Karen: A Cheating Slut Wife


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At 9:15 Ben and I met Frank Jones, Brad Williams, Mike Ford and Steve Collins (an Atlanta Police Detective) at my house. I introduced everyone and Frank informed us they were in the master bedroom. We were on the front porch talking when Frank heard in his earpiece they were fucking. I unlocked the front door leading everyone into the living room. Looking at Ben I said "I'm sure you don't want to see your daughter having sex. Why don't you wait downstairs?" Once again I promised him I wouldn't physically hurt Karen.

Brad followed us up the stairs carrying a video camera. We wanted to record them before we entered and we wanted them to know they were being recorded. Our plan was to stand outside the door waiting until Jerome was ready to blow his load then go in.

As we walked down the hall toward the bedroom you could hear the sounds of their love making. Those were the sounds of making love not just having raw sex. Standing in the hall waiting, we heard Karen say, "Oh yea, baby, that feels so good........God I've missed you ......... yes ..... Oh god yes...... oooooooooh my god that's it......don't move.......I love you." Jerome picked up the pace as she continued to moan. We got ready to enter then we heard the slut beg, "Fuck me in my ass. Oh please fuck me in my ass.....I love the way you fuck my ass."

He asked "Whose ass is this?"

Karen purred, "It's your ass and has always been yours. God I wish I'd been able to marry you. I've missed you so much. Please fuck my ass."

When we heard Jerome say, "Get ready—here it comes" we walked in with the video light leading the way. What can I say? It was a Kodak moment and we caught it on tape. Jerome pulled his cock out of Karen's ass and shot cum all over her.

"Jim, oh my god what are you doing here?"

"Why, I'm here to serve you with divorce papers and throw your ass out of my house!"

Jerome started to get up. I looked at him and said "Jerome, it's in your best interest to stay on the bed until I tell you to get up." When he realized there were 4 of us he sat back down.

Karen sat there with the sheet pulled up to her neck and Jerome was trying to cover himself with a pillow.

"Jerome, I'd like to introduce you to these fine people. First, this is Frank Jones an investigator. Standing beside him is Mike Ford my divorce attorney, and next meet Steve Collins, an Atlanta Police Detective. Brad is operating the camera. "I'd like nothing more than to throw you both out of my house buck ass naked, but I have other plans for you. In case you're wondering the entire house is recording everything and has been for the past 3 weeks."

Pausing, I continued, "Karen, I know Jerome is an old boyfriend of yours and over the past 3 weeks I've learned you wanted to marry him instead of me. Everyone in this room knows you married me because your parents wouldn't have approved of this asshole. You and I both know you married me so you could give your parents grandchildren so there would be an heir. Good news they have 3 heirs so your family line is secure for another generation."

"Jim. Please....I..."

"Shut up! I don't care what you have to say. Not now and not in the future. There is absolutely nothing you can say that changes the fact you're in our bed being ass fucked by another man. You can't expect me to believe this is a mistake. I have you on tape inviting this asshole to spend the night with you after he fucked you twice in our bed yesterday two hours after I left town. Save your breath. I don't believe a fucking thing you say."

Looking at Jerome, I said, "I must say you are truly a player. For the past three weeks your ass has been under surveillance not to mention finding out every piece of information we could dig up on your sorry ass. Frank's team put together a very detailed report on your activities."

Turning to Frank I asked him to play the DVD for Jerome and Karen.

"Karen, pay close attention. I want you to see your lover for who and what he is."

The video showed scenes of Jerome fucking Karen and separate scenes of him fucking two other women. But the best part was a scene of Jerome and his buddies at a restaurant last week. They were sitting around a table shooting the shit when someone asked "Jerome, do you still play with married white women?"

"Hell yes, I can't get enough married white pussy. There's nothing better than fucking them in their husbands' bed. What better way to get back at the white man?"

"Have you hooked up with anyone since you moved back to Atlanta?"

"Oh hell yea, I've got three married white sluts I'm fucking now. In fact you know one of them. Do you remember Karen Thompson from college?"

"Yes. Wasn't she the bitch that came to our apartment on her wedding day for you to fuck?"

"Yes, that's her. I've been fucking her sorry white ass for 5 months. Can you believe it.......she's my neighbor?"

"If I remember correctly she told you she wanted one last fuck before her wedding because she was going to be faithful to her husband."

"That's correct. Up until 5 months ago she kept her word. Now she's telling me she wished she'd married me instead. Can you believe the bitch actually believes I would have married her white ass?"

By this time Jerome was yelling at me and Karen was curled up in the fetal position sobbing.

Frank and Steve moved over beside Jerome and told him to shut up. He finally shut up when they snatched his naked ass out of the bed.

"Jerome we're almost through here. Just settle down and listen. We're not going to hurt you unless we have to. Trust me, all four us would like nothing better than beat the shit out of you. But you know what? Your brothers-in-law have other plans for you. Your wife and her brothers were not happy when we shared our information with them. Why don't you get dressed? Your ride should be here by now. Before you go, you need to know I've given copies to the husbands of the two women you've been fucking as well as your wife."

"You did what? I'll kill you, mother fucker!"

"You just threatened me in front of my attorney and a police detective—not to mention your threat has been recorded on tape."

Mike handed me a stack of paper which I in turn handed them to Jerome. "Ok, asshole, these are divorce papers your wife asked me to give you. Before I forget, she asked me to tell you to go to hell and don't come home. Can you believe it? Her brothers actually volunteered to pick up your sorry ass tonight and they're downstairs waiting on you. I must tell you they aren't happy waiting on us to finish our little talk. Now it's time for you to leave. I hope you enjoy your ride home. Steve will escort you downstairs."

"Hey Jim, don't forget to tell dickhead about all the help her brothers were in helping us gather information about him."

"Thanks for reminding me. Yes, dickhead, the documentation we gave your wife goes back at least 15 years. Frank, with the help of her brothers, has documented 12 cases of adultery. You should hurry. They are downstairs waiting on you."

Steve grabbed Jerome by the arm and escorted him out the door. I then turned to look at my lying cheating slut wife.

"So, slut, how does it feel knowing the love of your life was playing you for a fucking fool? How does it feel knowing you were played and not loved? How does it feel to find out you were just another slut to Jerome? How does it feel to know you were his slut 30 years ago? How does it feel to know he didn't love you? How does it feel knowing you were not the only dumb ass white slut he was fucking? How does it feel knowing you're his slut today? How does it feel knowing you've destroyed our family? How does it feel, bitch?"

I paused, letting my words sink in and taking a moment to collect me thoughts.

"You are one dumb ass bitch. I told you thirty years ago the worst thing you could do to our marriage was to cheat on me. It's bad enough to destroy our marriage but to destroy our family for a piece of shit like Jerome is inexcusable. From today forward you've ruined every holiday, every birthday, every graduation, every wedding, and every special family event from now on. You've lost the respect of your children, your parents, my parents, and our friends because you're a slut. Just the sight of you makes me sick. I can't believe I've wasted 30 years of my life loving a piece of shit like you. As far as I'm concerned you're dead."

She just lay on the bed crying with her head under the covers.

"You're not worth wasting any more time on. Get your cheating ass up and get dressed your father is waiting on you downstairs. He's agreed to take you home and I can tell you he's not looking forward to telling Alice you're a slut. I don't have anything else I care to say to you. You have 5 minutes to get dressed in the clothes you had on when you let your 'true love' in tonight."

"Jim I can't let my father see me dressed like that."

"That's your only choice unless you want me to drag your ass downstairs naked. Don't worry, your father knows you're a slut. Now get your sorry ass up and get dressed you have 4 minutes left."

"Please, Jim, I'm begging you. Let me wear something else."

"No. The clock is ticking. Get a move on...slut!"

"I can't get dressed with everyone watching. Please Jim."

"You dumb slut these men have seen video of your naked ass fucking your 'true love'. Get dressed....NOW!"

To say Karen was dressed like a slut is an understatement. She was wearing a see-through blouse, a very short leather skirt, four-inch heels and no underwear when I escorted her downstairs. Ben looked at her, then turned and said, "Oh my god! Jim I can't take her home like this her mother will have a stroke and I'm not sure I'm able to drive us after seeing her like this." Karen stood there looking at her feet as her whole body shook waiting on my response.

Talk about a tough situation. On one hand I wanted the slut to leave dressed like the slut she is and on the other hand I want to show my respect for Ben and Alice. The only sound in the room was the ticking of the grandfather clock while everyone waited on my answer.

"Ben I understand your problem. Steve, will you drive them home in Ben's car if I follow you?"

"No problem."

"Karen, because I love and respect your parents, I'll give you 10 minutes to go upstairs and change. The clock starts now."

She ran upstairs with a "thank you." When she returned, she was dressed like a soccer mom. I walked over to her and removed her engagement and wedding rings, telling her she didn't deserve them. When she went for her purse, I told her to leave it—she would leave with only the clothes she had on.

Ben walked over shook my hand and said, "Thank you for letting her change. I'll take it from here."

The hardest task I've ever had to do was telling the children about their mother's affair. Seeing the pain in their eyes, answering their questions and watching them deal with the destruction the affair caused was painful. When Karen cheated on me she also cheated our children out of a family. My parents' reaction was a mirror image of my children.


Amy turned down her soccer scholarship from North Carolina and joined the Emory soccer team so she'd be close to her Daddy. Our compromise was she could attend Emory but she had to live on campus with her teammates. She helped me remodel the master bedroom and buy new furniture for my pub. When she's not home I sleep in the guest room.

Dan and Benny stop by and check on me more often than before. One of the things I enjoy the most is they take turns going with me to my beer club meetings. Benny has taken on the challenge of growing some hops for the beer club. We're going to have a contest to see who brews the best beer using Benny's hops. I know Amy keeps tabs on me and makes sure her brothers stay in contact with me.

Based on advice from the attorneys Karen and I settled for a no-fault divorce. Ben agreed I had proof of Karen's adultery and didn't need to seek a divorce charging her with adultery to get control of the investment fund as per the prenuptial agreement. Ben, Alice and Karen were spared the embarrassment of a public trial. I did allow Ben and Alice to go through Karen's things and take her personal property.

Two months later I got a phone call from Karen's Dad wanting me to meet him at his office. He and I talk often on the phone, so I was surprised when he requested a formal meeting.

For the past 25 years Ben has been after me to join him in the family business. I've always refused saying I'd earn my own way and would never be accused of riding his coattails. He surprised me by starting down the path of me joining him. I raised my hand and told him to stop right there. I was not joining his company.

"Jim, I understand and respect the reason you never accepted my offer in the past, but this time it's different. I'm almost 76 years old and Dan is at least 15 years away from being able to take over. I've always believed if something happened to me you would step in and take over. This episode with Karen almost destroyed Alice and she needs me. Alice is so embarrassed she can't see her friends. All she does is stay in the house. Her counselor recommends taking her away for awhile. Jim, I need you to replace me and groom Dan for the future."

"Ben, I'm so sorry to hear about Alice. Please give her my love. Sir, I'm not prepared to give you an answer tonight. Give me a few days to think about this."

"Don't take too long I need to get Alice and Karen out of Atlanta as soon as possible. When can you give me an answer?"

"I'll meet you here in three days with my answer."

"Great. Tell your parents I said hello."


"I know you always talk with your father before you make a decision like this. See you in three days."

Three days later I told Ben I'd accept his offer. Dan's excited about his role as caretaker of the family business and Ben is correct—he is years away from taking over. Once a month, Ben and I meet with Dan, Benny and Amy to discuss family business. This way Ben knows what's going on and Dan has a support structure he can turn to for advice, just like I turn to my dad and brother.

Karen moved to Florida with her parents and stays in contact with the children. Dan and Benny travel to Florida to see Karen several times a year and Amy stays with her a couple weeks each summer. Karen attends several of Amy's soccer games and she stays away from me. Alice is making progress but will never move back to Atlanta.

I'm not sure what happened to Jerome. His wife divorced him and last I heard he moved somewhere out west. He was named in at least 8 divorce cases and is flat ass broke. Jerome not only destroyed his life, he destroyed a lot of marriages. I guess I shouldn't blame everything on the son of a bitch, all of those women choose to cheat on their husbands. They were not raped, they were not drugged, they were not drunk. They planned their fuck sessions in advance, and they are just as guilty as Jerome.

Hopefully I'll find someone to love in the future. I miss being married and having someone to hold, someone to talk with, and someone to share my love with. Until that happens I'll get up each morning, thank god for my children and live my life looking forward instead of looking back.

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Thank you for taking your time to read my story.


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AnonymousAnonymous13 days ago

Good story - five stars. And I like how it linked with another of the author's works.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal1969about 1 month ago

that was sad... heavy betrayal. would have loved some more consequences or karma for Karen (std, depression, self harm, ran away to be with Jerome but abandoned/pimped out by him) and Jerome (brothers put him in hospital or grave)

muskyboymuskyboyabout 2 months ago

Karen walked away without consequences, same with Jerome. Why would the kids forgive her and why would her Dad take her back? Way too many unfinished issues in this story.

AA82ndAAAA82ndAA4 months ago

One question: Did Jerome's wife's brothers beat him to a impotent pulp?

AA82ndAAAA82ndAA4 months ago

Second time I read this story and although It is a bit too matter of fact for my tastes; It does grow on me. Also I always like a story that a good spouse doesn't suffer financially or alienated by his immediate family. I also like that the wife is not portrayed as a brain dead woman with a bunch of cliche' excuses. This one didn't make any excuses but how did she stay married for so long?

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