Just Dance

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A mom and son hide secrets, and there are consequences.
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Writer's Note: This is a novella about the secrets of a changing mother and her growing son. This is in the "slutty mom" category of my writing.

The space between each printed letter grew more and more distant as Wes Hawn's mind drifted. He caught himself just before his head crashed into his marketing textbook. Everything the professor was saying, the 21-year-old college student already knew due to his internship from the previous school year and summer. He knew the class would be a bore when he signed up, but it was required for his major. And there are worse things than an easy A.

The clock on the back wall must have had finally hit 3:15 because the professor announced, "Alright, I can see we're out of time. When you read chapter 2 for Wednesday, make sure you take note of the four Ps and how they relate."

"Hey, Wes?"

Wes heard a soft, hushed voice from behind him as he felt a light tap on his shoulder. He zipped up his bag and turned to see Bella. There was a lump in his throat.

Wes had been growing into a rather attractive young man, and he was becoming good at speaking with women. But Bella was the type of young woman that could have any man she wanted, and she probably knew that. Since he was having trouble speaking, Wes nodded in her direction.

"This might seem really weird, but can we, like, talk for a minute outside. Maybe alone by the trees out there? It's kind of personal."

Okay then... He was confused. It was not that Bella was just scorchingly hot. She was also in the 'premiere' sorority on campus - the one where somehow every girl was at least a 9 and had blonde hair. It crossed his mind that she could be interested in him. It's more likely she's already struggling and needs tutoring. The young man nodded his head at Bella again.

It was a silent walk from the academic building to an isolated area in the grass quad. Bella was preoccupied but still walked gracefully with her lean body. Wes stared at her from the corner of his eye and wondered what in the world she could want. It was not as if this was his first time being around her either. They had one class together each of the last two years and were part of the same project group at one point.

They stopped walking once they were under a large tree. "So, the reason I wanted to talk to you was- Well, you heard what happened, right? With me and my sorority and...?"

What the fuck is she talking about? He was socially active, but he didn't pay much attention to sorority gossip. After racking his brain, Wes shook his head. "No. What happened?"

"Ugh." Bella was disappointed that she had to tell her story. "I'm surprised you didn't hear because it seems everyone knows. Anyway, basically, I was at a rave off-campus and I got caught with some ecstasy. Like literally my first time ever doing it! And they actually charged me with a felony over it. So now, I am officially kicked out of my sorority, am on probation, and I have a record as a convicted criminal. All of that because of two little pills and some asshole anti-drug prosecutor that didn't want to give me a break."

Suddenly, Bella was less intimidating. "Wow. That's crazy they'd do that to you." Wes was truly amazed over how a small crime could damage someone's life so much, especially since he remembered Bella was a great student. Sure, he found her a tad annoying, but she was not a bad person. "I'm sorry that happened."


"So, why did you wanna talk to me?" Wes still had no clue what this had to do with him.

"Well, as you can imagine, my chances of getting a job out of school now are pretty much fucked. I had to tell the company I interned for about the felony, and they already told me they can't let me back next summer. So, since I can't do that, I figured it would be smart to start making a lot more money by growing my Instagram."

What attractive white girl isn't? "Okay. And what do you mean by that? How do want to grow it?"

"Wait... You don't know about my Insta account?" Bella seemed even more surprised by this news.

Wes shrugged his toned shoulders. "Nope. I don't really use Instagram outside of using it for marketing at work. Like, I use it, but I don't really follow anyone."

"Damn, you do like to stay out of the loop, ha-ha. I thought every guy at school at least knew about it. Anyway, I have this premium account that I charge money for. I have enough paid followers to make like $200 or $300 a month. But, I'm thinking it can be a lot bigger and actually be my job. I read that some women are making over 100k. So, I know it's weird that I'm asking you out of nowhere, but would you maybe be able to help me market it online. I know you're like insanely good at all this digital marketing stuff. I know it's crazy competitive, but I really think my account could be big if a lot of guys knew about it."

"Uh, wow. Um- okay, wow." Of all the reasons Wes considered why the stunning blonde would talk to him, this was far from any of them. Though, he had been sort of right that Bella was struggling with marketing and needed help. He obviously didn't have enough info yet to make a decision, but Bella had a good sob story - and he liked the idea of talking more with her. "So, you're right that this is ridiculously competitive and your odds of making it are low. But before we even talk about that, I guess my first questions are: How are guys finding you right now? Who is paying for it, and how much are they paying you? And, like, what do you do on your Insta?"

Bella was relieved that Wes didn't reject her outright. "Well, it's mostly just normal Instagram modeling stuff. I've been charging $5 a year. I know it's low, but I'm really trying to build up my subscriber base first and make it popular. And, to be honest, I think it's mostly guys on campus subscribing." She added, "And recently I also started charging $20 for private videos, but I only offer those to guys that I don't go to school with, for obvious reasons."

"Can I see your account?" Wes hoped that that didn't come out sounding like a desperate, horny guy.

"Yeah! Obviously you'll need to know what I do." Bella handed her phone to her classmate.

The Instagram account was a long series of stunning photos of Bella in lingerie, bikinis, tight dresses, and planned 'candids' from her normal day. Wes warmed up upon seeing some of her provocative poses, such as her with a lollipop held tightly into her cheek and her eyes flirtily glancing up and away. He looked up from the phone and imagined Bella, with her sizeable breasts, athletic body, and blue eyes, in the same lingerie she wore in her photos. He tried to figure out if her butt was photoshopped in her posts or if it truly was that nice under her clothes.

Wes now had a good idea as to what aesthetic Bella was going for. He handed the phone back. Not knowing if it was appropriate to compliment the gallery or not, Wes awkwardly said, "Ah, I see."

"Yeah," Bella chuckled, the dimples in her cheeks showing. "It's not something I show my parents."

"Yeah, I bet. I can see what guys are paying for now. So what's a private video? It seems like you make a lot more off of those."

Bella opened her mouth but got tongue-tied. "Um, before we talk a lot more about this and your pricing and all that stuff, is there a legit chance you're interested? I think you're like the perfect person for this. I just need to know that you're seriously considering helping me."

The idea of working with Bella and those photos was enticing. But Wes was too smart to fall for her charm. "Hmm. I mean, I need to launch my own career after graduating, and I can't be known for marketing a - uh - provocative Instagram account. I want to help you, but I can't risk my career to make some money now."

"Nobody will know you're helping me. I swear." Bella folded her hands in her plea. "I won't tell anyone you're involved. You can literally just tell me what to do to make my account blow up, and I'll do the work myself. You can be like a secret consultant. Please."

Wes considered the proposal. He could see how truly desperate Bella was, and he had a soft spot for helping people. "Ok. I need to know more, but you can consider me 'legit' interested. But, this is a new industry to me. I would need to do a lot of research to set up feedback analytics and market testing. I would also have to identify your target audience and figure out how to reach them online."

With some humor, Bella winked, "Well, I think my target audience is horny guys. And they can be found everywhere online."

Wes laughed as well. "You're kind of right. But it's not that simple. Most guys will like what you post. But only certain types are going to reach into their wallets and pay you for content. And you need to provide content that they will buy. I need to know what exact brand image you wanna sell."

"Ok." Bella breathed. "I think this shows what I'm going for. I've gotten the most money from stuff like this. Just promise you won't tell- well, I know you're not the guy to tell or show anyone. Do you have headphones?"

Wes took earbuds out of his backpack. With Bella's phone in his hands, he played a private video that Bella had made and sent to a paid follower.

The video began with Bella in her dorm room. She was in Lululemon tights and a revealing blue camisole. She was just brushing her blonde hair, and then suddenly, she turned to the camera, which was at eye height. "Oh, hey." Bella questioned, "What are you doing here?"

She proceeded to have a conversation with the camera as if the viewer were the other person in the room. From watching porn enough times, Wes knew this was a solo, point-of-view video that allowed the paid follower to imagine he was alone with Bella. The pretty Bella blushed at and flirted with the imaginary guy. "Well, it's cool you like the way my butt looks in my tights, but you shouldn't be talking like that. My boyfriend could come back at any moment," she urged. "No, I still haven't told him I let you grind on me last weekend." "Because it wasn't a big deal and it meant nothing. You had just won the big game earlier, I was tipsy, and it's whatever." "Ughh. I'm not going to tell you if I liked having your cock pressed against me. I have a boyfriend. You know that." "Oh, come on. Yeah, obviously yours is bigger. Maybe I don't care about cock size that much?" "Umm... yeah, I guess that was the first time grinding on a black guy. So what?"

Wes's eyebrows raised, and his eyes lifted from the horizontal screen. He looked at Bella. He was not judging her. He just found it interesting. Bella had a good idea as to where Wes was in the scene, and she was holding her arms in an antsy way. Wes turned his focus back to the video.

In the video, Bella seemed exasperated but still mildly flirty with the imaginary guy standing in her dorm room threshold. "Well, obviously. If that was my first time grinding on one, then obviously I've never fucked a black guy." "No, I am not interested in doing anything with you! I. have. a. Boyfriend," she clapped. "God, you are relentless. Yes, it felt good. If it didn't, then I wouldn't have danced with you. But that's all it was - dancing." Bella then blushed, "Well, I'm glad that my ass was the 'nicest one you've ever been pressed up against', but that was the only time." Bella gasped and smiled again. "I don't care if you thought you were gonna get to 'jizz on my tits'!" Bella touched the low cut of her blue top. "My friends pulled me away from you for a reason. And you can't talk to me like that. My boyfriend might hear. Why can't you just leave me alone?" Bella held her palms up, "What?! Are you kidding me? That's insane." She listened intently. "Ughh. You are so annoying. Fine, do you really mean it though? If I just touch your cock once, like literally just poke it, you will never talk to me again?" Bella listened again. She laughed in shock. "Oh, and I have to sit on your lap? Is that all? Wow, what a great deal. Who the hell do you think you are?!" A fed-up Bella rolled her eyes. "Thirty seconds? Do you seriously mean that? I'll do that. If that means you'll never talk to me again, I'll do it. So I touch your cock and sit on your lap for thirty seconds, and I'll never have to see you again?"

Wes could see that Bella's talents were in areas other than marketing. He watched as, predictably, she pretended to reach out and touch a guy's cock and sit on his lap while he 'accidentally' moved her around. She ended up in bed with her clothes off. In the final scene, with another camera angle, Bella used a long black dildo to pleasure herself as she begged the viewer to fuck her tight white pussy and use his black cock to pump his cum inside of her. Even though Wes was not the target audience, seeing Bella's taut naked body in bed like that, while she continually checked the door for her imaginary boyfriend, it was erotic as hell.

An engrossed Wes then watched as Bella brought herself to orgasm, a dildo deep inside her. Her blonde hair was splayed on her white pillows. She then told the viewer how good it was, and that he should come back later, and then she rushed him out the door.

When the video was over, Wes was horny and his forehead was hot. He held the phone out to Bella and stared at her blankly. She was nervous about his reaction. She was worried he might run away and tell everyone what he had seen.

"So, what are you thinking?" She asked sheepishly.

"Well, I didn't think you'd be doing that to yourself. And the target market you're going for was not what I expected." Wes was blunt and dry.

"So, are you scared off? I get if you don't wanna help me. Just please, please, please do not tell anyone."

"I'm not judging you. I'm not bothered by it." The male co-ed was honest. He glanced down and realized he had sprung an erection. A look of terror came over his face.

Bella, though, upon seeing the tent in Wes's shorts, was happy and relieved. "Oh good! You liked it, ha-ha. You don't need to worry about that. That's exactly what the vid's supposed to do."

Trying to focus back on business and not on his embarrassing situation, Wes asked, "So you make one of these and sell it to one person for $20? That seems like a lot of work for just $20."

"Oh, no, no. I make one of these and every paid follower can send me $20 for the video. Like, off this one I made $120."

"So only six people bought it?"

"Yeah... That's why I need a lot more followers, hah. Like followers who aren't UNC students."

"I mean, is your market mainly black guys? How did you decide on that? Did you see a need for it?"

After what Bella had just shown Wes, she figured she could be open about anything. "Kind of. I went to a club with friends last year and it ended up being almost all black guys there. And my friends are hot too, but the guys loved me. And, to be honest, I'm from, like, a rural, small town of all white people, so I think that's why it's kind of a hot fantasy for me too. Plus, a ton of white guys are into this stuff too. They think it's hot, just like you did. So it all works out."

Wes silently digested the information and analyzed the situation. This was not really just an Instagram account.

"So, are you still interested in helping me?" Bella nudged.

"Umm... Yeah, sure. Why the hell not?" Wes saw that his new friend was getting excited. "However, there are a few things first. If you want to be successful in a crowded market like this, you need to have a niche brand - which you do have - but you also need to live and sell that brand with all of your marketing. For example, based on your Instagram, I would never know you made videos like that."

"Well, like I said," Bella defended, "I don't want people here knowing that I'm going after that 'niche'. I get ridiculed and called a slut all the time by guys here for just the photos I post, and it's awful. We're still in North Carolina; not everyone on this campus is cool with this. Can you imagine if I came out publicly as the 'slutty, rich white girl who fantasized about being a black cock slut'?"

"Well, I think you just perfectly defined your new brand, hah. And based on what you just said, if I'm going to work with you, I think you're going to have to start all over again on a new platform other than Instagram. You need to sell your brand without worrying about people you know seeing it easily."

"Start all over?! I would lose all the money I make every month on Insta."

Wes shrugged. "I get why you'd be scared about that. But if you want the chance of blowing up and making a living off of this, it's the only way."

"Ok," Bella nodded. "I'll do whatever you suggest. You're the expert in this stuff."

"So, how do I get paid?" Wes bluntly asked. "I would charge an hourly rate, but you can't afford it until this blows up. How about a percentage of revenue? In the beginning, It would require a lot more work for me to do all the brand testing, all of the analytics to see what works, and figuring out how to reach your paying markets, and all that good stuff."

"I was thinking the same! I was thinking you can get 10-15%. Like, I'll do all the posting and reaching out to people and anything else. You would just need to tell me who to reach out to, how to go about it, and what posts work best. Then, if I make $100k this year, you'd get $15,000!"

"Yeah, it would be worth it if you made that much every year," Wes winced. "But if you don't, then I'd be putting in tons of work at the beginning for 15% of the $300 you'll make in the first couple of months while we get started. At that point, I'd almost feel bad taking $45 from you."

In a change of posture, Bella coyly shrugged. "What if in the beginning, I paid you another way?"

Wes was caught off guard. "What do you mean?" He had a good idea but didn't want to risk jumping to conclusions.

"Is there anything I can do for you to make helping me worth your time before I blow up?" Bella noticed that Wes had changed a lot recently, and he now had a clean-shaven face with sharp features. She wondered if she would be offering this deal even if her marketing partner was unappealing. But, fortunately, she was not faced with that dilemma.

Wes, however, did not expect to be in this position, and it seemed too good to be true. "Don't you have a boyfriend?"

The sexy classmate cracked up. "No, no. I don't. That's just something I made up for the videos to make them seem naughtier. Is there anything you want? You can literally ask for anything and I won't judge you. I can always just say no. You've been so cool with me, and I really want you to end up helping me."

Despite how badly Wes wanted it, he knew he could not have something so great come into his life without paying a price. When is life ever like that? "Don't you think it's a bad idea for us to be involved in any way if we're working together? Wouldn't that make things awkward or create tension?"

Bella immediately shook her head confidently. "No, of course not. I mean, I don't do anything with any guys on campus anymore since my Insta blew up. But, I know you're quiet, and I need you on board. So, if you need an extra incentive to take a risk, then I'm fine with helping you. And I think we both know that you find me a little annoying, so there's, like, no chance of any will-they-won't-they stuff." Wes wondered how she knew he felt that way about her. Bella then calmly stated, "I'd just providing a service for you just like you're providing one for me. So, just tell me how I can help you get on board."

"I'd like a blowjob." Wes was surprised at how he blurted that out without thinking.