Just a Day at the Beach

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She eases into exhibitionism that gets up close and personal.
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As with most of my writings, this story is based upon a true life-experience.

***** Our Special Place

When we were new to the area, my wife Denise and I searched for the ideal beach within easy reach of our home. Not just any beach, but a beach where we could sunbathe nude. From the day I met Denise she always had an all-over-tan which I thought was odd because she leaned toward the "prude" side of the scale. But I soon learned that she got the tan from tanning beds and booths at various spas, never from lying out in the sun nude.

Fast-forward a few years and Denise still has the all-over spa tan, but she could never imagine being topless under the sun much less nude. Our new home had a semi-private patio that was surrounded on three sides simply by the U-shaped design of the house. For the first time ever, Denise had an opportunity get a natural all-over tan with total privacy. With a little coaxing I was able to convince her to try sunbathing nude on the patio and she agreed but only if I would join her. If we would lay right down on the patio using cushions as opposed to up on a lounge, no one could possible see us. She grew very comfortable doing that, and was soon lying out even when I wasn't home.

I sensed that Denise was getting more than just a suntan; she was also getting a thrill from lying out nude. She would often be more than just a little amorous after sunning for a while and I reaped the benefits of that. With time she became a lot more comfortable on the patio, standing up now and then while nude, lying up on the lounge at times and even darting in and out of the house while nude. Not that she was in clear view of anyone, but there was a possibility of a neighbor or two getting a peek from an attic window or through gaps in the shrubs. I was enjoying it all because I was found it exciting that someone might be watching my pretty wife in all her naked glory.

One day Denise suggested we head for the beach. Denise filled out her conservatively cut bikini really well. She stood 5'3 about 115 lbs. with "C+" cup tits that had a nice natural droop and a cute firm butt. I suggested that it might be possible for us to find a remote beach where we might sunbathe nude. Denise grimaced, and said she would literally die if anyone saw her nude. I said we could try and find a nice private spot.

And we did just that. After doing some scouting, we found a beach nearby on a National Seashore barrier island. This particular spot was difficult to reach, which is exactly why it was ideal for us. To get there from the small parking area designated for fishermen, we had to make a difficult half mile trek on a soft-sand trail out to the beach. It wasn't nearly as private as Denise would have liked, but I was hoping she would find it acceptable.

We chose a weekday to take our first trip out time there. We set down our cooler and other gear about two hundred yards south of where the trail meets the beach. Most all of the fisherman hiked in the opposite direction and far out of sight, as the beach hooked around toward the point of this barrier island. The area of the beach where we sat was quite narrow and steeper than some. There were low dunes about 150 yards behind us with low sea grass and scrub in between. That all but eliminated any chance there would be someone peeping from the dunes or anywhere behind us for that matter.

We got settled in and looked around and saw absolutely no one else in sight. To set the tone, I pulled off my shirt and shorts. With that, she looked around once again and took off her bikini top. What a sight to behold, Denise's full tits making their debut in a public place, but of course with no one to see them. After a few minutes and after looking up and down the beach again, she wiggled out of her shorts and bikini bottoms. We probably spent the next hour nervously looking up and down the beach making sure no one was coming.

We ate a little lunch that we packed and we drank some wine and beer and then we laid back watching the surf. As we were becoming more at ease with our surroundings, we both fell asleep. Probably just a few minutes later I woke and looked down the beach to see what looked like a couple coming our way from the regular life-guard protected public beach about two miles further south. They were still a good distance away and my first reaction was to pull on my shorts and to wake Denise so she could do likewise. But the devil within me told me otherwise. Still uneasy with my decision, as they got closer I was relieved to clearly see it was a middle aged couple, both trim and fit in their sporty looking bathing suits. Relieved that is, that they were those who might be less likely to be upset with nude sunbathers.

I eased back down and feigned sleep while propping up my head slightly so I could see their reaction through my dark sunglasses. As they neared, they slowed down, and they were obviously focused on us. They slowly passed within 25 feet of us whispering to each other but smiling and I thought I even heard the woman giggle. I thought that was the best reaction possible under the circumstances. As they continued on their hike I was pondering my options on what to tell Denise.

When the couple was a safe distance past us, I whispered to Denise asking if she enjoyed her nap, and said that I had something to tell her. She said there was no need to whisper, that she was awake and had seen the people walk by! Before I could say anything she said that she woke to what she thought was someone giggling and she just froze. She opened her eyes but was afraid to even move her head, but was able to see them pass by. I fibbed by saying that I had been asleep too and awoke to see the people approaching but by then it was too late to do anything about it.

I said that it was an incredibly intense moment. Denise agreed saying it was beyond intense, and that she had been mortified beyond belief yet dared not move a muscle. Denise said that in that moment she was overwhelmed with emotions ranging from vulnerability, humiliation, yet a strange feeling of empowerment. Empowerment? I asked what she meant. She ignored me and said that what added to the intensity of those feelings was knowing that by trying to tan the insides of her thighs, she had fallen asleep with her legs parted substantially giving the hikers quite a view. That thought excited my greatly because I knew exactly with they saw. Denise has a tiny patch of hair above her pussy, but always shaves her pussy clean. And Denise has very prominent and full lips which are always visible, not to mention with her legs parted widely. Quite a view indeed.

I tried to console Denise but could only reply with "oh, wow, how embarrassing." With that Denise leaned over and passionately kissed me. I responded and Denise continued kissing me with her tongue intertwining mine as she leaned over further with her tits on my chest. Then I felt a familiar twitch from my cock and pulled away from Denise, and we both looked down to see my cock standing nearly straight up! I quickly looked up and down the beach to thankfully see that the couple a good distance away and no one else coming. Meanwhile Denise had burst out laughing at how quickly I got aroused. Had it been any other time or place, I'm sure we would have taken care of that problem properly. I was quick to point out that something apparently got her very aroused as well, but she did not respond to that.

Then we wondered what we would do when they pass us on their return hike. We had no definitive answer. The only thing that remained unsaid was how much we both obviously enjoyed showing ourselves off to the beach hikers. There was one thing that I knew for sure. That while I knew how much it had excited Denise to be seen naked, I was far more turned on by them seeing her, than by them seeing me. We thought it was a good time a snack. Denise finished off the bottle of wine while I had another IPA. I had Just as I opened another bottle of beer when that couple came back into view, but still a few hundred yards away.

Again we discussed our strategy with still no resolution. After the wine and beer we were both feeling a bit bold so we surely wouldn't be rolling over to hide ourselves and feign sleep. Soon they were upon us, and with the tide peaking they would need to pass within 20 feet or less from us. So we just sat there smiling and gave a little wave and they reciprocated with big smiles and a wave while continuing down the beach.

Later that day we saw a few fishermen moving in our direction, stopping along the way and casting out into the surf. One guy came very close to us and Denise remained brave and made no indication that she was going to cover herself. Then he decided to go past us to try his luck a short distance beyond our spot. Or maybe he passed by just to ogle Denise. Regardless, he was soon strolling by with his gear with a jovial hello, staring at Denise's tits. I watched as Denise just smiled and offered a subdued wave. When he was past I told Denise that I thought the guy really, really like her! She giggled and poked me. Yes, my prudish Denise loved it all. Or should I say my once-prudish Denise loved it all.

As it turned out, our first day at "our" beach was the quietest with the fewest passersby of any trip. Maybe that was a blessing, as it was an easy transition into the world of exhibitionism. Or as Denise would say, nudism. She doesn't like to hear the word exhibitionism. I don't dare utter that word. She wants to believe that she is not an exhibitionist. In her mind, she just likes to be nude outside. To sum it up, I learned that Denise enjoys being seen nude in circumstances where it is not the accepted norm, yet plausible to a degree. And because this was not designated as a nude beach, that was what made it appealing to Denise. She seems to like the naughtiness of it all.

So that became the norm for us during many, many more beach visits to that spot. That is we would evaluate anyone or any couple coming toward us and decide how we would react. We did need to be careful as not to draw any complaints otherwise the Park Rangers might start to patrol out that way, nor was it our intention to shock or upset anyone. So if any teenagers, large groups or odd characters came along, we'd cover up one way or another. Older or unfit folks would never be a problem because of the long walk involved to get to our spot. And boaters were never an issue as the surf, even when low kept the boats at least a hundred yards out. We returned for most of our visits on the weekend, so if I had to guess I'd say that on an average weekend visit we would encounter a dozen hikers, beachcombers or fishermen.

As the summer progressed we became more comfortable and at ease at beach and started taking things up a notch. If Denise was feeling particularly playful or bold like she often is, we will take long nude walks, usually in the direction away from the trail and the fishermen. But if we saw a beachcomber or hiker coming our way, we would normally turn back. We both get a special kind of rush being nude and hundreds of yards or more from any clothing. On a few occasions on our return walk we have seen that a fisherman had worked his way down beyond our spot. We have no choice but to stroll past him to get back with Denise in full view, tits swaying. I know this excites Denise by the shudder I feel as she grips and squeezes my hand as we pass and acknowledge him with a simple smile and nod or a hello.

Or at times, if a guy or a couple has walked by and Denise feels that they were comfortable with our nudity, she might decide to go for a dip in the surf as they approach us on their return walk. The timing of which is a total coincidence of course. I know she gets a rush from letting them have a good look at her albeit from a slight distance. Yes, at a slight distance, because she generally does not care to have anyone approach us.

But of course we are approached often enough as many people are curious as to our state of undress. Regardless of how interesting the person or persons are she usually tries to discourage them from conversation. Often it is the single men who tend to have nothing of value to say; they are sometimes more interested in ogling that the conversation per se which makes her uncomfortable.

If a couple stops to chat, she would be a lot more likely to be cordial and receptive than a single guy. On rare occasions, single women or just once, a pair of women beachcombers have approached us to say hello. It was then that even I get a little excited about being examined up close by those females.

Once, and only once and with no one in sight, Denise felt exceptionally daring and suggested we walk in the opposite direction. With no one in sight, we strolled along the beach for a few hundred yards beyond where the trail meets the beach towards the point and the fishermen. As we turned back, we saw two guys carrying their poles and gear coming down the trail and onto the beach and headed toward us. As we passed, the guys were bug-eyed but managed to sputter out a greeting. Denise stopped and uncharacteristically engaged them in conversation with their eyes roaming all over her naked body. I could see that Denise was all aglow with being eyed up and down. After a minute or so of banter Denise just wished them well with their fishing, turned and we walked away back toward our spot.

I asked what was up with that, as she normally doesn't like conversing with the oglers. She just shrugged it off by saying that since we were each headed in opposite directions she knew she could walk away from them at any time. While Denise would never admit it, I knew she was very pleased with herself for feeling a rush by showing herself off, yet she was in control of the situation.

If a conversation would develop with a passerby it would likely revolve around the fact that we are naked, and they are curious as to why that might be. Of course we always say it is the freedom that being naked under sky brings and so on. Which is all true, but the other reason is never mentioned of course, and that is exhibitionism. And we now know that would certainly never be mentioned by Denise.

Just such a conversation began with one unforgettable couple. They were a friendly 40ish couple who had hiked up from the regular beach and approached us. They seemed extremely interested in our philosophies of social and public nudity, and we spoke at length about that. They said they admired and respected our courage but they could never have the nerve be naked in public. When they left they said they'd continue hiking all the way to the point. About twenty or thirty minutes later we saw them at a distance coming back toward us on their return hike. Predictably, Denise decided it was time to take a nude dip and as I often do, I joined her.

As they approached we walked out of the surf to wish them a great day, and we realized that the woman was completely naked! Her husband had her bikini wadded up in his hand, and her bright-white tits and butt were proudly on display for us to see! Although they passed just feet from us, they never said a word or broke stride, they just nodded, gave us a little wave, both grinning from ear to ear. I gave them a thumbs-up and she reciprocated with a thumbs-up but again, never broke stride and continued down the beach.

Obviously she was brave enough to get naked and walk down a public beach, yet not brave enough to chit-chat sans clothes. In my mind that was perfectly understandable. Later Denise and I had a good chuckle about that, and we tried to guess when she had taken off her bathing suit and if any fishermen had seen her naked. We also wondered how close they got to the regular beach before she put her bikini back on, because until they disappeared from sight she was still naked. But we felt good that it was likely our example got at least one person to try public nudity.

***** Our New Friends

On an earlier trip to our beach we had noticed another couple settled in near the dunes directly behind us. They were surrounded by what looked like a makeshift windbreak made with ring of driftwood logs. They appeared to be naked too, but at that distance of well over a hundred yards we could not say for sure as they kept pretty much out of sight. For sure they never ventured out to the surf or anywhere else for that matter. In fact, we were quite sure they were there when we arrived and were still there when we left.

On our next visit to the beach we did not see anyone at that shelter and we decided to walk back and take a look. We were surprised that the spot seemed snug and cozy, and even personalized with some sticks and bits of jetsam steamers, an old garden pinwheel, etc. We even noticed an old rake that had was tucked under a log and deduced that those folks likely used that for raking the sand of debris in and around the shelter. We then realized that they likely used that area regularly.

Later that summer we got to the beach to found the wind to be exceptionally strong, whipping the stinging sand down the beach. It was very uncomfortable, if not unbearable. We quickly decided to retreat back to that log windbreak we had discovered earlier that summer. We hadn't seen anyone there except that one time, so we thought it might be a good spot to shelter us from the sandblasting.

We had just settled in and peeled off our shorts and shirts when we saw two people far in the distance walking toward us from the direction of the trail. We knew immediately it must the keepers-of-the-shelter. We were in an awkward situation to say the least. Soon they were very close and saw it was a man and a woman. I quickly pulled on my shorts and stood as they approached to greet them. Denise surprised me by making no effort to cover herself in spite of not knowing who these folks were.

They did not appear to be happy to see us. I told them that I presumed that this was their little hideaway, and if so, we would easily find another spot. Without waiting for any reaction, I explained that we normally sit out on the beach but the winds out there were blowing the sand making it unbearable. I said that we thought we'd just find shelter here until the wind subsided.

They looked at each other for a moment, and he said that they did build the little windbreak over the past few summers. But it was not a problem, that they could share it with us until the wind died down a bit. We both thanked them, and I said that my wife could put some clothes on if her nudity offended them. They looked at Denise like they hadn't even noticed she was there and they both laughed and said that they planned to be nude also. With a broad grin, he said that they presumed that we were the naked couple that they had seen earlier in the summer out on the beach. He did say that he hoped we could all manage to get comfortable in the shelter as it was not all that big.

I tried to make my still-naked Denise comfortable with the strangers by pulling off my shorts, and introducing ourselves as Steve and Denise, and they introduced themselves as Pete and Cheryl. With that Denise stood and we all shook hands. Denise wasn't looking all that thrilled with the arrangement, but I was hoping she would be OK once we got settled in.

Pete & Cheryl laid out a sheet that covered more than half the sand in the shelter and with our two large beach towels most of the sand was covered. We all settled in as comfortably as we could, considering the little rectangle of logs was roomy for two, but more than a little cramped with four. Pete and Cheryl took off their clothes as the next order of business, and I had to compliment them on how totally bronze they were.

To describe us and our new friends, Denise and I were in our mid 30's and Pete and Cheryl were late forties, maybe even fifty. Both were very thin and fit. And I learned later that my first guess was correct, they were both avid runners and cyclists. Cheryl was about 5'5, 110 pounds and sported "A" cups at best with very prominent nipples. Pete was taller than me, thin and muscular and seemed to have more cock than my average 6 incher. Denise had more meat on her bones than Cheryl. As I described earlier, Denise was 5'3 about 115 lbs. with "C+" cups with a nice natural droop and a cute firm butt. I was 5'9 about 160 lbs., average build with no excess fat.