Joyce and the Drifter

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plain country girl meets an older black man.
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Isaac Brown heard the rustling of the brush before he saw who was responsible for invading his territory. His primitive campsite had gone unnoticed in the two days since he arrived in this rural back-country location. Even the occasional canoeists had not noticed his little pup tent set up just off the shore of Cincinnati Creek in Central New York.

Isaac grabbed the ax-handle that served as his only protection and waited as the rustling got louder and closer, but when he saw the tall and pale white girl he let go of the weapon. She was even more shocked at seeing the old black man sitting by the tent that the drifter was, and after they both got over being startled the beanpole put her hand on the backs of her hips and pawed at the ground with her toes.

"What you doing here?" the girl said after a moment of silence.

"Sitting here," Isaac said. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing. Saw some smoke down here last night and got to wondering."

"That was me," Isaac said as he squinted at the girl who was probably close to six feet tall, dressed in a baggy checkered blouse and shorts with dirty blonde hair in a shaggy cut that looked liked the character on the label of the Dutch Boy paint cans.

"Daddy don't like people camping back here."

"That so? Is this his land?" Isaac asked, and after the girl shrugged her shoulders he added. "If it ain't it's none of his business, but if he's worried about fires he don't need to be concerned because I love the land as much as any man and always leave a place like it was before I arrived.

"Daddy don't like Negroes either," the girl said as she looked the the stranger whose skin was as black as hers was white.

"That's his problem," Isaac said. "I take people as they come. How about you?"

"I guess. Don't see many Negroes around here."

"Most of the ones you do see are probably hanging from nooses I suspect," Isaac chuckled.

"No, we ain't like that around here," the girl said.

"That so?" Isaac asked, and as he looked at the tall drink of water his eyes went to the long legs which were not very shapely and had a dusting of very light hair on the insides of the calves that was only visible because it sparkled in the sunlight. "Just curious. You a girl or a boy?"

"You trying to be funny?"

"No, like I said just curious," Isaac said even though he was doing just that. "Saw you had furry legs so that got me wondering."

"Didn't know I was in a beauty pageant."

"You aren't," Isaac replied, thinking that if there was a beauty contest back here she would have trouble winning even being the only contestant because the girl was homely. "What's your name honey?"

"Joyce," the girl said. "Joyce Ann Barker and I live back there a piece. Me and my Daddy, and I ain't a girl. I'm eighteen last month."

"Well happy birthday Joyce," Isaac said with a smile. "Sorry I missed the party. My name is Isaac."

"Weren't no party," Joyce replied as she looked over the little clearing where the drifter had settled. "What's it like? Being a bum I mean."

"What makes you think I'm a bum?" Isaac asked while smiling.

"Looks like it."

"I suppose, but while it might look it I do have a home down in the city. New York City. Heard of it?"

"Course I have."

"No fun being in the city during the long hot summer so each June I take off and travel around for the summer, and when fall comes I head back home," Isaac said.

"Sounds like fun," Joyce said.

"Beats a stick in the eye," Isaac said.

"You hungry or anything?" Joyce asked.

"Why?" Isaac asked, and although he had supplies of his own he wondered whether she was offering, which would mean another visit.

"I could go home and make you a sandwich or something," Joyce suggested.

"Wouldn't want you to get in trouble Joyce. I suspect your daddy wouldn't like his daughter feeding a Negro," Isaac added, drawing out the old term for black folks to make it sound like it had a dozen o's in it.

"Don't like being made fun of," Joyce said with a hurt expression on her face. "I get enough of that round here as it is."

"You're right. I'm sorry," Isaac said. "That was very considerate of you to offer. Guess I'm a little defensive. I won't make that mistake again."

"You like peanut butter and jelly? I think we got bologna too," Joyce said. "Nothing fancy I'm afraid. We ain't got much."

"Anything that you want to bring me would be wonderful," Isaac said. "If it brought you back here to visit me again that is. Nice to see a friendly and pretty face."

"I'm not pretty," Joyce said, blushing a little and showing some pearly white teeth.

"You are to these tired eyes. Especially when you smile," Isaac said, and when she grinned in response the drifter decided that maybe he had been wrong because Joyce wasn't as homely as he had first thought.

"Okay. I'll be back in a while," Joyce said before adding "Isaac."

"Looking forward to it Joyce," Isaac said, tipping the beret-like hat he was wearing as he watched his new acquaintance depart. "I truly am."

It was a couple of hours later when Joyce returned carrying a worn paper bag that was holding a peanut butter sandwich, some crackers and an apple along with a thermos of water.

"Sorry it took me so long," Joyce explained after handing the lunch to Isaac. "Daddy had me doing chores and I had to wait until he wasn't watching to sneak back here."

"I appreciate your kindness Joyce," Isaac said as he took a bite of the sandwich and motioned over the the other part of the fallen tree that served as furniture. "Want to sit down? I've got an extra log there."

"Have to get back soon," Joyce explained as she sat down. "Maybe I can come back again tonight though."

"I'd like that," Isaac said. "Heck, you could join me in a swim before it gets dark."

"Don't have a suit."

"Neither do I Joyce, but that don't stop me," Isaac chuckled. "Hardly anybody goes by this part of the creek and besides, who would want to look at an old black man anyway? Now a pretty young filly like you - that would be a different story. You'd have those kayakers hitting the brakes for sure."

"I could never," Joyce said while blushing.

"Well even if you just came back to talk I'd like that. Maybe you could be my lifeguard."

"If I can come back, I will," Joyce said as she rose. "Lots to do first."

"I'll be here if you can," Isaac said. "Wasn't in any hurry to leave even before I met you, and now? Heck, I might stay until the snow flies."

Isaac watched the long and lean girl depart, and as she did he wondered what was underneath that baggy blouse and shorts. Her legs and her arms from the elbows down sure were skinny and gave her the look of a preying mantis, all limbs.

"Something to think about," Isaac mused aloud before finishing off the apple, and just as he was about the crumple the bag he saw a little wrapped peppermint disc hidden in the bottom of the sack. "You sweet thing Joyce. Making me feel guilty about thinking the things I've been thinking about you."


The sun was setting and Isaac was getting a little campfire ready, more for visual effect than anything else because the night was going to me a stifling one much like the last few had been, when he heard the rustling once again.

Before Isaac could grab the ax-handle he heard Joyce whisper his name and announce it was her coming through the woods.

"Can't stay long," Joyce said, looking at Isaac in his boxers before averting her eyes. Have to get back before bedtime."

"You missed my swimming," Isaac said.

"Here," Joyce said as she handed him a piece of fried chicken wrapped in foil.

"Why thank you," Isaac said as he looked at the crispy thigh. "You make this?"


"It's delicious," Isaac said as he took a bite. "You're going to make some lucky fella a great wife. Pretty girls who can cook are hard to find."

"Why do you keep telling me I'm pretty?" Joyce said. "I got mirrors."

"Well if them mirrors tell you that you aren't a cutie, you best buy some new ones," Isaac said. "Besides, you're beautiful on the most important side. The inside. You go to school Joyce?"

"No, I had to drop out after ninth grade when my sister - left," Joyce explained. "Mama had died two years before that but Sandy - she's my older sister - got tired of being the woman of the family so after she left it was my turn."

"So you're the woman of the house now?" Isaac asked, and after the girl nodded he added, "Doesn't sound like you like the position."

"Somebody has to do it."

"Well, you could always run away with me and travel, at least for a few more weeks. Then you would have to live in the Bronx until it got warm again."

"Must be fun to live in the city," Joyce mused.

"Can be but since I do this a few months a year it must not be all that great," Isaac said.

"Where will you go after this?"

"I suspect I'll start heading southeast towards the Catskills," Isaac explained. "Then hop a bus the rest of the way."

"How do you wash your clothes? In the creek?"

"No, but I have in a pinch. I'll end up stopping at a laundromat somewhere along the way like it always do. Why? Do I smell?"

"No,' Joyce said. "I mean, you smell like a man."

"Is that a good thing?"

"Well sure, but I was just going to say that if you want I could take your dirty clothes with me and bring them back in the morning," Joyce offered.

"Heck girl, you done enough for me already. Seems like you got enough work to do without taking care of me," Isaac said.

"I don't mind. I like doing stuff like that," Joyce said. "I do have to go now though."

"Well I do have some things," Isaac said as she rose and brushed the crumbs of the chicken coating which had settled on the silver cloud of hair on his chest, hair that looked starkly white against the black skin it grew on. "Let me get them."

Isaac ducked into his tent and grabbed his entire wardrobe, which consisted of two of everything; shirts, pants, socks. When he emerged from the tent he caught Joyce looking at his boxers, and after stuffing the dirty clothes in his duffel bag he hesitated for a second before handing Joyce the


"Here," Isaac said as he calmly pulled his boxers down and off and put them in the bag. "Too hot for clothes tonight anyway."

"You okay Joyce?" Isaac asked as he fought back a smile while enjoying the girl's expression as she stared at the sizable organ that swung lazily between his slightly bowed thighs.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Isaac said. "Forget how young you are. Figured you had seen fellas before."

"Huh. Oh. Yeah, I have," she said, shaking her head a bit while trying to look up at Isaac's eyes. "Sorry. Didn't mean to stare."

"Heck, I don't mind being looked at," Isaac replied. "Wish I was younger so you had better to look at."

"You look nice," Joyce said.

"Wish you could stay," Isaac said as he stood next to Joyce, and since they were the same height he determined his new friend was 5'11".

"Me too," Joyce responded, jumping a bit when Isaac touched her forearm, and ran his hand on the light brown hairs that immediately stood up at attention from the touch.

"Guess I'll be stuck here forever if you don't come back," Isaac declared.

"I will. I promise. Might be early,"

"Any time is a good time for me. And thank you Joyce. I really mean that,' Isaac declared. "May I kiss you?"

Joyce nodded almost imperceptively and after Isaac leaned forward and pressed his full soft lips onto Joyce's, he leaned back and saw Joyce's face leaning towards him as he did.

"Gotta go," Joyce said as she took a couple of steps backwards, glancing down between Isaac's legs once again before disappearing into the woods once more.

"Shouldn't have stopped," Isaac said to the campfire and sat down, reaching down and giving his manhood a long languid pull while exhaling. "Oh well. Tomorrow is another day."


Resting on his sleeping bag, which he had pulled out of the tent after the room had turned into a steam-bath, Isaac's head bolted up when he heard the crack of a branch. Instinctively grabbing the ax-handle, he scrambled to his feet and watched as what seemed like a flashlight approaching.

The fire had ebbed but the moon was out but out of sight which meant Isaac had not idea what time it was but at that moment he was more concerned about who was headed his way and pondered the possibilities.

It could be some locals who had spotted him and decided to have some fun at his expense, and then it could be Joyce's father who had seen his daughter coming home with some guy's clothes and was coming back here to whip his ass. Then again, it could be the girl herself, and it was no contest as to who he was rooting for.

"Isaac?" Joyce said as she looked into the barely illuminated little clearing, flashlight in one hand and his cleaned and folded clothes in the duffle bag.

"Joyce honey," Isaac said with relief. "What time is it?"

"Almost one."

"Could have waited until morning," Isaac said as he grabbed the bag. "You need your rest."

"Easier this way," Joyce said. "Besides, I always have to leave right away when I get back here."

"You mean you can stay?" Isaac asked, and when Joyce said that she could stay a bit the older man smiled and tossed his bag in the tent and threw a couple of pieces of wood onto the hot embers. "Fantastic. I like your pajamas."

"They were my Mama's" Joyce explained of the white cotton PJ's with pink stripes

"Cute as the dickens," Isaac declared before adding, "Of course I would have preferred a frilly little nightie."

"Don't have anything like that," Joyce giggled.

"Fire's going good again," Isaac said as he spread out the bedding. "Care to join me?"

"Okay," Joyce said as she watched Isaac lay down on the other side, and Isaac smiled when he saw what she was looking at.

"Would you feel better if I put something on?"

"No!" Joyce said a bit more urgently than she probably meant to while joining the old black man on the spread sleeping bag. "I mean, I don't mind either way."

"Good then, and if you want to get more comfortable you can too," Isaac declared with a smile, and as he rolled over on his hip to face the young girl he saw her looking up at the stars.

"This is neat. That's the little dipper isn't it?"

"Correct," Isaac said as he reached up and brushed a spray of her light brown hair away from her face.

"Do you just lay here and look up all night?"

"Usually when it's this nice out," Isaac admitted. "Better than TV I suspect, but right now I've got a better looking view of natural beauty."

"Please don't, Isaac," Joyce said as she took Isaac's hand off of her chest where it had cupped a lot of fabric in the pajama top and the bra.

"It's okay, child," he insisted, but Joyce took his hand away again and repeated her request for him not to do that.

"Why did you come back here then, girl?" Isaac asked.

"I'm not sure," Joyce admitted as she turned away from the stars and look at Isaac like a deer caught in the headlights.

"You even been with a man before honey?"

"Once, sort of."

"How about if we just start with this then?" Isaac asked while leaning over and kissing Joyce's thin lips with his large ones, and when she didn't protest Isaac smiled as he loomed over her.

"That was nice, wasn't it?"

"Yeah - never really been kissed before," Joyce replied as her breathing quickened.

"Let's try it again then," Isaac responded. "Give me your tongue this time."

Isaac kissed Joyce again and this time when he tried to push his tongue in her mouth she did not try and stop it and let his tongue duel with hers.

"Wow," Joyce wheezed when Isaac finally broke off the kiss.

"We can touch too," he suggested, but once again when he put his hand on her breast over the fabric her skinny fingers grabbed the massive black paw right away while saying no.

Along with the words though, when Joyce took Isaac's hand away from her chest this time she brought it down her flat stomach and under the elastic of the pajama bottoms. There were no panties underneath, only a lush forest of soft pubic hair that Isaac's hand was drawn to.

"Oh child, you've got a lot of hair down there don't you? Issac sighed as his fingers raked through the jungle of fur. "I like that, and you're wet too."

"Oh!" Joyce moaned when she felt the thick finger slide into her opening and gently probe inside a bit.

"Mmm... you liked what you saw before, didn't you Joyce?" Isaac asked as he continued to wiggle his finger just inside the teen's tight hairy pussy while taking Joyce's hand with his free one and bringing it down onto his cock which was hanging over his hip.

"That's it Joyce," Isaac said after he let go of Joyce's wrist and felt her began to help rub her hand along the side of his member. "Feels nice."

"This isn't so bad is it?" Isaac said as he watched Joyce begin to squirm. "Now I'm you want me to stop just say so."

"What are you going to do?" Joyce asked as Isaac crawled onto his knees and moved down, taking Joyce's baggy pajama bottoms down as he did, and after getting them off her ankles he parted her skinny legs and knelt between them.

"That's so nice honey. Isaac wants to eat you up," he said as he bent over and looked at the wide triangle of hair that filled the teen's delta, the dancing flames making her bush sparkle as he lowered his face into the fold.

"Mmm..." Isaac moaned as he inhaled the strong musky odor of her sex while licking the labia with broad brushes of his tongue.

Joyce's legs were churning as he began to lick her pussy, and the more the teen moaned and mumbled the more passionate his oral affections became. Soon he had to wrap his hands under and around her hips to hold them down as she writhed and squirmed.

When she came, Isaac only hoped her house was far away because even with her thighs clamping over his ears he could hear her squealing and the second orgasm wasn't much quieter as her entire body convulsed beneath him.

"No more please," Joyce was begging while clawing at his shoulders, and only then did the old man pull his face out of the teen's soggy crotch and crawl back up beside her.

"Didn't you like it honey?" Isaac asked, barely getting the words out before Joyce grabbed his face and kissed him so hard he thought his fillings rattled.

"Sorry," Joyce panted after letting his face go.

"Don't ever be sorry, child. Didn't anybody ever go down on you before?" Isaac asked and after she shook her head he smiled. "Then I guess you liked it."

"Can I do something to you now?" Joyce asked.

"Anything you want honey," Isaac said as he rolled onto his back and put his hands behind his neck. watching as Joyce sat up and put her hand on his chest, running her fingers through the silver fur and smiling shyly.

"This okay?"

"Very much so," Isaac said as she rubbed his nipples, even pinching them a bit before letting her hand slide under his arm and letting her fingernails scrape through the coarse tight curls that filled his armpit. "Nice."

Those were only side trips because her hand went down from there, over his stomach and into the curls above his cock, and then she was on both knees and reaching down between Isaac's spread legs and lifting his cock up from his crotch.

Isaac's cock was not completely limp but it was still like wrestling Jello for the girl who had one hand on the shaft and the other on the tip. Taking a deep breath, Joyce bent over and surprised Isaac by taking the head of his cock into her mouth.

"Oh honey, you done this before," Isaac was saying after Joyce began bobbing her head and sucking enthusiastically on the bulb after peeling back the foreskin like a pro. "You gonna make Isaac hard in no time."

"No time" was in less than a minute, because by then Isaac's cock was as hard as blue steel and Joyce's hands were wrapped around the shaft pumping away as her mouth took care of the rest.