Jezebels Ch. 2


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"Okay. It's been a lot of fun. Well, hell, it's been the best time I've ever had, but what's so special about the weekend?" I asked.

"It was going to be a surprise, but since you insist on knowing. We reserved a cabin at The Cedars."

"The Cedars? You must be planning something special."

"We are."

"All right. I'll keep my curiosity in check until the weekend."

She leaned over me, resting on her elbows. "I've got an itch I can't scratch. Got any ideas?"

"My scratcher needs attention," I said.

"That, I can do. Mouth or boobs?"


She sucked my cock until he rose, then lay back and handed me the massage oil. I poured it liberally over her body.

"You're going to get your sheets oily," she said. That soft, passive, sexy twinkle was in her eyes again. I was growing to love that look.

"They'll wash, and so will we." I spread the oil from her shoulders to her thighs. When I jammed a finger in her pussy and tickled, she moaned. I kneaded her flesh from breasts to thigh, feeling it ooze through my hands. I straddled her mid section. She guided my cock to her mouth for a quick kiss before holding it between her breasts. I gently began to thrust. I had no desire to orgasm. I lost myself in the feel of her beneath me and her breasts around my cock. When I couldn't stand the throbbing in my nuts, I slipped between her legs.

"I do love fucking you, Jack," she whispered.


That was Sunday with Becky. Monica was Monday and Tuesday. Monica was a good conversationalist who was both witty and bright. In bed though, she was marginal, letting me masturbate using her cool body. If it had been Monica alone and not the three of them, Tuesday would've been our last date. Mary was Wednesday. She was eager, ready, and a lot of fun.

Thursday, I had an emergency job and didn't see them. The woman of the house made it clear that I could have her. She was good looking enough, and eager enough, but I turned her down. I told her I was in a relationship. Saying that surprised the hell out of me. I did some heavy thinking about those three good friends who fell into my life. Some very heavy thinking.

I arrived at Mary's house at six thirty Friday evening. A Mrs. Potter, who was around sixty, was firmly entrenched as protector of the three kids. I loaded their luggage, which included two heavy bags and two insulated coolers, into the back of the truck, kissed the children goodbye, and loaded the three women. Monica rode shotgun.

The Cedars was a resort with all the amenities, including a choice of a room in the lodge or a secluded cabin. We had a cabin. We arrived about eight thirty, checked in, and crossed the threshold of our weekend hideaway shortly before nine. The living room had two long couches that made into queen sized beds, several heavy straight chairs, and a soft, plush carpet. The kitchen and dining room were small but serviceable. The bedroom was massive, with a larger than king sized bed. I guessed it could sleep four easily and six in a pinch. Opposite it was a big screen TV, VCR, and stereo system. The bathroom was bigger than my bedroom at home and contained a full complement of facilities. As promised, two walls of the bedroom were mirrored. Another wall had the closet and entertainment center. The fourth wall was a sliding glass door that exited to a patio and hot tub.

"Nice," Mary murmured as she looked around.

"Very nice," Monica agreed.

We unloaded the truck, put the food away, and took bathroom breaks. When I returned to the living room, they were in a huddle, whispering intently.

They guided me to one of the straight chairs they had moved opposite a couch. When I sat down, Mary fell to her knees to remove my shoes and socks while Becky massaged my shoulders and Monica brought me a glass of wine. The three of them sat side by side on the couch with Becky in the middle. They were nervous, giggly, and held hands for mutual support. I was calm and cool as a preacher at a funeral, which is how I react when my adrenalin is boiling.

"Jack," Becky began. "We have a proposition for you."

"I'm all ears."

Becky took a deep breath. "Jack, we three have enjoyed these ten days."

"Loved it," Mary interrupted.

"We want to do it a long time," burst out of Becky in a rush. "Like forever."

"She didn't mean forever, Jack," Mary gasped out.

All three of them were on edge. The funny thing was the word "forever" would have sent me running from the room in stark terror just a few weeks ago, but it didn't bother me nearly as much as I expected.

"We want you to move in with us," Becky concluded.

"Us?" I asked.

"I'd move in, too," Monica said.

"The house is too small," I commented.

"We've been looking for a bigger place so Monica could move in. Finding a larger one shouldn't be a problem."

"How would you pay for it?" I said, buying time to ease my whirling mind.

"Mary's grandmother left her the house we're in now. It's free and clear. She'd sell it and we've all got some savings. Together that makes the down payment. The three of us make enough money to support the mortgage. Getting the house is the easy part and we three can live together without a lot of problems." Mary's eyes flicked at Monica. "If the four of us lived together, we'd have to agree on rules to live by."

"I wouldn't live anywhere I didn't pay my own way," I said.

"I told you," Mary said out of the corner of her mouth.

"And I wouldn't live anywhere I didn't make the rules. All the rules."

"All the rules?" Monica asked.

"Yes. All of them."

"Okay, Jack. If you make all the rules, and we agree to abide by them, then you'll do it?" Mary asked.

"I didn't say that."

"What did you say?" Becky asked.

"Yes. What was it?" Monica added.

"I'm not sure what you're suggesting," I said. "If it's an equal partnership, then there are four votes, one for each of us. You three are lifelong friends and could be expected to vote together on everything. I wouldn't agree to that." I stood up.

"Where are you going?" Mary said.

"To get another glass of wine," I replied.

"I'll get it for you," Monica said, taking my wine glass.

I didn't want more wine. I wanted time to think. When Monica returned, I sipped and waited. Mary couldn't stand it. "Well? What do you suggest?" she demanded.

"What do you suggest?" I countered.

"Don't you want to do it?" she asked plaintively.

"I'd love to do it, Mary, under the right agreement. You three are beautiful, sexy, intelligent, and loving women. Living with the three of you would be any man's dream."

"Tell us that dream, Jack," Becky said.

"First, you tell me about the identical tattoos on your tummies."

They responded with an embarrassed giggle, an open sexuality, and an "I-knew-it" grin, respectively. Becky cleared her throat self-consciously. "Jack, it shouldn't be a surprise that we all enjoy sex. In high school, we were pretty wild."

"We were sluts," Mary said.

"No, we weren't," Monica snapped.

"We screwed a lot of guys so you can call us what you want. We decided to get tattoos," Becky said.

"It wasn't common then, Jack. It was naughty," Mary exclaimed.

"When I first saw Mary's, I thought the 'J' was for Jim, but when I saw all three, I knew it had to be something else," I said.

"It's for Jezebels," Monica told me.

"Jezebels?" I queried. "And the triangle's inverted, like Superman."

"Right," Monica replied with a lewd little grin.

"Jezebels, the super sluts," Mary said sheepishly.

"I'm not the first guy all three of you have fucked, am I?"

"No," Becky said. "That's the way we did it. If one of us had him, all three did."

"How many?"

"I have no idea," Becky said. "There was the football team."

"And basketball," Mary added.

"But we only did the starters on each of them."

"Don't forget Darrell."

"Add the nerds, of which Darrell was the worst."

"He proposed to all three of us."

"So did his brother."

"God, what losers."

"We did some of the teachers."

"Becky's brother."

"And both of mine," Monica added. "We fucked maybe seventy guys in high school."

"How about college?"

"It slowed down for me when Veronica was born. Monica started dating Del when they were sophomores. That took her out of circulation. Mary met Jim when they were juniors. We got all the sex we wanted, but it wasn't the same."

"How about girls?" I asked.

Mary blushed and covered her face. Monica's eyes flitted between Becky and me. Becky never looked away.

"Girls, too," Becky said. "But not necessarily all three."

"Why not?"

"I told you I'm bisexual. Mary's not."

"And I'm not. Well, maybe. Sometimes," Monica said.

"It doesn't turn me off," Mary interjected. "I do it to please a man, or to please Becky, rather than pleasing myself, if you know what I mean."

"So, all three of you screwed guys and gals. Does that include the two husbands?"

"Sure. We all three did Jim any time he asked," Mary said.

"Good Lord, why did he leave you?"

"Got religion, he said," Mary answered. "I want you to know something, Jack. When I decided to marry Jim, I never cheated on him. I never fucked another guy from that day forward - except Del, but Jim knew about that before we married."

"How many men have you had since he left?"

"You're the first," she said. "Well." She cleared her throat, reddened slightly, and gave a nervous half-smile. "Jack, are blowjobs sex?"

"They are the way you do them," I said, grinning at her.

"I've given six or seven different guys blowjobs since Jim left, so I guess I've had sex."

"And most men think blowjobs are cheating." Becky said. "At least they do when they wives or girlfriends give them."

"Meaning what?" I asked.

"Meaning I was queen of the cocksuckers in high school and college," Mary said. "Jim knew and he understood that I need cum like other women need chocolate. When I said I never cheated, that meant no guy ever had my pussy. I sucked off a lot while I was married to Jim."

"How about now?" I asked.

"I've got two guys I do regularly. One's twice a week or so. The other is every business day."

"Every day?" I asked.

"He's the owner's husband. He wants his cock sucked when he comes by to pick up the day's receipts."

"How about you, Monica?"

"How about me what?" she asked innocently.

"Don't play games with me."

"I don't think my sex life is any of your business," she replied haughtily.

"Tell him or we will," Becky said.

Monica gave her a dirty look, but she said, "I was Del's playtoy. I did whatever he told me to do." I waited. "You want details?"

"Yes," I answered.

"You name it. Playing games, swinging, gangbangs, fucking his friends, having sex in public, dogs, B&D. A lot of B&D."

"What parts did you like?"

"All of it except the really rough stuff." Her jaw was set, her face intent. Head high. Breasts thrust out. Eyes challenging.

"Tell me about the games."

"His favorite one was master-slave. We played that most of the time, but there were others. We'd play doctor-patient, cop and crook, French maid and aristocrat. I even had costumes for them. One game he called 'rape.' He'd take me someplace like a sleazy bar or frat house, get everyone's attention, and tell them I liked to be raped."

"Do you?"

"I hate it," she hissed.

"But you like master-slave?"

"With the right master," she said.

"Tell me about the dogs."

"What's to tell?"

"I've never seen that."

"Buy me a dog," she said, with a lewd little grin.

"Did you do drugs?"

"No. Del dealt, but he didn't give them to me." She smiled wanly, but her eyes held a message for me. "He didn't need to. I did everything he asked."


"No drugs, Jack," she replied.


"No, sir."

"What else do you need to tell me?" I asked Monica.

"Nothing," Monica replied, but I knew she was lying.

"Ladies, let's not lie to each other. Agreed?"

All three said yes.

"What else, Monica?"

"Becky was doing some hooking. Her client wanted two girls to entertain a group for a week. I went along."

"You lied to me," I snarled at Becky.

She blanched. "No, I didn't. That part was Monica's to tell you," she stammered.

"A half truth is as bad as a lie."

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

I knew Becky was the key. She was the biggest and strongest physically, but that wasn't all of it. She was the toughest mentally and emotionally. The dominant one of the three. I had to bend her to me if I wanted this thing to be successful. Oh shit! Did I want it to be successful? They were watching me as my brain churned that problem. I needed to get on with this, so I took a deep breath and said, "Do you want to correct any thing else you told me?"

"No, sir," Becky said shamefaced.

"I'm disappointed in you, Becky," I said and my voice reinforced the words. She looked hang-dog.

"Mary, did you ever play for pay?"

"No, Jack." She looked insulted.

"What else did you do?"

"Not as much as Monica, but a lot. Even the dog, but I only did one. Charlie. He was a Lab."

"Where is your husband, Monica?"

She looked surprised. "What do you mean?"

"You've never said what happened to him. Are you divorced?"

"He's dead, Jack. The police killed him in a drug bust."

"I'm sorry to hear that," I said.

"I'm not. It was pretty bad at the end and I was afraid to leave him."

"Anybody since then?"

"If you mean have I gotten laid, the answer's yes." She smiled. "But not a lot. I'm more selective than you think."

"If you three have had that varied and open a sexual past, why should I think you'll be faithful now?"

"Do you want us to be faithful?" Becky asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"Are you sure? How about that woman at the water park. You wanted her," she continued.

"What's that got to do with anything?"

"A lot. Let's assume we agree that you make the rules and we'll abide by them. And let's assume that one of your rules is that we'll be faithful."

"Does faithful mean no other men or no other men unless you want to swap us?" Mary asked.

"Or give us to your friends?" Becky added.

"And does it mean that you'll be faithful?" Monica said.

"Don't run, Jack. Please," Mary pleaded. "You shouldn't have said that word, Monica."

"Why not? He used it."

"Let's take a break," I said.

"This is hard for us, too," Monica said. "You're not the only one giving up your freedom."

"It's not hard on me. Tell me what you want," Mary pleaded emphatically.

"I need some time to think and so do you," I said. "I think I know what I want but I'm not sure."

"What is it?" Mary asked. Her frustration was evident.

"I'm sure the three of you have discussed it. Look, I want a break and you three need time to talk."

I got a soft drink from the kitchen and went in the bedroom to watch TV. Usually, I watch TV nude, but this time I left my clothes on. We had more important things to consider than sex. I tried to relax, but I was uptight. I wished I could've been a bug on the wall listening to them.

One thing for sure, my life would change. That was a problem because I liked my life. I was getting laid four or five times a week by three or four different women. New ones were always available and the old ones liked a repeat performance. Like it or not, this arrangement would require commitment, and that made my blood run cold. Yet, they were three appealing and special women, and I knew I'd settle down sometime.

The women joined me in about twenty minutes, but I led them back into the living room where we sat as we had before so I could see their faces.

"Wine?" Monica asked.

I needed a clear head to handle this situation, so I told her to bring water or soft drinks for everyone. They were on edge. I was calm - outside. Inside, I was in turmoil.

"Jack, like I said, we'd like the four of us to live together in one house. You'd be the man of the house, and we would be, for lack of a better word, your wives," Becky began.

My heart was beating like it was ready to explode. They all had little smirks. They knew what the word "wife" did to me, and "wives" was three times worse.

"Or, if you'd prefer, like you were the pasha and we were your harem," Becky added.

"Do harem girls wash and do dishes?" Mary cracked.

"They do fuck and suck whenever asked," Monica said.

"I prefer the harem concept," I said.

"Do you want us to wear costumes, Jack? Maybe like Jeannie on the TV show," Becky teased with tongue-in-cheek.

"We need to know the basic rules before we finalize the agreement," Monica said sharply.

"And we need to have the financial part worked out," Becky said.

"I'm not saying I'll do it. I want to talk to each of you alone to discuss a few things," I said as I stood. "Mary. Let's start with you."

To be concluded

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Just Keeps On Building

...on the greatness and intrigue of chapter one.

Plus more fascinating complications.

Paul in Oklahoma

ruffnreadyruffnreadyover 13 years ago
Great Story

Can't wait to see the end....

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