Julie: Ch. 1

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Mother and daughter get closer after pool party.
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Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 12/23/2000
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Daughter Cindy's party throws up a few surprises.

I lay on the lounger, feeling the sun warm on my skin, the light breeze caressing me enough to make my nipples stand hard against my bikini top. I giggled quietly at that thought, they'd certainly called it a bikini in the shop, but once it was on me it looked more like three postage stamps strategically placed to avoid a riot or the possibility of arrest. I reached up to adjust the strap, almost causing one of my nipples to pop out, bringing a slight gasp from one of the boys standing close by.

My daughter Cindy was having a party of sorts with some of the kids from her school, and most were around her age, which was now 18, although there were a couple of boys slightly older. It was one of those, Jeffrey, all of 19, who was standing close by pretending to be cool, but looking a little flushed as his eyes swept my almost naked body. I had on some of those shades that act as mirrors, and had my eyes half closed, so he wasn't aware of the fact that I was watching him, seeing the delightful bulge in his bathers, seeing the sweat slowly slipping down his neck, and his constant swallows. Mmmm, here was a boy as turned on as could be, and I loved it.

At 36, I guess I couldn't be considered old, but it was still a boost to the ego to know that my body could still command the attention of a horny teenage boy. I wasn't big by any standards, standing just 5ft 5 and weighing 108lbs, in fact at times I could easily pass as my daughter's older sister .. I giggled quietly. Perhaps that's who he thought I was, since we hadn't been introduced when he came in, I arched teasingly, letting my 34c breasts push forward, accentuating my larger, hard nipples that the cloth barely covered. I was delighted that my breasts had remained firm, even after having Cindy, and of course I worked out pretty regularly to make sure my thighs and buttocks were firm and shapely.

I turned slightly as if trying to get a more comfortable position, lifting one foot up almost to my knees and slightly spreading my legs, and I heard the small groan as his eyes darted between my legs, clearly seeing the neatly trimmed edges of my pussy hair around the stamp sized piece of material. I grinned, feeling the heat rise inside me as I saw the sudden jerk of his cock inside his bathers. God I did like to tease, especially the young boys and girls that flocked around Cindy, and I knew he wasn't going to last much longer. Sure enough, with an almost strangled noise he darted away to the pool and dived in, almost landing on a couple of other kids in his haste to deal with his erection.

I heard the chuckle and next moment felt the arms encircling me from behind, "Mom, you are terrible, look what you did to Jeffrey, it will take him all day to recover", said Cindy.

"Do you mind" I asked, laughingly.

She giggled, "Not really, I love to see the boys turned on and you do it so beautifully" she said.

I twisted slightly and looked up at her, feeling again that sudden surge of total lust that seemed to be there every time I looked at her lately, "Well I'm not the only one that's turning them on today" I said, with a grin, letting my eyes roam all over her nubile young body, "You look absolutely stunning in that new bikini"

She flushed slightly, "Do I really?. I mean isn't it a bit too small?"

I reached back and took her hand and drew her around so I could see her properly, and pursed my lips as I looked at her, the sounds of the others in the pool seeming to fade as I concentrated on her, "I mean it, you look absolutely stunning, quite the sexiest young lady here" I said quietly, and it was true. Coming in at just 5ft tall and 95 pounds, her blonde hair almost to her waist contrasting starkly with her beautiful tan, her small but firm breasts and her tight sexy bum, she was definitely drool material, and god had I been drooling of late! Almost from the time her breasts started developing at age 12 I was very conscious of her as a beautiful, sexual being. Perhaps too conscious!, maybe it was at that point that I started paying too little attention to my marriage and too much to her. I sighed quietly inside, oh well all that was over now, but Cindy was still here, getting more and more beautiful every day.

She flushed slightly at the intensity of my gaze, but I noticed that she stood taller and pushed her young breasts out more, I grinned, "I guess some might say it's a bit small" I said, " but with exciting breasts like yours, why hide them?"

"Oh mom" she gasped, her flush deepening, but I could see the pleasure in her eyes, she glanced around quickly and seeing no one watching leaned forward and brushed a soft kiss onto my cheeks, "you have sensational sexy breasts too mom" she whispered, then was gone, leaving me feeling like a fever had suddenly hit me. Mmmm she'd finally noticed, or at least finally found the courage to say something. All those little incidents over recent years, and particularly over recent months of letting her see me naked, of encouraging talks of sex and sexuality, and that time a few days ago when I'd deliberately left my bedroom door open when I was masturbating ... oh, a shudder ran through me at the memory, she'd walked past my room on the way to the shower and had stopped dead and stared in, I'd kept my eyes as tightly closed as I could without totally losing sight of her as I'd stroked my red, sopping wet pussy with my small vibrator, then bucked and heaved as I'd slid it slightly inside me and orgasmed ... as much from her presence as from the vibrator.

She'd never made reference to the incident, and neither had I, after all I wasn't supposed to know she'd seen me, but I was remembering it right now and feeling so turned on that I knew if I stayed there much longer my nipples were going to burst out of my top and my bottoms were going to show very, very wet! I almost leapt from the lounger and dived into the pool, swam a few lengths, then climbed out, grabbed a towel and hurried inside to deal with the food for the kids. I tried to lose myself completely in the food preparation, but I kept feeling the brush of her lips and hearing the inflection of her words, but I was brought back to earth when a whole gang of them charged into the kitchen for food and drinks, and Jeffrey managed to wedge himself up against me as I stood at the sink, I could feel his hard cock pressing against me, and turning slightly and smiling at him I allowed my hand to briefly brush, then actually cup his hard rod. For a moment I thought he was going to shoot on the spot as his face turned almost purple and his body shuddered. I let go and moved away as if nothing had happened, and when I looked back he was almost hunched over against the sink. I grinned, feeling really good about myself.

It wasn't much later than that when the first of the parents arrived to pick up their children, some were a little surprised when the kids came up and said, "Thanks Julie that was a fantastic party", although I'm not sure what they expected me to get the kids to call me. Some of the fathers came too, and their eyes almost popped out when they saw my little bikini, one even snuck over and whispered, "God, I wish I'd been invited to this party, you look sensational!"

I smiled warmly and allowed my tongue to run teasingly along my lips as I looked at him with smoldering eyes, "maybe another time" I whispered back, "when there aren't so many others", his face turned bright red too, so it wasn't a huge surprise to find out he was Jeffrey's father, and when Jeffrey came over to join him I made sure I had my back to the room as I lifted my hand and carelessly adjusted my bikini top ... so carelessly that they both got a complete eyeful of one of my ripe, firm nipples.

Jeffrey's father grabbed my hand as it came away from my bikini top, and smiled broadly, "Oh I do hope we see you again real soon" he said, his face still flushed.

I continued to play the vamp and the tease, "Oh, would you want to?" I asked, my voice pitched low.

He gulped, his eyes immediately dropping to my almost naked breasts, "Oh yes I'd love to see much more of you" he almost stammered, then a rather red faced Jeffrey was pulling him away towards the door, but before they were completely gone from sight, he looked back, and this time I dropped my hand to my inner thigh and ran it ever so slowly upwards over my mound. He almost collided with the door frame as he tried to twist around for a better view. "Dad!" I heard Jeffrey almost snap, 'Come on, mom will wonder where we are" I grinned.

I glanced across the room to see Cindy grinning widely at me and mouthing the words, "Naughty, naughty", then with a quick look around to make sure that everyone was otherwise engaged, she mimicked my movement, slipping her hand down to her thighs then drawing them slowly up over her mound, letting me know clearly that she'd seen what I was up to. If I'd been moving like Jeffrey's father I'm sure I would have collided with the door frame too, as my eyes honed in on her hand moving slowly up between her legs, God, was it my imagination playing tricks, or perhaps the fading light, or did she actually briefly move the cloth aside slightly to give me a flash of her pussy lips faintly coated with blonde hair?, my body certainly reacted as if she did, flaring into instant fire, then she had turned and was gone.

A few of the more hardy souls hung around a bit longer, congregating in the lounge room with the CD blaring out hot rock. I moved to the doorway and watched them for a moment, gyrating around the floor. Most had put some clothes on, but Cindy was still in her bikini and my eyes kept on coming back to her, and I was sure she knew I was there, looking at her, as she shook and twisted and bent and wiggled and my eyes honed in on her tight ass. Finally I couldn't take it any more, I was just too hot! I walked outside and dived into the pool again, going for a solo swim to calm down, then climbed out and lay down on the lounger again to dry off in the fading sun. From time to time I heard the bell ring, or the bang of the front door as someone else left, and occasionally one of them popped their head outside to say goodbye, and eventually I climbed off the lounger and walked into the kitchen to clear away the last of the glasses and dishes.

That's where Cindy found me when the last of the gang had gone. She almost danced into the room, with the hot rock blaring out from the other room, "That's it. Mom. The last one's gone, thanks so much for letting me have the party. It was marvelous, and you were marvelous and I'm so happy" she bubbled, and bounced up behind me and gave me a big hug, her hands accidentally brushing against the underside of my breasts as she did so.

I leaned back into her a moment, enjoying the feel of her naked skin on my back, "It's ok, honey, you deserve it" I said softly, "it's been a long while since I've been able to do something like this for you, I'm so glad you're happy"

Then she stepped back, "Wow, I'm still so hot, why don't we both go for a dip, you look pretty hot too" she said, grinning at my slightly flushed face.

I returned her grin, my eyes twinkling, "well I can't deny I'm hot" I said, "but I've only just dried this outfit and I don't want it to get wet again"

Her grin widened, "well now there's no one else here, we don't have to" she said, and to my complete astonishment, reached around behind, unhooked her bikini top and swept it off. She stood there a moment knowing damn well that my eyes were locked lustfully on her hot young breasts, and making no attempt to hide them, and then she giggled, "not scared are you mom?" she taunted, and turned and almost flounced out of the kitchen. I turned quickly to the window and watched her appear outside, watched her slip off her bikini bottoms and cast them aside too and dive into the pool completely naked, and I shook! My whole body shook! Such heat, such horniness, like I'd never felt before, damn she was teasing me the way I'd been teasing Jeffrey and his father ... and getting the same reaction!

I watched her swim the length of the pool and back, then stand up in the shallow end and look towards the back door with an impish smile on her face, and I knew that I wasn't going to let her bluff me. I gathered myself together and walked out of the kitchen and out through the back door to stand above her on the pool's edge, then staring down at her I reached behind and unhooked my top and tossed it aside, letting my firm breasts jump free. Then, still looking straight into her eyes, I lifted my hands and slowly caressed my breasts, rolling my hard nipples between thumb and forefinger and shivering slightly as fire raced through me. I saw her tongue slip out and run over her lips and her throat move in a dry swallow. I dropped my hands slowly and peeled down my bikini bottoms, stepping out of them and spreading my legs slightly, and I heard the sharp intake of her breath as she stared up at my naked pussy.

Then a big grin creased her face, "Wow, if Jeffrey or his dad could see you now" she laughed, "I wonder what they'd do"

I grinned back at her and laughed, "They'd have to catch me first" I said, and dived into the pool, swimming strongly to the other end, hearing the splash as she started to swim after me, and the next few minutes we spent trying to out swim each other up and down the pool, before almost collapsing into each other's arms in the shallow end. I held her for a long moment, enjoying the feel of her young naked breasts against mine, realizing this was the first time we'd touched like this since she was a baby, and she sure wasn't a baby now!

After that long moment when neither of us moved, she pulled back to arms length and looked at me almost plaintively, "do you really think I'm beautiful and sexy mommy?" she asked, "Sometimes I think I am when the boys. look at me and grin kind of silly and get that bulge in their pants, but then one of my friends come along with bigger boobs and they're no longer looking at me"

I smiled understandingly down at her, remembering my own experiences when I was just developing and some girls seemed to grow ever so fast, and I didn't. "It was the same with me when I was your age" I said, "I always wanted to be big like some of the other girls, but I look at those same girls now and they're all loose and floppy and I'm all firm and I don't know why I was ever jealous, because now they're jealous of me"

She dropped her eyes to my breasts and grinned, "Wow, will I get to be like you mommy?"

"Oh yes, most definitely, it's in the genes" I said laughing, "I mean, look, you're already high and firm" and I lifted my hand and cupped her small breast in my hand and stroked it lightly, brushing my palm over her nipple, feeling it leap into life as she gasped, "In fact of all the girls here today, your breasts were by far the sexiest", I said.

For a moment she was silent, letting my hand continue to caress her breasts, then she smiled quietly and looked up at me, "And is that why you were looking at me the whole time, mommy?"

"Yes" I whispered, afraid of breaking the spell.

" And did it turn you on,?...looking at me?" she asked , her voice suddenly sounding deeper.

I gasped loudly and a shiver ran through me, my hand momentarily froze on her breast, fear racing through me, then, with a shuddering sigh I whispered, "Yes honey, Looking at you sure turns me on"

"And touching me?" she asked hoarsely.

"Oh God yes!" I almost moaned, and my hands started to move over her breasts again.

For a moment she was again silent, and then she whispered so low I almost couldn't hear it, "I'm glad, mommy, it makes me feel funny, but nice, when you look at me, and when you touch me, well...I don't know, it's like I'm standing inside a fire, but not getting burned" and then she lifted her hand and cupped it over one of my breasts, and my whole body jerked.

"Oh God Cindy, this is crazy" I whispered hotly, "But ... I want you so much" and I lifted her head and kissed her lightly on the lips, letting my lips lie motionless on hers before opening my lips slightly and slipping my tongue forward to brush her lips, and she shuddered and moaned and leaned into me and her lips parted and we were kissing passionately, our tongues dancing a crazy, wild dance. I don't know how long the kiss went on, time just stood still, and all the time my hands were slowly stroking her breasts and her body and hers were stroking mine.

Then I pulled back and stared deep into her eyes, seeing the fire she spoke of earlier, and taking her hand I led her from the pool and into the house, grabbing up a towel on the way to my bedroom, where I stood her before the bed and slowly, gently rubbed her body dry, stopping every now and again to brush my lips over different parts of her. then she took the towel and did the same for me, rubbing me gently dry, brushing her lips over me from time to time.

Then I laid her on the bed and knelt above her, gazing at her magnificent young body, then I began to kiss her, and caress her and lick her, leaving no part of her body untouched. Her neck, her ears, her shoulders, all down her arms and back up, then down over her young breasts. Oh my god she was sooo succulent, her nipples hardening and throbbing as I took them in my mouth and lashed then lightly with my tongue, her body lifting from the bed as I stroked my fingers down between her legs and teased her young pussy ... feeling how incredibly juicy she'd become ... then sliding my hands beneath her to stroke and caress her tight ass cheeks. Lifting her again as my lips slowly trailed down over her stomach and on to her hot, wet, eager pussy.

"Oh yes, Mommy" she gasped, as my tongue almost lazily played over her pussy lips before darting briefly inside, causing her to buck and scream, "Oh yes, yes ,mommy, oh God that feels so good"

It felt good to me too, her juices were so tasty and so profuse that I found myself spreading her legs wide and literally rolling my face around between her legs coating my mouth and nose and cheeks with her honey juices. Then I was taking her swollen clitoris into my mouth and sucking hard, a little surprised at how big it was, and she was screaming and bucking, "Oh Mommy, Mommy, yes, yes" she screamed and I knew she was cumming. Pouring her juices down onto my face, and I was eagerly lapping them up

I continued to lash and suck her clitoris as orgasm after orgasm ripped through her, all the lust I'd held for her since she started to develop pouring out in my thrusting tongue, I slid down even further and found myself tonguing her tight ass hole, and she screamed and came again, the juices pouring from her pussy all the way down to my thrusting tongue at her hole. My hands were busy too, playing with her breasts, with her ass and with my own screaming pussy, and I was cumming too, bucking and heaving against her body, and she knew, "Oh mommy, mommy...I want to...I want to do you too"

Without any hesitation I swiveled around, thrusting my streaming pussy hard against her mouth. Her tongue immediately shot forward, burying itself to the hilt in my eager pussy, lashing my clit like I was lashing hers. And I was exploding again! exploding, and exploding and exploding, while my tongue continued to ream her pussy and her ass, and bring her to orgasm upon orgasm. God it had never been like this for me before, not even that time back in college with my horny room mate, when she'd introduced little innocent me to the delights of lesbian sex, a delight I was now determined to pass on to Cindy .... And from the way she was reacting right now, I knew it was going to be a delight we'd share many more times together!

Finally, in total exhaustion we fell apart, and I again swiveled around, taking her gently into my arms and kissing her, feeling our naked bodies pressed together, seeing the beaming smile on her face, knowing that this was so right, so very, very right, for both of us. I fell asleep feeling her hand lightly caressing my breast, knowing mine was doing the same for her, perhaps we'd make love again in a different dimension, Mmmmmmmm, so good...so good.

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