Jim's Legacy Pt. 1 Mina 05

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First day and sibling visit.
5.5k words

Part 5 of the 15 part series

Updated 10/21/2022
Created 11/03/2013
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Chapter 5 – First day, Sibling visit, betrayal.

I stretched with the sun, my body rubbing against Tracy's. My body felt good and sore, but pleasant. My ass still burned slightly but that too reminded me of the pleasure.

I heard my phone beep. It was a message from my dad. Listening to it he told me to meet the vampire under no circumstances, I don't think he believed I could sense good or bad by the flavor of energy. Too late for that anyway since I met him last night.

He told me I needed to pop home and transport my brother, sister, Aunt Gabby and Uncle Sam. This way next time my brother or sister could just send them, since they would have a read on the college. That's all I needed, Ariel and Wade to be able to drop in on a whim at any time. Then again I really did miss them, even my sister... Okay, especially my sister I admitted to myself.

Not being a liar I sent my father a text message that I met him last night, his name is Charlie. I also said I was careful to meet him in public and use my aura, and that he needed to trust my judgment, the judgment that he instilled in me. I know he just worries about me, but I have to remind him I am 21 and not a helpless little girl every now and then.

I smiled when he texted back exactly that with a sorry. I really missed him, I would just never admit it, at least not until I went to visit. With a grin I remembered how good it was to have Tracy's tongue in my ass last night. I decided that might be a good way to wake her up..........


Two hours later we were on our way to breakfast after a quick shower. I grinned when I saw Rick and Tom and headed over to join them. I giggled at the look on Tom's face. I guess Rick has been telling stories. His mouth dropped open when both of us gave Rick a quick hello kiss.

I said, "Ready for the first day?"

Rick and Tom nodded in concert, "You?"

I nodded. "Went over the books last night, should be good."

Rick said, "When did that happen?"

"Hmmm, between 7:30 and 8:30"

I blushed, why did I bring that up? Must be getting comfortable with Rick. I need to tell him the facts about my family and magic soon. Tracy too.

Tom said, "Just an hour?"

I smiled and said, "I have a pretty good memory, learn stuff fast."

Tracy nodded. "I am so jealous, she has something like a photographic memory and she is a genius."

I blushed and started eating. Tom looked like he was dying to ask me questions. I wondered exactly what Rick had told him.

"What's on your mind Tom?" I asked.

Tom turned red and said, "What?"

I shrugged, "You've been looking at us weird, and you keep blushing."

I meant to just tease but shortly realized I was being a bitch and embarrassing him.

"Never mind Tom, maybe I am imagining it."

We finished up breakfast. Rick and Tracy changing the tone with some banter, I felt bad but really, he was being awkward about things. And I wasn't sure even what. I could read his mind but I've been so much better about privacy the last few days I decided to just blow it off.

We split after breakfast, the guys heading to lawyer classes as we headed to one of the medical class buildings and found a seat a few minutes before class started.

The professor was good, engaged and interested in his subject. Biology would be easy to get through I thought. We got some lunch then headed to chemistry. This professor droned on in a monotone voice, hopefully he was just having a bad first day of the year, but I doubted it.

I let Tracy know I had family coming and had to go meet them and that I would bring them by the dorm in an hour or two to meet her. She looked nervous but nodded and managed a smile. I headed out of the dorm into a quiet corner and ripped a hole to home. This took a lot more of my power because of the much greater distance but I knew I could steal it back from my brother. I would need to if they wanted to get here anyway.

I stepped through into my room and collected myself then headed out into the crazy house. I found my sister first being in the room next to me and to my surprise I grabbed her into a huge hug.

"Hi sis, how you getting along without me to pester you?"

She giggled, "You know this place, still never a moment alone. Wow, where did you get all that energy."

I tilted my head, "No one told you about my run in with a pack of evil vampires?"

She gasped, "No they didn't, of course they didn't. I am only 19 after all, still in diapers."

I giggled and opened my mind. Replayed the whole thing including my meeting with Charlie in about 4 seconds in my sister's head.

"Holy crap, you really can see if someone is bad or good, should I call you Santa?"

I snorted, "Brat. Not if you want to come with me you can't. Is there a staging point or do we have to hunt everyone down?"

"They are all downstairs in the kitchen."

I smiled, "It really is good to see you Ariel, I feel like an ex con who misses prison."

Ariel snickered, "I miss you to, I actually had to find my own brush."

We headed down the stairs and they were in the big kitchen, along with everyone else. I collected a bunch of hugs and visited for about an hour, we needed to wait for 6ish so it would be dark enough for Gabby and Sam. I pulled my birth mom Mia to the side and told her all about Tracy and Rick. She was happy for me but warned me not to rush it.

We were finally ready to go and I got the barrage of hugs again, then Nikki volunteered to power me up and sent me some energy. Gabby and Sam wanted me to go to the town first, so they could find Charlie and I could take my sibs with me back to the college for a while before sending them home. I ripped a portal and we walked through to the alley by the diner.

After connecting to their minds I gave them all a layout of the town and college and where Charlie was with the others, though I was not sure if he was still there or if he had found somewhere else to sleep. I hugged Gabby and Sam and headed off with Wade and Ariel. I opened a portal to an out of the way place by the dorm.

I gave them a short rundown, without the details I told mom, about Tracy and Rick. They looked intrigued and happy for me. Tracy was alone going over class work and she smiled when we came in.

I introduced everyone and we sat around talking, mostly Ariel and Wade telling Tracy about me as a small child, minus the magic. I really needed to tell her soon about my strange family, minus my brother's secret, I would tell no one that. I wouldn't even think about it without my mind buttoned up tight against intrusion. I could tell they liked Tracy, a lot. She is a wonderful person.

"So when do we meet this Rick sis?" Ariel asked. "He sounds cute."

I giggle, "He is, I can invite him over?"

Tracy nods at the idea so I send a text over, telling him my brother and sister want to meet him. He replied back he would stop by in a little bit. He couldn't come for a little while though and might bring Tom since he was with him at the moment. I told him sounds good and see you soon.

I heard Wade in my mind, "You really need to tell her sis, I think she actually loves you already, and she is sold on the whole polyamory concept. You did real good. Plus we can't tell her the really funny stories about you until you do tell her."

His mind voice had a teasing edge to it and I had to hold back a giggle. "When you get your mate I will have my revenge brother," I sent in a falsely ominous mind voice.

We were having fun together when the knock came and Rick and Tom walked in. That is when my life went to hell, because you see I was keeping my mind to itself. My brother was doing no such thing. I started to introduce Wade and Ariel to Tom and Rick when my brother cocked back his fist and laid Rick out in one punch. My brother is very.... Strong.

Tom's mouth dropped open in shock, Tracy squeaked in fear and stepped back, Ariel and I just started at Wade in confusion.

"Umm, Wade, why did you just knock out Rick, Tracy and I's boyfriend?"

Wade turned and glared at me and opened up in my mind, "WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY! Have you totally closed your mind? Do yourself a favor and read Tom, don't go near Rick's mind it would kill you. Tom is just a good guy in a bad situation, but he knows enough."

I whimpered. I could see Wade's regret, and pain, for me. I also remembered Tom acting strange this morning and I put it in a more suspicious light.

I stared at Tom and didn't just read his public mind or current thoughts. I entered it and replayed the last 3 days. Then I stumbled to the garbage can in the room and fell to my knees. I threw up, I couldn't breathe. I had felt safe with Rick, I had let him fuck my ass without a by your leave on his part. I felt sick and violated. Used.

Tom had wanted to tell me, and he was eaten up with guilt, but had to keep quiet, Rick was his friend. I had found out many things, most surprising was Tom liked me, thought I was funny. He was also raised in a polyamory situation and totally understood me and where I was coming from. He felt guilty not telling me because of that, and his attraction. He was disgusted to, but not with me, with Rick.

Apparently Rick did like me that first night, and wanted to date me. Not just a fuck in the woods that first night. Three days ago. Then I told him about polyamory and never read him again after that. He wasn't a jerk so I didn't think he would just become one, why wouldn't he just break up with me?

He thought it was crap, a load of BS so I could have him and whoever else I wanted. He was disgusted with the thought of it. I was either with him only or was cheating, he didn't understand. He apparently was going to break up with me at the picnic, until I texted him about Tracy, the girl who he wanted to tit fuck, would be joining us. So he told Tom about the park, not about a commitment, or the love of polyamory, but how he banged the slut behind the bushes.

He had decided I was a nut job, but figured to get a few three ways in before dumping me. And put his stupid dick between her tits. Oh god, Tracy isn't going to handle this well, it's my fault. I thought I was being all good. Turns out I am just stupid.

That's why Tom kept turning red, not embarrassment because of a story Rick told, but because he was ashamed he didn't side with me, even against the guy code.

I got up and wiped my mouth on a towel, then chugged with mouthwash and spit it in the pale on top of what I left in there. Ariel and Tracy was staring at me, waiting for me to say something, make sense of my sudden sickness and actions. How could I make sense of any of it?

"Tom, pick up Rick and get the fuck out, and Tom," I waited until he turned to me and said, "I forgive you, and understand why you couldn't, just get this piece of shit out of my room."

When they left I turned to Ariel and sent her an edited for sexual content version, with just the anger and contempt, not about how he had got a chance to hit the crazy bitches ass after getting his tit fuck. I loved my sister after all. She did not need that memory.

I sent to both, "Can you just go, come back to see me in a few days, I need to try and explain this to Tracy. That's going to be hard to swallow along with the news about Rick."

I went over and hugged Tracy and started crying and saying I'm sorry. That probably made it worse, she was being as patient as she could but nothing was adding up in her head.

I said softly, "First about Rick. He thought it was all bullshit and hated the idea. He was just stringing us along for threesome sex before he got bored and dumped us. That's why Tom was acting strange this morning. He actually likes us, and understands polyamory. He thought Rick was being a huge prick and totally out of line. He just couldn't screw his friend, even if he deserved it."

I looked up into her eyes and saw surprise and pain there. And of course confusion, because how the hell could I know that from my brother's punch and a roomful of silence.

"I'm afraid to tell you now, I was waiting a bit to, and well, it's kind of freaky."

I held my hand out and she just took it, still trusting me. I sent a small bit of power to the perception center in her brain, knowing much more than my father did when he first showed my mother this world, no need to fill the body up or make the skin all tight.

I gestured toward Andrea and said, "Meet your guardian angel, try not to be too disappointed."

Andrea sent me a mock glare. Tracy gasped and sat down.

"My family has certain... Abilities. When I left home and came here I decided to stop reading people, turns out that was a horrible decision in regard to Rick. My brother however made no such promise, so as soon as he saw Rick he knew, so he laid him out. Then he read me the riot act in my head for my stupidity, and that's when I read Tom and found out. Throw up, throw Rick out, ask sibs to leave and then this explanation. That is basically what happened."

I said directly to her mind, "I am so sorry, please forgive me. I..." I sort of trailed off after that. I was going to tell her I loved her, and I do. But saying that right now to her would be emotional blackmail, and I won't do that.

Her eyes went wide.

I shrugged, "I didn't listen to your mind, just sent you a message. Just to prove what I was saying wasn't just me breaking down mentally or anything. This way, you can either accept me or reject me, without wondering if I am crazy or you doubting yourself or your perceptions." Damn it I am babbling now.

I sat down on my bed and stared at the floor, and waited. Less than a minute later she was sitting next to me holding my hand.

Tracy said softly, "Maybe you should read me, that way you can stop with the guilt."

I looked up at her confused and took a look inside her mind for the first time since the masturbation incident. I hugged her and started crying, I bet I looked hot when I blubbered out between sniffles, "I love you too Tracy. Are you sure you want all this crazy?" I giggled.

We did not do anything that night except hold and comfort each other. We were both hurt and upset, but we also both had the same fleeting thought, how about Tom? I also had the misfortune to read how damn hot my brother was. We cuddled up on the bed face to face and exchanged soft kisses. As I fell asleep I thought things wouldn't be so bad, with her by my side.

I woke up in the sunlight and smiled, life goes on, and Tracy and I will find another. I found a compromise with myself, I would still leave minds alone unless there were other signs, suspicions, but I would read for truth. Catching lies doesn't quite pinch my morals like sifting through minds does.

Apparently though, I have the green light to do so with Tracy whenever I want. Although it is a horrible ego boost when I do, I will have to watch for that.

Just when I was starting not to harp on Rick, getting dressed for my Tuesday class I heard a knock on the door. Tracy was already gone for her class. I opened the door and there he was. Asshole number one on my list.

"What," my voice was entirely devoid of any inflection.

"Where is your brother, I thought he should know I was going to sue his ass off for assault."

I shook my head and went in his mind. He hasn't filed and doesn't remember anything, Tom told him. Bastard has a tape recorder going hoping I say something incriminating, or better yet my brother is still here and does. He has no other evidence.

"My brother didn't assault you, he tried to catch you when you tripped and fell on a piece of paper."

"I don't think so," he said with a snarl, "Where is he."

I shook my head sadly, "You really don't want to do this, wasn't what you did to me already revenge enough for the imagined slight? Did you really need to own me just for yourself?"

The answers rocked from his head, no, and yes.

Tom was walked up behind him ashen faced, "Dude, you need to let it go, what the hell is wrong with you."

He ignored Tom and said, "Was that a threat, because you can't stop me."

Not taking my eyes off Rick I asked, "Can you keep a secret Tom?"

I saw Tom nod out of the corner of my eye and said, "Good."

I said, "Last chance Rick, or you lose something precious, can you let it go?"

Rick said, "That was a threat, what do you plan to do, you can't keep me quiet about an assault."

I shook my head and said, "I'm sorry Rick, the precious memory you will lose is Tracy and I. You can't sue for assault if you can't remember it happened."

I reached out and touched his forehead. He fell to the ground passed out.

Tom asked, "What are you doing, how did you do that?"

I smiled, "I can do lots of things, that's the secret. Oh, and the fact that he never met me, doesn't know me at all in fact. Probably doesn't remember a thing past last Thursday. Damn shame too, it was a good concert. Stupid bastard."

Tom watched as I pulled the tape recorder out of Rick's pocket and removed the tape, and put back the recorder. I didn't care, I knew it was probably stupid but Tom liked Tracy and I, and was pissed at Rick. Call it a test, if he still approached us after this he probably deserved a chance, just from having steel balls.

My hand lit with purple fire and the tape just disintegrated into nothing, ceased to be. I then went in Rick's memory with dark energy and completely erased the last four days.

"I hope he takes good notes, he will need to review them for yesterday's classes."

I smiled at Tom and said, "If you still like us after you consider what you just saw, go ahead and say hello one day, you never know. Oh, one more thing. Can't have you carrying him across campus again."

I tore a hole in the universe and using energy pushed Rick through it and right onto his bed. I winked at Tom and said, "Well I have class soon, need to finish getting ready. See you soon?" I turned and walked into the dorm room without waiting for an answer.

I checked on Tracy and saw she was waiting on class to start so I sent her the latest update, that Rick now never met us in his head. She was a little upset at that, but much more pissed about the size of the balls it took to try to sue my brother after all he did to us.

I opened a microscopic rip with a sliver of power, the bigger they are the more power to open, but a tiny little portal is perfect for sending thoughts to a mind. I updated the sibs on everything that happened and thanked Wade for being such an awesome brother. Then I told him about my compromise on only detecting lies and then reading the liars, if they had an impact of any kind to my life.

After reminding them to come whenever they wanted to visit I closed the rip and headed out to class.

When I opened the door up to leave the room there was a single red rose with a note attached. It said, "Count on it. –Tom"

I smelled the rose and smiled then headed off to class.


The next month was slow, classes were going well for me and Tracy and I seemed to grow closer every day. We were hurt badly by Rick, not for disliking the lifestyle, or even rejecting us. It was for him hating us bad enough to truly fuck us over. Tom stopped by a couple of times a week. He could always make us both laugh. He was also brave as hell, I still hadn't explained anything to him about what I could do or why.

Some days he was convinced I was a witch. Not because I read his mind, I hadn't since that day, keeping my promise to myself, just checking for truth and lies and reading people who said it was ok, like Tracy. He actually said it out loud, and I could tell he thought he was telling the truth.

We learned some more of his story, his parents had died in an accident when he was fourteen and the other two parents raised him. Without polyamory he was convinced he would have been stuck in a kid's home for all four years of high school.