Kate's Adventure


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"I just want you to do something naughty and tell me about it before we hang up."

"Naughty? I wasn't trying to be naughty. I'd just gotten out of the shower. I wasn't flashing Uncle Fred. The towel slipped off, Mom. It was an accident."

My group of now extremely attentive men was, I think, quite disappoint at having arrived at the conference center. It was time for us to part ways and for them to find something other than the lurid tales of a young woman to occupy their minds. Most of them went inside but a couple of smokers paused at one side and lit up for a last cigarette while I leaned sat on a low wall to finish the conversation with my "mom."

They were too far a way to hear me now, so when I spread my knees apart to let them see my panties I dropped the act with Susan.

"So I'm sitting now and letting a couple of guys across the way look up my skirt."

"Ooh, that's hot."

"Yeah, I discovered today how much I like being watched."

"I thought as much on the bus earlier even though some of that was a surprise to you too, wasn't it?"

I laughed. "It sure was. But you know I've never been so horny for so long."

"Mmm, I understand. I play my own games at times."

"Then you'll understand how exciting it is to be rubbing my inner thigh with one and while talking to you and watching these two men watch me."

"Oooh, tell me more."

"Well, I found out earlier that if I try to scratch my back in a certain way I can get my top to rise up just right and I think the bottom of one breast is exposed. I'm doing it now and the guys can't take their eyes off me."

"Oh, Jesus, I'm getting wet. I'd better go Kate. I'll call you as soon as I'm free. Have fun, but not too much fun, okay?"

"You bet."

"And call me if your plans change."

"Of course. Bye Susan."

"Bye sweetie."

What a rush! Just having that conversation with her and arranging to meet later -- and all the while teasing the guys around me -- wow, I was just as aroused now as I'd been in the library. I needed relief but couldn't see how to get here out in public. After picking up my bag I went over to the cigarette smokers and said, "I hope you enjoyed the show."

"Show?" the older one asked with feigned innocence.

"Yeah, you seemed to like listening to me and looking up my skirt."

"What the fuck?"

"No need to use bad language. I enjoyed performing for you. Here's an encore." After ensuring no one else would see, I lifted my top and showed them my tits. "Just wanted you to know we're a very friendly city. Come back again soon." Then I walked away texting to Susan, "just flashed tits at two guys." In a few seconds I got a text back, "go girl, same some for me."

I strolled back the way I'd come and entered the nice bar I'd noticed while passing by just a minute ago. It had a really pleasant off-white, modern decor shouting out expensive and cool. Just the place for young professionals. I sat on a bar stool next to a young guy and his wife (or girl or date) and put my bag down on the floor. The bartender, a good looking guy in his thirties, put a coaster in front of me and asked what I'd like.

"A strawberry daiquiri please."

"Honey, you need to be 21 to be served alcohol. You probably know that."

"Yep. And here's my ID," I told him handing over my drivers license. He looked at it long and hard, I suppose thinking it was faked. "It's real. I'm 21."

Shaking his head, he handed back to me. "Well, if it is fake it's the best I've ever seen. I'm sorry, I have to check. We can lose our liquor license for serving minors you know. Strawberry daiquiri coming right up."

When the bartender left to make the drink, the guy to my right said, "Don't be too hard on him. You don't look anywhere near 21. Please take that as a compliment." Looking to his companion, he asked, She doesn't, does she?"

"No, not even 18," the sultry redhead said. "Hi there. I'm Megan and this is Eric. Nice to meet you."

I shook hands with them and introduced myself. "I get carded all the time. I know I look younger, but really.... You can join the army at 18 and vote, what's with the drinking age in American being 21?"

Eric laughed. "Even if it was 18, you'd still get carded. Like Megan said, you look even younger."

"But you like that, don't you?" asked Megan. "That's the sexiest outfit I've seen in a while and it's like doubly sexy knowing your 21. If you were 15 it'd just be cute."

"Er, thanks, I guess," I stammered. Megan was really gorgeous in a why I'd never be. She had beautiful long red hair, nice full breasts, long legs, and was wearing even less than I was. Her skirt was little more than a black band around her hips, and she wore fishnet stocking held up by a garter belt, with the garters plainly in view. Above she had on what I could only call a black leather bikini top with her breasts nearly spilling out on either side. While I had a gold hop ring in each ear, she had several. She exuded sexiness. Looking at her, I spoke the truth saying, "Well, I guess I'm dressing this way because it's the only way I can imagine to compete with girls like you." Once I heard my own words, I regretted them. It sounded resentful.

But Megan thought it hilarious. When she stopped laughing she said, "Oh, please don't take offense. It's just that that's the most honest thing I've hear in a long time. I think you're just darling. And, yes, by dressing this way I'm exploiting guys like my good friend Eric who can't get enough of big tits and long legs."

Eric looked confused but we were distracted by the bartender arriving with my drink. "That'll be ten dollars."

"Huh? Ten bucks for a daiquiri?"

"I just work here. I don't set the prices."

Megan pushed the pile of money sitting between her and Eric forward. "Please, let me buy. It's delightful to have met you."

"Thank you," I said and sipped my drink. I really don't like daiquiris much, but it was the first thing I could think of that was in character. I looked at Eric and said, "What do you think? Megan there is a bombshell and I'm just a little person dressed like a girl. Any cognitive dissonance?"

"Fuck, plenty."

Megan patted him on the back. "That's my boy and why I love him. He's honest. What guy wouldn't be tempted by a very young looking hot girl?"

I added, "And a very hot looking redhead in leather with big tits."

She stoked the back of his head, "Poor boy, he might just explode." Then to me, "But you know big tits are really overrated. Sure guys love them, but imagine going out for a healthy run. You gotta strap these suckers down for that." She emphasized the idea by gripping her breasts roughly. "Their like having a pet. You go to all kinds of extra lengths to keep them happy."

I liked her open, honest way of expressing herself -- and the bit of lilt to her speech. "You're Irish, right? But don't live there now."

"Very good," she said sitting up straight. "Irish and proud of it, but I've been living here since I was 15 or so. If I really try hard I can speak pure American."

Eric smiled. "Or so you think."

"Well, I don't often try. The boys love a bit of lilt in the voice," she said giving full voice to her Irish ancestry. She winked at me. "Really, they're so easy that way."

"I can imagine."

"Join us for dinner, Kate," she said spontaneously. "You won't mind, will you, Eric? Oh, what am I thinking? Of course you won't. What would be a better treat for you than having sexy little Kate join us for a while longer so you can keep having all those naughty thoughts about having sex with her?" Without waiting for me to respond, she called the bartender over and asked him to change their reservation from two to three people.

After a while we were led back into a dark restaurant area and giving a semicircular booth. "Perfect," Megan announced as she encouraged me to sit. After I'd worked my way in, she took a place on my left and Eric on my right. Moving my bag out of the way and shifting more toward me, she said, "Now this is quite cozy, isn't it?" It was and became more so after we ordered a bottle of wine.

I'd never had a fine red wine before and wasn't so sure I like this one. But the atmosphere of the expensive restaurant and the attentions of Eric and Megan compensated for my naive taste in fine wine. When we toasted each other and our new found friendship, I felt two hands on my thighs. Looking left and right I could see my dinner friends sipping from their glasses with one hand while each massaged a bare thigh with the other.

"Mmm, that's a new experience," I said putting my glass down and feeling the hands rise higher on my legs. "You guys seem to be good at groping and sipping at the same time."

Megan laughed. "You're such a tease. You know, you can grope too. One reason we like this place is that it's so dark." Her hand slipped up to my pussy. "No one can see a thing." When Eric's hand joined hers, she added, "Of course, you can always say no. You're a bit like an exotic appetizer you know, but we're not going to force ourselves on you. If you don't want this sort of attention all you have to do is say so."

Even as she spoke her fingers were massaging my hot little cunt while Eric's sought the edge of the elastic around my leg and after sliding under it stroked my labia.

Bringing my glass back to my lips, I said, "It's not that I don't like the attention. I was just remarking on the fact that the two of you are so able to provide it, you know, while we're sitting in this public place having dinner." Megan had found my clit and was teasing it gently through the thin barrier of my panties while Eric's fingertip parted my lips and tentatively probed around. All the while, the both sipped their wine as if nothing untoward was going on.

Megan laughed again. "You're quite a find. A women who looks like a girl yet seems to like being treated like a sex toy in the most adult way." Her finger danced on my clit. "I couldn't have wished for a better dinner guest."

I was about to respond when the waiter arrived to take our orders. We hadn't even opened the menus, but when he listed the specials Megan and Eric selected at once and when it was my turn, Megan said, "I bet you'd like the grilled swordfish. They do it very well here." I just nodded to the waiter as my pussy continued to be teased.

After he left we were brought salads and bread, and they took there hands away from me. For a while we ate and talked like normal people. But not for long. Megan slipped off her panties and handed them to Eric. "Honey, will you put these in your pocket for safe keeping?" Then turning to me, "He'd be happy to do the same with yours, Kate."

With knife and fork in my hands, I was attacking my salad. "Er, well, sure. Just let me...."

"Oh, please, keep eating," Megan crooned. "Just lift your little behind up a bit." I did and they quickly stripped off my panties. I lifted one leg, then other, and then Eric was stuffing them in his pocket. "Doesn't that feel better?" Megan asked.

"Well, it sure feels different," I told her. "The seat is cold."

"Yes, it is, but isn't it rather delicious?" She parted my legs and cupped my pussy. "Oh my, totally shaved. You're a naughty girl." Looking past me she said, "See how naughty she is, Eric," and her hand was replaced with his.

He not only cupped my cunt but a finger found it's way inside. As he fingered me he said, "Yes, I see what you mean, and she's very excited too."

I looked at him and then to Megan. "I just want you to know that after dinner I want my panties back. Their sort of special." The both laughed and assured me they'd be returned.

Pushing her empty salad plate aside, Megan said, "Kate, don't you want to touch me too?" With Eric's finger buried in my pussy, I reached between his girl's legs and found her pussy. I'd never touched another girl like that before. She just smiled as my fingers played with her lips then explored between them. Given the way they had maneuvered me into their sex play, I was surprised to she was hairy down there. She seemed to read my mind.

"Eric likes the natural look and it's so nice not to be trimming and waxing all the time."

"I've never done this before, you know."

"You mean play with a woman or be with a couple like this?" She asked then giggled. "Or do you mean fondling and being fondled in a restaurant?"

I pushed a finger into her wet pussy. "I was thinking about touching another woman."

"Oh. Well then let me say you are doing just fine." She squeezed my finger with her cunt. "I hope you can please Eric too."

When I reached for his crotch I found he'd already opened his pants and taken out his cock. It was hard and erect when I wrapped my hand around it. I was busy fondling both of them when the waiter returned.

Topping off our wine glasses he asked, "How are we doing here?"

"Extremely well," Megan told him.

"Your dinner will arrive momentarily," he intoned and left.

My companions sipped their full glasses of wine. The Megan said, "Let me help you," and raised my glass to my lips. As I took a sip, she said, "It's really a fine wine and that's really a fine thing you're doing to me with your fingers." She looked to Eric. "Is it good for you too?"

"Very." He smiled at us both. "Kate's a wonderful dinner guest. I'm so glad you invited her."

"Me too."

It was a surreal experience. I played with his cock with one hand while probing Megan's pussy with the other and gazed around the dining room in the dim light. At the other tables couples and dinner companions ate and drank, enjoying their surroundings unaware of the young woman, me, masturbating two people at the same time while the wait staff went about their duties bringing perfect dishes from the kitchen and taking away empty plates.

"You guys do this often?" I asked.

"Boy, not often enough," Eric replied as he sat back in the lush, leather clad booth to enjoy my fondling.

"We really should get out more, you know," Megan added with a smile as my finger wiggled in her pussy.

Then dinner arrived and our little game stopped while we ate. The swordfish was excellent. I'd never tasted anything like it. Mom and I went out at time but never to a place like this. And my college friends? Our idea of fine dining was trading Pizza Hut for Friday fish night at the local watering hole. Hey, don't get me wrong, it was great fish and chips -- I loved the spicy tartar sauce -- but it sure wasn't high cuisine in the big city.

When we were done with the main course, the waiter took our dessert orders. I didn't have room for anything more but Megan selected a crème brûlée and Eric a decadent chocolate dish. "We'll share them with you," said Megan as my hand returned to her thigh. By the time the desserts arrived I had her and Eric on the edge of orgasm. She seemed to especially like having her clit lightly stroked, and Eric, well, I wished we had some lubricant. It's hard to stroke a cock properly otherwise. Still, we made do and he seemed to like what I was doing. They fed me bits of their food as I played with them, and if the waitstaff noticed they were sophisticated enough not to show it.

When they were done eating and had paid for the dinner, I said, "You'll have to excuse me." Eric started to get up to let me out of the booth. "Oh, I don't mean that," I told him and with a last look around to ensure no one was watching, I slipped under the table.

With my fingers still in Megan's cunt, I took Eric in my mouth trusting the long table cloth and dim light to conceal me. His dick was just shy of what I would call normal and it was easy to take it all in. In moments he was ejaculating on my tongue and I turned my attention to Megan. I licked her hairy lips for a bit and then sucked on her little clit. It was hard and ready. After all the tantalizing teasing of the evening, I wasn't surprised that she came rather quickly.

What was surprising was how quickly and naturally I took to eating pussy. Just before dinner I touched another girl down there for the first time. Now I was eagerly lapping up the wetness Megan exuded as she rose to a peak and climaxed.

I was still on my knees under the table when the waiter came back with the credit card slip for Eric to sign. That my location wasn't secret was brought home to me when waiter put his foot down between my legs and my pussy contacted his trousers. Oh no, I've been discovered, I thought, but then, as his leg pressed against me, I heard him tell Eric, "It's been a pleasure to serve you, sir. I hope you and your companions come back soon. Too bad your young friend isn't here. She was quite a treat."

Son of a bitch, he knew exactly where I was and his leg kept prodding me. But what the hell, he'd been nice and wasn't making a scene. I rubbed my cunt up and down against his leg like a bitch in heat.

"Thank you, sir. If you'd like to fill out this little form you'll become a select guest of the restaurant. We'll send you announcement of our special events and provide a five percent discount on all your purchases."

"That sounds like a good deal," Eric said. I humped the waiter's leg as he filled out the form. Just as Eric said, "Here, I think that's all the information you need," I came, my body shivered as I pressed into the trousers of our waiter.

He stammered. "Er, thank you, er, sir, and again, er, I want to thank you for having dinner with, er, us."

After he left, I poked my head out between Eric and Megan. "Is it safe to come up?"

Megan looked around and then smiled. "Yep, all clear." I took my place between them as they sipped their after dinner coffee. "Would you like some?"

"No, I never touch the stuff," I told her.

"Well, that was some payback for the dinner. Thank you very much."

Closing his pants Eric added, "Yes, thank you."

"My pleasure," I said and meant it. What a day this had been. Then a buzz came from my bag. "Oh that's my phone," I told Megan and she handed the bag to me. I took the phone out and saw the text message from Susan, "Done with dinner, ready for you." I smiled.

"Message from a friend?" Megan asked.

"Yep, I've gotta go."

"Can we drop you somewhere? We're parked nearby and I'd love to give you the same sort of feelings you just gave me."

Susan's hotel was about six blocks away so I accepted the offer. The three of us walked across the street to the multilevel parking lot and took the elevator to the top floor. The moment the elevator doors closed Megan pulled me to her, kissing me on the lips. "God, I can taste Eric on your tongue. You are such a sexy minx," she said when our lips finally parted. "I couldn't believe it when you went under the table like that."

I shrugged. "Well, the two of you got me so horny I didn't know what else to do."

When we got to their car, Megan opened a passenger door and looked around. "Seems safe. Kate sit here. Eric eat her. I want to watch." I sat in the open door with my legs spread as Eric and then Megan lick my wet cunt. I came at least twice before we heard the elevator ding and others approaching.

On the way to Susan's hotel Eric handed me my panties. "I'd love to keep these, er, well, frankly as a sort of trophy, but you said you wanted them back."

"Yep, they're rather special," I told him and slipped them on. I texted Susan "on my way" and moments later my phone buzzed. She'd replied "i'm in the lounge."

With just a few blocks to go I said to Megan. "You know, I really wanted to do something that maybe I could do now."

"What's that?"

From the backseat, I leaned forward and grabbed her nice full breasts. "This."

"Oh yes," she exclaimed pulling her top away. For the next minute or so I enjoyed my first experience of fondling another woman's tits. A couple of cars honked as they passed us by and their drivers saw what I was doing. As we approached my destination I sat back.