Julie and Tess

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Friendship saves a straight wife and her lesbian friend.
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This is another departure from my usual fare. I hope that you like it and your constructive comments are welcome. I cannot thank my editor, Todger65, enough for his help.

Julie and Tess

An epic friendship saves a straight wife and her lesbian friend.


Julie sat in her kitchen deep in thought. She was nearly desperate with loneliness. She needed the intimate touch of someone that loved her. Her husband Bob was around some evenings and part of the weekends, but he never treated her as a woman anymore. She felt like in his mind she was a somewhat useful utility. She was good for occasionally getting his rocks off and keeping his shit cleaned up. He never touched her romantically anymore. Sex was Bob rolling on top of her after kissing her for two minutes, then fucking her as fast as he could until he came. She couldn't remember the last time she had an orgasm with her husband.

What really bothered her, and hurt her feelings deeply, were his visits to the strip club with his friends. He rarely looked at her but was almost rabid about looking at strange women naked. His weekly visit eventually turned into Friday and Saturday nights, and often on weekdays. He rarely made it home before 2:00 am on the weekends. His day shift at the factory ensured that he was home by midnight during the week. Julie saw him at dinner, where what little he said was most often a complaint about his wife. A few minutes after dinner he left to go to his favorite bar, or the strip club, and Julie was left alone at home.

She understood that Bob needed to unwind after a tough week in the factory, but why couldn't he unwind with her? He used to, but five years of marriage had changed both of them. He began to unwind with his friends while Julie became more reserved and passive. She also became more depressed.

Her saving grace was her friend Tess. She had met Tess through her work. Tess was an outside sales rep for a local steel company, and she visited Julie's factory twice a month. Julie was the steel buyer for her factory, and she worked closely with Tess to ensure steel supplies were maintained. The two women had lunch together a few times before both realized that they enjoyed each other's company. Soon after, they were meeting away from work at one or the other's home. They talked about everything with each other, absolutely everything.

It took Tess a while to finally tell Julie that she was gay and always had been. Julie, rather than react negatively, became curious. She had never met a lesbian and she had tons of questions. Some were naively insulting, but Tess didn't mind. Julie began to understand, as best a straight woman could, Tess's sexuality. Once she did, she was embarrassed about her early questions.

Tess was lonely too. Her lover of ten years had suddenly left her, and a year later she was still gun shy. Tess was tall and beautiful. She got hit on a lot, by women more often than she would like. Staving off the men was easy. She wasn't interested in them anyway, although she tried to camouflage herself as a hetero professional. Sometimes her camouflage backfired, giving the impression that she was available to some random male.

The hardest ones to push away were the women. Some extremely attractive women had shown interest in her, but she always shied away. She knew inside that she couldn't take another lost lover. It would destroy her. She thanked God that she and Julie were friends. Tess knew that without Julie her depression might have led to her leaving this life much sooner than she should.

Julie was straight and that made her safe in Tess's eyes. Julie would never try to become romantic with her. Talking with Julie was like being in a sea of calmness. Tess knew that no matter what they talked about it wouldn't lead to dangerous territory. Tess could let herself go with Julie and because of that she craved their time together.

It wasn't difficult for Julie to meet with Tess. Bob was aware of their friendship, and harbored fantasies about his wife having sex with Tess. Outside of that, he gave their friendship no thought at all. The two women always met when he was out of the house anyway. It wasn't like Julie was not doing her wifely duties as she should. If she was home when he was, as she should be, then he could care less if she had a friend.

Bob was an easily influenced idiot. At one point in his life, he had not been a bad man. His intentions, while less than perfect, had been basically good. He married Julie because he loved her, then things changed. Too much talk with idiots at the factory, and his drinking buddies, had changed Bob from a loving husband into a domineering asshole. They had convinced him that a woman needed putting in her place. It was bullshit of the highest order and he bought it hook, line, and sinker.

Julie's attempts to talk to her husband about their marriage were always rapidly shut down by her husband. He was perfectly happy with the way things were. Why waste time talking when he could be having a beer with his buddies. He should have known better, but his buddies kept reinforcing his behavior. It didn't occur to him that none of his buddies were in a happy marriage. All of them had been divorced at least once. Some of them had been divorced multiple times. His best bud John had been divorced five times and the guy wasn't even forty years old.

Bob wasn't nearly as smart as he thought he was. He was on a path of his own choosing. A path that could lead to a surprised husband being served divorce papers. Said husband having no clue as to what he had done to deserve such humiliation, because in his mind he had done nothing wrong.

The odds were heavy against him changing back into the husband that married Julie. Doing that would be his only chance to save his marriage. One of these days Julie was going to get her backbone back, and when she did, she would set herself free. As painful as it would be for her, she eventually would reach a point where she said, "Enough."


Julie and Tess were sitting in Julie's kitchen. It was Friday night and that meant that the two women had hours to hang out and talk. You would have thought the words would have run out by now, but they never did. The two women had reached a point where they could, and did, spend time together in near silence. They watched movies, swam in Tess's pool, and relaxed in the glow of each other's presence. They were each other's anchor. Being in close proximity to each other gave them comfort.

On this evening Tess wanted to focus on Julie's failing marriage. Her motive was pure. She wanted her friend to be truly happy again, and Tess knew that Julie never would be until she escaped her marriage.

Tonight, the drink of choice was wine. Tess sipped from her glass of Chardonnay and looked over at Julie, "We have been over this countless times and there is not much more that I can say. I have one shot left in me and that is a question for you. Are you happier when you are with Bob or when you are not?"

Julie sat in silence, her eyes looking at her feet. It was obvious that she was uncomfortable, and vulnerable. She finally screwed up the courage to look at her friend, "I... I don't want to talk about this."

Tess's reply was accompanied by sternest face Tess could put on, "It is time you were honest with yourself. You are miserable and you know why. You never answered my question, but you don't have to. I know. I know as surely as I know what day it is. When you can admit to yourself that truth, you will do what you need to do."

Julie took a long drink of her wine, "You're telling me to get a divorce."

Tess was livid, "Hell no! I never once told you what to do. I know what you need to do, but have never said it, and I sure as hell haven't said it now. You need to make up your own mind, without having the excuse that you were influenced by me. You need to decide what your future will be, not me. You decide. Either the so-called life you have now, or something else. Something new."

Julie's face was transforming gradually as she desperately forced some confidence, "He won't let me divorce him. He'll go crazy and I don't know what will happen."

Tess fought her first instinct to hug her friend, but it was time for a little tough love, "Those are just excuses for not doing what you know you need to do. What are you really afraid of? Tell me please so I can help you.

Julie sat in silence for several minutes while her friend waited patiently. Julie finally looked at her friend with fear filled eyes, "I'm afraid of what happens next. All I have ever known is growing up with my parents, and after they passed, Bob. What will I do when my marriage is over? Where will I go? How will I live?

Tess reached out and held her friend's hand, "Good questions and I have an answer for each of them, but I'm not going to tell you until you decide what you are going to do. Life happens to all of us, whether we stay in a bad marriage or not. It can be a struggle at times, and we can make life so much harder if we make the wrong decisions.

"I guess what I'm saying is that you have to live your life to the best of your ability, or you're wasting it. Yes, at times life can be difficult, but you should always struggle for happiness. It may not come right away, but you have to keep fighting for it."

An uncomfortable silence fell between them as Julie struggled with conflicting thoughts. During the silence Julie was struck by an epiphany. She suddenly realized that she had become accustomed to living submissively to her husband. Her talks with Tess had made her realize that her marriage wasn't the dream come true that it should be. It was a nightmare that she needed to escape. No one was going to swoop in and rescue her. If she was going to be saved, she would need to do it herself.

Julie looked up at her friend with a new fire in her eyes, "I'm going to divorce the bastard. I need a life and what I have now isn't it."

Tess rushed around the table and pulled her friend into a crushing hug, "Are you absolutely sure?"

Julie felt such wonderful comfort in her friend's arms, "I have never been surer of anything. I am just really scared about what comes next."

Tess released her friend and sat next to her, "I have some ideas, but first let's talk about the divorce. You need two things right away. One is a good lawyer and the second is a private investigator. I know a good lawyer, and I expect that she will know a good investigator."

Julie was confused, "I understand the lawyer part, but what do I need an investigator for?"

Tess patted Julie's hand, "You need ammunition. There is no doubt in my mind that Bob is cheating on you. If you can get proof of that, he won't be able to fight the divorce.

"Now, one more time. Are you firm in your decision to divorce Bob?"

Julie didn't hesitate, "Yes, absolutely."

Tess hugged her friend again, "Ok. Here's what we're going to do. We have a few hours, so we are going to pack up your shit and you're moving in with me. I have a spare room and I would definitely love the company. You have to promise me one thing."

"What's that?"

"You have to promise you will not contact Bob in any way. It is very important that you don't tell him where you are. You don't owe that bastard a thing and I don't want him stalking you or attacking our home."

Julie's eyebrows went up, "Our home?"

Tess smiled, "Of course. As long as you are there, it is our home."

Over the next two hours the two women packed up Julie's life. Tess was amazed at how little of it there was. Bob didn't hesitate to spend five hundred bucks on a signed jersey, but he kept Julie on a strict budget and complained that she wasted the money he allowed her to have. They had a joint bank account, but Bob had total control of it. Julie hadn't bought anything for herself in ages. Her undergarments were frayed and old, as were her few pairs of blue jeans.

When they were finally finished most of the two hours had been taken up by their review of the family files. Tess wanted to ensure that Julie kept important documents so that Bob couldn't destroy them. Julie's possessions fit easily in Tess's sedan with room left over. Julie walked out the door and never once looked back. Julie never knew what Bob thought when he came home to find her gone. She really didn't care.

Two weeks later Julie's lawyer had the divorce documents ready along with proof of Bob's infidelity. The investigator had told her lawyer that he had never had an easier case. Bob had been fucking his favorite stripper in a private room at the strip club when the investigator accidentally walked in on them. The button camera on his jacket caught explicit pictures of the couple.

Bob was served the divorce filing as he staggered his way out of the strip club a few days later. He didn't bother to look at the legal documents until the next day. When he finally did read them, he lost his mind and began trashing the living room. How dare his wife make him look like a fool who couldn't control his wife. He swore he would get even with the bitch. His drinking buddies were sympathetic. They had all been through it before. As far as they were concerned women were all bitches, every damn one of them.


Four Months Later

Julie and Tess had settled into living together easily. Julie felt like a great weight had been lifted from her and she was content for the first time in her life. Her friendship with Tess had only grown as the two women settled in as roommates. The only thing hanging over Julie was her pending divorce. Another two months and it would finally be over and she would be free. She refused to think about what life would bring after that.

Julie sat with her back to Tess as Tess brushed her long brown hair. Tess had brushed Julie's hair the first night Julie moved in as a way of calming her. The next evening, she did it again, and though they never discussed why, it became a part of their evening ritual. Tess enjoyed their evening ritual very much. The two women found it to be a relaxing way to start the evening.

Friday evening as Tess brushed Julie's hair, she shared her thoughts as usual. The two women had dropped into the habit of work, then home, and nothing else. Tess knew that she needed to get Julie out of the house. They needed to have some excitement, "Julie, I think it is time we went out and had some fun."

Julie agreed with her friend, "I would love to, but I am scared to death that I will run into Bob. There isn't a bar or club around here that he hasn't spent time in. It would be just my luck to run into him. I don't want to see him, and I especially don't want the drama that would come with that. I certainly don't want to fight off guys hitting on me. The last thing I need right now is another asshole in my life."

Tess ran the brush through Julie's hair, "I have an idea if you're up for it."

Julie turned her head to look at her friend, "You have my attention."

Tess smiled, "I know a club we can go to that I guarantee you Bob has never been to and never will. It's the Rainbow Club."

Julie was curious, "Isn't that the gay club?"

"Yes, it is. Can you imagine Bob ever going in there?"

Julie laughed, "Not on your life. If one of his buddies saw him, he would never live it down. I'm getting excited! Let's do it!"

Tess's smile turned into a grin, "Awesome! There is some stuff you need to be aware of though. Just like any club, there are people on the hunt for fresh meat. It just so happens that in this club the ones on the hunt for you will be women. As soon as they see your beautiful face and that hot body, they will be circling like sharks. The best way to get rid of them is for us to show them you are taken."

Julie frowned in confusion, "How do we do that?"

Tess reassured her friend, "It's relatively easy if you have an open mind about it. As soon as we get there and get settled with our drinks, we hit the dance floor. One slow dance with me and they'll know that you're not interested in hooking up with any of them."

Julie grinned, "I have no problem with that. We hug all the time. What's dancing but an extended hug?"

Tess thought that Julie's hug reference was rather naïve and would have gotten her into trouble with anyone else but her. She felt a need to be protective of her friend and she promised herself that she would ensure Julie had a safe and wonderful time.

Half an hour later the two women were in Tess's car. A short time after that they were walking into the club. They immediately headed to the bar and ordered drinks. As they waited a man approached Tess. As soon as he spoke Julie knew that he was flamboyantly gay.

The man grinned at Tess, "Well hello doll! I haven't seen you here for a long time. And who is this beauty with you? New girlfriend?"

Tess laughed and hugged the man, "Joey! You look fabulous as always. I would like you to meet my very close friend Julie. Julie, this is Joey, a longtime friend."

Julie had a huge grin on her face. Joey tickled her with his flamboyance and quick wit. They stood talking while they waited for their drinks. After they were served, they meandered their way through the club gathering stares as they went. They found a table for two and settled in for a moment. A few sips of their drinks later, they hit the dance floor.

Julie couldn't remember ever having this much fun. She was positively giddy she was enjoying herself so much. A few times other women tried to cut in while she danced to the fast tunes with Tess, but Tess managed to fend them off. Eventually, a slow song came on and Tess opened her arms. Julie readily accepted the invitation and suddenly, they were slow dancing.

Tess had talked a lot with Julie about focusing on the positive aspects of a situation instead of focusing on the negative. Bob had forced Julie into a life of focusing on the negative and blaming herself for whatever negative thing happened. As a result, she had become passive and subordinate to her husband. Now, she was in Tess's arms on a dance floor in a gay bar. Negative thoughts started to fill her head, but she pushed them back and focused on the positive.

The positive was that she was being held by her wonderful friend and regardless of her straight status, she enjoyed being close to Tess. She loved her friend and decided that she had no problem being physically close to her. As a matter of fact, it felt pretty good.

They started out talking to each other nervously as they found their rhythm. Julie was nervous because she had never danced with a woman before. Tess was nervous because the last time she had danced like this was with her former lover. Gradually as they continued to dance, both women let their nervousness go and they settled in each other's arms.

Tess was a few inches taller than Julie and Julie liked that a lot. She felt safe in Tess's arms. Tess was so warm, and their bodies seemed to fit together well. Julie began to feel something new, and it thrilled her as much as it scared her. Was she feeling more than friendship for Tess? She tried to shake it off. She was straight after all and that was that. Right?

Tess held Julie in her arms as they danced. At first, she felt very protective of her friend as she held her close. As they became more comfortable, she began to feel something else. Something that she knew she couldn't allow herself to feel. She reminded herself that Julie not only trusted her, but also that Julie was straight. It would never work, and she would risk losing her friend.

The two friends hadn't been dancing long when a rather large woman tried to cut in. Tess didn't hesitate, "Fuck off. She's with me."

The woman reluctantly walked away. Tess pulled Julie even closer and began to run her hands up and down Julie's back, making it obvious that she was caressing her. Tess put her mouth close to Julie's ear, "I don't think they are buying us being a couple. I know a way to convince them, but you may not like it."