Jessica's Sister


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We scrambled out and were able to jump ashore without even getting our feet wet as the starboard wing had fetched up against the edge of the gully, against a little beach of dirty grey sand. The aircraft was sinking but the water obviously wasn't deep and after a minute it settled with the tail and port wing tip submerged and the nose section poking upwards like an accusing finger. Chloe wrapped her arms around me and buried her face in my chest. She was shivering with fear but she didn't cry - she just stood there, clinging to me tightly. I could feel the warmth of her breasts squashed against my chest and smell the honeysuckle perfume of her hair and it brought back all the memories of the night before: how she had tasted and the softness of her lips and how she had lied to me.

I held her for a while and then gently disengaged. She looked up at me with troubled eyes.

"Are we going to be all right, David?" she whispered. "Will someone find us here?"

I smiled down at her. "Sure they will."

"Nobody can find us in this weather."

I nodded. "That's right. They'll wait for it to clear, but they'll find us."

"Where will we shelter?"

I looked around. The little beach was only a dozen feet wide but it extended under the edge of the gully into a little cave. There was sand there too - not white, but dry and soft enough to sleep on. "Here is good. We have a few rations and a sleeping bag, and there's plenty of water. We'll be fine."

She looked across at the little cave and then turned back to me and a little smile crossed her lips as she struggled to bring humour into our situation. "I thought the accommodation last night was rough," she said, "but it just keeps getting worse. Are you doing this deliberately?"

"Sorry. The Hilton was fully booked."

"You sure know how not to impress a girl."

"Story of my life, really."

"And your flying sucks."

"I got us down in one piece."

She stopped smiling. "Yeah, that's right. Your flying doesn't suck at all. Your aeroplane does though."

"Don't blame her - blame the refueller at Mt Dutton."

She stared at me. "Is that what it was?"

"I guess. You don't have a double engine failure unless there's some common factor and I'd just transferred fuel from the ferry tank. I bet it was contaminated."

She shook her head. "We'll sue the bastard and retire rich."

"Maybe. We have to survive for a couple of days first. Let's get working."

We emptied the aircraft of anything useful and set up the camp. I always kept a little emergency kit in the nose locker so we were fine for a day or two - there was even old timber for a fire jammed between the rocks at the top of the gully from some long forgotten flood. By the time evening was falling the camp was finished and we were sat on logs around the fire set against the chill of the desert night. Chloe was a lot happier now she could see how we were going to survive. She looked up at the grey, darkening sky.

"How long do you think this weather is in for?"

"A day or two more."

"Will it rain?"

I shrugged. "I don't think so. There wasn't much rain in the cloud when we were flying."

She nodded and was silent for a few moments, staring into the fire. "I don't think I've ever been so frightened in my life."

"I'm sorry." I touched her arm. "I didn't have a lot of time to talk to you on the way down."

"You did well, David." She looked at me. "I had a look around when we were collecting the wood. There weren't any other places to put her down that I could see."

I nodded. The truth was that we'd been incredibly lucky. And now we were alone, safe and dry and with nobody else around. I wondered if that was lucky too, or whether the next day or two would turn out to be another disaster. I realized I still had my hand on my arm, and that she was looking at me.

"I wanted to tell you something," she said. "It's difficult -"

"Try me."

I could see she was struggling to find the words. "Last night - what we did -"


"I'm not normally like that."

"Like what, Chloe?"

Even in the dim light I could see her colouring slightly. "Well, so - easy. I don't know what happened to make me do that."

"It took two of us."

"I know. But either one of us could have stopped it."

I shook my head. "I didn't want to stop it Chloe. It was the best thing that's happened to me for years."

"I don't want you to think it was an invitation for an ongoing relationship," she persisted.

"I don't. After we are rescued I'll probably never see you again...and I'll be the poorer for it."

She held my gaze for a moment then nodded, a little bob of the head. "Well then, let's think about supper."

We carefully shared the night's rations - a few biscuits and an apple and we ate them around the fire. She was quiet and I did my best to draw her out, to bring back the bright and vital girl she had been last night but she kept returning to the subject of Jess.

"Does she ever talk about me?" she asked.

I regarded her. "Truthfully - no. She never mentions you or anyone else in the family. She's just not into that, Chloe."

She nodded. "I know. Our family was totally fucked, but it's still a family. You can't just pretend they don't exist."

"She called you, didn't she? Perhaps she was reaching out."

"I don't think so."

"Really? You said she missed you all - that she was nice to you."

"Did I?" she smiled briefly. "Well, perhaps I was speaking relatively."

"You seemed pretty definite on that."

"That was yesterday!" Her voice suddenly took on a sharp edge. "Before you and me - before this -" she gestured at the wreckage of the aeroplane. "Before I knew we were going to starve to death in the desert."

"We won't starve to death." I grasped her arm. "Listen to me - we won't starve to death. We'll get out of here safely if we stick together."

"How do you know?! How can you say that, David!" I could see the fear back in her eyes. "I've flown over this desert and I've seen how fucking big it is. There's nothing here! We are a couple of specks and they could look for a year and never find us. We are going to -"

"So it's just you and me, then." I interrupted. "To look after each other and make sure we come through. And we need to trust each other."

She stared at me. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Just that, Chloe. We have to trust each other. No secrets, no lies. There's something you haven't told me. Something that doesn't make sense."

"I don't know what you mean," she muttered.

"I think you do. What are you really doing here?"

"Trying to survive."

"You know what I mean."

I could see her thinking, her little face twisted in a mixture of fear and guilt and her eyes averted, but she just sat there.

"Come on, Chloe, for fuck's sake!"

She looked at my slyly. "What doesn't make sense? Tell me."

"All right." I stopped and gathered my thoughts, watching her face. "A lot of what you said didn't add up."

"Like what?"

"Well - you 'phoning me out of the blue to ask for a lift, for a start. We hadn't spoken since the wedding - I clearly wasn't your favourite person and yet I get a call asking if you can spend a couple of days in close company."

She shrugged a little but said nothing, and I pressed on. "And when I asked why you were travelling I got some crap about a job interview - but you wouldn't tell me what for, or where, and I know all you've got in that little bag is jeans and tee shirts. Hardly interview clothes, Chloe. And the bit about Jess being nice about the family didn't add up, either. Or you staying with her - you never saw eye to eye."

"So what do you think is going on, David?"

I shook my head. "Christ, I don't know! Under normal circumstances I'd just move on, but things aren't normal. First there was last night...I thought there was a connection last night, Chloe, and it wasn't just with my dick. I'd like to think that sleeping together made us more than strangers. And hey, we've survived an accident that should have killed us...and now we're here, stuck in the desert with a day's food and the weather clamped in. The only people who can get us through is us, Chloe - you and me. And guess what - there's some sort of fucking conspiracy going on!"

She just sat and stared at me, her face pale and her eyes like saucers. I wanted to touch her, to hold her tight and explain everything would be all right. Tell her about the satellite beacon in my bag that would guarantee we would be found just as soon as I turned it on - but I also needed to know what the hell she was doing so I sat and waited.

When she spoke her voice was low. "It was Jess!" she said. "She told me to ask you for a lift."


"She said that you'd been cheating on her, and she wanted proof."

It was so ridiculous that I laughed. "So Jess expected me to shag someone in Mt Dutton with you there, and you to report back to her?" I laughed again. "You can't expect me to believe that. Even if I wanted to, you saw what the women there were like! That one I asked you about was probably Miss Dutton 2010 and even she'd been hit with the ugly stick."

Chloe shook her head. "No. She told me to talk to you, to find out if you had someone else."

"Bollocks! Even if I did I wouldn't have told you."

"I know. I told her that, and she said that I should be nice to you, to see if you would...sleep with me. I was to tell her if you did."

That got my attention. "Christ, Chloe!" She told you to give me sex to prove I was unfaithful?" I watched her nod, her face miserable. "So what does that make you, for fuck's sake!"

She started crying. "I - I didn't want to, David! I promise! She said she would tell on me if I didn't."

"Tell on you? You mean she is blackmailing you?"

She nodded, her face wet with tears. "She's been doing it for years."

"What - telling you to have sex with people?"

"No! No. Just to do things for her - to give her money, open bank accounts in the west - stuff like that."

"Christ!" I sat back and thought for a moment. I'd known Jess was bad, but I hadn't realised just how bad. And what about Chloe, fucking me just because her sister told her to? My stomach heaved at the thought of how easily I'd been taken, and how she'd fooled me into thinking that she enjoyed it.

"So everything that happened last night was just a part of this."

"No!" she stood up suddenly and ran to me, falling to her knees in the gritty grey sand and putting her arms around my legs. "No, that's not true! Last night was nothing to do with that!"

"How can you say that? Your sister tells you to fuck me, and you do., and then you carefully tell me tonight that you're not really like that at all. When were you going to report back to her?"

"No - I wasn't, David!" she stared up at me, her eyes swimming. "I thought I'd just see if you were interested and then stop, but I couldn' was - special. And you turned me on." She shook my legs. "You have to believe me! I didn't do that for Jess...I did it for me - because I wanted to."

"So what was all that crap about you not really being like that?"

"I'm not like that!" she wailed. "I don't go out and shag anything on two legs! I told you - I wanted with you."

"And what will you tell Jess, Chloe?"

"Nothing! I'll tell her you didn't do anything!"

I looked down at her. The tears had washed tracks though the dust and grime on her face and her eyes were red with weeping. Her hair was a mess and her nose was running, and she was staring up at me with those huge eyes with such an expression of sadness that my anger was suddenly replaced by an overwhelming sense of pity. I knew what Jess was like: the scheming and the manipulation and the paranoia. If Chloe had told the truth then she was a victim, just like me, and I couldn't blame her for that. I reached down and drew her to her feet.

"It's all right, Chloe," I murmured. "It's OK. We'll work it out."

She clung to me, her voice muffled. "So you believe me?"

"Yes. It sounds just what Jess would do."

"I hate her! I hate her for what she did to us."

"She brought us together, Chloe. She did us a favour." I pulled back from her, watching her face. "And we have what we have but she'll always have nothing. Now - let's see if we can get some water to wash and think about what we can sleep on."

I washed first, crouching by the water's edge in my pants a little way down from the camp and running a cloth over my dusty skin. The water was cold but I felt much better afterwards and I set up the bed whilst she did the same. Chloe moved a little further away but I could see the pale blur of her body in the flickering firelight and I watched surreptitiously as she bathed: the cloth moving over her skin, sliding over her breasts and disappearing between her legs. She shampooed her hair and cleaned her teeth and came back to the camp wearing a long tee shirt that hung down halfway to her knees.

"God, that's better. I feel half human." She glanced at me shyly. "What?"

"Nothing. I was just thinking you looked good."

"I didn't have any clean jeans and I didn't want to put on a dirty pair." She did a little pirouette. "Do you think the other guests will mind?"

I smiled. "I'm sure they won't. It'll be cold a bit later on, though, when the fire goes down. You'll get frostbite on your vag-"

"I know, I know!" she laughed with me. "And what's with this preoccupation with the temperature of my sex, Mr Marshall?"

"You know what they say - 'Happiness is a warm pussy'."

"Isn't it 'happiness is a tight pussy'?"

"That too. Come and see what I've done." I took her hand and led her to beside the fire to where I'd made up a bed. "I had a swag and there was a tarp and a few other bits and pieces to use as blankets," I pointed out. "I've used the seat cushions as pillows too, but there wasn't enough for two separate beds. We'll have to share."

"I'm glad."

"Sit with me, Chloe. I need to tell you something."

We sat on the log and I told her about Jess - how quickly the marriage had soured and what it had been like for the last two years. She held my hand without interrupting.

"That's what she was like," she said when I'd finished. "All her life she's been the same."

I let out a sigh of relief. "Jesus, it's good to know that. I thought it was my fault...that she was suffering from depression or some sort of mental illness, and that I had to look after her."

"No, David. It's not your fault. So what will you do?"

"There's nothing to keep me in the east, Chloe. I'll move on. Jess can do what she wants."

"She'll take you to the cleaners."

I shrugged. "She's entitled to half. That's half of a fucking big mortgage and not much else." I looked at her. "What did she have over you, Chloe? What was it she was blackmailing you with?"

"I shouldn't tell you. It involves Ethan as well."

A coldness settled over me. Ethan - the name she had cried out in the heat of her orgasm. An unusual name.

"Who is he?" I asked casually.

"My brother." She laughed. "Mum used to like Ethan Hawke, so I guess he got his name from him."

"And you think Jess could blackmail him as well?"

She nodded. "If she could find him."

"So what did you both do that was so bad?"

Chloe regarded me for a few seconds. "She caught us shoplifting," she said at last.

I looked at her sharply, recalling the words she had used when she said his name...'I can feel it, Ethan! Ah, yes, it's so hot. Hot inside me... you're filling me again'. It didn't sound like a case of shoplifting to me. It sounded like a serial case of incest.

"Do you know where Ethan is, Chloe?" I asked.

She nodded, her eyes bright. "He's in Sydney, working in a garage. I've arranged to see him before I fly back to the west. I'll spend a few days with him."

"Have you seen him much since...the shoplifting?"

"Some. He hung around Perth for a while but there was no work. He came over here a few weeks ago and I haven't seen him since."

"Is he married?"

"Not really - well, he's living with a girl." She regarded me. "What's that got to do with it?"

"Nothing." Were Chloe and him still having an illicit affair? I imagined her visiting him in Sydney: the whispers and the secrets, the furtive groping when his girl wasn't there. I envisaged her slim body moving underneath him, the greedy grasping clutch of her pussy on her brother's shaft and how she would draw his incestuous seed into her body. No wonder she'd done what Jess wanted - Chloe would never want anyone else to know about that.

"Does Jess have any proof of what you did?" I asked.

She nodded. "She says she does and I wasn't prepared to take the chance...Ethan was much younger than me and I had to protect him."

"How long ago was this, Chloe?"

"A few years."

"Then I don't think you need worry any more." I told her gently. "We all did things like that. The police wouldn't be interested in petty theft by a couple of kids years ago."

She nodded. "I wish I'd known that. Ethan will be pleased."

I bet, I thought. Who wouldn't be pleased when your hot little sister comes to stay with the promise of so much more than just her company.


We lay in our makeshift bed in the little cave, not touching. Despite what she had said earlier there had been an invitation in her expression as she pulled the covers up, and God knows I wanted her too - but something held us both back. For me it was a need to think, to absorb all that I had learned and to figure out where I stood. For her - well, who could say? Perhaps she wanted me to make the first move to show that she wasn't easy, or perhaps she sensed my turmoil. Either way, we said goodnight to each other and then lay there wide awake, each aware of the other, thinking perhaps of how close we were and yet how far apart.

I guess I should have been disgusted by what I had found out, but the truth was it turned me on. It kept coming back to me, swirling in my head like a series of dirty little pictures: Chloe and her brother, fucking. She was moving gently on top and his hands were on her breasts, his thumbs playing with the fat pink nipples. She had her eyes closed and her head back and her hair was hanging over her shoulders, swaying slightly as she undulated over his twitching figure. I imagined her pussy working on her brother's cock: the extraordinary rippling grasp of her pelvic muscles milking him, drawing him deeper into her delicious little body until at last he burst inside her, spraying his incestuous seed into his sister's greedy cunt. My cock swelled at the image, harder than it had ever been, and I grasped it in my hand and worked it gently.

And I thought about me - my marriage to Jess was over, that much was clear. I was a free agent, to do as I wished. Did I want to take it further with Chloe? She was young and smart and pretty, but she was of the same blood as Jess. How would she turn out, once the gloss of a new relationship wore off and the bare bones of reality were exposed? What other secrets was she keeping? Was I interested in another relationship, or did I just want comfort?

The questions piled one upon the other and I had no answers: and flickering between them was the persistent image of Chloe and her brother: her thick juices clinging to his shaft, shining as he fucked her, dribbling over his swinging balls. I imagined her kneeling before him, her tight little ass elevated as he took her again. I thought how her face would be twisted with pleasure, her lips soft and wet as they whispered words of forbidden love - and I saw Jess crouching in the shadows watching them, her face a mask of malicious glee as she understood the power it gave her.

And I remembered last night: the amazing tightness of that first penetration and the incredible heat of her body as the head of my cock levered aside the slippery pink walls of her cunt to slide towards her belly. I recalled the way her juices had bathed me; and how she had worked her muscles, milking my shaft, drawing me upwards to where nothing else mattered - only the incredible feeling of being inside her, possessing her, desperate to impregnate her with my seed. And I remembered how I had spurted jets of scalding jism deep into her centre and how she had sucked it into her body, her eyes on mine as she drew my essence into her grasping cunt.