Katherine and Gerald

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Heart ache as man sees his love taken by cult leader.
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This story has a few scenes of forced sex. Please do not feel that my other stories are at all in any way like this one, the real story is of the romance between Katherine and Gerald.

Thank you, enjoy!

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Baltar the King asked me.

I didn't want to.

He commanded me....I still didn't want to do as he wished.

With forced steps, I walked towards the front door. Each step was growing harder and my legs ached with the force. He commanded me...his power was now unstoppable. With each command he gave me, I always did his bidding. He could tell me to slit my own wrists, and I would.

I raised my leg and climbed the first step up the small porch and got to the door. I raised my hand to the crimson red metal storm door and grabbed the knocker. I wrapped it twice and took in a deep breath as my hand went back to my side.

I heard footsteps and then the door opened. She peered around the side of the door and when her lovely blue eyes caught sight of my dark black ones, she smiled. "Gerald!" she almost screamed with joy. She opened the door wide and wrapped her arms around me. "Oh, Gerald!" she said again with tears staining her cheeks. She held me close and I must admit, I held her just as tight. I knew we were being watched, so I pressed inside, not waiting for her to invite me in. She didn't notice and closed the door when we were fully inside.

"Katherine...." my voice was low, I didn't recognize it at first. "I...I have missed you so!" I exclaimed and held her to me again.

"Oh Gerald, how did you escape?" she asked. "What happened to the others?" each of her questions burned a hole in my heart, I knew I had to lie.

"I took my chances and ran when the guards brought me to town to get medical supplies." Once again, I didn't recognize my voice. "Mary-Beth, Quadrene, and Michael are all well. They send their regards." I couldn't bring it to my self to tell her they were all dead...or at least thought to be.

"Oh thank the lord above," she placed her hands together and sighed towards the ceiling. "I pray every night, and here you are!" she once again took me to her arms and held me.

"You must come with me though....." I stammered. "I need you to come with me tonight, at once!" I felt my eyes burn through hers as she stared me down in confusion and fear.

"What...why....Oh Gerald, does he know?" she was trembling now. "Does he know?"

I nodded. "Baltar knows of Jonathon." I whispered, afraid of the King hearing me use his name to an outsider. I know of his power, and even with my twenty-eight years of knowledge of the world, I'm still deathly afraid of the Unknown.

"When should we leave?" she asked.

"Now!" I said, moving to the door. "Where is Jonathon?" I asked.

"He's upstairs...." She ran to the stairs and called up them, "Dorothy! Oh Dorothy!"

A plump woman came to the top of the stairs. I recognized her as Katherine's nanny when she was a child. "Yes, miss?" she asked. She eyed me, I could smell the distrust waiver down the steps.

"Gather a few change of clothes of Jonathon's and a few blankets. I need to leave tonight, I'll come back in a few days to gather up the rest." Katherine headed up the stairs.

I watched her run up the stairs, her dress weighted her down but she still moved quickly. I remember what it was like watching her as we were children, she'd scamper up the stairs after church or school and get to her marbles set. Then, a few minutes later, after she'd thrown off her dress and changed into her outside clothes, she'd slide down the railing. I fell in love with her back then, in our youth. The love still beats strongly in my heart, even though now my heart is heavy with fear and worry over the King and the others.

I want to help her run away...but to where? She has been hiding for so long, and now we know she's here. She can't stay...he ordered me to bring her and the child back. I must....I must bring them back.

You pitiful fool! I curse myself inside my head. You coward!


It had been almost two years earlier when he came into town. He brought his traveling group of performers and dancers and the shows mesmerized the whole town.

I was out of work, saving up to buy the ring that I knew would be take Katherine's breath away when I would propose some day. I needed only forty more dollars. Baltar promised me work through his group and said I'd be able to earn that much and more in less than a month. I was ecstatic!

I ran home to tell mother, rest her soul, and she cheered me on. I packed a suitcase and went to live with Baltar and his workers in one of the extra tents they had been able to set up on one of the fields that had not grown crop in more years than I could remember.

Our town was becoming dead as year after the death spread through our fields. We were worried of what was to become of our town, but with Baltar and his traveling group of performers, our spirits had been lifted. He had all day shows and rides for just a penny! A penny! The children came and played after school, on Saturday's they came and played all day, and Sunday, the minute the preacher dismissed us, they'd run home to change to get to the rides and tents as fast as possible.

I didn't care for the rides, but I loved to see Katherine's face as she screamed on the roller rides and I enjoyed holding her tightly by my side as we went through the haunted house. It excited her so that when I took her home at night, I'd sit with her in the den and kissed her softly until she felt safe again.

Weeks after joining the performers and working for Baltar, I had earned a whopping fifty dollars! I bought the ring that I'd been eyeing and asked Baltar if I could leave early to take Katherine to a special spot in the forest outside of the fields to propose to her. I had a picnic ready for us and I ran to her house to get her.

Baltar had asked where in the woods had I set up the picnic and when I told him, I asked why he wanted to know. He smiled and replied, "So I know where to keep my employees from using the woods to relieve themselves, I don't want them to come upon you two in your most private moment." He chuckled and I didn't think anything more of it.

When Katherine and I walked through the brush, she giggled as we came up on the blanket and picnic basket. "Oh, you romantic." She turned around and held me closely as we kissed deeply. I kissed her forehead after we parted our lips. We had set out through the woods before dusk, and now it was almost dark. I quickly made a fire and gave us enough light to enjoy our evening picnic.

She sat lady like on the blanket and before she opened the basket, I couldn't hold back any longer. I pulled from my pocket the ring and held it out to her as I stood down on one knee to her. She immediately began to cry as she took the ring from my fingers and placed it on her ring finger. I held her tightly in my arms and we kissed for what seemed like hours. I couldn't wait for her to be my wife, to feel more of her skin than ever before.

Suddenly, a rustle from the bushes behind us made her jump. I turned around to make sure it wasn't a wild dog as the woods were filled with them. Instead, Baltar came from the brush and stood tall at the end of the blanket. He sneered down at us and I felt the heat from Katherine's skin as she grew scared. Baltar had on nothing but a black cloak, his skin shinning from the moon's light and the gentle flicker from the fire.

"Thank you for putting the ring on her finger...." Baltar's voice had changed and was now a low, evil tone. Other members of his performers, many whom I had become close friends with in the past month, came through the brush. Baltar looked to the others, then back at us. "With the full moon tonight, together, the ring shall bring me luck."

I heard struggles from the brush behind him and two girls Katherine and I knew from school were pushed through the brush, Mary-Beth and Quadrene. They were accompanied by Michael, my friend's brother. All three were pushed down by two men that were behind them.

Baltar looked around and saw the three. "What's this? I said two more virgins to make the circle complete, why this man?" he pressed his foot against Michael's chest and pushed him back. Michael fell to the ground and became covered in dry leaves and dirt.

"Sorry, my King," one man said. "We were able to lure the two women but this man began to follow us so we had to capture him as well to keep him from alerting towns people."

Baltar seemed satisfied with the man's explanation and turned back to me and Katherine, who was know balling.

"What do you want with us?" she sobbed.

"Why, haven't you figured it out, my sweet?" Baltar kneeled. His man piece was sticking out from his cloak and looked as if it was a dagger ready to be used in defense. I held Katherine closely as Baltar continued. "You are a virgin, my dear?"

Katherine nodded.

Baltar looked to Mary-Beth and Quadrene. "As are you two, yes?" The girls nodded and then looked to the ground, ashamed almost. "You three are to let me and my two men sleep with you all tonight in hopes that one of you will bring a child in nine months from tonight. Our cult is growing weak of power, and I need new blood. My power will only be brought forth if all three of you do as I say. Undress now...." His pause ripped through my heart, I knew he was serious. When all three didn't start to undress, his voice then boomed, "Now, you wretched maids!"

Katherine went to her buttons and quickly began to undo them, opening up her shirt. Her breasts looked lovely in the light and for the first time, I got to see her milky white flesh since we were both babes and swam in the pond together. I wanted to reach out and feel the warmth from her breast in my hand, but her tears hurt me and I held back.

Mary-Beth and Quadrene undressed quickly. Baltar stood back on his knees and two of his employees unclasped his cloak and took it off. Baltar moved towards Katherine as she then pulled her skirt off of her legs and was left with her undergarments on. Baltar couldn't wait any longer and pressed her legs open. He turned to the man on his left and pulled a knife from the mans belt and opened it. Baltar moved towards Katherine's legs and I spoke.

"No, please don't hurt her!" I said. Baltar back handed me, my cheek stung from the blow and I was then held down by two other men. I watched in horror as Baltar then moved back towards Katherine and placed the knife at her crotch, he ripped a hole with the knife into the loose fabric that held her womanhood inside. She yelped, but not from pain. As Baltar finished ripping away her clothes with the knife, she was left with only torn remnants around her waist.

Baltar put the knife down at her side and moved between her thighs. He looked to the men that were standing next to Mary-Beth and Quadrene. "Sons, begin!" he demanded. The two men, who now suddenly struck a strong resemblance to Baltar, got between the girls legs.

I felt the pressure behind my head and I was pressed closer to the face of my love. I then was forced to watch as her face screw up with pain as Baltar pushed between her thighs. Baltar didn't hold back any longer and pressed his man hood between her lips and into her body. As her screams filled the air, so did Mary-Beth's and Quadrene's. At the same time, all three were being ripped of their virginity's and being force fed the rod's from their abusers.

Katherine threw her head back and wailed as Baltar rocked back and forth against her, pressing farther inside her virgin orifice. She cried in pain but Baltar silenced her cries by kissing her. I had to watch as her mouth was raped by his tongue as the snake between his legs did it's doing between hers. Katherine's muffled cries soon turned to light sobs and then she was quiet.

I didn't bother to watch Mary-Beth or Quadrene as they too wore forced to give up their virginity's. I cried along with Katherine as she was stripped of her womanhood, something I know now she had planned to give to me.

She was pressed against the ground by Baltar as he neared his climax, and when he was closer, he called out to his sons. "Cum now, my boys, it is time!" Baltar gripped Katherine's left hand and the silver from her ring pressed against his ring on his right hand, a blast of red light shot out from their hands and Katherine screamed a final time.

Baltar and his sons moaned their pleasure as they all three finished off in unison and then lay atop of their woman. I stayed still, watching Katherine's face covered with tears turn to the side, facing away.

As Baltar put back on his cloak and walked away through the woods towards their camp, Katherine and I were left with the two men that had kept me still during her rape. Baltar spoke to them before departing and motioned for me to join them as well once Katherine had gathered herself.

Baltar's sons took Mary-Beth and Quadrene with them as the walked, Michael behind them, his hands behind his back and closely followed by the others.

I held Katherine in my arms and cried with her, I held her soft breasts against my chest and my hands placed directly above her rear. Her shakes were almost uncontrollable to her and she sobbed against my shoulder. The men watched us with out emotion, then one spoke.

"Baltar wants you to sooth your woman before bringing her back to camp. You are not allowed to release inside her as that may keep our King from getting his much needed child. So, hurry on and we shall go to the feast."

I kissed Katherine softly on the lips and held her tightly in my arms as I lay down next to her. I didn't take advantage of her that night. I just held her and kissed her until she fell asleep, the pain between her legs finally dulling to a soft throb.

When she fell asleep in my arms, the men gathered up the picnic and I carried her to the camp. That night, she slept in Baltar's tent, right next to mine. I listened through the night to her sobs as he continued to take advantage of her weakness from the harsh loss of her virginity, and when it soon was dawn, I was awoke from my deep thoughts by one of his men.

I was taken to Baltar's tent and told to strip bare. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know whether to fight, or to comply. I took off my clothes once he raised his voice and demanded I take them off or be punished. From then on, I always did what he demanded.

I then got down on the floor of the tent, my manhood becoming hard once I caught a glimpse of Katherine's naked body on the bed. She was on her side and her eyes were red with tears.

"I believe I have made a child with this one..." Baltar cheered. "I want to thank you!" He then looked at Katherine, and she nodded.

Katherine slithered off the bed and climbed on top of me. I felt her warm skin against mine and soon her wet opening between her legs which I had been dying to feel on our wedding night was open and around the tip of my penis. I shuddered as I felt her lower herself, expertly almost, onto me and when the soft, strong hold of her vagina was around the head of my penis, I let out a soft moan.

Katherine kissed my lips and lowered herself more and soon my entire length was inside her to the hilt. She moaned and sighed.

I held her tightly with my arms wrapped around her. We rocked around together for some time, and soon, I felt her body rush with warmth and she sighed against my neck as I held her tightly. Her insides felt as though they were shaking and the movements from her made my man hood shake inside her, erupting inside her my warm, flowing semen.

I held her tightly, my penis softening inside her. She then pushed against me to sit up straddling on top of me like she was riding a horse and I looked over her chest. I quickly took her breasts in my hands and held them like when I would knead clay as a child. I imagined shapes in her breasts as my hands moved about and when her nipples hardened, I leaned my mouth upwards and took her left nipple into my mouth and sucked lightly.

Katherine sighed again and I heard movement from behind her. She turned her head quickly and gasped a "no!" I pulled from her breast and peered around; Baltar was holding her buns in each hand and spreading them apart. He was smiling as he moved near and then his tongue moved from between his lips. He moved his long tongue up and down between her cheeks and I wasn't for sure what he was doing until he closed his eyes and kept his tongue between her cheeks.

Katherine sighed and moaned as Baltar was licking her anus with passion. I forgot about what he was forcing Katherine to feel with his licks and I moved to her other nipple. As I licked and suckled it, I felt my manhood begin to harden once again. My head was still inside her wet, slick hole and soon, my length was pushed deeply inside her.

I moaned aloud that it felt good but quieted when Katherine bit down on my lips. I watched her eyes roll back in pain and I shot a look behind her shoulder. Baltar was holding her hips with one hand and the other, was holding his manhood. He had it pointed towards her rear and was grunting as he pressed forward towards her.

Katherine groaned and gasped and I heard Baltar moan in approval. I realized as I felt a smooth feeling against my penis to what Baltar was doing. Suddenly, Katherine cried and the hold from her vagina on my penis was so incredible, it was hard to not release inside her at the moment. It became so clear what Baltar was making Katherine endure; he was pressing his manhood into Katherine's rear as my penis was fully embedded inside her vagina. The feeling was exquisite as my rocking was in step with Baltar's and soon I felt the urge to cum again inside Katherine. I felt the movement of Baltar's penis against mine through the small bit of flesh that was separating her two holes and as his orgasm neared, I could tell through the throbbing from his meat.

I watched Katherine's face contort as her pain grew as both the rods in her body grew to their fullest and began their search for the peak of pleasure. We rocked back and forth inside her. I knew it was a sin what we were doing, but the feeling was wonderful and I wanted to see it through. I held Katherine in my arms as I used her trembling body and whispered in her ear that it was going to be over soon. She cried that it hurt and felt good at the same time, her confusion was obvious as her body rocked against mine. She was no doubt feeling the same feeling I had felt when I came inside her earlier and I felt her body begin to get pimples all over as she was rushed with orgasmic bliss.

She fell over on top of me and cried a wonderful sound into the air. My breaths filled the tent as I breathed heavy, beginning to feel the growing feeling inside my scrotum and the burning pleasure at the tip of my penis.

Baltar held Katherine's hips tight, his knuckles growing white. He threw his head back and moaned aloud that he was there and he pressed farther into her buttocks. Katherine screamed but wasn't in pain and her legs shook. She came again as her insides were filled by us two men....and she cooed as our orgasms came to an end.

Now I was running with her, her baby Jonathon in her arms. She cried but with no sound. Her tears flowed heavy down her cheeks but she didn't utter a sound. We made our way through the woods. I hadn't seen her since the day she'd given birth to Jonathon and I helped her to escape from Baltar and his men.

We crossed through a creek and as we headed up the other side of the bank, I saw a light from a lantern shine through the trees. I held Katherine's hand tight and we crouched low to the ground. I had her follow me to under a bridge up the creek and we sat for a few minutes, waiting for the sounds in the woods to die down. A couple people were crossing through the woods and I didn't want to chance it that it was some of Baltar's men.