Kara Lofts and the Badlands Ch. 01

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Kara and Sophie find a new friend in a new world.
4.3k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 05/29/2014
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This is the third Kara Lofts story, set in a re-made world with magic, orcs, trolls and the like.


In The Five Idols, Kara's ex-lover Jennifer Ravens collected five idols that, legend said, would bring about the end of the world. She escaped to an extra-dimensional cave which Kara followed her to where she performed a ritual that utterly changed the world we know. Modern technology ceased to work, people disappeared, mythical creatures came into existence, and the land was split into Realms magically sealed off from each other. The few remaining men, including Kara's lover Dex and her father Sir Arthur, aged prematurely while the women, including her friend and Sir Arthur's maid Sophie, became virtual copies of Jennifer's ideal woman with large breasts, slim waist, round asses - basically Kara. While Kara's experiences in the cave took about an hour or so, when she returned to the real world, she discovered eight years had gone by.

In The Talismans, Kara and Sophie decided to find a way to cure the men of their situation and possibly revert the world to normal. Hearing of a possible cure in another Realm, they bargained with the town's Mayor - actually a spirit animating the statue of winged hellhound - for Talismans that would allow them to travel between Realms. Securing a Talisman each, they set off for the next Realm, unaware that the Mayor was acting as an agent for Jennifer Ravens.

† † † † †

"I'm beginning to think this was a bad idea," Sophie said.

"I'm beginning to think you're right," Kara replied.

They trudged across the dry, dead earth, the sun beating down on them. It wasn't a desert they walked across but rather mud and soil that had lost all its moisture and been reduced to a cracked, barren landscape that stretched as far as the eye could see. It was broken only by stunted, withered bushes, small patches of bleached scrub grass and the occasional hillock. They'd been walking across this dead land for three days and the only sign of habitation they'd seen was what looked to be a broken, crumbling hut built into the side of a hill that they were heading for.

When they'd left Lofts Manor behind them a week ago and travelled to the crossing between the Realms, they'd asked the two huge troll guards what lay beyond the shimmering, opaque window.

"Don't know," one of them had, leering at the two busty women. "Only a couple of idiots have gone through it in the past."

"And nothing's ever come back through it, either," the other one said. "Wouldn't you rather stay here with us? We could have some fun."

Kara had knocked his hand aside as he reached out for her big boobs. Instead, she took Sophie's hand and walked through, the Talismans they both wore around their necks allowing them to step through the magical portal. They'd blinked in the sudden, harsh sunlight, groaning as they took in the deserted, desolate landscape. Sophie had turned and tried to push her hand through the portal back to their Realm but the shimmering glass like substance wouldn't yield.

"Well, looks like we walk," Kara had said, heading off across the dusty ground.

They'd walked for three days, camping during the nights, forced to sleep in the open, thankful for the sleeping bags they'd brought with them from Lofts Manor, taking pleasure in zipping them together and sleeping semi-naked, wrapped around each other. Despite their situation, they made love each night and each morning - from Sophie's point of view, they'd been apart for eight years and she was determined to make up for lost time, and Kara had no intention of dissuading her.

As their food supplies began to dwindle, however, along with their water, they'd started to wonder how things were going to end. When they'd caught sight of the ruined hut jutting out of the side of a small hill, the first hint of habitation they'd seen since arriving here, they changed direction and headed towards it.

"You think they'll off us a cool beer when we get there?" Sophie asked with a smile as they drew closer to the hut.

"Mmmm, or some ice cream. That would be nice," Kara said wistfully. "Honestly, though, I kinda doubt it."

"Yeah, me too," Sophie said.

Kara moved closer and slipped her arm around her waist, pulling her close as they walked.

"Whatever happens, I'm glad we're together," she said, leaning in and kissing her.

"Me too," Sophie said, kissing her back.

As they neared, Kara drew the two pistols she wore from their holsters on her hips, she and Sophie walking slower and softer as they got closer. The hut protruded from the small hillock, having been built into it by the looks of things - it was a ramshackle collection of wood and pieces of iron bolted or strapped together, lacking windows at the front and a makeshift wooden door hanging precariously at an angle the only way inside.

They crept closer, Kara holding her pistols up and nodding at Sophie, indicating that she should open the door. She did so, pulling it open with no little effort and no possibility of being quiet as the rough bottom edge scraped over the hard packed earth. As soon as she could, Kara stepped in, pointing her guns inside, quickly scanning the room that was revealed.

It was empty of people, thankfully, though cluttered with planks of wood and metal tools - saws, hammers, a shovel and so on. More wood was piled against the rear wall, partially covering a large hole about six feet tall and three wide that seemed to head back into the hill as a tunnel. Next to it, sprouting from the side of the hill, was a metal pipe that ended in a faucet over a large barrel that was full to the brim with water.

"We're clear," Kara said, holstering her pistols and walking further in, Sophie following her. They both headed to the water barrel and, tentatively, scooped some of the clear liquid out and tasted it.

"Oh God that's good," Sophie said, relieved when it appeared to be nothing more than cool, fresh water. She turned on the faucet, more water pouring out instantly. The pair of them quickly filled their water bottles, drank as much as they could stand, then refilled them.

Kara peeled off the leather jacket she wore, leaving her in her tight, figure hugging black tank top. She grabbed a nearby pan, scooped out some water and poured it over her head, gasping as the cold water washed over her. Her dyed, scarlet hair stuck to her head, shoulders and the tops of her big tits as she repeated the process, washing the grime of the last few days off her.

"My turn," Sophie said, dropping her own leather jacket and standing in front of her, waiting. Kara filled up the pan and poured the cold liquid over her friend, giggling as Sophie shrieked in pleasant surprise at the chilly water as it ran over her head, her blonde hair laying flat against her skin, her own black tank top clinging to her huge jugs.

Kara refilled the pan and stepped closer, pulling Sophie to her with her free arm, their big tits mashing together as she poured the water over their heads. They leaned in and kissed, lapping at each other's faces, sucking up the cool water as it ran over both of them. Sophie reached up and pulled the straps of Kara's top to the sides, sliding them down her upper arms and bending her head, kissing the swelling tops of her mounds as Kara tossed the pan to one side. Sophie pulled Kara's top down further, freeing her huge tits, cupping and licking at them, running her tongue along her cleavage, tasting the slightly tangy mixture of fresh sweat and cool water. She cupped her friend's heavy tits and moved to first one nipple then the other, sucking and biting them gently

Kara sighed and stroked her lover's hair as Sophie nursed on her big tits for a few minutes before she lifted her head and kissed her, tongues entwining, lips locking. Kara bent her own head and nuzzled at Sophie's neck before whispering in her ear.

"Don't stop, but we're being watched." She felt Sophie pause ever so slightly before continuing stroking and kissing her. "Someone's in the hole at the back of the hut. On the count of three, drop to the floor, okay?" Sophie nodded imperceptibly as Kara slowly drew one of her pistols from the side facing away from the hole. "Okay - one - two - three!"

Sophie dropped and rolled, moving out of Kara's way as she brought her pistol up, pointing it at the vague figure behind the wood, hiding in the hole. It squealed in surprise, turned and made to run off, deeper into the tunnel, but caught its foot in something and fell flat on its face.

Sophie darted over, grabbed some of the wood and pulled, she and Kara noting with surprise that what they'd thought was a jumble of wooden planks was actually a carefully disguised door that swung open easily. Beyond, the hole travelled for just a couple of feet before it dropped down into a shaft, the top of a wooden ladder poking out of the top.

Kara moved forward, pistol aimed at the figure that, as she approached, rolled over on to its back, hands up, a look of terror on its face. It was short, perhaps four feet tall, had legs that ended it hooves and were covered in thick white fur that ran up to its waist. It was bare chested but skinny, ribs showing through the pale blue skin. Its face would have been cute with its delicate pointed ears, tiny button nose and pouting lips if it hadn't been for its single, round staring eye that sat above its nose.

Jutting out of its furry crotch was a long, thick, dark blue cock that would have looked more at home on a donkey than on such a small creature.

"Don't kill me!" it squealed, "Don't kill me!"

Kara reached down and grabbed one of its hands, pulling it upright. Her tank top was still bunched around her waist leaving her huge tits exposed and the creature's single eye widened as it stared at them. She dragged it back inside the hut, still aiming her pistol at it as it stood shaking against the wall.

"Who are you?" she asked. "What are you doing here?"

The blue skinned creature stood staring at her, its single, green eye transfixed by Kara's still bared tits.

"Pull your top back up, Kara," Sophie said with a laugh. "The poor thing might be able to speak then."

Kara frowned and pulled her tank top back up, over her huge tits although they were so big and it was so tight that it didn't make a great deal of difference.

"Okay, maybe now you can concentrate. So who are you and what are you doing here?"

The creature swallowed nervously, looking from Kara to Sophie and back. "I'm - I'm Leximanthus," it said. "I - I'm the water carrier - for the mine that's - that's under here."

"So that's where that ladder leads to?" Kara asked, pointing to the tunnel she'd dragged him from. He nodded. "So there's more like you down there?"

Leximanthus shook his head. "Not really," he said. "I'm - I'm sort of - well,"

"Go on," Sophie said kindly.

"I guess - I'm the runt of the pack," he said sadly. "All the others - the miners - they're much bigger than me. That's why they make me fetch the water. I'm the smallest - and the youngest."

"How old are you, Leximan - Lex?" Kara asked.

"Lex," the creature said. "I like that." He smiled up at Kara as if it were the first hint of kindness anyone had shown him. "I'm 312 years old," he said, "though they all treat me as if I was under a 100."

Kara and Sophie looked at each other before Kara turned back to Lex, reholstering her pistol as she did.

"So what are they mining and why? If there's a mine in the middle of nowhere, it has to be something special."

Lex shrugged, relaxing a little. "It's mostly just ore. They cart it up and take it to Carver Town."

"How far away is that?" Sophie asked.

"About two miles away, just on the other side of the hill."

"Jesus," Kara said. "We were almost on top of it. What's it like?" she asked Lex.

"I don't know. The others - they won't let me go with them when they deliver the ore. They just deliver it, spend their money in the brothel and then come back. They won't let me visit no matter how much I beg."

"The brothel - is it - is it your people or -?" Sophie asked.

"No it's - it's gorgeous ladies like you two," Lex said, actually blushing a little, his skin going darker. "The others boast about - about what they do with the ladies there - about what they look like," Lex's gaze dropped to Kara's huge breasts before looking over at Sophie's, "but they never let me go there."

"Well, we need to head somewhere," Kara said, "so if you come with us to Carver Town, maybe we can get you inside?"

"Oh no, no, no, we can't do that," Lex said hurriedly. "If they see me, they'll wonder where the other miners are and they're bound to send a message which will get me in lots of trouble. Please don't go, please."

"We have to get supplies, Lex," Sophie said. She knelt down, reached out and took his hand gently, smiling as his single eye went wide at her tender gesture. "We can't stay here, we have to keep moving." She looked up at Kara for a second. "It sounds like you're miserable here, Lex. Come with us. Leave the mine and the others behind."

"But - but what would I do for you?" he asked. "You're both so - so big and strong - I'm just - I'm just small and weak."

"Do you know this land?" Kara asked him, kneeling down beside Sophie. He nodded. "Then you can be our guide," she said. "We need to keep moving as Sophie said."

"Sophie," Lex said. "That's a pretty name. For a very pretty lady."

"Thank you," she said. "And this is Kara."

"Kara," he said. "You're very pretty, too. I - I'm sorry I was - was watching you." He blushed, his face going a deeper blue. "I'd never seen two pretty ladies - kissing each other before - the miners boast about it all the time but I've - I've never - "

"You've never been with a woman?" Sophie asked. "In 312 years?"

Lex shook his head. "That's why I wanted to go to the brothel in Carver Town," he said sadly. "The miners are always saying how much the ladies love their visits."

"I'm not surprised if they're hung like you," Kara said, nodding down at his thick length which had drooped slightly but was still impressive.

"Oh no, they're not," Lex said, looking confused. "That's something else they tease me about as well as being the shortest and the youngest." He hung his head in shame. "I know I've got a big dick. I'm really sorry."

"Sorry?" Sophie said. "For what?"

"Well, the miners," Lex said, confused. "They said the - the ladies in the brothel - they like the miners so much because they've - they've got small dicks."

Kara and Sophie laughed. "Trust us," Kara said. "If those girls are anything like me and Sophie, the last thing they'll want is a small dick. They're probably telling your friends what they want to hear, nothing else."

"Really?" Lex asked nervously. "So you - you like - you like -?"

Kara and Sophie shared a look, smiling at each other. "Big dicks. Yes. We really like big dicks." she said. She looked down and wasn't surprised to see the deep blue rod of Lex's cock stiffening and thickening as he looked from one of them to the other.

Grinning at each other, Kara and Sophie both leaned forward and down, Sophie taking hold of his hardening shaft, her fingers barely able to meet around its girth. She giggled as Lex squealed in surprise at her touch and then moaned, almost passing out, as Kara slid her mouth over the big, bulbous head, opening her jaws wide to take his big cock inside.

"Oh - oh my - oh my," Lex babbled as Kara bobbed her head up and down on his shaft, taking it as far back as she could, making herself gag and cough out streams of thick spit. "Oh - oh by all the gods!" Lex cried. "I've never - never felt anything - so good."

Kara lifted her head off his cock and swapped with Sophie, holding the big trunk of his fuck meat while her friend crammed as much of his dick into her mouth as she could. Kara bent down and the pair of them took turns licking and sucking at his shaft, popping the big, bulging knob head between their lips, kissing around it, their tongues swirling around the dark blue glans.

"Oh Miss Kara - oh Miss Sophie - oh that's - that's so good," Lex moaned as he watched them blow him together.

"You haven't felt anything yet," Kara said, kneeling up and pulling off her tank top, revealing her huge tits to his gaze once more. "You liked looking at my big tits earlier - want to try slipping your dick between them?"

Lex stared at her with his single, green eye, obviously not knowing what she was talking about. Sophie moved out of the way, letting Kara lean down and wrap her huge jugs around Lex's thick shaft, sliding her tits up and down it. She felt his dick swell and a line of thick white jizz spurted out the hole in the big knob.

"Oh - oh, have you - cum already?" she asked, looking down to see the thick fluid smearing along her cleavage.

"No - that's just - just pre-cum," Lex said nervously. "I - I cum quite a lot when I do. Is that alright Miss Kara?"

"Mmmm, I think that'll be perfect," Kara said, bending her head and licking at the end of his cock, tasting his pre-cum. "Mmmmm - my god, Sophie," she said in surprise. "Taste this - it's fucking gorgeous!"

Sophie, who had slipped off her own tank top, bent down and ran her tongue over Kara's huge tits and the head of Lex's cock. Both of them purred in delight at the sweet, slightly tart, almost fruity taste of his pre-cum.

"God that tastes so good," Sophie said. She looked up at Lex. "You are definitely coming with us," she said with a laugh.

Kara laid back and beckoned him over, directing him to straddle her chest, his hooves clopping on the floor as he walked over, the thick white fur of his legs soft against her skin. Sophie knelt beside them and cupped her friend's tits, wrapping them around Lex's big, blue cock once more.

"Come on, Lex," Kara said. "Fuck my tits." Lex stared at her, still not sure what to do, until Kara reached around and gave him a nudge from behind. "Come on - slide it back and fore - fuck my tits," she said.

Slowly Lex started doing as she said, rocking his hips, his knob spilling more pre-cum, lubing up her cleavage as he fucked a woman's tits for the first time.

"That feel good, Lex?" Sophie asked from beside him, grinning as he nodded. "You like big tits?" He nodded again. "Then feel mine while you fuck Kara's."

Lex reached under her and filled his hands to overflowing with his huge melons, loving the feel of her hard nipples against his palms and fingers while he slid his thick fuck meat between Kara's huge titties.

"Oh - by all - the gods," he groaned, his single eye rolling back in its socket slightly. "Feels so good - so good!"

"If you like this," Kara said, smiling up at him, lapping occasionally at the thick pre-cum that drizzled from his knob head, "you're going to love fucking us later."

He quickly looked down at her, his eye wide in surprise. "You mean - you'll let me - I can -?" he babbled incoherently.

"Oh yes," Sophie said. "You're definitely getting that big cock of yours in our pussies." She looked down at Kara and winked. "And up our asses, too," she said.

"Oh - oh by the - dark gods - the others boasted - ahhhhh - of such things - but I never thought - ohhhhhh!" he groaned, the idea obviously proving too much for the 312 year old virgin.

Kara felt his cock swell even more as he tit fucked her and a second later, as he looked up to the roof, his jaw hanging slack, his huge cock spurted the first line of jism out of her cleavage, over her chin and laying in a thick line across her face and into her hair. Another and another followed each, each as copious as the last, each as thick and heavy as clotted cream. Sophie bent down and began licking at her friend's cum covered face as Lex continued spurting, wads of spunk splatting over her face as well. As quickly as they cleaned each other, Lex's dick produced more of the thick slime, leaving them lapping and slurping up the thick jizz time and again.