Karen and Me

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An uncle and his t-girl niece celebrate her birthday.
7.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/21/2014
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This is my second foray into the transsexual genre. It is also an incest story. I set out to create a truly appealing, sexy heroine. I hope I succeeded. Enjoy the story. I hope I didn't offend anyone. I certainly didn't set out to. I welcome your feedback.


The name's Dominic, "Dom" for short. I'm a diesel mechanic. Maybe I'm a little rough around the edges. But hey, I have my sensitive side too. Didn't I cry when my cat Sammy died last year? I've been known to tear up at sad movies, too.

So when my baby sister called the other night and asked if I would take her son Kevin out on his birthday, I thought about it for just a second before saying yes. He's turning 21 this year, and she's going to be out of town, and would I help, blah, blah, blah.

Anyway, this wouldn't have even come up if Kevin and I didn't live in the same city, away from our hometown. You see, Kevin is going to cosmetology school, and I work for a heavy equipment company, and we both live in a seaport town two hours from home. There's a cosmetology school in our town, but Kevin chose to move away because he wanted a new start. Besides, some guys from high school may have been hassling him.

You see, in his senior year in high school, Kevin confirmed what everybody in the family already knew by coming out as gay. He had always been somewhat effeminate, but after he came out, and after the ensuing tumult had subsided, he had relaxed and become even more so. It had made a few people in the family uncomfortable, but we had all come to accept him.

I had heard from Kevin from time to time. We had talked on the phone, and I had seen him at home on the holidays. Kevin had always been friendly, and had given me a big smile and hugged my neck. He got my name once in the family lottery (that's what I call it) for Christmas gift-giving, and had given me a very nice set of insulated driving gloves.

After I hung up with my sister, I called Kevin on his cell phone.

"Kevin, this is your uncle Dominic."

"Oh hi, Uncle Dom! So nice to hear from you."

"Yeah. Well, I was calling about your birthday." I found myself suddenly nervous.

"Yes?" he said.

"Well, your mom called me and asked if I would take you out and I said..."

"Okay, I'll go," Kevin said quickly.

"Well, uh..." I stammered, "Don't you have plans?" I hadn't expected him to agree so readily.

"Well, the girls are giving me a little party at school, but that's about it. Are you trying to weasel out, Uncle Dom?" He sounded a little hurt. I hastened to clarify the situation.

"No, no, Kevin! I'm happy to take you. I just thought that a popular guy like you would have a, uh, significant other, if you know what I mean."

"No, Uncle Dom. I don't have a boyfriend, if that's what you mean." He emphasized the "boy" in boyfriend. Probably to make me squirm. It worked. "I'm actually a homebody," he added. "Most nights I stay home and study."

"Well, what do you say to a nice dinner and a movie for your birthday?" I asked.

"That sounds wonderful. I accept."

"Okay. I'll pick you up Friday night. Wear something nice, 'cause we're going somewhere swanky."

"I'll be ready," he said.

We set a time and place. I would be picking him up at seven at his apartment.

Now, like I said, I'm a diesel mechanic. But I do pretty well for myself. I have a nice apartment, a truck, a nice car, and a bass boat. (Diesel mechanics are in high demand.) I also know how to dress, when I have to.

On Friday evening, I drove over to Kevin's apartment. He lived in an area that had seen better times. On the way into the apartment complex, I saw one or two groups of young men hanging out on street corners.

I was dressed in gray wool dress pants, a crisp yellow shirt, and turquoise tie. I had on my nicest soft brown leather dress shoes and my cream-colored cashmere cardigan. I was driving my Buick Lucerne instead of my work truck.

I knocked on Kevin's door and waited. When the door opened, I was taken aback by what I saw. A lovely young woman stood before me. Her hair, glossy and black, was parted in the middle and shaped smoothly around her face. Her eyes were big and blue and bright. A thin silver chain accentuated her slender neck, matched by tasteful dangly earrings. She wore a dark green cowl neck dress over a petite, almost coltish figure. The hem of the dress ended just above her knees, revealing finely muscled calves and nicely shaped ankles. Her makeup was perfect, and her red lips parted in a smile when she saw me. She extended a feminine, manicured hand to me and said, "Uncle Dom! So nice to see you!"

"Um, hello. I was looking for Kevin," I managed to stammer.

"It's me, Uncle Dom. It's me, Kevin," the lovely young woman said.

I couldn't say anything. I just stammered some more.

"Kevin? How could it be...?" I managed to get out.

She grabbed my hand and led me into her apartment. I was so surprised that I let her lead me to a chair at the kitchen table. She sat down across from me.

"I should have warned you what to expect," she said.

"I can't believe it! Is it really you, Kevin?"

"Yes it is, Uncle. Only now I go by the name Karen."

"Well, I mean, what happened?"

She grabbed my rough, calloused hand in her feminine one and asked, "Are you disappointed?"

She was smiling, but I saw her lower lip tremble, and there was a plea in her eyes.

I smiled at her pretty face, her beautiful eyes, and said, "No, I'm not, Karen. Not at all. You look lovely."

Tears glistened in her eyes. She blinked, looked away. "Thank you," she said quietly. She got up and walked over to the couch, grabbed her shawl and handed it to me before turning away and standing there. For a moment (moron that I am), I didn't know what she wanted me to do. Then I remembered my manners and placed the wrap on her shoulders. She looked at me in a way that made my knees weak.

"By the way, happy birthday," I said quietly.

"Thank you," she said demurely.

Karen was so feminine, so ladylike, that I found it extremely difficult to remember that this young woman was actually a young man. We got to my car and I held the door open for her and helped her in.

When we were both settled, Karen reached over and put her hand on top of mine. "Thank you, Uncle Dom, for this. It means a lot to me."

"You are welcome, Karen," I said sincerely.

"You have a nice car, Uncle Dom," Karen said, appreciatively running her hand over the upholstery.

"Thanks. Not bad for a mechanic, huh?"

"Not at all," she said.

Karen looked over at me. "You look very handsome tonight, Uncle," she said, her voice a little bit husky.

"Thank you," I replied, suddenly acutely aware of her powerful femininity.

I took my time driving to the restaurant. We had plenty of time, and I wanted to talk and catch up. She found a radio station she liked, but turned the volume down so that we could hear each other.

We discussed the usual things: school, friends, family, work. We did not talk about her transformation from a young man into a beautiful young woman. (I hoped to bring that up later.)

I ordered a bottle of wine when we got to the restaurant, in honor of her 21st birthday. It was a nice red, and when Karen drank, she drank as if she knew what she was doing. (Oh well, for all I knew, she'd been drinking for years.) I had a steak. She had soup and salad. She nibbled on a little bread and drank some more wine.

"You can eat what you want, Karen," I chided her. "Don't be bashful."

"Thank you, Uncle, but a girl's got to watch her figure."

It was right about then that I noticed something. Karen had the beginnings of breasts. I looked closely at the dress, the way it hung on her, and, sure enough, Karen was developing breasts. That really brought it home to me: my nephew had become my niece. Kevin was serious enough about the transformation to do whatever was necessary to grow breasts. I wondered if his, I mean her, mother knew.

I ordered another bottle of wine and poured for us both. By this time, we were both feeling the effects. Emboldened by the food and drink, I had the courage to ask, "So Karen, what happened? I mean, when did you decide to make this change?" I was putting it as delicately as I could so as not to hurt her feelings. But I was curious.

She took a large swallow and said, "Uncle Dom, I think I've always known. I've always known that I would be more comfortable living as a woman. Heaven knows I fought it for as long as I could. Heck, I fought being gay for a while, but eventually I just had to give in. I'm gay and there's nothing I can do about it. Becoming female took a little longer, but I eventually had to give in to that as well."

I took a bite of steak and a swallow of wine. "Have you told your mother yet?"

She looked down at her salad. "Not exactly. I have warned her that I've changed. I just haven't told her what kind of change to expect."

"Well, this is going to be a real eye-opener for her," I said.

"I know. And I'm dreading it," she said quietly.

I reached across the table and took her hand in mine. "If it will help, I'll be there when you tell her."

For the second time that night, I saw tears in Karen's eyes. "I would really appreciate that, Uncle Dom," she said.

We passed the rest of the meal talking about my work as a mechanic. She seemed interested, but I'm sure she wasn't. I mean, does a young attractive woman really care about diesel engines? But it lightened the mood and gave us a chance to change the subject.

By the time I put down my knife and fork, we were both a little tipsy. I suggested coffee, and she readily agreed. When the waiter appeared, I also ordered a slice of carrot cake, which this restaurant was known for.

The coffee and cake arrived a few minutes later. At first Karen demurred, but I convinced her to share the cake with me. We sipped coffee and nibbled cake, and I asked, "Are you having a good time, Karen?"

"Oh yes, thank you, Uncle Dom. It's been wonderful."

"Well, what movie would you like to see?"

"Actually, I have a suggestion," she said. "Let's go to your place a watch a movie there. We could stop on the way and pick up ice cream."

"Whatever you want. It's your birthday. Tell you what, I'll give you your present at my place."

Karen's face lit up. "You got me a present?" she asked smiling, showing white even teeth.

"Now what kind of uncle would I be if I didn't get you a present on your birthday?"

Just then, I had a worrying thought. What if she didn't like it? Damn! With my guard down from the wine and her attention, I had let on that she had a present coming. But I'd bought the present for Kevin, not Karen. Oh well, too late now. I'd have to go through with it and give it to her.

Truthfully, my head was reeling a little. I had come prepared to take my nephew out, and had ended up taking my niece out. And she was no masculine-looking crossdresser, either. Kevin had transformed himself into an honest-to-goodness woman. A damned attractive one. She was sure making my head spin.

The coffee sobered both of us up, and by the time we started for home, I was back in control. We stopped at a store and picked up a quart of Rocky Road ice cream. At my apartment complex, I pulled into my parking space beside my boat and my truck. As I handed Karen out, she looked appreciatively at my boat and said, "Holy cow, Uncle Dom! Is this yours?"

"Well, mine and the bank's," I said. "Mostly mine. It's nearly paid off."

She put her hand through my arm and looked up at me. "Any chance I might get to ride on it sometime?"

I looked down at her and became aware, once again, just how sexy and appealing Karen was, and said, "I'd say there's a very good chance you'll ride on it sometime. Maybe sooner than you think." (Now what the heck did I meant by that?)

"I'm going to hold you to that," she said.

When we got to my apartment, she asked where the bathroom was so she could go freshen up. I told her and went to my bedroom, where I changed into soft flannel pajamas. I was glad to get out of the shirt and tie I'd been wearing.

When I got back to the living room, Karen was looking over my DVD collection. I was a little surprised at her appearance. The dress had been replaced by a man's white tee shirt. Her legs were smooth and white and she wore little pink and white booties. When she bent over to inspect the DVDs on the lower shelves, I could see that she was wearing panties with little red hearts on them, and that her butt cheeks were shapely and utterly adorable.

I couldn't help but notice the modest bulge between her thighs.

I guess she heard me come up behind her because she asked, "See anything you like?"

"Huh?" I asked stupidly.

"To watch, silly," she said with a throaty laugh. "What did you think I meant?"

"Uh, I don't know," I said, embarrassed at being caught in the act of looking.

She straightened and turned to me. Up to this point, I hadn't realized how short she was. I'm five-nine. She couldn't have been more than five even. Her eyes were enormous as she gazed up at me. I caught a whiff of her perfume. "I have a favor to ask, Uncle," she said.

"Anything," I replied, meaning it.

"I really don't want to go back to my apartment. Is it all right if I stay with you tonight?"

I might be a little slow, but I wasn't sending this delightful creature away.

"Of course you can stay," I replied.

"Oh good! Thank you!" she said.

And then Karen lowered her gaze, closed her eyes, and gave me a little curtsey.

It was at that moment that I think I fell a little bit in love with her.

Then she held up a DVD and said, "I want to watch this, if it's all right." It was Conan The Barbarian. The one from the '80s, not the newer one. It's actually one of my favorites.

"Good choice," I said. "Do you want ice cream?"

"Yes, please!" she piped, turning around and bending over to put the disc in my player. For just a moment, I admired the view once again, knowing I was weak, knowing there would be consequences, and not really caring.

Did I fight with myself? Yes I did. But the fact is that I'm 38 years old with a good job, a nice home, and most of the toys I've ever wanted. But I have no wife or girlfriend. The last woman in my life had been Marie. We'd been semi-serious for about a year, and then it had fizzled out. There had been no tearful breakup, no catastrophic argument. One day, I hadn't called. And that day had stretched into the next, and then a week had gone by. When I did call, Marie hadn't seemed to mind. In fact, she hadn't seemed interested at all. So we'd left it at that. Occasionally we would see each other at the Walmart. We would speak pleasantly, then go our separate ways. It had been almost a year, and there had been no one since.

I work at construction sites and maintenance shops. I work with men, mostly. The women I run into are either attached or not attractive to me. I don't go to church (although I should), and I rarely go to bars. I am attracted to petite, feminine women, not really the kind found on construction sites or in maintenance shops.

As I dished up ice cream, I was fully aware that what was happening was wrong on so many levels. I wondered which was the bigger issue: the incest issue, or the same-sex issue? I had always been friendly with Kevin, but I'd never had any idea that he harbored any "special feelings" for me. Yet Kevin had transformed into Karen, and she was in my living room in a tee shirt and panties, smelling and looking like a million bucks, and unless I was completely wrong, aiming to seduce me tonight. And I was vulnerable. I was lonely, and I missed the company of women. Of a woman. And as I said before, Karen was the type of woman I was attracted to. Did it really matter that Karen was really Kevin, or vice versa? Not really. The person in my living room was undeniably female. Did it matter that she was related to me? Not (apparently) to her it didn't. And at that moment, it didn't to me either.

When I got back to the living room, Karen was on the couch under a blanket. She was studying the remote, trying to make sense of its many buttons. I handed her her ice cream and she handed me the device saying, "That thing's too complicated for me."

I pushed buttons, started the movie and adjusted the volume. Karen asked, "You want some blanket, Uncle?"

"Sure," I said.

She scooched over closer and placed the blanket over both of us. As she leaned over me, I caught her womanly scent again. It was warm and sweet and slightly musky. Through the armhole of her tee shirt, I caught a brief glimpse of budding side boob. I looked up at her face. From this close, and in this light, it was possible to see a hint of masculinity. It was more a sense than something you could actually put your finger on. There was something about the squareness of her jaw or the look around her eyes. But many women have masculine jawlines or mannish eyes. It doesn't detract from their femininity or beauty. And so it was with Karen. As she draped the blanket over us, I was aware of only one thing: her blinding, overwhelming femaleness. I was totally caught up in it.

We ate ice cream and traveled to ancient Cimmeria, home of Conan. I have always enjoyed the movie, and I could tell Karen did, too. We grew quiet and watched, drawn into the story. Gradually, I became aware that Karen had moved closer. Our thighs were touching, and she, from time to time, would grab my arm.

"Wow, you have muscles, Uncle Dom," she whispered, squeezing my arm.

"Thanks," I whispered back.

A few minutes later, her head was on my shoulder. She put her arm through mine. My hand was now resting on her slender, smooth thigh. It seemed that Karen couldn't keep still. She kept shifting and squirming. Not a lot, just a little. She seemed to get comfortable after a while.

Conan is a fairly long movie. A little more than halfway into it, I felt my eyelids grow heavy. I was soon struggling to stay awake. Close beside me, Karen was breathing softly and deeply. She had dozed off. I leaned over and whispered, "Karen..."

"I'm awake," she murmured sleepily.

For a few minutes at least, we both watched the movie. But eventually we both dozed off again.

When I again awoke, the movie was over. The TV was quiet. The room was dark and still, but Karen and I were warm under our blanket.

It was then that it happened. I shifted a little, my hand moved, and I felt myself touching Karen between her legs. And there it was, all right. Her cock. For just a moment, I felt its semi-hardness. I started to pull back, but Karen's hand closed over mine and pulled it right back into her lap. She rubbed against me several times. I could feel her getting hard. I was getting hard, too.

"Oh Uncle Dom," she sighed

Before I could respond, Karen had shifted her position to straddle my thigh. Her arms went around my neck. Her smooth, supple girl's body was against mine. I felt her breath on my ear. Her lips traveled down my jawline and our mouths crushed against each other in the most passionate kiss I've ever experienced. My arms went around her slim waist and I pulled her to me, hard. She gave a little moan and we sought each other's mouths hungrily. I was overwhelmed by the fervor and intensity of the kiss. I reached down and cupped her tight little buttock. "Yes!" she moaned again.

"Karen, I'm not sure we should be doing this," I managed to croak.

"I know, I know, Uncle Dom. But I've had a crush on you forever, and I've waited so long and I..."

She kissed me again, rubbing her crotch with its now erect cock against my thigh and my belly. I felt her warm small hand snake down and enter my pajama bottoms.

Oh my God, I was powerless to stop her. It had been a long time for me, too.

She grasped my steel-hard rod firmly and jacked it up and down a few times. I groaned in spite of myself. It felt so good. We kissed again and again.