Just Get It Over With


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She said, "Look, at this moment in time, you and I have clean records. We've never gotten into serious trouble, our grades have always been good. We're such fucking goodie-goodies that I can see you actually blushing because I just used the F-word."

He uttered a nervous chuckle.

Stephanie continued, "Anyway, Dad would have to find out first, wouldn't he? I mean, come on." She jumped up and let her tits bounce noticeably before him before turning and heading toward the bar. "Come here."

He quickly got up and went to the bar. She went behind it and he sat on a stool on the outside. She started looking at all the bottles. "We should probably stick to something that he has a good supply of. He'll definitely notice if we empty the final few sips of one of his fancy scotches, but here look." She grabbed a bottle of Skyy vodka that was already opened and three-quarters full. "We could do a few shots of this and Dad would never notice."

"We could probably drain it and Dad wouldn't notice," Greg said. To answer Stephanie's puzzled look, he added, "You know Dad, he only likes the good high-end stuff. I even heard him say 'shit like Skyy is for when the neighbors visit and want stupid Cosmopolitans or Lemon Drops.'"

Stephanie laughed openly, quite fully aware that her breasts moved and swayed nicely to her laughter. Greg of course definitely noticed this, too, but he also laughed as well.

She said, "You do a good impression of Dad. And you definitely are very observant of what he likes to drink. Okay, so we'll stick to the bottom shelf stuff." She added with a wink, "I mean, we're still teenagers, so I guess that's sort of what's expected of us, right?"

"Oh yeah," Greg said. "He's got that Chopin vodka there, too, which he has mentioned is damned expensive, but I know I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the two, because he's never given me the chance!"

Stephanie smiled at her brother. "Okay, so we're really doing this. What do you want?"

Greg grimaced. "Oh god, I have no idea. I think I might just steal one of his beers out of the fridge."

"Boring!" Stephanie cried out. "We're going for the hard stuff. Tell you what, I'll make you a vodka with cranberry juice, on the rocks. You won't taste much alcohol in that."

"You really know your drinks," Greg said, "after only one year of college."

"It's college," Stephanie said with another wink. "To be honest, I only drank at one party, just a couple shots of nasty tequila. Go get some ice, please." When he was back she started mixing his beverage. "This will only be the second time I've drank in months. Here you go."

He leaned back. "No way, I'm not touching that until you have one too. For all I know you have a spy cam hidden somewhere, and you're trying to catch me in a sting!"

"You've seen way too many cop shows." She laughed and started making her own drink, a vodka tonic. She raised her glass. "To being bad sometimes!"

"Here here!" They clinked.

An hour later they were starting their third drink. Stephanie had a good buzz going, and she knew Greg wasn't feeling any pain either. This was where she wanted them to be. Liquid courage for both of them once she revealed her plan.

Greg was getting a little wobbly on the stool, so she suggested they head back to the den. He plopped on the couch, nearly spilling his drink, and she sat in Dad's recliner near him. It was now or never.

"Greg," she said quietly, twirling the ice in her glass. "I need to tell you something, and then I have a proposition, and I want you to keep an open mind and let me say what I have to say before you respond, okay?"

As usual, Greg had been pretty much focused on Stephanie's tits, but after hearing what she said he once again made good eye contact. He could tell she was serious, and he suddenly had a worried look on his face. It endeared him to her.

"Don't look so upset," she said. "I promise you that I am not mad at you. I am not upset. I am just concerned about a little something, and I want to just get it out there and find a way to move past it."

He stared at her, right in her eyes. "My god, Steph, what did I do?" He was genuinely nervous.

She realized she was only inadvertently building this up to something bigger than it was, so she took another gulp of her drink and dove in. "Greg...for a long time now you have developed...kind of a bad habit." She took another drink. "In fact, you're doing it now."

Greg blinked, and for what seemed like the first time he realized what he was doing. He had let his gaze drop back to her breasts. When he glanced up at her eyes again she nodded.

"Yes," she said softly. "That's it. I really, really would prefer that you stop openly staring at my chest. It is very awkward for me. And if you do this to other girls it will make them feel awkward too. It will make some feel objectified, and a few probably even angry."

Greg looked down again, but this time way down, into his own lap. Without looking he set his drink on the side table and put his hands to his face. In a muffled voice he said, "Oh god, Steph, I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry."

"Greg, it's-"

"No, no! I'm so embarrassed. I'm an idiot, please don't hate me."

It was clear from his tone that her brother was genuinely ashamed. Stephanie had wanted to send a clear message, but she did not want to make him feel like a complete pervert. She set her own drink down and moved next to him, putting her hand on his back. He winced at her touch at first, as if he was thinking of literally running away, but he settled down eventually. They sat for several minutes in silence. She thought he might have cried a little. One thing for sure is that he was no longer looking at her. Not just her breasts but her whole person. He was practically turning his body away from her.

"Greg, look at me."

"No way."

"Greg, seriously. Look at me."

Slowly he lifted his face from his hands and moved his head towards her. But it was almost silly; his eyes were closed.

"Greg, it's okay, I swear. Open your eyes."

He slowly cracked one eye open, then the other, both watery. But both focused squarely on her own eyes.

"See, I know you can do this. When you focus, you can do this."

He blinked slowly. "But I'm still an idiot. You think I'm a pervert."

"No," she said quickly. "I don't, I swear. It's not like that." She took one of his hands in hers, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "In fact, in an odd way, I'm rather flattered."

He gave a nervous giggle, "Really?"

"Yes, I mean...I'm fortunate to have a...full figure, and girls do like to be admired by guys."

"But I'm your brother."

"Yes, and that's part of it. A big part, obviously. But I also want to help you with this, because I care for you, and I want to help you to avoid awkward situations with other girls, girls you may want to date."

"How can you help me?" he asked, innocently.

"That leads us to my proposition," she said, reaching for her drink, then handing him his. They each took another sip, and she continued: "I think part of your issue is that you're curious of the unknown."

"Curious of the unknown?"

She nodded. "Let's just get blunt here. Boys like boobs. You definitely like boobs. And I've got big boobs. Huge ones."

"Enormous ones!" he blurted, then went beet-red.

Stephanie let herself laugh. "Exactly! Monster boobs! It's okay, that's what the booze is for, to just acknowledge the elephant in the room."

"You mean the two elephants in the-oh, that doesn't really make sense."

"But now you're getting the point. In this moment we are going to be open about my boobs and your obsession with them. So, you ready to hear my proposition?"

"Sure," he said, brining his glass to his lips.

"I'm going to let you see them."

Greg didn't quite pull off the cliche spit take, but he came damned close and managed to put his hand to his mouth as his sip of vodka cranberry nearly blasted into Stephanie's face.

Then there was understandably a long awkward moment of silence.

Stephanie broke it: "The idea came to me when we watched Naked and Afraid." She saw her brother's eyes start to get really wide, but she quickly added, "No, I'm not suggesting that the two of us get completely nude and start rummaging for food in the back yard. I mean, to just get it out of your system, to just get it over with, I am willing to let you look at my naked breasts."

He just stared at her.

"There are conditions," she said at last.

Greg sat back a little, completely ignoring his drink now. He said quietly, "Why would you do that?"

She swallowed, suddenly getting a little nervous. "Like in the show. We just get it over with. You get a good long look at my boobs, then the mystery is gone. You'll get it out of your system, and then moving forward I'll be able to walk in the same room as you, start a conversation, and know that my brother is talking to me, not to my tits."

He was clearly trying to process this, but something she had just said finally sank in, and he asked, still quietly, almost in a whisper, "What are the conditions?"

"Well," she said, her nervousness temporarily becoming masked by the more conniving twist to this scheme, "you need to make it worth my while."

"In what way?"

Stephanie suddenly realized she pretty much had her brother hooked. He was probably rationalizing that if there was even a one-percent chance of being able to look at his sister's naked breasts, he was willing to consider agreeing to just about any condition.

She tried not to grin.

She said, "That list of chores we have to complete before our parents get back...I want you to do my half as well as yours."

Greg appeared to contemplate this for a moment. He asked, "Fully exposed or in a bra?"

"Fully exposed."

"If I agree, how long?"

"How long what?"

"How long do I get to look at them?"

Stephanie hesitated. She knew she'd have to give him a "good long look," but she hadn't actually considered an exact timeframe. She began the more bizarre negotiation of her life.

"A full minute."

He laughed.

She blushed. "Well, how long were you thinking?"

He shrugged. "The weekend."

It was Stephanie's turn to almost do a spit take. "The weekend!? Are you insane?"

He shrugged gain, "I figured you could just go topless for the rest of the weekend while we do our chores. Sort of like how the two contestants went about their business after they got the awkwardness out of the way."

Needing a minute to think, and seeing that they had both just finished their drinks, Stephanie used this as an excuse to grab their glasses and take them to the bar. She emptied the ice from the glasses into the sink and called back to him, "No way."

Greg got up and moved back to the stool. When she looked at him she was pleasantly surprised that his gaze was squarely on her eyes. He was getting into this. His liquid courage was definitely kicking in.

He said, "If you want me to do every one of your chores, in addition to mine, I think I deserve more than just sixty seconds." He pointed to the bottle of vodka and she took the cue to start making fresh drinks. She didn't think they should be drinking any more, but keeping busy with her hands helped her think.

Greg started up again, "How about an hour per chore."

"An hour per?"

"Yeah," he said. He popped into the kitchen and came back with the list. "You had thirteen tasks to complete. How many have you done so far?"

She handed him his drink and glanced at the list. "Four," she said.

"Okay," he said, taking the list back. "So nine hours of you topless as I complete the rest of the tasks. So basically one topless day instead of the whole weekend."

"Greg, no fucking way."

He laughed and put a hand up. "Okay, okay. So then I'll still offer you an hour per chore. I do two chores, I get two hours. If you only think you can handle one hour, I only do one of your chores."

Stephanie shook her head and took a sip. "You're still thinking I'd even be willing to go topless for a full hour. That's out of the question."

"So then how long were you thinking you'd be willing to go?" He took his own sip, "Because it had better be a hell of a lot longer than one lousy minute!"

"God, Greg," she said, shaking her head again. "I guess I was thinking...maybe...I don't know, five minutes. Tops."

She could tell that he was disappointed, but at the same time she had just given him a very specific length of time during which he could stare at his own sister's naked boobs. He was definitely in Dreamland if he thought he'd get an hour, let alone nine, but five minutes would be a good enough time to memorize every detail of her breasts, every curve, each pert nipple, the size of her aureolas, even the barely visible little veins under her warm soft skin...

"Ah hell," he blurted. "I give in. I'll take the five minutes, but I'm only doing half of your remaining chores." He glanced at the list again. "So...say five chores, five maximum!"

She jumped on this, "But I get to choose which five!"


They clinked glasses and Stephanie finally thought holy shit what have I just agreed to do!


Drinks in hand the siblings went into the den once more. Greg took his usual place back on the couch. Stephanie stood in front of the couch. She figured she would just whip off her shirt, unclasp her bra and stand there, probably close her eyes, and let him stare with wild abandon. But she needed something else first. She grabbed her iPhone off the coffee table and set a timer for five minutes. She would start the time and then take her shirt off. That would give her just a few extra seconds of modesty, and she doubted he'd complain once he was staring at her pink nipples.

She looked at her brother. Amazingly, and somewhat ironically, he was watching her eyes, not the part of her that she was about to expose. His gaze actually made her self-conscious, so she said, "You know, it's the last time, but for the next few minutes you're actually allowed to stare directly at my chest."

"I know," he said, his eyes not wavering from hers, "I will."

She let out a long breath. "Okay then, time for the show." She took another sip, a big sip, realizing she would have to set her drink down to take off her top. She started to do so, then stopped, realizing she had other conditions. "Wait, one ground rule."

His eyes narrowed. "Which is?"

She said, "No touching."

He blinked at her.

"Yes, exactly how that sounds. No touching me, and...no touching yourself."

He snorted into his glass. "I think I can handle that."

"Okay..." A bit more hesitation, a couple more sips.

"Steph," he said, "just get it over with."

"Yes," she replied. "You're right. Just get it over with." With that, she set down the glass, took another big breath, and reached for the bottom of her shirt. Now that she was committed, she made it quick. Off came the shirt, and when her shirt was momentarily covering her face heard her brother gasp in surprise, probably to this moment not expecting her to actually do it, and then she reached back and unclasped her bra. She was about to let it drop, but she suddenly realized she'd forgotten to start her timer!

With the clasp undone she held the bra cups up to her overflowing breasts and said, "Greg, please start my timer!"

"What? Oh!" He set his glass down and grabbed her iPhone. "Um...the phone is locked."

"Shit," she said realizing that although she wasn't fully exposed Greg was getting a good several extra seconds of his bra-clad sister. "It's four-four-five-five-six-six, quickly please."

"Got it." He opened her phone and got it going.

"Thank you." She hesitated again until he sat down, and she could see this time, finally, he was very clearly staring at her chest. "Here we go." She relaxed her ams and shucked out of her bra, letting it drop to her side.

Stephanie was now topless, naked, fully exposed from the waist up. Her brother drank it in. His mouth went slack and his eyes glazed over. Stephanie felt very weird about it, so she closed her eyes as she told herself she would. All she could do now was hold up her end of the bargain. Instinctively, she reached up and gave her breasts the briefest of squeezes as she always habitually did after removing a bra she'd worn all day. She caught herself and dropped her hands, but not before she heard almost a groan from Greg.

Jesus, she thought. I'm doing it. I'm letting my brother get it out of his system. Once and for all.

Seconds ticked by...how much longer, how much longer? She asked that out loud.

"You'll know when the timer goes off," Greg replied in a throaty tone.

With her eyes closed, and being so buzzed, Stephanie felt a bit wobbly, and when she sensed that she was perhaps leaning a bit too far in one direction she abruptly straightened herself. She heard another gasp from Greg and realized that her sudden movement had made her large breasts jiggle and sway.

And her arms were getting tired. She lowered them somewhat and rested her hands on her hips at first. Then she slowly reached back and let her hands clasp behind the small of her bare back. It occurred to her that this would have the effect of making her already large breasts thrust out just a little more and make quite the eyeful for her brother. She also realized that he was enjoying the gaze of not just her boobs, but her smooth flat tummy and slender shoulders as well. The image of her beauty and sensuality would be burned into his brain in these short minutes, and she hoped it would be enough to carry on like a normal brother and sister afterwards...

She felt wobbly again and decided to open her eyes. It was no surprise to her that her brother's gaze was squarely on her big bare breasts. She still felt self-conscious, but she was committed to her bargain. She only wished she knew how much time was left, surely just another minute or two, but she couldn't tell for sure because her brother had set her phone face-down on the coffee table.

Looking at brother, Stephanie regarded how intently he was staring at her. He was leaning forward, his eyes slightly squinted, as if she were a hundred yards away. He clearly wanted to take in every detail, every minuscule freckle, the color of her flesh, her nipples...her nipples...

Stephanie glanced down at her own breasts and found that her nipples were absolutely rock hard. She wished she could blame it on the cold, but the room was quite warm. She had to admit that her nipples were hard for purely sensual reasons. She was naked in front of her own brother, yes, but there was a slowly creeping thrill affecting her due to the fact that she was voluntarily exposing herself to a man who was openly gazing. It was a moment of pure exhibitionism and voyeurism. She didn't recall being intrigued by exhibitionism or voyeurism before, but now that she was engaging in it, she found that it was exciting. Perhaps even...a turn-on?

She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, telling herself that she couldn't possibly get turned on. Not in front of her brother! She could fantasize later all she wanted about flashing her tits to other guys, and perhaps she could experiment with the idea during private moments of masturbation in bed or in the shower. But not here, in the den, with Greg!

She opened her eyes again, trying to remain calm, willing the countdown clock to go faster, but then something else sent her already rapid heart rate in to overdrive: Greg was adjusting himself! He was so enthralled with his sister's naked breasts that he must've formed tunnel vision, not even remotely realizing that she had her eyes open and was witnessing him reach to his jeans-covered crotch and adjust what was clearly a fully grown-