Jimmy and Sandra, Lust Realised

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It had to happen, brother and sister overcome with lust.
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All characters involved in sex in this story are over 18.


Sandra wasn't sure it had even happened. After a drunken night on the town with friends, she and her brother had staggered home together and drank even more. The details of much of the night and early morning were vague, but she was sure she'd touched his erect cock, her t-shirt was inside out and back to front, and she wasn't wearing a bra. She desperately hoped it was a dream, or at least a silly game. Had she... An image kept invading her head. Her brother's cock, in her mouth.

No. Not possible. Maybe another boy came home with them. Still not a pleasant thought, sucking off a stranger, but easier to deal with than if it was her brother. She rolled over and timidly lifted the bed covers away from her face.

What the...? Why's the window over there? Oh shit. This is mum's room. There was no panic, their mother would be away at Aunt Sarah's for another week. Then the bed moved. She wanted to know who she'd brought home and looked back over her shoulder. She wasn't sure whether to be pleased or shocked when she saw Jimmy's sleeping face. Her brother was snoring lightly. She knew she hadn't dragged a stranger home, but still there were those persistent images about... doing things ... with Jimmy.

In the warmth of mid-morning, Jimmy had kicked the covers away and was barely covered by a sheet. Sandra had a mad idea. In the dream - if it was a dream - the cock she had sucked had a dollar-sized brown birthmark beside it, reaching to the groin.

So she gently lifted the sheet, looked, and her heart stopped. Not only was the birthmark there, another detail flashed into her head - Oh fuck. I remember now. He's got no pubes. A phrase penetrated her shocked memory, one she'd said last night: Wow, bro! A shaved cock, and so big too!

She felt sick. She wanted to scream at him, run away. As she tried to sneak out of the bed, two things stopped her. One was Jimmy snorting to wakefulness, bleary-eyed and trying to focus, the other was the realisation that she had no panties on. Jimmy looked across and he too jerked into some form of realisation.

"Oh fuck, Sandy. What did we...?"

"I don't know!" She couldn't stop her eyes welling with tears. Jimmy's head slumped back onto the pillow, himself beginning to piece random images in his head. His protective side kicked in.

"Sandy. Sandra. It's OK. Please don't cry. I don't even know...what...if..."

He decided to try to bluff his way out and pretend that he remembered zero. But it came back quite clearly. Not how it started, but the image in his mind was quite distinct. Sandy was beside him, here in their mother's bed. She had pulled his boxers down and off in the lounge room, laughing, and said "Wow, bro! A shaved cock, and so big! Want me to suck it? Huh? You want your sister to suck your cock?".

She'd led him by the cock in here, they lay down, then his sister - his sister! - had lifted his cock, then she'd licked it, put it in her mouth, bobbed on it a few times. He remembered being too drunk to get hard. Sandra gave up after a minute, lay beside him, and soon both were drunk-asleep.

Sandy was curled up, clutching the covers, facing away from him. Jimmy's head hurt bad, but she needed him to be strong for her then. He reached over and touched her back.

"Sandy. I can't remember anything. I know this is weird, and I kinda think we got way too drunk last night, but nothing..."

She cut him off, sobbing: "I sucked your dick, Jimmy. I sucked my brother's dick."

"Oh. Um..."

"Jesus, you can't have forgotten that!"

"OK. No. I remember. But it was a second or two, like a joke or prank or something."

Silence. Sandra felt trapped. She had to leave this bed but being naked from the waist down prevented her. She could have asked him to duck under the covers, of course, and he would have done that for her, she knew. That wasn't the problem. She was trying through the fog to remember how the hell she'd lost her panties in the first place, and until she did she wasn't ready to admit she was bare-ass naked down there.

"Jimmy, did you, um, or did I... Who undressed me? I didn't wear this t-shirt out last night."

Jimmy remembered well but wasn't sure how much honesty his sister could bear at that moment. But his mouth blurted it out anyway: "You did. You were drunk, getting up in my face. I said something like 'I'd do you if you weren't my sister' and you started up with 'Oh really' and 'So why doncha try' and stuff and, well, you took your clothes off to tease me. Sorry. I put the t-shirt on you."

Jimmy listened. She was still facing away so he couldn't see her face, but she wasn't sobbing. She thought for a few moments, then said: "So why didn't you put my panties back on?"

"I tried. But, um..." He couldn't be that honest: I couldn't because I wanted you to fall asleep so I could look at your pussy. While you slept. But I fell asleep too.

She seemed to accept what he'd said though. "OK. Sorry I was such a drunken tart."

"Sorry I was too drunk to stop you."

Eventually Jimmy covered his eyes for her modesty, Sandra went for a shower then to her own bed to suffer her hangover in peace. Jimmy stayed put and drifted into sleep.

In the middle of a warm afternoon, Jimmy awoke to see Sandra, fresh as a daisy, sitting on the side of the big bed holding a cup of coffee.

"Friendship offering. Just made it. Here."

Jimmy propped himself against the headboard and sipped the coffee.

"Jimmy, it's OK. Weird, but I'm not gonna need a straitjacket or therapy. We were drunk. So, you OK?"

"Um, still processing it but I'm not, like, grossed out or anything."

Sandra saw a way to lighten the mood: "Whaddya mean 'grossed out'? I'm probably the hottest chick you saw all night!"

Jimmy smiled with her. He looked over the edge of his cup with his tease: "Nice pussy, if I remember rightly too."

Sandra's eyes widened in open-mouthed shock, almost spilling hot coffee on her brother when she slapped his arm. But she was laughing, too as she left the room.

That night, after each had tried not to think about the other naked, they went to bed early. Next morning, Jimmy made pancakes for breakfast. Sandra could smell them as she came out of the shower. Normally she would have hurried to dress and go eat, especially because of her brother's loving gesture at making her favourite. But a new sexual desire was taking root, and she didn't quite trust herself.

In the shower she'd felt the tingle. As she played the shower head over her nipples, and yes, between her legs, the image was of her brother's cock, long and thin, and she sucked her fingers just like she'd sucked his cock...

When she realised what she was doing, it took her a few moments to make herself stop. But it was not before her pussy had begun to get that slickness she knew so well. But stop she did, although now, on the way to the table to eat pancakes, she felt like she was squishing all the way.

"Ooo, thanks Jimmy. Fresh coffee too! Luv ya, bruv."

"Luv you too, Sandy."

Sandra had deliberately dressed in plain, dull clothes. A pink track suit, shapeless. But now Jimmy's mind flashed to the moment his sister had pulled her dress over her head just two nights ago. How his mind told him to stop her, but his desire wanted to see how far she'd go. She'd unhooked her bra, threw it at him giggling. She put her arms up above her head, wiggle-danced, then laughed at his intense gaze.

And another thing. She may not have remembered it or she chose to block it out. It was him who had said: "Take your panties off."

"Ooo, my little brother wants to see his sister's pussy, does he? OK. Make a deal. Get your cock out."

He had dropped his jeans to the floor. Sandy dropped her panties, laughed, and stumbled against him. She pulled his boxers off, led him by the cock to the big bed in their mother's room, and fell on top of him on it. She'd wanked him a few times, taken him into her mouth...

And now, even in a track suit, she turned him on. He sat at the table opposite her, not really listening to her chat, thinking of that smooth, girlish pussy. No hair, small mound, tiny lips and a little flush of darker pink flesh where... Oh hell. Where he'd touched her. Details were coming back. She had to be remembering too, right?

There were two more days and nights of sexual tension. Jimmy had forced himself not to jerk off despite his pent-up lust, because he didn't want to admit to himself that the object of his lust was his own sister. He didn't know until later that Sandra was doing exactly the same thing. She was trying not to let her thoughts stray to her brother, but even innocent contact, his voice, watching him move around - all made her pussy yearn for him.

It was Jimmy who took the first step. He had brought plates to the sink where she was rinsing them. As he reached past and placed them in the sink, the impossible closeness of her, the whiff of her hair, her womanly scent, all overtook him and he snuggled in close behind her, one arm around her tummy and the other across her breasts.

He didn't need to speak becasue she knew, and agreed silently. Reaching behind herself to cradle the back of Jimmy's neck, with the other hand she gently took the hand he hugged against her tummy and pushed it firmly underneath her track pants, down, until he cupped her pussy with it.

Her sobbed moan was one of released tension, pleading, and desire. Her brother began to press his fingers inside her, wetly teasing her clit, while he pushed his other hand under her top to caress her breasts.

Sandra reached around her backside to seek her brother's cock. It stood erect, aching for her touch, twitched when she found it. It wasn't enough to touch it outside his shorts, so she wiggled her hand inside them.

The touch of his sister's hand on his cock, so gentle, light, made him buckle and groan.

"Oh fuck, Sandy. I've needed this..."

"Jimmeee... Like that, just like that. Oh my pussy's burning. Huhhh. Huhhh..."

A squeaking mewl escaped her lips as her brother's fingers flicked her into tense orgasmic release. Days of lust built them up to this tension; just seconds were needed to bring them release.

As Sandra's pussy pulsed gently on his fingers, Jimmy's cock jerked wildly as his cum shot from it, all over her hand and her back. Neither cared. Sandra's hand stroked, squeezed, delighted in the feel of her brother's cock spurting at her.

Such was the razor's edge of their desire, they had made each other cum in less than a minute. But it wasn't the crescendo, merely the overture.

Sandy turned to face her brother's loving, smiling face. She looked between them. "You save all that for me, big brother?"

"Mmm. I couldn't help it. When I touched your pussy, so wet and ready, I was cumming straight away."

"And you're still hard. Jimmy? Let's not pretend it's not happening any more. I wanna fuck you. It's safe. Now, Jimmy."

She barely had time to wipe the cum off her hands before Jimmy turned her around, pulled her pants and panties down, and pushed his knob against her wet pussy lips.

He pushed, gently, electricity sparking his being, until his cock was buried inside his sister. Her rosy ass cheeks slapped against his thighs as she pushed back at him, and they found hip rhythm. That first time was animal, frantic, to fuck away the walls that tried to bound their lust. Their pace was quick, the thrusts were deep, but the need was raw.

Sandra came first. Her head raced to the twin realisations that her brother's cock was fucking her, and that she wanted it more than anything. Her mind having overcome the mental obstacle, her pussy reacted. She began to pant, her tummy spasmed, before her thighs jerked as sexual oblivion overtook her in waves of rapture spurred on by the insistent, deep probing of her brother's cock.

Jimmy knew she was cumming and felt proud. The squishy pussy gripping and milking at his shaft was tight and squishy wet at the same time. Inevitably, he too succumbed to his rushing ejaculation. As it boiled behind his balls, they tightened and the blood pumped into his cock making it harder still. He was aware of Sandra's whimpering and her voice saying "Oh fuck, Jimmeee..." but everything else was focused on the blinding surge building within him.

Thick gobs of incest began to spurt from his cock as his brain screamed what he was doing and the thought spilled over into his speech. He heard himself saying: "...my sister's pusseee!" Gripping her hips to pull her cunt hard onto his cock, his jerking tool flung its load up inside her with such intensity of feeling that he almost passed out on top of her when it was done. Still his hips pressed, his cock twitching as if to make sure no semen remained, and all of it was inside his sister.

Panting together, standing awkwardly because neither wanted to end the erogenous contact, Sandra again reached behind her for his head as she rocked gently, slowly against his cock, still impossibly hard.

"Oh Jimmy, I think we both knew that was going to happen. Since we were little. Yes?"

"Oh yes. I think so. You've always been so pretty, Sandy. I've always..."

"And now you have. And I have. I can't reach..."

She was trying to get the paper towels, but still didn't want to slide away from her brother's cock. Jimmy reached them for her. She put a wad under his balls, and pushed him back with her hand. Reluctantly, Jimmy let his cock slide out as his cum spilled from her into the waiting paper towels.

"Jesus you came big, mate!"

"I was inspired."

Sandra faced him, nestled under his chin and mimicked him: "By your sister's pusseee?"

He had to laugh. "Um, yeah. Got carried away there. Sorry."

"Don't be. If my pussy inspires you to fuck me like that, then it's all yours."


"You can't be serious? Three times?"

"I told you, I'm inspired, and, um..."


"Come to my room."

"Oh? Why?"

"Cos I wanna fuck my sister's pusseee!"

They laughed and tickle-teased each other running across the house until they were naked, on Jimmy's bed, him on top of her. She opened her legs wide, needing him again, and he pressed.

"Oh fuck, Jimmy. I don't know how you've stayed hard so long but don't wait. Fuck me."

It was slow, grinding, panting, urgently holding onto each other with arms around waists and necks. His fingers squeezed her breasts, thumbed her clit, tested her asshole. Hers flicked his nipples, grabbed his buttocks and pulled him inside herself harder.

Their sweaty, needy bodies fucked and slicked against each other as pleasant turned to lovely and then to erotic. Each tried to make the other cum, ever rising towards it, two athletes in a game of lust.

Sandra got on all fours and invited her brother behind her. He watched his cock disappear up to his pubes in her wet, pink hole. He pushed a finger into the reddened one above it, felt his shaft sliding against it past the thin skin that divided them.

He pulled out and dived his head there, licking her pussy, tonguing her salty asshole. She threw him on his back and gobbled on his dick, wetly, firmly.

Jimmy lay back while his sister straddled him and rode him.

All the while, whenever their heads faced the same way, brother and sister held each other's eyes in soft, pliant lust that communicated that this was right, it was real, and it was what they had forever wanted to give each other. Sex. Just raw sex.

While she was on top, and rubbing her clit furiously, Jimmy saw her face contort into clear rapture and watched in fascination as her whole body jerked and rippled in her orgasm. She ground her clit against his mound, all the while gripping his cock and wanking him with her cunt.

Her climax triggered his. As her hips slowed and her afterglow set in, Jimmy thrust, spurted, thrust again, and again, until his third ejaculation faded soon after it had begun.

Sandra collapsed forwards onto him, laughing into his mouth. He hugged her, his cock still inside her but deflating quickly. Neither moved, so eventually it flopped out of her wetly. They didn't care that it brought cunt juice and cum with it.

My name is Jimmy. My sister is Sandra. This was the start of our journey.

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