Julia's Big Tit Pleasure

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Julia: busty, haughty, beautiful.
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Julia's Big Tit Pleasure: An Afternoon Surprise

One day it just seemed as if everything was going wrong. It was sunny enough, and work had been relatively stress-free, but somehow, I don't know what it was, or why...I just couldn't get going. Everything seemed to be an ordeal, and my mind was wandering all over the place.

Just one of those days, I guess.

I'd left for lunch and was grateful for the mild breeze out doors, the sunshine and the chance to escape the usual clatter and confusion of work. Spring was at last in the air and I suddenly felt much more optimistic...just get thought the day, put it behind, make new plans. Soon I was lost in thought as I strolled, with my only vague intention centering around food and perhaps a browse in the local shops.

Suddenly a voice called out to me from across the road. It was Julia, an acquaintance from a previous job...my manageress in fact. I'd quite honestly found her to be a touch haughty and arrogant, and was glad to have left that job altogether, but times had changed, and so had I. To be honest, I was glad to meet someone not connected to my current job, and was curious to know what had become of her. I'd heard that she'd left work to have a baby.

She certainly looked good. She was very tall, leggy with quite broad hips (which I'd ironically always considered 'child-bearing'), short auburn hair and an officious air. She seemed born for management, for telling people what to do, whilst fixing them with a direct look from very pretty hazel eyes. Something else I of course had noticed, in addition to the attributes mentioned, was a very large bust. Julia's chest was an asset of which I always felt she may have been self-conscious, as she often kept it covered with her normal work-apparel...but I was aware of it.

Today, as she strode across the road to greet me, beaming, there was no self-consciousness.

Juia was dressed in pale blue jeans, strappy shoes with a low heel, and a sleeveless, striped blouse, revealing a large amount of pale, freckly skin. Quite beautiful skin, due to her auburn highlights. We stood chatting for some time; the usual smalltalk, pleasant enough, just remarkable for the fact that we never used to communicate much at work apart from work-related things. Nonetheless, I was surprised how chatty she was, and how interested she was in my affairs. At one stage, she stooped to adjust the strap on her shoe [and was that necessary? I later wondered] giving me an expansive view of her cleavage, obviously bra-less. I had glimpsed at least two inches of her breast-creases, almost down to her abdomen, her breasts visibly wobbling as she played with her strap.

Suddenly, work and all it's trifling, mundane reality seemed far away. I played with the idea of an afternoon 'sickie'.

So. Her new baby? How was motherhood? And where was the family now? Well, it appeared that her defacto lover had taken the baby to his parents for the day. Leaving Julia free, and, well, wondering how to spend the afternoon.

"Do you fancy a cup of tea at my place? Maybe I could fix us something to eat."

So were the words that set my pulse racing, and set the afternoon off on a course that suddenly looked extremely appealing.


We had strolled back to Julia's apartment, and I had since notified work that I'd twisted my ankle, so couldn't make it back, so sorry. As I replaced the handset, I looked around the apartment with approval: it was light, airy, and had an excellent view over the nearby suburbs. Julia had appeared smiling in the doorway.

"A cup of tea? Or something cooler? I'm parched. Sooooo dry."

I opted for a long, cool drink, it suddenly seeming so much warmer. The afternoon sun was indeed starting to penetrate the lounge room where we were, the atmosphere quite close.

"Could you draw the curtains? I'm going to get changed. It's too hot!"

Julia breezed off, leaving me to wonder what was in store.

I drew the curtains dutifully and wondered what was going on in Julia's bedroom, not to mention mind. I peered at odd photographs and ornaments, then immersed myself in her CD collection, when she breezed back into the room, carrying drinks.

She'd changed into a small, tight pink singlet, and was obviously still bra-less due to the fact that it's bottom rode up high over her belly, revealing a good inch of the white underside of each big tit. She wore only a tiny-and I mean miniscule-black thong, the string at the rear no thicker than a shoelace, emerging from the crack of her quite majestic backside, which was showcased as Julia had turned to bend and place the drinks down. And apart from the thong? Extremely high black stilettoes with a double buckle strap around the ankle.

There was no real reason or opportunity to express my surprise at the somewhat casual appearance of my hostess, as she simply continued to chat, and beckoned me to come, sit down, as she crossed her legs. What amazing thighs! I felt my balls tighten in excitement.

I assumed the casual air as well, and why not? I thought. I sat and smiling, accepted my drink from Julia. We both had iced tea, which, after clinking our glasses together cheerfully, proceded to drink. It was delicious. It would have been perfect had I not been so aware of the fact that my cock was painfully erect in my tight jeans, and that the amount of cum in my balls probably amounted to a bucketload. And how I longed to empty it down Julia's throat!

"...so much more...are you listening?" she asked.

"I'm sorry, Julia. You were saying...?"

"That my tits are just so much bigger than before I had the baby. Just incredible. You're too polite to comment, I know, but they're so heavy!" Julia held up both tits with her beautifully manicured, and quite large, hands, as if to demonstrate. "You see?" she asked, looking at me earnestly.

"I do, I do indeed. But, well, that's a good thing, isn't it?"

"It IS, but such a surprise. They are so big and fat. My nipples as well! I think they must stick out an inch now, at least, and are the size of saucers. Here, look." Julia then reached over to the far side of the couch and produced two clothes pegs. "Watch this."

Julia then daintily peeled the underside of her top up over her nipples, and they, well, words fail me. Each nipple was at least four inches in diameter, despite being hard as rock. She then squeezed her left nipple, then placed the clothespeg on it, front-on. It strained to open up to the required size, but did, her nipple darkening in colour. Julia appeared nonplussed by this action, just biting her lip a little. She then turned her attention to the right nipple, and applied the other peg.

"You see? They are just massive. I couldn't do that before. Feel the tips, go on." She sat up erect and half turned towards me, her big, drooping tits facing me, each nipple tightly squeezed so enticingly by the pegs.

I obliged her and sat up a bit, mostly to move my cock into a less painful position. I pushed each clothespeg around forty-five degrees away from me to expose the tips of her nipples, fighting the urge to lick them. Each nipple reminded me of a small cock, straining with the pressure applied to them. I lightly fingered the tip of each, expecting Julia to moan, but she simply watched, then looked me in the eye.

"They need to be kept under control, they're so big. So do I. Put this on."

I wondered how it came to be that Julia had all her implements so ready to hand, but was in no mind to ask. She had produced a chain, about the same weight as a wallet chain, with clamps on each end. I wasted no time in clamping each massive nipple, letting the chain hang between.

"Now lead me to the bathroom. I can't do it all myself, you know", she chided.

I stood up and looked down at her, my afternoon prize. She loked up at me benignly. I reached down, firmly held the chain, and pulled her up by the nipples, her top hitched up over. I then started to walk with Julia following obediently, briskly tottering on her high heels. I didn't, of course, lead her to the bathroom, but took my time trying to 'find' it, despite having a good idea where it would be. I imagined how fun it would be to lead her down to the shops like this! Instead, I received my gratification by taking her into the kitchen and past some open windows, in the hope of exposing her to some horny neighbour. My good deed for the day.

Finally, I lead her by her nipples to the bathroom. She sat on the edge of the bath and spread her legs, placing one heel up on the side of the bath. "Look how naughty and unshaved I am!"

Julia then daintily pulled the tiny 'v' of black lycra of her thong to one side, showing the most miniscule amount of pubic hair. She looked at me. "I need a shave." I could only nod my agreement, but was so speechless at such an overt display of the genetalia, so pink and luxurious, of a woman of which I was only a passing acquaintance merely an hour before. "I need to tidy this part up", she asserted, delicately brushing her fine, dark pubic hair, "and then make sure I'm utterly bald down to my anus. But you must secure me to the curtain rail, in case I slip and nick myself, ok?"

I then stood and looked up at the shower curtain rail. It seemed sturdy enough. Had it been reinforced for such a task? Then I noticed another thing, which confirmed my suspicion: a chain, a very similar gauge to the tit-chain that Julia wore, suspended from a steel ring, with a steel clasp on the end. It had been hanging in the folds of the shower curtain.

"Ah ha. I see. Yes, that would be prudent advice."

I then slid the chain around the curtain rail so it was suspended above Julia. I found a spot directly above, equidistant between her nipples. Then, trembling slightly with expectation (and aware that my cock-bulge was face level with Julia, and knowing it was so obvious, so obvious considering no verbal sexual intention had been disclosed, which was a major, major turn-on) I held the chain with one hand while pulling Julia's tit chain up with the other. She maintained her relaxed, casual disposition, her long legs now crossed, watching me with the same polite interest as she would a general manager display flow charts or profit and loss figures.

I firmly manoevered her tit-chain, initially convinced that it would not reach the main chain, which stopped at her shoulder level. I had underestimated the strength of the nipple clamps, which held securely. A little moan now escaped Julia's lips as I applied some gentle force, now really pulling the tit chain, and thus her massive tits, towards the clasp. It was almost there. Julia would not assist by moving her seated position on the edge of the bath, and her discomfort was now obvious, as she bit her lip and frowned slightly, similar to the way she would in the past, for example due to some small irregularity at work.

Now the center of the chain was level with the clasp, and I took my time fiddling with it, getting it open, knowing that each wrench or pull was causing Julia more discomfort, which was apparent by her small grunts and sharp intakes of breath. I was still immensely enjoying having my cock so close to her face as I worked.

Finally I clipped the clasp to the chain: she was secure. What a sight she looked! Her long legs crossed, her shiny, ankle-complimenting shoes (with such beautifully painted deep brown toenails, almost black), her hands steadying herself on the bath edge, her pale broad hips in such contrast to the mini straps of her thong; and her lovely massive tits now suspended vertically by her stretched, dark nipples...what a strained, but oh-so-pretty face!

For some time, there was no sound except our breathing, and the sound of the dripping taps, the movements of the plumbing in the wall. Heaven was in this bathroom, this hazy afternoon.

"Could you pass me the razor, and some cream?" asked Julia, visibly in discomfort.

I obliged, passing over a small ladyshave. Hitching her thong to one side and lifting a stillettoed foot up to the side of the bath, Julia spread her beautiful white thighs, and then proceded the arduous task of shaving her pussy-what scant hair remained-whilst having her large breasts suspended almost up to her shoulders by the nipples. I realised that it was largely due to the massive size of her meaty nipples that allowed the suspension to be possible, there was simply so much for the tit clamps to grab!

Julia then spent the next ten minutes shaving the miniscule amount of hair above and to the side of her vagina, flicking the razor here, then there very cautiously Slowly she made her way underneath, her discomfort acute, so that the passageway to her anus, when she wiped away the creamy remnants, was gleaming.

"All done. Do you think I've stretched since having a baby?" Julia earnestly enquired. She fixed me with her lovely hazel eyes and stretched her pink pussy lips with her index and middle finger for me to decide.

Finally, I could take no more. Fighting to control my voice from trembling, I urged that some inspection was necessary.

I stood in front of her as she gazed at me, not really registering any surprise, just a curious interest. I unzipped my jeans and stepped out of them, then my shorts. My cock was painfully rigid. But still, I assumed something more was needed to make the experience just so much more fun.

'Do you have a hair-band here?"

"Why, yes, of course! Over on the basin."

I then reached over and wound the elastic of the small hair-band twice around my cock, so that it was almost unbearably stiff, the veins protruding like miniature pipework along the sides of my large, circumcised prick.

"Well, let's see."

I squatted so that my cock was level with Julia's slimy pussy, rested my cock-head on her vulva entrance, then pushed in, to our mutual, and immeasurable, pleasure. She needed no coaxing or teasing: my cock was in up to the hilt, the fabric of the hair-band now brushing coarsely against what was the most erect clit I'd ever seen, visible on every out-stroke. My shaft was slick with her juice, her shaven lips now greedily clinging to me. I had each hand on one of her large, smooth arse cheeks, cold from the porcelain of the bath, her legs locked around my slim waist. I looked at Julia's face: her eyes were partly shut, the whites only just visible, her mouth open in a wordless 'ooooohhh'...I humped her solidly, steadily, enjoying the steady slap, slap of my big, hanging testicles against her rump.

Soon, I let go of her arse. I reached around with one hand and stuck my middle finger, slowly at first, up her rectum. Then, with the other hand, I grabbed the top chain holding her nipples and created a suitable tempo, a rhythm. With Julia trapped within this finger/tit fulcrum with me fucking her as well, she had no choice but to wail and moan...at first, I assumed in pain, but soon realized it was as a result of her first orgasm.

"Shall I stop now Julia?"

"Oh no, no, nooooooooooo!"

"Well, then let's release your harness. You've finished shaving now."

I then released the nipple clamps and let her big tits flop down, one, then the other, smack, smack. I guided her up by her hips, turned her around and bent her over, so she was leaning against the bath side, her pretty fingers splayed over the edge. I looked around urgently for some lube...nothing. Then, inspired, grabbed some nearby toothpaste.

"Are you going to fuck me some more?" Julia whimpered.

"Yes, just let me...there you are," I said as I stuck the nozzle up her ass and squeezed. I then positioned my cock-head on her anus and pushed steadily in, relishing the tightness and the stinging coolness of the toothpaste.

"Eeeeeeewwww! Oh oh, uh, uh!" said Julia, grunting as I fucked her, her tits smacking against her abdomen, slap, slap-slap, slap, as I admired the wobbling resonance of her rump in contrast to her black thong. I couldn't take much more of this. I withdrew my cock, then turned Julia around, so that she sat spread on the bath edge, her pussy waiting, her breathing heavy.

"Please shut up. Here, these will silence you."

I then scooped up her heavy tits together and forced her nipples, both at once, in her mouth.

"Suck them and shut up."

Julia did as she was told and soon her loud vocalisms were replaced by moaning and slobbering, as I continued our session, my cock now re-buried in her bald pussy. My next dilemma, watching her drool and salivate as she held her tits with her mouth, was to decide: face or pussy? I decided on the former, and unable to stop my growing ejaculation, withdrew with a sloppy 'pop!' and the wanked what seemed like an endless load of hot, thick cum over Julia' face, hair and tits, which she'd let fall out of her mouth, her long tongue out as far as it would go. I put a foot on the bath edge for balance, then, holding the back of her head, fucked the last couple of spurts into her throat.


Some hours later, we lay on her bed. I asked when her partner would be back.

"Oh, another hour or so."

"So...care for this on a regular basis? What do you think...do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"Oh! Goodness!" exclaimed Julia, "how wonderful! Yes. Let me leave that silly little man. I'll organize it tonight, leave it to me."

"And then?"

"Why, then I'll be your big-titted sex slave forever!"

Julia snuggled into me, giggling as I smacked her ass.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
joce37joce37over 17 years ago
Loved how Julia ensured...................

Loved how Julia ensured that her big breasts did not go un-noticed.......and how she used them to gain the satisfaction she needed.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Very exciting

The idea of the boss going sub was great. Thanks

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