Judy McGuire Ch. 06: The Road Trip

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Judy hitches a ride and makes a new friend.
4.2k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/12/2023
Created 04/27/2021
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I studied the picture of Lisa and the unknown male sharing the double-ended dildo pondering what exactly Lisa wanted of me when the phone pinged again but this time was a text message. 'Please call me and arrange a date. We are both looking forward to your visit, just name your price.'

I racked my brains for a second trying to remember the name of the woman's husband as I sure she introduced me when we met at the party where I was doing a spot of close protection duty for some rich brat, who I was also fucking by the way. Was it 'John' or 'Jim', I was sure it began with a 'J' and then it hit me, a posh name, 'Justin.'

I tapped out a message, then studied it before making a few alterations until I was satisfied it set the right tone and conveyed the right content. 'If you and Justin wish to be my sex slaves for 12 hours my terms are very simple, 1 - From the moment I enter your house to the moment I leave I am in total control and you will address me as Ma'am. 2 - No safe words, what I decide you agree with. 3 - My fee is $5,000 payable in advance, non-negotiable.' Clicking 'send' I debated whether to get dressed or re-join Charlie and Chiquita as I was expecting a bit of delay while they considered my offer as I had doubled my normal rate on the grounds there was two of them.

The dominatrix thing was a bit of a sideline I had started dabbling in as whilst BDSM wasn't really my thing people would pay well and it was a darn sight safer than close protection work. It had been a while since the last time I had been Madam Judy so would need to buy a few things to make the session go with a bang.

To my surprise, the phone buzzed in response almost before I had finished thinking, and looking at the message it simply read 'send details for payment' followed by an address in the next state. I sent a response requested the funds be available for collection at a Western Union as although I would send it on from there I preferred to keep a layer of anonymity between myself and clients so used Western Union payments as a cutout. No sooner had I sent the details when the response came back 'Saturday?'

Today was Thursday so that left me plenty of time to get there but I was also conscious I would need to spend a few dollars on some items before I got arrived so I sent back, 'Will see you at 12 noon.' I smiled when the response came back with 'yes Ma'am'. I hadn't bothered mentioning that if I didn't get the money beforehand, then I wouldn't be there.

Picking up my stuff from the room I dressed quietly pausing only long enough to scrawl Charlie a note and leaving it on the bedside table. Chiquita and her did make a lovely picture with Chiquita's dark olive skin contrasting beautifully with Charlie's pale white skin and the temptation to join them was high but doing the calculations in my head it would be at least a day's driving to get there, maybe two leaving me Friday to shop and rest before Saturday. Bending forward I kissed Charlie's exposed nipple making her murmur sleepily and I couldn't resist taking a little nibble making her open one eye and smile at me hopefully.

"Thanks for the ride kiddo and will see you both next time I am passing, my love to Chiquita."

With that, I let myself out and into the still slightly chilly air and walked towards the truck stop that was near where the highway was already springing into life. I always travel light and just had a small pack with me that I slung over my shoulder as I stuck my thumb out and waited to see what came first, a lift of the greyhound.

I had hitched all over America, not to save money but just I found it a great way to meet people and pass the time, especially if I was in no rush. Although people would often remark how brave I was it never really occurred to me that it was brave, just more a matter of taking precautions and being aware of my surroundings and the training I had received in close-quarter combat gave me a lot of confidence. Sure there had been a couple of times when a hopeful trucker had tried it on but if my comments about being a confirmed lesbian didn't put them off then a finger bent painfully back seemed to do the trick though would cut the ride short. I only ever had one close call where a guy who had been giving me the creeps for a while decided to stop and pull a gun. People don't realise just how close together you are in the front of a car and it was a simple matter of deflecting his aim with one arm while plunging the small knife I had ready in my other hand into his nether regions. This caused him to lose interest in trying to rape me; in fact, I would have guessed he wouldn't be raping anyone for a while. Leaving him on the side of the road cursing me and doubting my parentage I borrowed his car before disposing of it at the next opportunity, removing all evidence of my presence by turning it into a ball of fire.

I heard the car pull up behind me followed by an almost timid toot of a horn. Turning my head I peered into the car and studied the driver carefully, to decide whether this was a ride to take or not. To my delight, the face that looked at me was of a pretty woman I would have put in her mid-twenties. She had short bobbed blonde hair and the most innocent big blue eyes you had ever seen. I was in lust but what really started to get my juices going was the fact that I could see clearly her hand on the steering wheel showing the glint of a fairly new wedding ring. 'Married pussy' my brain screamed silently and I almost licked my lips as I felt my pussy moisten.

"Where are you going to?" Her voice was as soft and gentle as her pale skin and I had to resist the urge to shout, 'wherever you want.' Instead, I mentioned the town named in the text that Lisa had sent me, and the woman giggled as she said, "Oh gee are you British? Well what luck I pass right by there so you can keep me company all the way, it's a bit of a drive."

Settling into the car I learnt that her name was Stephanie, but that I should call her Steph and she was off to see her husband Billy, who was stationed at an airbase 100 miles or so north of my destination. I also learnt that although her husband was an airman she was terrified of flying which was why she was making a two-day drive to go and see him for the weekend. One nugget I did glean was that she had known Billy since high school and had been her only boyfriend. More than once I dropped into our conversation about girlfriends and hinted they were a lot more than just platonic friendships and it took a few moments for the penny to drop what I meant about not being platonic. The slight flush to her skin told me that my words were having an effect and I continued to flirt without coming out with anything too obvious. I didn't tell her much about myself apart from my name insisting that like her I liked Judith shortened to Judy.

"So will you be stopping at some point?" I said at a pause in her chattering.

"Yes Judy, I will find a suitable motel along the way to break up the journey, though am open to suggestions."

I had to bite my tongue very hard at the suggestion that sprang to my lips but instead my mind was working overtime as I calculated the distance and where the likelihood of our evening stopping point was going to be. A quick discrete check on my phone confirmed that the place I was looking for had an outlet near a motel so I smiled as I mentioned a small town that was about 50 miles up the road.

At that moment the name of the town appeared on a road sign and Steph squeaked with delight as she recognised it as our intended halfway destination and declared it was fated we should stop there.

Pulling into the car park I noticed the discrete shop tucked away around the back of the motel but Steph was oblivious as she looked for a parking spot.

"I will sort the rooms out," I said leaving her to look through her bags in the boot of the car.

Staring into the eye of the reception guy I fixed him with a steely look and before he spoke I said firmly, "Oh only one room left, what a shame we will take it," and slid a $100 bill across the counter as I winked. The man smiled in a leer that widened, even more, when he saw Steph come trotting in with her overnight bag in her hand. If anything she looked even more stunning standing there with bright pink ski pants that were almost sprayed onto her body and I swear I could have counted the pubic hairs, assuming she had any.

"They only have one room Steph, | I said casually over my shoulder, not taking my eyes off the reception guy, "but I said we don't mind sharing."

If the reception guy's leer had got any wider I am sure I would have pulled him over the counter and stuffed his head into a nearby waste bin, but as it was, Steph just smiled sweetly as she said, "Just hope you don't snore."

"Why don't we dump these in the room and grab a quick bite to eat before getting our heads down," I said biting my tongue to avoid adding, 'head down between your thighs.'

After what was a fairly non-descript dinner I casually said, "Well I am going to stretch my legs before bed, there is an interesting shop next door."

"I will see you in the room, I need to phone Billy."

I made my purchases quickly and returned to the room with two large plain carrier bags loaded to the top. Tapping the door with my foot Steph let me in and I found myself staring into the screen of her phone looking at a crew-cut young man who was peering back suspiciously. His face softened when he saw I was female and clearly although Steph had told him she was sharing with another woman I guess he was a little suspicious. The screen was whipped away as quick as it was thrust there as Steph said gaily, "See I told you Judy was nice and we will be perfectly safe together. I will see you tomorrow evening so stop being a worry pot."

The room was perfect, a large double bed facing a unit with a TV and cable receiver underneath, also two hardback chairs against a small table that looked uncomfortable as hell. This meant that the only place for her to sit was on the large double bed.

I carefully placed the bags on the table beside the window as Steph jumped onto the bed and sat cross-legged clad in a short pyjama suit. The shorts to the suit were cut high revealing a good part of her tight buttocks and the top was loose enough for me to get a good view of her cleavage. In her position, the material of the shorts, which was soft and clingy, was stretched across her crotch and outlined her camel toe perfectly, making me mentally lick my lips in anticipation.

"So much stuff," Steph said clapping her hands in glee, "I love shopping, you must show me what you have bought... please."

I smiled inwardly as she had reacted just as I hoped she would.

"Not sure you would like what I have bought, might not be to your taste."

I paused watching her face and could see her mind working as the curiosity in her rose.

"Don't be silly, what on earth could you buy here that I wouldn't like?"

"I am guessing you and Billy have a pretty vanilla sex life." I paused and smiled like a cat about to eat the cream, "I prefer things a little more spicy at times."

I studied her body language and could see her brain was moving at 100 mph as she tried to imagine spicy having dined on plain food all her life.

"Well have you ever seen these?" I said softly, taking from the bag a pair of nipple clamps in the shape of butterflies connected by a thin silver chain.

Her mouth formed a perfect 'O' as she shook her head before whispering quietly, "What are they?"

It was at the point my head clicked into Domme mode. This is where you start to give orders rather than asking questions. They don't have to be barked out like an army sergeant, but they are said in a way that tells someone what to do, rather than asking them. It doesn't always work but if the woman I am talking to is feeling submissive then it sets the scene perfectly. Of course, if they aren't then I can quickly revert to asking and convincing. I have used both methods over the years to talk many married women into bed.

"Remove your top and I will show you," I said watching her like a hunter watches its prey.

She remained silent and with hardly a pause slowly unbuttoned her top and slipped it back over her shoulders revealing a pair of small but magnificent breasts. I would consider myself a bit of a connoisseur when it comes to breasts as I have felt, licked and sucked many sets over the years. They have ranged from the soft large floppy breasts of a more mature or full-figured woman through to the small pert breasts of the younger or tiny-framed woman. Steph's breasts were magnificent; they were in proportion to her body and were full with just a fraction of sag that showed they were like two ripe melons waiting to be plucked.

Reaching out I lifted one in my hand and felt its warmth before I moved my hand so I could rub her nipple gently with my thumb, making it stand proud. They weren't the full nipples of a woman who had given succour to children, nor were they the tiny eraser nipples of the young, but instead full and proud like the tip of my finger that sprang to attention immediately. With my other hand, I squeezed the wings of the butterfly to open the clamps and then gently fastened the tiny steel teeth to her nipple, drawing a soft low moan from her lips. Not pausing I did the same to the other nipple, but this time there was no need to caress the nipple first as it was already straining to attention. Again the same low moan escaped her lips as the jaws gripped each of her nipples and when I tugged gently on the chain between them she gave an even deeper guttural moan, much louder than the two before.

"Oh my God, they feel..."Steph couldn't finish her words and I could see that her shorts were becoming damp around her genitals.

Deciding to reel the fish in slowly I stepped back to admire her and at the same time delved in the bag for other purchases. For the moment I just let her breathe slowly, well more pant, as I laid out the items one by one naming them as I did so.

"Flogger... spanker... butt plug inflatable... handcuffs, two pairs... butt plug normal... remote control vibrator...whip."

All the time I was speaking in a low tone I could see her eyes glaze as she watched the pile grow. Stopping taking things from the toys bag I turned to the other bag that had mainly clothes in it and revealed a leather lace-up basque, long lace-up gloves with stockings and stiletto shoes. Normally I prefer to go for long boots but they didn't have the choice so stockings and shoes would have to suffice.

"Of course there is also 'this' which comes with these."

I held in my left hand a harness with a hole in the middle where a variety of attachments could be fixed and with my right hand, I took out the selection of dildo attachments I had bought which varied in sizes both in width and length as well as in shape.

"Oh my you use all of these?" Steph said reaching out and extending a finger to touch them as if they might bite her.

"Well, they have a variety of uses, especially where anal play is involved sometimes a smaller or different shaped one is needed," I said as I indicated one that had been designed specifically for male anal pleasure thinking of my upcoming date.

"And this?" Steph said in a tiny voice as she touched a dildo attachment that was nine inches long and from the information on the packaging that I had removed before coming back to the room was six inches round.

"That is reserved for special occasions."

The look in her eyes almost screamed the question as to whether this was a special occasion but she was struggling to verbalise her feelings as her brain was clearly in turmoil. One of the successful ways I have used, particularly where my intended partner was hesitant is to employ reverse psychology. By taking something away, or threatening to, it strengthens the desire and will often end up in them insisting it happens.

"Best I put all this stuff away and we get some sleep as we have a long drive still ahead of us... and I told you that you wouldn't really be interested."

"NO," Steph said louder than she intended judging by the blush and how it was followed by a much quieter, "Please don't."

I stopped my movements and looked at her intently before saying softly. "So are you offering yourself to me? As that is the only way I will stop putting things away and go in the direction you want. To show you things you have never seen and take you to heights you have never experienced. To get that you have to commit to being mine for the night."

The silence in the room was electric, sending shivers through me, as this is the moment I love, that moment where a straight woman makes that final decision at the point of no return. Where curiosity outweighs caution and they plunge headfirst into things like Alice down the rabbit hole. I wouldn't say all lesbians or bisexual women throw themselves into it, but they know what is coming whereas the straights can only imagine so that plunge is even more divine.

"Yes," she said timidly.

"That's yes Ma'am," I said, letting the steel slip into my voice quickly followed by, "Strip."

I am not sure I have ever seen someone get naked as fast though to be fair the only thing she had to remove was her brief shorts that revealed a damp patch of curly blonde hair. Still maintaining eye contact I slowly removed my clothing revealing my body to her fixed gaze. I try to keep in good shape and am proud of the fact I carry very few extra pounds so I was proud of what she was seeing. She never commented on the odd scar but instead, her gaze was fixated on my pussy that was shaved completely bald.

"Have you been with another woman?"

She shook her head meekly.

"Well have you at least tasted yourself?"

Again the little shake of the head that was so cute as she hung her head almost ashamed.

"Well best we rectify that," I laughed, now naked as her as I had decided I wasn't going to bother getting dressed up. Moving forward I pushed a finger into her open pussy loving the way it gripped my finger almost sucking me into her, all the time staring into her baby blue eyes. Twisting the finger inside her I kissed her soft lips letting my tongue trace over her teeth as she moaned into my mouth. Resisting the temptation to taste her I held the finger out to her and she hesitated for a brief moment before sucking on my finger like it was a lollipop.

"My turn to taste," I said pushing her gently onto her back and kneeling between her legs. I paused just before I touched her, inhaling the sweet smell of aroused pussy. I could see her folds glistening pink coated in her dew and poking shyly from the folds was a tiny nub just peeking out. I extended my tongue and just gently flicked at her clit, drawing a deep and guttural moan that was followed by a few more as I tortured her clit with my tongue, teasing and touching. As I teased her I could taste her juices and the sweet tang of her arousal had me screaming mentally for more. Drawing my tongue up through her pussy lips I delved inside collecting her nectar as I started to lap while at the same time inserted a finger deep inside her. As she opened more to my touch I added a second finger and curled them inside seeking, and finding her sweet spot.

By her reaction, this was something she had never experienced before as she went wild. I could feel her fingers clawing at my hair as she screamed loud enough to have me worried that people might come running for fear she was being murdered. In response to my ministrations, she arched up off the bed, thrusting herself into my mouth as she writhed in ecstasy.

Hardly giving her time to recover I moved swiftly to the harness and selected a suitable attachment.

"The big one," I heard her raspy voice say hoarsely as she watched me from the bed, her eyes ablaze with lust.