Justin Thyme Ch. 17


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"Thank you, Rosie. How did you know I needed that?"

Rosemary just giggled back, "Because I know how I feel when I've been away from him, and I didn't even have Susie asking me about it, poor girl!"

Stephanie slipped off of me, and my cock, which was still hard since I didn't come popped out. Rosemary saw it and grinned. "I guess I must have drained you pretty well, didn't I? Do you have anything left in there?" She crawled on top and quickly slipped my cock into her very wet pussy and started riding me again.

I knew I wouldn't last very long, and she was pretty excited from our earlier coupling and then watching Stephie. It didn't take long before she started coming. Quickly she gasped, "Come with me, Justin. Look at Stephie's nipples, and come with me."

I looked over at Stephanie, and as Rosemary bottomed out on me and quivered through her orgasm mine quickly coursed up through my cock and into her pussy. It wasn't a big one, as orgasms go, but it was very pleasant. I had just made love to both of my women, with their eager compliance. Rosemary pulled Stephanie to us, and again I had two women pressed up against me, sharing my love. I gently kissed Stephanie, and then Rosemary, and my eyes fluttered closed.


Michael woke early and took advantage of the hotel's breakfast buffet before going back to his room to gather his belongings. He checked out and was waiting outside the front doors for his ride fifteen minutes before Pete was due. He didn't want to make Pete wait, and he was anxious to get the day going to be certain he would be done in time to make the flight home. Several times during the night he woke up thinking about Justin's calls and texts. Curiosity was building, now that the experiences of the day in Illinois were over.

Realizing he was wool-gathering, Michael pulled his thoughts back to his task at hand. He really had no idea of the kind of reception he was facing once he got to UP headquarters. He had to meet with the number two person in IT and develop enough of a working relationship to ascertain if he could actually be of service to the railroad or not.

He was seated on a small bench outside the doors enjoying the morning breeze. He glanced up to see a car pull under the porte-cochere, but it was not Pete's, and he looked down again, perusing the screen on his iPhone. In the back of his mind he heard his name called and glanced up, to see Ben Jorgenson standing by the car.

"I'm so sorry, Ben! I didn't see Pete's car, so I didn't pay attention to you. My apologies!"

Ben just laughed. "None are needed. When you concentrate you really concentrate, don't you. I called you three times."

Michael turned red with embarrassment. "I guess I do. Mom is always getting after me for it."

"I told Pete I would pick you up this morning. I need to pick your brain a bit before we get to the office. Pete and I discussed matters at length last night, trying to determine our best way forward at this point, and we would like your assistance."

"I'll do anything within my power for you. That's why I'm here."

"I thank you for that. Actually, you are here to take a look at our programming and to make recommendations on it. To this point you haven't even had opportunity to look at it, but today I would also like your evaluation of two people from your side of things, if you will. We have two people that Pete and I are discussing for promotion to head IT, but I'm not really qualified to evaluate them as well as I would like. If you could keep them in mind as you also look at our IT needs it would be helpful."

"I'm not certain I'm qualified to make that sort of evaluation, but I'll be happy to give you my thoughts. You will have to make the decision, though."

"Absolutely. We have two people, as I said. Phil Timmons has been with us longer, and has served us well in IT, but never in an upper management position. He has over twenty years of experience in the department. He's a Nebraska grad.

Connie Lord started with us at about the same time, but she had to leave us for two years during the illness and death of her child from cancer about ten years ago. You will probably relate well with her as she is from a rather conservative religious background, although different than yours.

She is a graduate of Bob Jones University, and like you she lives her religion, although she does not wear it on her sleeve, but we aren't evaluating religious beliefs. I really shouldn't have said that, and please don't take it as a pejorative. I actually find her beliefs drive her work ethic. We have several BJU grads, and find their work ethic to be top-knotch, and it is Connie's work ethic that has put her into contention for the job.

Phil obviously has seniority, but I'm not much of one for putting a lot of stock in seniority for seniority's sake. A person can have twenty years of experience, or he can have one year's experience twenty times. Both Phil and Connie are top drawer people or we wouldn't consider them, and they are close enough I would like someone from your background to help evaluate them."

"I'll do what I can for you."

"Good. Thanks." They continued the drive for a short ways before driving up to the new UP headquarters building and parking in Ben's reserved spot. Ben ushered Michael up to his office on the top floor. Pete was already there, sitting in a wing chair across a coffee table from a man and a woman Michael assumed were Pete and Connie.

"Morning, 'Mike'." Pete gave Michael a crooked grin as he stood to shake hands. "Phil, Connie, please let me introduce you to Michael Borden. He does not like to be called 'Mike'. That was a private joke between the two of us."

Ben took over the meeting quickly. "Michael, please have a seat. Help yourself to juice or water if you like. Those are fresh pastries, too." Turning to Phil and Connie, he said, "Thank you both for coming in early this morning. I don't know how much Pete told you about what happened yesterday, but after an incredibly rude response to Michael by David Abernathy, Pete and I both knew something had to be done. I pulled Pete off of vacation and flew him to Tucson to pick up Michael and they flew to one of the Chicago area offices to meet with Abernathy, only to find out Abernathy was changing our orders for new locomotives and pocketing a significant amount of cash. He has been arrested, and further arrests will be made at Electromotive and some of their suppliers. I'm not implicating Electromotive! This was done without corporate knowledge."

"You two obviously are in the running to replace Abernathy, but that is not the purpose of this meeting. I would like to discuss IT operations with each of you at a later date, and discuss what needs to be done with your department. It may be Abernathy will not be replaced, but his duties will be split between the two of you. Phil, you have seniority due to Connie taking leave a few years ago, but at this level I don't look at seniority as the final determinate. Both of you have done a tremendous job for the railroad, and I want this transaction to be as smooth and as amicable as possible."

"Back to the purpose of today's meeting. Michael is one of two young men responsible for the discovery of all of the gold you heard about in the news a few days ago. That is not why he is here, and please don't let his age fool you. Michael is a very astute young man who wrote a program for his father while in high school that Pete and I, as well as millions of other investors, use to help track and plan our investing. Pete and I both thought it might be possible he could do something similar to help us with our scheduling difficulties. He has been asked as a consultant to take a look at what we have, and to make recommendations, and/or develop a new program that will make us more efficient and better able to serve our customers."

"Please don't look at him as a threat, but as an assist to your operations that can possibly make your lives easier. Michael is to be given full access to anything he asks for and I expect full cooperation from everyone in the IT department."

"Just to be clear, Michael is not a 'snot nosed kid with no real world experience in transportation', neither is he "the world's greatest programmer who is going to get rid of your jobs and make your department obsolete' as your former boss said to him. He is here at Pete's request, with my full concurrence, to see if there is something else we can be doing. He is looking at our programming from an outside perspective. Sometimes I think we are so ingrained in our own little worlds we can't step back and take a look at things from the outside. Our customers see us and our foibles from the outside everyday, and frankly, we frequently let them down. I want to change as much of this as we possibly can."

"Michael is not looking for a job, let alone yours. He really doesn't need one. He is here at our request, albeit somewhat reluctantly as he has other things ongoing. He is here to assist you, and not as a threat."

Phil nodded his head and scooted forward in his chair before speaking. "Just two questions, if I may. Michael, you look rather young. Just how old are you?"

"I'm nineteen, sir. I'll be twenty this summer."

"I see. I'd like to talk with you about your program and how you did it if I may. I think I might learn quite a bit from you. Just how old were you when you wrote it?"

"About sixteen. My Dad was having trouble understanding a program his broker gave him to use. He was so frustrated he about quit trying to track his stocks and just put his investments in CD's. I just played around with what Dad needed and came up with a little thing for him to track his stuff. He showed it to his broker, and the rest is history. I've had to improve it a good bit before it could go commercial, of course."

"I see. My second question. I thought the guy who found the gold was named Thibodeaux. How do you fit in there?"

"My name is Thibodeaux. Dad is Jeff Thibodeaux. My mother's maiden name, and my middle name is Borden. I got tired of all of the hoopla that went around about Dad and started going by Michael Borden. Mom and Dad are fully in favor of me doing so, and understand. I'd really appreciate if you kept this between us. I've had more than enough of the limelight to suit me."

"I'd change my name, too, but then I'm a 49's fan."

Pete stood, bringing the meeting to a close. "Shall we get this show on the road? Time is of the essence as I have to be sure Michael is on a plane to Phoenix about four-thirty. Do what you can today, send home whatever you need to with Michael. He has signed all of the necessary documentation. Most importantly, introduce him to your staffs and make sure they know it is in their best interest to work with him fully. That's all. Thanks, 'Mike'." He laughed as Michael made a face at him and slapped Michael on the back as he turned toward the door.


With three girls cutting in the walls I was able to focus on rolling. Susie didn't care if the girls painted in the nude. "I just wish I could join you! It looks like it's fun, and if Michael was here I might try to talk him into it. Of course, I know how that would go. Justin, I'm sorry I spoil it for you. Of course, I wouldn't care if you stripped too." She gave me a wink. "Michael wouldn't understand, though, and I appreciate you understanding."

Stephanie painted around the baseboard, while Susie did the vertical corners and around windows and doors. Rosemary cut across the ceiling. Don't think watching her climb up and down stepladders wearing only a ragged old pair of sneakers wasn't distracting! Stephanie made it a point to bend over straight legged frequently whenever she had her ass pointed toward me. A couple of times either she or Rosemary would get a little paint on one of their nipples and come to me to get it cleaned off, much to Susie's delight.

Of course, I was hard a good bit of the morning, and I saw Susie sneak a peek a few times, but I was really surprised at the way she didn't make a big deal about it, or ogle me, as she would have before Michael.

Just before we quit for lunch Rosemary's phone rang. "Hello. . . . Oh, hi, Helen. . . . I don't think that will be a problem. I'm glad you like it. . . . Hang on for just a minute. Let me get Justin on here with me and you can run it past him, too."

"Justin, this is Helen, with a couple of questions. A faxed signature from her parents is sufficient isn't it?" I nodded. "OK, she has a couple of other questions, too. Let's go to the library so I can put her on speaker and talk together."

"Helen, hang on a couple of minutes. Justin and I are going down to the library and put you on speaker."

Just as soon as we were out of the room Rosemary rubbed my hard cock and giggled while we hurried down the stairs. We ended up stopping in the kitchen though since we used the back stairs, and all we really needed was quiet and privacy.

"Hi, Helen," I said just as soon as Rosemary put her on speaker. "What's up?"

"Hey, Justin. I hate to bother you already, but I just love the house, and Mom and Dad are really excited about it, too. They like the rules, and that it is all girls. There have just been too many assaults and things in the dorms. They signed and faxed the contract back to me, and I have the deposit for you."

"Anyway, I have a really big favor to ask. Say 'no' if it isn't doable, but I'm taking a couple of big classes during Summer School, trying to get a head start on Med School. Like I told you, my roommate is getting married in June, so I can't keep my room in the dorm for the summer. Would it be possible to move into the house during Summer School? I know you are working on the house and everything. I really don't care about that, and I'm more than happy to pay full rent for the three months, even though I'll only be there for two."

I looked at Rosemary, and she looked back at me. "I don't know what to say, Helen. None of the rooms are furnished, we don't have carpet installed yet, the kitchen and bathrooms aren't even going to be started until mid-summer."

"Yeah, I know all of that. I really don't care about all of that stuff. We bought our house from the bank when I was in High School, and it was in a lot worse shape than yours. We redid it all ourselves, so I know what that is like. I can use an air-mattress and share your bathroom until the others are done. Even paying for all three months it is cheaper than getting the room here by myself, and it would be a lot better for studying than the dorm with all that goes on over here."

I glanced at Rosemary, who shrugged her shoulders and then nodded. "I think we can work something out, maybe. I have a meeting with Mom and Dad this evening. Let me run it past them and either Rosemary or I will give you a call back tonight or first thing in the morning."

"Oh thank you, so very much! I hope we can make it work. Could you give me a call tonight? Time is getting really short, and I have to do something by the weekend."

"Certainly." We said our goodbye's and Rosemary killed the phone.

"You're so sweet!" She wrapped both arms around me and gave me a big hug. "I knew you would come through for her." Rosemary looked over her shoulder as if she thought the other girls might be listening. "I'm of half a mind to rip those shorts off of you and fuck you silly right here!" She leaned in, rubbing her breasts on my chest in the process, and nipped on my earlobe. "You have no idea how hot it makes me running around naked with you watching me when you can't do anything about it with Susie watching! I really need you to use the desk with me."

She looked over her shoulder again, then grabbed my hand and pulled it to her pussy. "See how swollen and hot and wet I am for you?"

I grabbed her and quickly set her up on the island, then dove in and started eating her pussy fast and hard. We didn't have much time, and she certainly didn't need any foreplay. I needed some relief, too, but mine could wait. I put two fingers into her pussy and attacked her clit, sucking it, pummeling it with my tongue, all the while growling and humming on it. I really don't know how long it took, but it wasn't much before she clamped down on my head with her thighs and started to scream. Rosemary isn't a screamer, but this was so intense that she quickly stifled her scream by biting down on her hand.

I had to help her down from the counter top, and then hold her up for a few minutes, so spent was she from the orgasm, and after looking at her hand I quickly grabbed an ice cube and put in on her bite. "Silly girl! That's going to leave a mark!"

"I don't care," she whispered in my ear. "I needed that, and I have an idea Steph and Susie are in the same boat. It's too bad you can't do something for Susie."

That's my Rosemary for you. Even when someone does something for her, her first thought is for the needs of someone else. How can you not love her?"

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IntelligenceloverIntelligenceloverabout 8 years ago
Don't know how far you want to go with this bit~

You might consider extending this deeper into ASU Anthropology, Social Science, and History Departments, who in real life, kill for access to those period ledgers, maps, books, and notes~

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
a couple of ideas for you

if youre going to have Rosemary become involved with Brian, please find a way for him to find out about Rosemary and Justin, but have him respond favorably, without having him condemn them - a crush on his sister, or a cousin, perhaps? (consumated or not)

Id like to see Rosemary with someone that might allow her relationship with Justin continue, even if only occasionally



Maybe just have some swapping with each partner occasionally being with the other, without it being a regular thing? Maybe have Brian have a bond with Steph, maybe a parent or uncle who was killed while in the military, so they have something in common, not just as an adjunct to Rosemary and Justins relationship

Something for you to ponder, maybe :-)

Thanks for writing these stories!

wcguywcguyalmost 10 years ago
Great Story

Loved the progression of this story! Editing / spelling 99% perfect. Makes it a pleasure to read (I wish all writers read their work before submitting...).

Note on page 1: " can I presume on you to..." I'm sure you meant "can I impose on you to..."

gasbrowngasbrownalmost 10 years ago
anxiously awaiting the next chapter!

you have hooked on this story with or with the sex scenes! it is a great idea and are doing a wonderful job so far. keep up the great work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

hope next part of this amazing story will be out soon

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