to paddle around enjoying the coolness of the water. Jerry was intent on following me around the water like a little puppy dog. Greg kept a little more distance; but his eyes were on every move that Ann made. Jerry seemed to be unable to decide what move to make next, so I decided that the ball was in my court. I swam to the edge of the pool and hung on. Jerry was soon in front of me. I reached below the water surface and squeezed his hard cock and asked, "Doesn't that thing ever get soft, even when you're in the water?"

The look on Jerry's face was mixed. There was the look of fear; yet a look of pleasure was there. He said, "I'm sorry; it's just that I get excited being around you and looking at you."

I told him, "Don't be sorry; I enjoy it." I stroked his cock before continuing, "And I'm enjoying this too. I'll bet that we would both enjoy this a whole lot better." I slid my hand under the waistband of his trunks and wrapped my fingers around his rod again, this time unencumbered by fabric. The look on his face told me that he was unsure that he could keep from cumming if I continued to hold his cock.

I told him, "I'll bet if I kept doing this for any length of time, we wouldn't have to worry about it being hard for a while."

Jerry forced a smile and said, "As good as your hand feels, it probably wouldn't take any time at all." "Should I finish you right here?" "I would rather it not be your hand that finishes me and I would prefer that it not be in the pool." "Well, we could always get out of the pool; but you said that you would prefer that I not use my hand. Let me see, I'm not big enough for you to tit-fuck me. I guess that you would rather that I use my mouth or would you like to feel this thing in my pussy."

Jerry was holding onto the edge with one hand and he reached down to feel my pussy with the other as he told me, "Oh god, that feels so good. Anywhere you want to do it and anyway that you want to do it."

I released his cock and told him, "Put your cock back in your trunks and swim around for a while. If I'm not on the deck when you get soft, come into the kitchen." Jerry swam away and I swam underneath Ann. I reached up and untied one side of her bikini bottoms and surfaced.

I was right in front of her face as she swore, "You fucking bitch."

She was trying to pull the loose side of her bottoms back in place as I slipped a hand over her pussy. I told her, "I needed to get you attention." We moved to the edge and I removed my hand. While she was tying the strings on her bottoms, I asked, "Are you going to fuck Greg this afternoon?" "Why is that so important to you right now?" "Because I am going to fuck Jerry and I need to know if I should take him inside or if we can do it out here. If you're going to be fucking, I'll do it out here." "What about Jim and Andy?" "I have an idea. I'll have a better answer in five minutes." "If you can figure out a way to get Jim and Andy taken care of, do him outside. That might give Greg the incentive that he needs to make a move."

I climbed out of the pool and rushed into the house. I picked up the cordless phone and started dialing a number while I ran to my room. While the phone was ringing, I picked up a small bag that was in my dresser and moved back down the hall. As I was in route to the kitchen, I heard a voice say, "Hello." "Valerie?" "Yeah, Jenny?" "Yeah, it's me. I just called to see if Donnie had been gone long enough that you are horny as hell." "Oh god, yes. To make matters worse, Bobbi is going out with some guy and they have been together quite a bit lately. Why?" "Well, you seemed to enjoy my cousins last week. I was just curious to know if you wanted to come over and have one or both of them take care of you." "Sounds interesting. What's going on?" "Ann and I are here and there are four guys. I thought that if you were interested that you could even the odds a little." "Sound like fun. I'll be there in a few minutes." "That's great. We'll be expecting you. Valerie, when you get here the front door will be open. Just come on in. You know the way through the house to the pool." "See you soon."

I was just about finished talking to Valerie when Jerry came through the back door. I had signaled for him to wait. When I put the phone down, I glanced at his crotch and saw that the bulge was considerably smaller. I told him, "Now we can go out back to work on building that thing up again."

As I began to move toward the door, he asked, "What's in the bag?"

"Essentials," I told him. I led him out back and we went to a grassy area in the corner of the yard and I told him to sit down. I told him, "I'll be right back." Ann had moved to one of the tables and she was impatiently waiting for me to let her know what was going on. I tossed the bag on the table and took two condoms from it as I told Ann, "Valerie will be here in a few minutes. I'm sure that the three of us can take care of four guys." Ann smiled and gave me the thumbs up sign and I rejoined Jerry.

He asked, "What was that all about?"

As I put my arms around his neck I told him, "I just had to let Ann know what was going on." Then I began to kiss him. As I was sitting, I had untied the top string to my bikini top so it had fallen down giving him free access to my tits with their hardened nipples. He was eagerly playing with those long nubs and the tits from which they were protruding. I spotted Jim and Andy at the far end of the pool looking in our direction with a forlorn look on their faces.

I returned my attention to kissing Jerry until I heard a familiar female voice saying, "Hey, Jim and Andy." I glanced back at the other end of the pool and saw Valerie, dressed in a very skimpy bikini, approaching my cousins. She said, "Hey guys, Jenny just called me and said that maybe you two could use some assistance today. Well, Valerie is here to help you out as many times as you need it." She tossed her bikini top aside and led them to the grass where she sat down. Jim and Andy joined her. Greg had moved over to Ann and the two of them were kissing. I saw her top being tossed onto the grass before returning my attention to Jerry.

Jerry's face was buried in my tits and he was rubbing my pussy through my bikini bottom. There was no chlorine in the liquid that was soaking my bottoms now. The head of his cock was poking out of his trunks and it was leaking profusely. I was sure that if I didn't do something that he would be a fifteen second fuck. I pulled his face away from my tits and told him, "I have to do something or neither one of us is going to enjoy this." I reached down and pulled his swimsuit off and wrapped my fingers around his hard shaft. I dropped my head into his lap and took his shaft into my mouth. I began to suck on it and it didn't take me all that long before my mouth was being filled with his warm sticky cum. I swallowed all of his rather large load and enjoyed its flavor.

I released his softening cock from my mouth and told him, "Now, we'll build you up a fresh load and you will be able to last long enough that we will both enjoy it." I kissed him and then encouraged him to return to my anxious tits. When he just kept rubbing my pussy through my bottoms, I reached down and untied both strings and pulled the bottoms away from my body.

Jerry rubbed his hand across my pussy, marveling at the smooth texture of the skin around my pussy. He lifted his head from my tits long enough to say, "Hey, I like the feel of this." He kept rubbing it while he sucked on my tits while making no move to do anything more than to rub my pussy. I reached down and pushed one of his fingers into my pussy and he began to move it around a little. I was hunching my pussy against his hand and he was doing nothing more than sliding one finger in and out. I had to reach down and forced a second finger between those swollen, wet lips. Still, there was just a rhythmic in and out movement. There was no attempt to find my clit; he didn't try to do anything to make me closer to being ready to fuck.

I grabbed his hand and tried to control the movements in an attempt to work up my own level of arousal. I asked him, "Jerry, tell me the truth; have you ever had sex with a woman before?"