Johnny Diamond is a Solitary Man

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Jilted and Cuckolded, Johnny Diamond is Suspended in Time.
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Johnny Diamond on Becoming a Solitary Man

Jilted and Cuckolded, Diamond is Suspended in Time.

Written by

Donald Mallord

Copyright by Dmallord, August 24, 2022, USA. All rights reserved.

Approximately 6,100 MS Words



This sexy allegory recounts Johnny Diamond's life as a young salesman, grown old by the story's end. Diamond reveals how his life substantially changes after losing his true love and struggles through a terrible rebound marriage.

Sexual depictions include cunnilingus and hetero-sexual acts between Diamond and his first love.

Sue, one of the story's characters, uses a famous Marilyn Monroe quote: "We should all start to live before we get too old."

Twice, Johnny Diamond missed that message. He finally gets the meaning from observing an old geezer and sugar girl watching their flirtatious action in a decrepit apartment complex hallway.

Coincidently, this story reflects the words to Neil Diamond's song "Solitary Man." The first verse is as follows:

Belinda was mine 'til the time that I found her

Holdin' Jim and loving him

Then Sue came along, loved me strong

That's what I thought: me and Sue

But that died, too....

My thanks to Kenjisato, a Literotica volunteer editor, for correcting grammatical errors in this iteration on a theme. I enjoy his prompt and careful corrections of my failings. I've added a few lines since his edits, so any errors found are mine and mine alone.


Belinda, My Love

Dawn's morning light was barely peeking through our bedroom window, yet I was already aroused. The sight of Belinda's naked beauty, asleep, nestled against me added to my turgor. Last night's lusty romp had me wanting more of Belinda's ardor this morning. We had sex as if we had been slipped some magical aphrodisiac. I still felt the glowing ambers of desire between my thighs, guiding my morning's actions.

I whispered, applying light pressure to get her sleeping body to turn over, "Easy, babe, turn over on your back. That's it, stretch those long legs out and let me lie in between."

"So... beautiful," I thought, "So... delectable, too." Her body rolled in compliance with my guiding movements.

Her head lulled to her left side, rubbing against the remaining pillow on the bed. All other bedding had ended up on the floor from last night's raucous acts. I lifted and smoothed her rumpled hair from her face. I wanted to see every reaction light up on her lovely face to what I had planned for her this morning.

This morning her barely-audible moans, those 'mms and ahs,' slipped through her partially-open pooched lips as I slipped down until my head nestled between her thighs. Her barely perceptible body movements were just stirring. Still, she remained in dreamland, not yet sufficiently awake to realize I was between her outstretched legs. A second light kissing of her peach-tinged-pouty lips brought another 'ahh' in response. Her mind was still in REM sleep mode; her hourglass-shaped body too. I traced that laser-treated slit I'd paid for with the tip of my tongue. I aimed to make her hotter, hot enough to sizzle like butter in an omelet skillet.

From my vantage point, stretched out between those flattened gymnastic-toned hips, those twin creamy breasts spectacularly framed her lovely Marilyn-Monroe-cute face. Each mound was tipped with a lush strawberry-red nipple, so succulent and ripe for the picking. Her mons against my lips was as warm as morning toast. I felt the heat from her thighs radiating against my unshaven cheeks as I lightly traced her labia with the tip of my near-prehensile tongue.

"Not yet, sugar," I crooned softly. "Stay asleep a bit longer. I want you wet and hungry when your eyes pop open, my pretty plaything."

Carefully, gently, I snaked my arms beneath those creamy, unblemished thighs, moving upward until my hands cupped those strawberry mounds of firm flesh. The urge to massage them and to pluck a firm ripe berry perched wonderfully on top was so tempting. But that would surely awaken her, so I let them be. Just feeling the pleasant weight of them was enough for now.

"Feel this, babe?" I lightly breathed into her slit, knowing she wouldn't answer. Still deep in dreamland yet, my hot breath stirred her.

"Umm," Belinda stirred in response.

I planned to keep my cunnilingus edging delicately applied, lightly running my tongue around in circles until her ardor stirred her fully awake. I felt her thighs twitch almost imperceptibly, gradually gliding apart in response. Magically, her mons opened like a dew flower at dawn. Those pooched lips grew puffy and more wanton.

"Ah," she sighed.

"Good girl."

Then, out of nowhere, her dew began to appear -- first absent and then suddenly there, as if produced by nature's metamorphosis going from dry to slick. All of its lubricating powers silently and subtly trickling out of her dewy cavern.

"Ah. Tasty," I moaned softly.

Her mysterious well yielded a slick water full of wonderful essences. Its aura glowed rose-red, releasing a sensuous musk I just had to inhale. Her sex, opening gloriously at dawn, was a perfect dew flower. The touch of her skin, her glistening mons, the lubricity, and the smell of her allure washed all other thoughts from my mind. Going down on Belinda made my face so messy. That didn't matter. What mattered was how easy our lovemaking would be when she awoke, and then I'd start plunging my cock inside her.

"Almost... there, my sex toy. I can't wait much longer," I groaned, feeling her heat rising around my face.

"Mmm, Ah," she moaned louder as her eyes sprang open... I smiled as her smoky-hazel eyes blinked and focused on meeting mine. Her face was strained getting last night's look of wanting an aroused dick inside her, again.

"Hey, you," she croaked with a grin, "all you had to do was ask...."

I grinned back. Then, with a smile, I chuckled, "Hey, you -- wanna fuck?"

Awake at last, her hips pushed up, and her fingertips glided down. She hooked the flesh at the top end of her slit with two fingers and pulled her hood upward to reveal a delicate bud. Her eyes sparkled, and her face drew taunt as her head leaned back, deep into the pillow. She closed her eyes once more... just not asleep -- but fired up with desire.

"Here, Johnny... right here... right now..." Belinda moaned as she pulled open her cunt for me to devour.


Me and Belinda in the Stacks

I first met Belinda in the archive stacks of the public library. It was hardly a place beautiful women go these days. It certainly wasn't a place anyone would expect to find a sensual-sexy partner. But that's how it turned out. She did volunteer work there on Tuesdays. My Marilyn Monroe look-alike helped me with some archived documents on finance I needed for a business deal. You might say she was 'well stacked' just like the materials I sought.

We dated for a few weeks. Like a bee drawn to nectar, I was attracted to her, and we advanced that attraction to an intimacy level. She was captivating, adventurous, and... willing. God, she could do everything I dreamed of and then some! About four months ago, Belinda moved in permanently. And last night we celebrated our first year together. We dined on the Riverwalk, using more fancy forks and dishes than I had in my apartment. Then we strolled along its banks in the moonlight and later made love well past midnight.

Well, perhaps that sounds a bit more romantic than what transpired. We dined by candlelight and enjoyed a romantic stroll on the Riverwalk. However, less romantic, we wrecked the bed at my place. Arriving at my apartment, it started with the intention of a sensual lovemaking session, but we got wrapped up in the sheets as our sweat-drenched bodies tried to merge into one by slamming into each other. It started with strawberries and chocolate syrups, the kind you put on ice cream. Except we didn't use it that way... Sensuality gave way to lust, then unbridled rutting, until we were exhausted and wordlessly drifted into a deep sleep clinging to one another.

This morning, recollections of that wild sex were stirring last night's visual images of Belinda's model-shaped body wrapped up in the sweaty sheets. Just past midnight, she had been bucking upward and pounding her cunt against my pelvic bone.

Awake now, just before six o'clock in the morning, I stared at her nude exposure since the sheets were all balled up and off the bed. Seeing Belinda's naked body was stirring my dick again as I watched her sleep. She had been curled in a fetal position beside me until I straightened her out. The morning light was creeping through the window, and the thought of her exposed bare peach flipped on that switch linking my visual cortex with the nerves that send signals to my cock. I was getting hard, and the urge to slip back into her tight cunt.

Belinda was a sexual adventurist, but not so much in the mornings. She indulged me, though, and morning sex was more about me getting off than her getting off with me. Morning sex always made my work-day startup happy. The guys at work... referred to me as 'Mr. Lucky.'

However, she surprised me this morning as I kissed and languidly traced her mons with my tongue. Her eyes opened as her breathing became more animated. The juices from her cunt slathered my face and bathed her open thighs. My tongue's pace was increasing, getting faster as her breathing reached that gasping range. And then, with a grin, I crawled up between her legs. It felt like a Rocky Mountain mile-high euphoric moment.

One thrust and my cock slipped quickly inside her without pausing. The dew flower lubricant added to the flesh-to-flesh slapping sounds of a Saturday morning's six-o'clock-wanton-sex session. My groans and gasps to suck in more air grew more robust. The air fueled the full-body slams against her wet thighs. A massive climax was fast approaching.

I felt my body tensing and increasing our pace. I wanted her. She responded, bucking her hips to increase the speed. I enjoyed the surge of adrenaline sweeping over my mind and body as I poured myself into Belinda. It was quick and satisfying as I pumped her and came with a long, bull-sounding bellow. I think Belinda got her resolution, too. Her body tensed just as I climaxed. I felt the squeeze of her thighs juddering against my ribs as those long, athletic legs became a vise-like grip clamped around me.

Panting and gasping, I rolled off her molten-perspiring body. Those long legs slipped down to rest upon the bed. I watched her struggling for her breath like me. I watched the tension in those splayed legs ease like kneaded dough. Her gaping tunnel contracted as if its tiny mouth were breathing as hard as we were. A pulse squeezed out a gush of foamy-white little swimmers. Gravity pulled them down, and they trickled across her rosebud-colored star. Turning, she snuggled against me. Her smokey-hazel eyes sparkled.

That luscious set of lips, the one below her cute-Marylin-Monroe nose, grinned then gushed out, "Liked that did you, Mr. Diamond?"

The question escaped her throat in an exuberant huff as her arms squeezed me against her breasts.

Gasping, I replied, "Yes. Yes, I did!" I kissed her plush lips, and she kissed me back with a similar, satisfied-roaming-tongue kiss.

"Me, too! Let's do it again," Belinda giggled. Lifting her leg, she brought it up over my thigh, pulling me against her slickened tummy.

It was godawful, lousy timing. The alarm clock's raucous buzz startled us both! I laughed, reaching out to shut it off. The radio continued. It was playing Neil Diamond's song, 'Solitary Man.'

"How crazy is that?" Belinda asked, jolted out of the mood by the alarm for a moment, "Your last names are the same, Diamond. And my first name is in his song too!"

Listening to the words, I chuckled, "Just as long as it's only a song and not something that comes true, honey. You'll always have me. Besides, I don't know anyone named Sue. Do you?"

"You and me, babe. You'll always have me..., and I'll have you. I love you -- a bushel and a peck," Belinda said. It seemed so heartfelt. I didn't know if it was lust talking or her heart. But it sounded so sincere. I just know we seemed to be in sync more often.

"One day, maybe, I'll get up the courage to ask you to marry me," I thought as I lay by her side.

With that, I slurped and tried to suck in a whole breast. It yielded a giggly squeal. I rolled over, sat up, and stretched my bones, trying to get them all back into place. The last bone, the one that had been engorged, was quietly hanging limp amidst my slathered groin hairs.

"If we kept this up every day," I imagined, "I'll soon need chiropractic care or a back brace at a minimum!"


"Hey, come back! Where are you going?" Belinda called out as she reached out to pull up and untangle a sheet. She was getting chilled now that her ardor had cooled somewhat.

"You forgot? I have that big sales meeting at nine o'clock this morning, honey. I told you about it yesterday, remember?"

"Can't you stay with me? Let the others take care of it, honey. They get paid to make the decisions for the company. You're... you are what I need today. Stay with me! You haven't had a day away from work in months. It gets so lonely here by myself, sugar."

Despite being early morning, her voice sounded so sultry, urgent, and needing another bed-breaking tumble. However, I caught her soliloquy as I ducked under the shower to wash away the aftermath of our sexual foray. "You're... not that important to the company Johnny. It's all relatives ahead of you, baby. Let them make the choices, sugar. You'll always be last in line...."

Having shaved, I grabbed a suit and some ties out of the closet.

"Red or Blue?" I asked and held them up for her to choose.

"Red... it will go better with your complexion -- the one you'll have when they find your body after I hang you by the neck back in that closet!" she smirked, giving it just a touch of frost. She'd gone from loving to bemoaning my leaving her alone in the time it took me to shower and start dressing.

"Belinda, you know I have another work day. Time is money, you know?" I fussed at her childish tone while I dressed.

"Stay home with me, honey," she implored. "It's Saturday, Johnny."

Exasperated, I replied,"Business, you know, Belinda, time is money!"

"There's more to life than money, sugar!" she answered, cupping one pendulous breast, and trying to kiss its nipple. I knew the she-devil temptress was using her bared breasts to entice me to stay. It would have been a missed meeting if I had even approached the bed. Quickly, I skirted it. Still, it was with a smile.

"I'll have those later," I grinned, hastily walking out of the bedroom. Still, her grousing followed, standing naked in the living room, as I slipped out the apartment's entry door and strolled down the hallway to that damned-old-cranky elevator. Belinda has said something about the lottery solving our problem. Yeah, right...


A Premonition Moment

The elevator was constantly under repair for one thing or another. The air conditioning had been on the fritz for the past week and eventually stopped working. Riding down twelve floors felt like being entombed in some pharaoh's sarcophagus inside an ancient forgotten tomb. That was a chilling thought that went through my mind at that moment. Imagine being boxed up and away from loved ones for all eternity. No wonder the pharaohs had their servants sealed in with them!

Perspiration seeped from every pore as I entered our antiquated elevator. Stepping out into the parking garage, it felt like another one-hundred-degree day; strangely, my life now felt like a worn-out loofah sponge forgotten in a sauna.

"Time seems to pass so slowly when you are young. Aging, time disappears by leaps and bounds. It's like a timewarp phenomenon," I pondered, "One minute, you're twenty-nine and stepping into an elevator. When that ancient conveyance opens, you are transformed into some sixty-nine-year-old geezer."

What a strange musing, almost like a premonition of things to come. I've had a few of those moments in the past. The feeling that I'd been somewhere or done the same thing before... only with a shrug this time, I let it go, climbing into my car and cranking up the air conditioning. I was thankful for the change, going from the heat of desolation to the coolness of modern conveyances.

It didn't take long for our morning spat to be forgotten. I lost that thought navigating through traffic as another stray thought slipped in -- wishing I'd won the lottery. Belinda had brought that up before I went out the door. Hell, that might be a solution, a crazy one, however, at least it was a possibility. It wasn't as though I'd be getting a chance of great wealth at work. The boss had too damn many relatives, and I was lower on the promotion list than a red-headed, freckle-faced step-child. Talent didn't count in that pecking order.


Hey Babe, Buy Us a Lottery Ticket

"Hey babe, just a thought, on your way home, why don't you buy a lottery ticket, sugar? The radio just said it's going to be sixty-nine million," Belinda had continued to badger me as I dressed that morning.

"Hell no," I'd chuckled sarcastically as I dressed, "chances of winning this 1969 lottery are over one in ten million; even if it is sixty-nine million dollars, it would just be a lost two dollars -- just saying."

"Johnny, honey, buy us a ticket anyway. Who knows, if we win, you could stay home!" Belinda begged once more before I went out the door that morning.


The Contract Got Signed

Even that last musing of a fortuitous chance of winning the lottery slipped out of my mind as I got caught up in the sales pitch that kicked off at nine o'clock. The sales meeting turned into a wining and dining affair after a successful business deal was sealed late that evening.

Belinda had a different perspective, or spin on it, by the time I got home. I smelled like a brewery, as she put it. Things had gotten standoffish between us. Her morning's cheery mood had dissipated. She didn't deliver my usual peck on the cheek as I swayed a little coming in the door. I never even thought to buy her that Saturday's lottery ticket.

"So, what happened to 'I'll get home early, Belinda, dear?'" she grumbled, noting the alcohol smell and my weaving across the carpet. She added, "And since when do you sign contracts at the bar?"

I could sense she was pissed. But, what the hey, I knew it would be okay. "The contract got signed," I told her with a smug sense of satisfaction, leaving it at that.

Sleep grabbed my pants and pulled them off. I think so anyway. I was out like a light when my head hit the pillow.

Had I been a wiser man, I would have realized I needed to make this up to Belinda, but instead, I just wrote it off as her not understanding the nuances of business negotiations. At any rate, things seemed to get better the next few days. Some frost thawed on the window, so to speak, as we got back together among the sheets.

Although life has a way of repeating itself, I learned too late. Over several months, those spats about weekend work and coming home late seemed to strain things between us. Belinda seemed more distant. She spent more time 'out' during the day shopping or taking 'crafting classes.' I was okay with that. I figured you can't spend your life boxed up in a lackluster apartment complex riding a cranky-ancient elevator and still be one-hundred-percent happy all the time. Having looked at it like that, I encouraged her to consider getting a part-time job. It would give her something to do besides staring at four walls and a television set.