Joanna vs. Mr. Smith

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The path to Hell has many pleasures.
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Edward sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. Third period was about to begin. Dreaded third period. It was a large class, and almost half of them were Twelfth-graders, which is to say they were retaking the Eleventh grade class. Of those, most were failing. Again.

But worst of all was Joanna. Joanna had one of the worst attitudes Edward had ever experienced in a student. He shook his head. Only eighteen and she already hated the world. How could someone so young become so jaded? So rude and mocking?

She, along with several of the other twelfth graders, had pretty much given up. They were retaking, and refailing, Math III. That pretty much meant that they were not going to graduate. Once a student stopped giving a damn, it was almost impossible to rescue them.

But what made Joanna stand out was her "go to hell" attitude. It drove Edward crazy because she couldn't seem to grasp that he was trying to help her. He knew that if she didn't graduate, she would most likely remain in poverty. She would likely get pregnant soon, and she might even end up in the justice system. He shook his head. All she saw was that he constantly pestered her to do her work.

Like many students, she didn't get it. The teachers who let them get away with failing were the ones who didn't care. He spent extra time and energy trying to get Joanna to focus and get her work done. He put together work packets to help her marks. Yet all he ever got out of her was rudeness and disrespect.

Even worse, she was terribly disruptive. She would blurt out rude or mocking comments, answer questions with silly answers, and even whistle during lectures for no reason whatsoever.

There really was no question about it: she was a hateful young girl. Edward did his best not to show his severe dislike for her, but he knew on his down days, some of it shone through.

As the students filed in, he squared his shoulders and resolved to treat her with as much kindness as he could summon.

Almost on cue, she sauntered in, just before the tardy bell. Instead of going to her seat, she went to talk to one of her other twelfth-grade friends. Edward called to her, and asked her to get her notebook and go to her seat.

She ignored him, forcing him to raise his voice, something he hated to do. "Joanna! You need to be seated with your materials when the tardy bell rings," he said with his booming teacher voice.

She just looked up at him, arched her eyebrows and said, "Yeah, well, I'm not," in a sassy voice.

He swallowed his anger and reminded himself, diffuse, don't escalate. He said calmly, "Yes, Joanna, I see that. Please sit down. I don't want to have to mark you tardy."

Having said that, he turned away and walked back to his desk at the front of the class, easing his overweight frame into the plush chair.

"All right, everyone, you can see the warmup on the screen here. You know what to do. Remember, use your notes, ask a friend, and only as a last resort ask me."

He began taking attendance as the students started working through a small set of problems. There was some low talking as students discussed the work, but overall the noise level was low.

Except for Joanna. She was loudly talking about some kind of drama she had been involved with earlier in the day. He clearly heard the words "bitch" and "fuck" and various other curse words.

He walked over to her desk and interrupted her. "Joanna, consider yourself warned. We use only professional language at this school."

He walked over to the board and wrote her name. "Now, if you get a check," he continued, "you will have to stay past the bell one minute.

"I don't give a fuck," she mumbled just loud enough to be heard.

Edward shook his head and wrote a check next to her name. "One more check and you spend lunch in here with me instead of with your friends."

Her face was screwed up in an angry expression, but she clearly didn't like the idea of losing lunch, so she looked down at the paper, mumbling something he couldn't hear.

The rest of class went much as could be expected, With Joanna pushing her behavior right up to the limit of getting a checkmark, then pulling back at the last minute. She was an expert at coming close to the border of outright disrespect, without actually crossing it.

Her facial expression remained contemptuous, and Edward had to remind himself several times that getting angry would do nothing to help things. In fact, that was exactly what she wanted.

When the bell rang, she got up to leave, but he stood in her path and said, "Nope."

She glared up at him but went to her seat. She joked and talked with her friends as they walked out, so Edward didn't start the time until they were gone. He started a stopwatch for one minute.

One minute is a surprisingly long amount of time if you just sit and watch the clock, and Joanna knew it. This wasn't her first rodeo. Instead of acting in any way put out, she tried to affect an air of casual indifference.

She yawned theatrically and arched her back, fists raised.

Edward did a double-take. She usually wore loose hoodies, but today she was wearing a form-fitting sweater. He was momentarily shocked by how large and shapely her breasts were. Her tiny frame suggested small breasts. Before he could stop himself his eyes roamed downward to her trim waist and back up over her firm, hefty tits.

He quickly snapped out of it and looked away, but not before Joanna had seen him gawking. When he glanced back at her, she was looking directly at him, a smirk on her face.

He quickly looked away but it was as if his whole world had been turned upside down. He noticed with dismay that his penis had become semi-erect in just the few moments he had been admiring her teenaged titties.

The timer went off and she stood and left the room.

Edward couldn't help himself. It was as if his eyes belonged to someone else. He found himself staring at her ass as she stalked out of the room. Jesus! It was perfect. Nicely rounded, shifting provocatively under her tight jeans as she walked, it was a perfect little apple-butt.

He quickly looked away, red-faced with shame. What the hell? He had never in his ten years of teaching perved on a student. Never. He was a caring professional, and he had learned to build a wall in that area. It was true that many high-school girls were devastatingly beautiful and well formed, but he had always managed to ignore it and remain completely unaffected.

How had this infuriating little snot gotten around his wall? Why did he feel such a powerful attraction all of a sudden? It was maddening. His feelings of her had not changed. She was horribly disrespectful, snotty, rude, and... he couldn't help but think, hot as hell.

He rubbed his hands and tried to clear his turbulent thoughts. None of this mattered. He would build the wall again, and never let her through again. He was a professional, goddamn it! Such thoughts were beneath him.


All the next week, Joanna remained as rude and disrespectful as ever. She wore her signature black hoodie and her attitude was anything but attractive. Edward began to feel that he had indeed won the battle against his strange attraction to her.

On Monday of the next week, Joanna proved that the battle is not the war. It was a "free dress" day, which meant that the dress code was relaxed from the normal khaki pants and golf shirt to just about anything outside of lewd clothing.

Joanna wore a skin-tight summer dress with a dark floral pattern. Her long, wavy hair was caught up in a purple bow, and she looked gorgeous.

Her attitude was as ugly as ever, as she interrupted him in the middle of addressing the class, or mumbled rude remarks under her breath, but Edward was somehow paralyzed.

Her perfect little adolescent body was on full display. From her slender bare neck, to her smoothly curving shoulders, to the swell of her firm round breasts, to the amazing taper down to her tight waist, to the spankable roundness of her perfect ass, on down to her lithe, athletic legs... she was perfection.

Edward was thrown off his game. He tried to ignore her skin-tight dress and concentrate on teaching. Joanna constantly disrupted class, and he couldn't seem to reconcile her vile behavior with her perfect physical form. Talk about beauty and the beast!

By the end of class Joanna had two checks. She would be eating lunch in his room. He groaned inwardly. Great. More torture.

Come lunch time, she flounced into his class with her lunch tray and sat glowering at him. Since this was intended to be a lunch "conference," he walked over and sat across the desk from her.

"Joanna," he started, "you can't keep this up. How can I make you understand that I'm on your side?"

She rolled her eyes. "Another fat old white dude is on my side... great."

Edward flinched as if physically slapped. She was so ugly! And yet even as her latin eyes flashed with contempt, he could not help but feel the powerful attraction from earlier. What a strange feeling!

He tried again. "Look, I have no idea why you always seem so angry, but the truth is, I just want one thing: for you to graduate."

She looked up and arched one fine eyebrow. "Is that all you want, Mr. Smith?"

The contempt with which she said this sent chills creeping down his spine. The fact that she had noted him ogling her body shocked him to the core. But even worse, the hatred that dripped from her voice felt like acid washing over him.

Perhaps the worst of all was the knowledge that his inappropriate attentions had given this little witch a weapon. As he looked up and saw her eyes flashing with satisfaction at his distress, he noticed something else. Her nipples had hardened!

He was profoundly shocked as two sharp realities penetrated his brain. One, she was wearing no bra! Her thick nubbins were pressing against the thin material of the dress as if striving to poke through. Even her areola were puffed out! The second thing was the fact that the cruelty of the situation was turning her on!

His mind was completely blown, and he found himself unable to look away from her tight, hot little nipples.

When he finally drug his eyes away from her gorgeous, round breasts and their stimulated peaks, he saw an ugly smirk smeared across her face. She grabbed her tray and stood up. "'Bye Mr. Smith," she said as she swayed out of the room.

He could not tear his eyes away from her thinly sheathed buttocks as she walked away. With each step forward, the rounded muscles of one buttock tensed and pushed out slightly, while the other stretched sensually. This gave her gait a lovely asymmetrical gyration that caused blood to rush to his penis, stiffening him to full erection immediately. What a perfect ass!

After she left the room, he came back to his right mind. What a little shit! He should report her! She had just left the conference early, without his permission! But if he reported her, she might raise uncomfortable questions.

But he hadn't done anything! He had done nothing actually wrong at all!

And yet, his own internal guilt was tearing him up inside. He might not have done anything that could be used against him professionally, but he knew his own mind. His own traitor of a cock, which was only now softening again after her strange spell wore off. He was WAY off the professional path, at least within.

He adjusted his cock in his pants, feeling a bit of slime from precum that had leaked out. Good lord, in the short moments of their interaction, she had turned him on more than any other experience in his life.

He felt a strange thrill run through his body. What the hell was happening to him?


Naturally, Joanna was worse than ever. She sensed she had some kind of advantage. She was not smart in any kind of academic sense, but she was like a shark that could smell blood. Every day she grew more and more rude and out of control.

Edward was at the absolute end of his rope. At the end of a hellish week, he decided to call her home. Often times, one found that students were terrible because their parents were terrible, but sometimes it helped. He crossed his fingers and dialed.

"Mandeme," came a gruff voice through the speaker. Luckily Edward knew some Spanish.

"Hola senor, habla ingles?" he replied.

"Yes. Who is this?" said the voice, dripping with impatience. So he's an asshole. Big surprise.

"Hi, I'm Joanna's Math teacher. She is failing and I am very concerned. I was hoping that we could work together to..."

"Failing?" he roared, "that little puta!"

Edward was taken aback by the rage in his voice. Perhaps he had made a mistake to call.

"Well sir," he said quickly, "There's no need to get upset, you see..." but the man had hung up.

He shook his head. He was rarely surprised. Shitty parents occasionally had good kids, but the opposite was almost unheard of.

Shitty kids pretty much always had shitty parents.

Well, there was nothing to be done. He just hoped Joanna didn't get into too much trouble. The guy had sounded violent.

The next school day, Edward was alert for any signs of abuse. Teachers were required by law to report any unusual bruising or abrasions.

Although there did not appear to be any visible damage, Edward could tell that something had gone down. Her dark eyes were filled with hatred from the moment she entered the room. She was wearing her tight sweater again, with her form-fitting blue jeans, and the next hour was torture.

She raised her hand almost immediately, and Edward tried not to notice how one of her perfect tits raised up and bulged forward a bit. Before he could call on her she blurted out, "Why do we have to take Math anyway? We'll never use it." Her face held such a perfect expression of disgust and hatred that he cringed a little inside.

He drew a breath and said slowly, "Well, you're going to need it next week when we take the test. Then you're going to need it for the Final. Then you're going to need it to pass next year's Math. Then you're going to need it for college."

This was his short version speech. He had already given the long form at the beginning of the year. However, high school kids didn't seem able to truly grasp abstract concepts like developing new neural pathways and habits of logical thought. So for daily outbursts like this one, he used the more straightforward reasons.

"That's BS," she loudly stated. "You just basically said we need Math so we can do Math. That's stupid." Her face was an ugly snarl, and some of the other students went, "Ooooooo!"

Mike drew a breath and tried not to blow up on the disrespectful brat. She was such an evil little girl! Saying "BS" was classic Joanna. Not actually a cuss word, but evoking one. Not calling him stupid, but calling his comment stupid.

As he counted to ten to calm himself, he saw that once again her nipples were straining forward. The little bitch was getting off on this. And... once again... no bra.

It was too much for Edward. Emotions warred within him. He was so angry at the little brat! Yet he couldn't seem to tear his eyes away from her perfect, softly rounded tits, with their engorged nipples pointing proudly towards him. It was lust-hate on a level he had never experienced. His cock was swelling in his pants, mocking his anger.

So he said nothing. He simply turned and went to the board and wrote her name, then turned and sat down. He avoided looking at her has he tried to calm down. He talked with some other students about their work and finally his cock deflated.

He had to figure out what to do about Joanna. He was going to end up losing it in class. And he did not want to be one of those teachers. Once you lost it in class, the story stuck with you forever. It became a legend that clung to you forever.

Ms. Wimberly had broken into tears six years ago, and to this day she was "Crybaby Wimberly." Kids are brutal.

To his great surprise, after school Joanna came to see him.

She looked up at him under her fine dark eyebrows, distaste clear on her face. "Mr. Smith, I'm failing."

His eyebrows went up. "Well, yes. That's what happens when you do absolutely no work at all."

Her face twisted into a snarl. "I can't fail."

Edward just looked at her. What a strange scene. She was clearly asking him to help her with her grade, but she hated him so much that she couldn't bring herself to be nice even a little.

He felt a brush of confusion. Why did she hate him so much? He said, "Well, actually you can fail. And the semester is over in two weeks. I have no idea how you can pass at this point."

She leaned forward, lip curled. "You don't get it. We're going to Mexico this summer. If I fail I have to stay here and take summer school. My boyfriend is in Mexico. I. Can't. Fail."

Edward sat back, for the first time feeling a trace of satisfaction. "Well then, I'll give you a packet of make-up work. If you do it all, I will allow you to retake our three unit tests. If you do all of this, you may bring your grade up to a C."

She rolled her eyes and let out a breath of air. "You know I'll never pass those stupid tests. You're just picking on me, fucking gringo asshole!"

Edward sat back in total shock. Who the fuck did this little adolescent princess think she was? For the first time he felt real anger welling up inside him. He felt it race through his veins like liquid fire. Something snapped inside, and she must have seen it.

He leaned forward, eyebrows drawn downward in anger and said very slowly and coldly, "Okay. There is something you can do to improve your grade, you little bitch."

Her eyes went up and her face showed a fear he had not seen before. She leaned back involuntarily. As she did, he noticed that her naked nipples stiffened under her sweater. Twisted little bitch!

He took his gradebook and turned it around on the table so she could read it. He jammed a finger down on her row. "Do you see all the zeros?" he said with anger straining in his voice. She nodded. "Good. You are going to buy replacement grades for each and every one of them. If you're lucky, in two weeks you will have a passing grade. If not... no Mexico."

Her eyes squinched in suspicion. "I don't got no money."

He smiled a hard smile. "No, but as you mentioned before, you have something else I want."

Her eyebrows shot up again and the fear flashed through her eyes. "What do you mean?"

Edward leaned back and steepled his fingers, his anger now burning low as the feeling of victory enfolded him. "Here's what we will do. I will give you a task you must complete. If you comply, I will replace one zero with a 70%. I can't give you more or other teachers would get suspicious."

Joanna warily considered. "But what if I don't want to do the task or whatever?"

He raised his hands, palms out. "I won't force you to do anything, but if you choose to skip the task, I will cover the pencil with pen, and the zero will become permanent. Then we'll go on to the next one.

She seemed to be gaining back her cockiness as she said, "What kind of tasks?"

He shrugged. "Whatever I want. Small tasks for homework and classwork, medium tasks for quizzes, and large tasks for the three tests."

Her lip curled up in distaste. "You a crazy fuckin guerro."

He smiled a smile that did not reach his eyes. "Is that a yes or a no?"

She looked down at the desk, and softly said, "Yes."

Edward felt the roar of blood in his ears as his victory sunk in. Rude little bitch would learn some manners now.

But some part of him screamed NO! This was not him. He was a caring teacher. He wanted her to learn. He wanted her to graduate. He wanted a good life for her.

But the angry, disrespected, stomped-on part of himself replied, nope. She's a spoiled little bitch. She takes the gift of education and chews it up and spits it in your face. No. You know what you want.