Just One Time

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A loving marriage is tested when fantasy beckons.
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Thanks as always to Todger65 for editing. There is a married couple in this story and they have sex with other people. All that I ask is that you read the entire story before you make up your mind about it. I do appreciate your comments and thank you for taking the time to read my stories.

Just One Time

A loving marriage is tested when fantasy beckons


Kim and I have been married for ten wonderful years. We were friends for a few years before we became lovers, and I think that made all the difference. We knew and liked each other before we ever got intimate. When we finally let ourselves go and made love for the first time it was life-changing. It was also the moment I knew, and she agrees that she knew, we were soul mates.

Our marriage was one of open honesty, and that is much more difficult to accomplish than one would think. Successfully married couples will tell you that communication is the key, but what they won't tell you is that wives keep some things from their husbands and their husbands keep some things from their wives. Most wives won't share with their husbands their dirty little fantasies about their brother-in-law. Just as the husbands won't share their dirty little fantasies about the wives' best friends.

That's not necessarily a bad thing. Some things are better left unsaid. Things that a spouse never intended to follow through on and that would only hurt their spouse's feelings if they knew. Fantasy is all fun and games because it's fantasy and the rules don't apply. Reality? Now that is another thing entirely. The average couple faced with the opportunity to fuck someone outside their marriage will seldom seriously consider following through with it. Monogamy has been ingrained for their entire lives and moving outside of that is where the dangerous things are. Things that end marriages.

Kim and I worked hard at being open and honest with each other. I'm sure I've had random fantasies during the day that I forgot as quickly as they popped into my head, but that's a guy thing in my opinion. Guys fantasize a lot. I know that Kim does as well. The difference is that hers are much more nuanced and thoughtful. She latches onto an idea and fleshes out the full story. For her, it's about the seduction more than the culmination of it. That said, she can be very descriptive about the sex and the differences from our normal lovemaking that she finds exciting. Things I'm very dutiful about integrating into our sex life.

Sharing our fantasies has helped keep the spice in our bedroom. A couple can fall into a sexual rut after ten years of marriage. Fortunately for Kim and me, our ruts have been shallow and short. I love to touch her, excite her, and make her orgasm over and over again. She has never been shy about showing how much she loves sex with me. She doesn't suck my cock as an obligatory step to the main event. She loves to suck my cock and we have spent many an evening with her head in my lap while we watched TV. She would gently caress my cock and occasionally lick it or suck it deep into her mouth. The constant tease and build-up drive us both crazy.

We were snuggling in bed and I was trying to get a feel for her mood. It was my typical, Does she seem interested or is she tired? Of course, after this many years together we both knew the signs. Subtle movements on her part were all it took to express her need for sex, or sleep. I still went through my mental exercise for two reasons. The first is that I loved to make love to my wife. I love to watch her let herself go and totally commit to the ecstasy. The second, and just as important reason is that I never want to take her for granted. I study her moods, her body language, and her gestures, and I analyze her words. I do that not because I have trust issues, but because she fascinates me. She has gifted me with the greatest love of my life and I want to be the best husband I can be. I have to pay attention to be the best.

This night my thoughts of sex were washed away quickly. Something was heavy on her mind. I let her think about it for a while, knowing that she would talk when she was ready. This night was odd though. She was much more hesitant than her personality would usually allow. Kim is a strong, beautiful, and intelligent woman. She isn't shy about sharing her thoughts and normally doesn't hesitate to share everything with me. I was growing concerned and decided to give her a nudge to get her going, "Kim, there is obviously something preying on your mind. Please, just start talking and we'll go from there."

Still, she hesitated for several minutes before finally letting out a sigh and turning in my arms to face me, "There was an office-wide announcement today. Shawn is leaving the company. He'll be moving to the West coast to take over a subsidiary as CEO."

I waited. I knew there was more coming. Shawn had been the subject of several fantasy conversations between us. He was a tall, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, hunk of a man that had most of the women in her office swooning. He was unmarried and very eligible, yet his reputation at the office was sparkly clean. If he ever had an office romance nobody found out about it.

Shawn didn't want a random affair with one of the office girls. He had set his sights much higher. He wanted Kim and made no bones about it. I'd met the guy on several occasions and he'd always treated me with respect, but he didn't try to hide his attraction to Kim. Kim had been right up front with him that she hid nothing from me and there was no way in hell that she would ever have an affair with him. That didn't stop him from trying. She told me every time that he did.

The announcement that he was leaving should have thrilled me, but instead, I felt a tightening in my chest. I had the feeling I was about to hear something I didn't want to. The thing is that Kim has been keeping a secret from Shawn. She does in fact find him very attractive. His attempts to seduce her do turn her on, though she has so far successfully made him think she's immune to his ardor. My heart was hammering in my chest as I waited for her next words.

She was having trouble meeting my eyes as she continued, "He has to fly to Chicago on Wednesday to do the final training on his project and will fly out to LA on the Sunday following."

She hesitated for a minute and I gave her the time she needed to collect her thoughts, "He needs someone to help with the training and keep things organized. He asked me to go. I told him I would talk to you, and if you approved, then I would go. I would fly out with him on Wednesday and would come home on Sunday evening."

My hand squeezed her shoulder, "You would have training on the weekend?"

She looked at me fearfully, "No."

I did my best to leave my face expressionless, "Tell me the rest, Kim. Don't torture me."

Her hand came up to touch my face and a fought to keep from flinching. I knew what my wife was going to tell me and I don't think she's ever made me more hurt and afraid. She looked at me with such love that it confused the hell out of me, "Understand me, husband. You are my life, my love, my everything. He is none of those things. I don't have romantic feelings for him. He's a fantasy on two feet and I would like to experience that. Not because you are less than what I need. You are more than I could have ever dreamed of. I don't have to have this, but I want this if you can find a way to allow me. He'll be leaving on Sunday, and I, we, will never see him again. I would like your permission to be with him before he leaves."

An involuntary tear leaked from my eye, "Is this the end of us, Kim? Am I losing you?"

She threw her arms around my neck, "Never, baby, never. I love you with all my being. If you don't want me to be with him I won't. It's something I really want, but I won't hurt you, hurt us, to get it."

My mind was in turmoil and I couldn't find words for the longest time, "I need to think about this."

She kissed my cheek, "I know honey and I'm sorry to spring this on you, but I had no control over the timing. I have to let him know in the morning so they can arrange our flight."

I climbed out of bed and went downstairs to the living room. I sat back on the couch in the dark room, unable to wrap my heart around her request. I don't know how long I sat there, but at some point, she joined me. She sat down on my lap, saw the tears on my face, and started to cry. I held her close as she wept against me until she finally could speak, "Ben, I'm so sorry I hurt you. I never meant to. We talked about Shawn a lot and I thought you would either get into the fantasy of it or be adamant in your refusal. I love you with all my heart and I'm so sorry. It isn't that important so, let's just forget it. Will you forgive me, please?"

I held her tight against me. I felt like a weak selfish ass. Yes, she's my wife and I had every right to be upset and concerned, but what had she really done? She came to me and told me what she wanted. She didn't demand anything and didn't hide anything. She could have easily gone on the trip without telling me anything but that it was necessary for work. She could have hidden it from me and easily gotten what she wanted, but she didn't. She took the chance and told me, knowing that my likely answer would be "Hell no!"

She asked a question that a husband never wants to hear in the best way possible. I knew that she was sincere in her regret for hurting me. In her mind, he wasn't a threat to our marriage. He was at best a sex fantasy made real for a few days, then gone. I think any caring man would feel that some failure on his part led to such a question and I wasn't immune, "Kim, is there something you need that you aren't getting from me?"

Her head was nestled against my neck as she whispered, "Never my love. You give me everything, in bed and out. I'm a selfish bitch for even asking you. I'm so very sorry. I'll tell him I'm not going tomorrow. It's not worth causing you pain."

I didn't say anything until I got her tucked back in bed, "I love you with all my heart, Kim. Go to sleep. I'm fine, but I'm not ready to sleep just yet."

I sat on the bed and watched as she slipped off to sleep, then wandered back to the living room. She found me sitting there in the morning. She was dressed for work and looked exceptionally beautiful to me. She was shocked to see me, "Oh my god, honey! Have you been up all night? I thought you had already left for work."

I stood and walked over to her, "Sorry about your makeup."

She looked at me puzzled then I felt her smiling lips as mine met hers. I kissed her with longing, passion, and love. I kissed her thoroughly and deeply. When I was done she was breathing hard and her makeup needed some work.

I looked into her eyes, "You are my most precious treasure. Your love and happiness are everything to me."

I choked a little with what I said next, "Being with Shawn is something that would make you happy and if you didn't do it you would always wonder how it could have been. In the end, keeping you from this would drive something between us. You would always know that I didn't trust you enough or love you enough to let you have this experience.

"I'll be honest, Kim. This scares me. I'm afraid of so many things that could go wrong and what our life will be like when it's over, but I love you too much to hold you back. If you really want to be with him during your trip, then you have my permission. I'll be right here when you get home."


I called the office and took a sick day. I was exhausted mentally and physically. I meandered around the house in a daze for a while before exhaustion drove me to bed. I don't remember falling asleep. Sounds in the house woke me and I rushed downstairs to see who was in our house.

I went into the kitchen as Kim and her best friend Abbie walked in. Kim had bags from Victoria's Secret and a few others from boutiques I had heard of, but never shopped at. We all jumped when I entered the room.

Kim gave me a nervous smile, "Hi, Babe. I was told to take the day off since I'm working the weekend."

Abbie grinned, "We went shopping for her trip!"

I nodded, "Yeh, I see that." I left the room before Kim could see the tears forming. I took a shower and was pulling on my boxer briefs when Kim came into the room, "I'm sorry Dan, but I have to go. I didn't know you were going to be home and I made an appointment."

Naturally, I was curious, "Appointment for what?"

She blushed, "At the spa."

She was preparing herself for him and it nearly crushed me, "Oh... OK. When do you leave?"

"Tomorrow morning. I'm being picked up by the company driver at seven."

I nodded and she turned to leave, went out the bedroom door, and almost caught me breaking down when she suddenly ran back in. She ran over to me, leaned down, and kissed me, "I love you, Dan. Now and always. I won't do this if it makes you sad. I can't do this if it hurts you."

I nodded, "I admit it's hard. Seeing you preparing for him, buying new lingerie for him, it hurts because you've never done anything like this for me. I feel like you are moving on to someone new. Then I think I'm just being a selfish prick.

"Can you put yourself in my place for a moment? What if it was me getting ready to spend days with another woman? Suddenly I'm going out of my way to dress just right, look just right, and be as attractive as I can be, for someone else. Please believe me honey when I tell you that I want this for you because it will make you happy and give you a fantasy made real. I just don't like feeling I'm being left behind not only physically, but in your life."

Her face was wracked with emotion as she looked at me, "I will never, ever leave you behind. You are always in my heart and I will return to you. I promise."

She looked away, "I have thought about being in your shoes. I think about it constantly and I know that this is all so unfair to you. I'm asking you to let me be with another man and all you get is waiting for me to come home. It isn't fair, or good for us, that you suffer so I can live a fantasy. I know the gift you are giving me and what it is costing you. I don't know how I will ever be able to give you anything near that value, but I will spend the rest of my life trying. Now, tell me, Dan. Do I go or do I stay?"

I managed to smile, "You have to go. That's the only path forward now. If you don't, it will be a shadow hanging over us until it tears us apart. When you go, I risk losing my everything, for the best chance at keeping you. It's a no-brainer."

Kim kissed me softly, "I've never felt so loved, or loved someone the way I love you. I have to go."

She stood and ran her hand through my hair before turning and walking out of the bedroom. I sat and tried desperately to get my brain to accept that my wife was going to have sex with another man, not just once, but over days. I was terrified.

I was rapidly getting myself worked up when I heard a knock at the bedroom door. I looked up startled to see Abbie standing in the doorway, "Oh, hey Abbie. I didn't know that you were still here."

She moved toward the bed, "Dan, can we talk for a bit?"

Please don't tell me Kim's having an affair with Shawn. Please don't, "Ah, sure."

She sat down next to me and took my hand, "Kim told me about her trip. Everything about it. Dan, I...I think you are the most wonderful husband on the planet. I know Kim feels that way too. Dan, you have to believe me when I say Shawn is just a fantasy. He doesn't have her heart and he never will. She loves you with all her heart and she will come home to you."

I shrugged, "When she comes home how can things ever be the same? How can she settle for me when she's had her fantasy man? I'm agreeing to this because there is a slim chance our marriage will survive. If I refused her I don't think it would. I'm not agreeing because I'm some fucking wonderful husband. I'm agreeing because I'm selfish and I want to keep her."

Abbie squeezed my hand, "I'm sure you've asked her to think about this from your perspective, but have you looked at it from hers?"

I was confused, "How would I do that? Having sex with Shawn doesn't do a thing for me."

Abbie chuckled, "No, dumbass. OK, for example, what about you and me?"

I'll admit I was stunned. Stunned and intrigued. Abbie had been my wife's best friend since before we were married. She was Kim's Maid of Honor at our wedding. We've always gotten along well, extremely well actually. She's funny, smart, and beautiful. Kim is well aware of how attracted I am to her friend and she is also well aware that I would never do anything about it.

Abbie was watching my face, "Think about it. What if you and I had Kim's permission to spend five days together exploring our desire for each other? You do desire me don't you Dan? I know I've fantasized about you for years. I swear Kim shares stuff with me just to get me horny. She has me very curious about certain anatomical features on your strong, muscular body."

I looked at her curiously, "This isn't just something to ponder is it?"


I was suddenly angry, "Did Kim ask you to do this?"

Her thumbs caressed my brow and immediately calmed me, "No dumbass, I asked her."

I'll admit that over the last day and a half, I had been stunned a lot, and I was again, "What did Kim have to say about that?"

Abbie smiled, "Her exact words were, 'It took you long enough to ask. I've been expecting you to for years."

"Yeh, I had the same look you have when she said that. I asked her what her answer would have been if I had asked her years ago and she said it would have always been yes. She said that she loves us and it would make her happy to know that we enjoyed each other."

"You saw the bags she carried in this afternoon. More than half of them are mine. I'm taking vacation time starting tomorrow and won't go back to work until Monday. I would hate to spend it alone."

She leaned in and kissed my lips. The tip of her tongue caressed my lip, then she kissed my cheek, before moving her mouth next to my ear. She gave my ear a little nip with her teeth, "Think about it. Talk to Kim. She'll let me know what you decide."

She gave me a serious look, "But know this mister. I want you. I want your hard cock in me. I want your mouth on my aching pussy. I want you to fuck me and make me scream. When I play with myself I always think of you and I have for years. You're giving Kim her fantasy. Please give me mine."

She stood and smiled down at me, "Now if you will pardon me, I have an appointment at the spa. I do have a question though. Do you like a landing strip or a fully bald pussy?"

"la-la-landing str-strip."

She winked and left. I decided I should exercise my brain a bit and look at things from Kim's point of view.

There is quite a contrast between Kim and Abbie. My Kim is five-foot-nine and it seems like most of it is her amazing legs. Her long brown hair frames a full and beautiful face with big green eyes, a pert nose, and full lips. Her breasts are firm and upturned C-cups and her ass is taught and round. She has a two-finger gap between her legs and the most perfect pussy I've ever seen.

Abbie stands at maybe five-foot-two and has the build of a gymnast who's a bit top-heavy. Long blonde hair, blue eyes, a pixie-like nose, and full kissable lips round out the sweetest face I've ever seen. Her C-cups grew in, ending her gymnastics career, but kicking off her cheerleading. Something she had done through college. She's one of the happiest people I've ever met and her constant teasing and flirting over the years has convinced me that she's got to be a firecracker in bed.

Was I excited at the prospect? Absofuckinglutely! Did that change my apprehension about Kim and Shawn? Not for a fucking second. The reality was that instead of going down one very dangerous path, we were now considering going down two.