Just a Small Indiscretion

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Guardian angel saves her from cheating.
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Mary Wilson was sitting at her desk looking through her e-mails from yesterday. The morning had been unremarkable and there was really nothing pressing for her to do. Her cell phone rang. Not recognizing the number, she ignored the call. About five minutes later she got a text message from the same number. When she opened the text she found a picture. Although you couldn't see her face she recognized when and where it had been taken and who the hand belonged to that was resting comfortably on her ass. It wasn't her husband's.

Mary called the number. It was answered on the third ring.

"Hello Mary, I thought that might get your interest," said the unfamiliar male voice.

"Who is this?"

"Classified, sorry. Mary, have you ever heard the twelve year old rule?"

"Really, who is this?"

"Answer my question, Mary. Have you heard the twelve year old rule?"

"Yes, my husband's mentioned it several times."

"You broke the rule. Didn't you, Mary?"

"Tell me who this is or I'll hang up."

"Hang up then. I'll send you another picture and then we can talk." Mary cut off the call.

Almost immediately she got another text. In this photo the male's face was clearly visible as were both of his arms around her and both hands on her ass. She dialed the number again.

"I thought so."

"It was an innocent meeting."

"Innocent enough you don't mind me sharing those and the rest of my photos with your husband?"

"What do you want?"

"You broke the rule didn't you, Mary."

"Maybe stretched it a little but it was harmless."

"So it would be okay to let a twelve year old put his hands on your ass?"

"No. Okay, what do you want?"

"Mary, I know you haven't cheated. Yet, at least, but your buddy there is wanting you to and you have been considering it."

"That's not true."

"Mary, I have your meeting on tape. The entire conversation and the video."

Mary hesitated, "What do you want?"

"The big question is what do you want? Your husband of over twenty years or a one time fling with a known womanizer? What do you want Mary?"

"Tell me who you are."

"That's not going to happen. Hang up on me again and your husband gets all the photos and video. Your friend's wife gets a copy too. How do you think good old Art is going to feel about what he sees on that video?"

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because I'm a friend."

"Friends don't blackmail each other."

"Wives don't plot affairs either, do they, Mary?"

"What do you want from me?"

"First of all, this potential affair is finished. And yes, that means cancelling your lunch with him today."

"He's a client. It's a business lunch."

"Not anymore he isn't. You're going to drop him and his business. You know what I'll do if you don't."

"Why are you doing this?"

"I already told you. I'm a friend."

"This is short notice to drop a client."

"Not that short. Shall I send the video to good old Art?"

"I want my husband left alone."

"Then you are going to have to follow my rules."

"What are your rules?"

"First, drop the client. Will you do that?"

"I will."

"Second, cancel the lunch and never meet with him again."

"I'll do that too. Is that it?"

"Oh Mary, we're just beginning."

"I'll do what you said. Let's just drop it now. You destroy the photos and videos."

"That would be far too easy. You could just start a new little meeting with someone else. We wouldn't want that to happen would we, Mary?"

"I won't do it again. It was innocent anyway."

"Art wouldn't see it that way."

Mary was quiet.

"Would he, Mary?"


"Mary, when was the last time you gave your husband a blow job?"

"That's none of your business."

"Valentine's Day this year. Almost six months ago."

"Oh, it couldn't...wait a minute. How could you know that?"

"I know everything about you and Art, Mary."

"Art must have told you."

"I've never spoken to Art about your sex life."

"Art and I are the only two people who would know that and I sure as hell didn't tell you."

"Obviously, someone besides you and Art know, Mary. I know."

"So what are you driving at?"

"I think your husband deserves a good blowjob."

"Fine, so give him one."

"I don't mess around with married men. You can blow him tonight."

"Listen, you aren't dictating my sex life to me."

"Oh, but I am. Test me."


"Fail to give him a blowjob tonight and see who gets the videos in the morning."

"You're bluffing."

"I assure you, I'm not, Mary. I'll call you tomorrow."

The line went dead. Mary tried to call back but there was no answer. She considered her options. Not knowing who she was dealing with complicated things. She did a reverse number check on the internet and came up empty handed. Mary knew if Art saw the pictures or heard the conversation from yesterdays lunch he would divorce her. His rules on marital infidelity were very clear. She had crossed the twelve year old line even though she had never cheated on him. Mary told her secretary to call and cancel the lunch and advise the client to find a new realtor to work with. She was to tell him that she was just too busy to handle it.

A few minutes later the secretary came into her office.

"He wants to talk to you."

"That isn't going to happen. Tell him I'm out and don't take any calls from him. If he shows up, I'm not here."

"Okay, boss. Is this guy trouble?"

"Big trouble, just do as I ask."

"Will do."

Mary was out of sorts the rest of the afternoon. Who was this strange caller? How did he know so much? How did he know Art and how in the hell did he know when she gave Art a blow job. It had to be someone close to Art. She could pick Art's brain this evening. Come hell or high water Art was getting a blowjob tonight. Mary couldn't risk not doing it.

That evening after dinner, Mary brought Art a drink and sat next to him on the couch.

"Sweetheart, who's your best friend?"

"You are, of course."

"How about your male best friend?"

"That's Tom. You know that."

"Do you discuss our private life with Tom?"

"I only discuss that with you."

"You tell no one about our sex life?"

"Absolutely no one, Mary. Why?"

"Oh, no reason. I just wondered. I was thinking today. When was the last time I gave you a blowjob?"

Art laughed, "It's been a while."

"Think about it. When was it?"

Art thought for a minute, "Mary, I really don't remember. Several months, at least."

"Then I believe you're past due. Are you up to it?"

"I'm always up to that."

Mary got off the couch and unfastened his trousers and then pulled them down. Taking her time, she worked him to erection by hand than gave him a very enjoyable blowjob.



Sometime mid-morning Friday Mary's cell rang. It was the mystery caller from yesterday.

"This is Mary."

"Good work last night. You made your husband very happy."

"So my husband told you?"

"Nope, I've neither seen nor spoken with Art."

"Then how could you know?"

"Mary, I'm not telling you how I know and I'm not telling you who I am. Neither are important. Your marriage is."

"I did what you told me. Are we done now?"

"We're just beginning, Mary. You and Art both have the weekend off. Tonight he gets another blowjob. Tomorrow, during the day, have him shave your pussy. Tomorrow evening I want you to give him that bald pussy and then on Sunday let him take your ass."

"No one has ever had my ass."

"Art will, on Sunday. Talk to you Monday, Mary. Have fun." The phone went dead.

She wondered, 'How could this guy know about the blowjob?' Mary called Art at work.

"Hi Mary, what's up? You never call me at work."

"Art, did you tell anyone I gave you a blowjob last night?"

"Not a soul, why?"

"Just wondering. I think you need another one tonight."

"What's the occasion?"

"I just want you to know I think about you. That's all."

"Mind if I reciprocate tonight?"

"Not at all. I'll see you this evening. I love you, Art."

"I love you too, Mary."

Not more than ten minutes later her phone rang. Once again it was the mystery man.

She answered, "Mary."

"You're quite a detective, Mary. He doesn't know I'm calling you either. I have a surprise for you. Do you still have your binoculars in your desk drawer?"

"I thought you knew everything."

"Open the top left drawer and get out the binoculars then walk to your car. I'll call you back in a few minutes."

Mary didn't hesitate and did as he instructed. The phone rang.

"I'm where you told me to be."

"I know." Mary looked around but saw no one. "Use the binoculars and look at the motel across the street. Find room 232."

"I'm not meeting you at the fucking motel," she said angrily.

"Good girl. Find the room and keep an eye on it. Look who goes in."

Mary watched the motel. When she saw a man and woman approaching the room she looked through the binoculars. She knew the man. It was Thomas, the man in the photograph from lunch two days earlier. The woman was blonde, big chested and wearing a miniskirt that was way to short for her age. At first guess she suspected the woman was a hooker.

"Now look for a van in the parking lot."

Mary did as instructed and found a white van parked facing away from the room. She could clearly see two men sitting in the front seats.

"I see it."

"Keep an eye on it. I'll call you back in about ten minutes." The line went dead again.

She sat and watched the van and the room. After about ten minutes the phone rang again.

"Are you watching?"

"You know I am."

The van doors opened and five people exited. Two men in suits from the front. A man with a large video camera, a second man with a boom microphone and a well dressed woman climbed out of the back. The woman was carrying a large manilla envelope.

"What is this?" she asked.

"Just keep watching, Mary."

As the five approached the motel and began up the stairs two other men in suits got out of a black sedan. One, keeping his distance behind the five followed them up the stairs. The other went to a different stair to approach the room from the other direction. When the first five arrived outside the motel room they waited for the last two to take position about ten feet away on either side. One man from the van stepped to the door, the cameraman stood ready beside him and the boom mike was lowered in place above their heads. The other man from the van and the woman with the envelope stayed back out of the way. The man at the front knocked on the door. No one answered and he began banging on the door. The door opened slightly and Mary could see Thomas' face in the partially open door. The man in the suit nearest the door pushed it open. He, the cameraman and the mike operator went quickly inside. They were followed by the other man and the woman with the envelope. The two remaining men stepped just beside the door but didn't enter. After a few minutes, Thomas ran out the door wearing only his shorts. He was carrying the manilla envelope. One of the men outside handcuffed him and held him there. The man inside wearing the suit, the cameraman and mike operator followed him out the door trying to talk to him. The other man in the suit along with the well dressed woman came our after them. The woman seemed to be screaming at Thomas. The last of the men in suits entered the motel room. Two squad cars pulled up on the scene and the officers went upstairs to the room.

"Mary, let me explain what you just witnessed. The people in the van are from a TV show called Cheaters. The well dressed woman is Thomas' wife. The slutty woman in the room is a hooker. The four cops are cops as I'm sure you figured out. Cheaters crew and the wife caught Thomas with a hooker. They also had cameras already in the room. The wife served divorce papers to Thomas and then the police are arresting Thomas and the hooker for prostitution."

"So you work for Cheaters?"

"No, I don't. I don't work for the wife or the cops either."

"Please tell me who you are."

"No Mary, that isn't important. Here's what is. Thomas booked that motel room right after your lunch with him on Wednesday. He intended you to be there with him."

"Oh my God!" she gasped.

"Before I told you I was a friend. Do you believe me now?"

"Yes, I believe you now. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Consider me your guardian angel and for a while I'm going to be your marriage counsellor. Since you came so very close to cheating, I'd say that might be helpful for a while."

"I'm listening."

"What would you say if I asked you to meet me at that motel in an hour?"

"I'd tell you to kiss my ass."

"What if I threatened to send the video to Art?"

"Same answer. I may have crossed the line once but it isn't going to happen again."

"Good, that's exactly what I was hoping to hear. Enjoy your weekend with Art and we'll talk again on Monday." The phone went dead again.

Mary and Art had a wonderful weekend. She did follow through with the blowjob on Friday and Art reciprocated as he had promised. The shave on Saturday was fun and Art even asked Mary to shave him. They had better sex that night than they had in many years. Sunday's anal surprised Mary. She genuinely enjoyed it. Art wanted to talk afterward which isn't his usual behavior after sex.

"Mary, something's up. When a married woman suddenly has an increased sex drive and starts doing new things those are often signs that she's having an affair. Is there something we should talk about?"

"Art, I've realized in the past few days that I've neglected my husband, the most wonderful man in the world. I've also neglected our relationship. There's no affair. There never will be. I want to be the wife to you that you deserve. I want us to have the kind of marriage we both deserve. I love you with all my heart. No affairs, past, present or future. I'm a one man woman."

"I thought you might be going through some hormone thing. I just didn't know what to think."

"Do you like the change?"

"Yes, I really do."

"Good, I haven't figured out what's next but I intend to keep us both busy. Did I answer your question?"

"Completely. Good night, sweetheart."

"Good night, Art."



Mary woke Art with a blowjob before sending him off to work. At around ten her phone rang. She noticed the mystery number.

"Good morning, Guardian Angel. How was your weekend?"

"Not as exciting as yours. What's next on your plan for Art?"

"I woke him with a blowjob this morning. Beyond that, I'm open for ideas."

"You've come to the right place. Ready to liven things up?"

"I'm ready."

"Take him out to dinner tonight. Don't wear panties. Let him feel you up during dinner then blow him on the way home."

"We'll be seen in the restaurant."

"Go somewhere with table cloths. Your favorite Italian as an example. I'd probably avoid McDonalds."

Mary laughed, "You're right. I could pull that off."

"Let him make you cum in the restaurant."

"I'll try. I get vocal sometimes when I cum."

"Give it your best shot."

"Are you calling tomorrow?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Mary ended the call.

Mary thought things out thoroughly during the day. She remembered a skirt with large pockets. If she cut the bottom out of the pockets and wore no panties Art should have free access to her during dinner. As soon as she got home she started working on the skirt.

The restaurant was packed so getting a table in the back didn't work out. They were right in the middle of everything. Rather than sit across from Art she moved to his left side beside him. During dinner she slid his hand into her pocket. Art took over from there. She did orgasm right there in the restaurant but was inconspicuous enough that she thought they got away with it. Art's face flushed right along with hers and she did finish him off in the car.



Mary didn't wait for the call today. She called him.

"Someone's enjoying themselves I see."

"Do you really see us?"

"I do. A couple in the restaurant saw you last night and recorded your orgasm. They really enjoyed it. I personally, don't have a copy but the look on your face was precious. I have a couple of things for you today. There's a sex shop about two blocks from your office. Go there at lunch. They carry a vibrator there that is operated remotely from an iPhone. Pick one up today and install the app on Art's phone. You'll be needing that on Saturday. For tonight Art needs a happy ending massage from his devoted wife. They have massage oil at the shop too. Questions?"

"Not a one. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Mary hung up the phone.

Mary made her purchases at lunch and was so hot today that she serviced herself in the ladies room at the office, something she hadn't done in years. They both had happy ending massages that evening and both were having the time of their lives.



Her call came in right on time.

"I have the app installed and everything is ready to go with the vibrator."

"Okay, that's on Saturday's game plan. Tonight, after dark, take him to the park near your house. Wear a long skirt and take a blanket. You'll be fucking him in the park. Just stay away from the jogging trail. Otherwise the park will be empty."

"You're getting mighty brave, my dear angel."

"You'll love it and so will Art. Trust me, Mary."

"Okay, I'll talk to you tomorrow."



"How did you enjoy the park?"

"I was so paranoid last night. After we got started I got so into it I lost track of everything else."

"Mary, what would you like to do tonight?"

"Victoria's Secret so he can help me pick out a sexy outfit then take him into the dressing room with me and blowing him while I'm trying it on."

"Good girl, you're becoming creative. Has he shown any sign of tiring?"

"Heavens no, if anything he's more energized than ever."

"Talk to you tomorrow?"

"Sounds good." The line went dead.



"Dinner again tonight, Mary. Same as last time but no tablecloth. I hope your skirt is clean."

"Like where? I don't want to get caught."

"Specifically where?"



"You're kidding?"

"Not in the least. Be creative, Mary. Now, your instructions for Saturday. Put the vibrator inside you. Take Art to the mall and give him permission to have all the fun he wants with the vibrator."

"Oh, God! How about Sunday?"

"Same as on Saturday but in either a book store or a library."

"You're trying to get me arrested, aren't you?"

McDonald's was tricky but they did find a booth all the way in the back. Mary was dripping before they even arrived. Art got his blowjob in the car while still parked in the parking lot.

They arrived at the mall at about noon. The vibe was in place and the app had been tested. Initially they stayed together but after a while Art would send her off to either buy something or ask for help on something then turn it on while she was talking to someone. By the end of their shopping trip Mary was exhausted. She had never cum so much in her life.

Sunday they went grocery shopping and she wore the vibrator again. Upon returning home to put things away, Susan from next door, came over to talk. Art used the remote a lot during her visit with Mary. Then came the trip to Barnes and Noble book store. Mary never realized how quiet the store was until that day. Art had a ball working her over here. Sex on both Saturday and Sunday evenings was wonderful.



At Art's request, Mary wore the vibe to work on Monday. It happened to be on during her call that morning.

"Mary, you sound out of breath."

"Art has the remote on right now. He's driving me crazy."

"I'm glad you're enjoying it. Plans for the evening?"