Katherine Ch. 09-10

Story Info
Capturing his climax - Katherine's explanation.
10.8k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 12/07/2006
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Chapter 9

The Studio

I had a hectic couple of days and although I still had some lingering concerns about what Katherine actually had in mind for the photographic session I pushed those aside, and was so busy I had no trouble in following her request that I should leave my cock alone.

When I arrived at the studio and Katherine let me in I found she and her helper were still setting up, moving lights and checking cables. 'We won't be long now.' she said, giving me a kiss and then leading me through the equipment to an old sofa at the back of the studio. 'There's some coffee brewing, or a beer in the fridge.' she said, pointing to a small kitchen area behind a partition. 'Make yourself comfortable for a few minutes.'

I passed on the refreshments and watched, interested to see Katherine working at her profession. She displayed the same air of certain confidence that I had experienced in her love-making, making fine adjustments to the complexity of equipment that seemed to be scattered around at random, but which in fact I guessed, had been placed according to a well thought out plan.

At first I took little notice of her helper who seemed to spend most of her time in the shadowy corners of the studio. But something about her bothered me and eventually she came closer and I had an opportunity to get a better look at her, and immediately felt my heart skip a couple of beats.

As she was wearing what looked like a track-suit I couldn't see much more of her body than the fact that she was tall and slim, so it was her profile that first caught my attention. She seemed very young, probably not much more than eighteen I thought, but it was the shiny, chestnut brown hair that was pulled back tightly off her face and made into a neat bun at the back of her head that really did it. From the angle I was seeing her she looked very much like Belinda, the girl in my Degas print.

'Oh I'm sorry, how rude of me!' Katherine suddenly said as she straightened up from what she had been doing. 'Craig, this is Belinda, she'll be giving us a helping hand.'

'Belinda?' I gasped disbelievingly.

'Yes, really, and she's a dancer too. It's remarkable isn't it.' Katherine answered with a mischievous smile as I took the opportunity to take a closer look at the girl who was then smiling shyly at me. Being able to see her face properly for the first time I found that although the resemblance was in fact only superficial it really needed very little imagination to cast her as my fantasy Belinda's slightly older sister.

'And from what you have told me about your Belinda, and what I know about this one, there are other similarities too Craig.' Katherine said cryptically, then added. 'Now we only have a couple of things left to do so why don't you get your things off, there are some hooks and a robe in the kitchen. Then try calling up some of your Belinda fantasies, that should get things started.' she added with a truly wicked smile.

I did as she suggested, in the circumstances not really surprised to find that my cock had to that point remained resolutely unstirred. Not wanting to make a complete fool of myself, having stripped off I shut my eyes, then, while handling myself, brought back memories of some of the things Katherine and I had done together a few evenings earlier.

That had started to do the trick when, through my still closed eye-lids I saw the sudden increase in light. 'OK, everything's connected up, just stand on the marker for a minute Belinda while I tone some of these down.' I heard Katherine say, then opening my eyes, I saw the brilliant glare slowly reducing.

'Good, that's better, now let's see about Craig.' she said a minute or two later and then her head popped around the corner of the partition. 'How are things progressing?' she asked with a grin. 'Just put these on for me please, then you can rejoin us.' she added as she handed me a pair of slate-blue boxer shorts.

I could tell that they were made of real silk and when I slipped them on I found the feel of them against my skin was really nice, especially brushing against my partially stiffened cock.

'You won't need the robe on Craig, it gets pretty hot under these lights. We'll be stripping down too.' Katherine said when I went out into the dazzling light that still filled one end of the studio. 'Then just sit on that stool please, while I run a few lighting checks, get the balance right for your skin tone. And slip this on, amongst other things it will keep the glare out of your eyes.' she added, handing me an eye-mask.

I shrugged the robe off and turned to go and sit on the stool, and was just in time to see Belinda taking off the shapeless track-suit. Underneath it she was wearing a dark coloured, single piece leotard, and although it covered her from neck to ankle it also fitted her like a second skin.

Although tall and still youthfully slim, with extraordinarily long legs, her body was also mouth-wateringly curvy. She had a tiny waist and wash-board flat stomach, but her hips and buttocks had a decidedly feminine shape, and the size of her still developing breasts stretched the thin fabric even more provocatively.

She looked up and caught me watching her and gave me a knowing smile before turning to hang the track-suit over the back of a chair.

That of course gave me the opportunity to see her arse properly, and I allowed my eyes to linger for a few seconds on the tight fullness of those twin globes before doing as Katherine had asked.

Having made myself comfortable on the stool and slipped on the eye-mask I tried to relax while Katherine did her technical stuff. I found that although the situation was in one way positively weird, in another there was something decidedly erotic about it.

The idea that there were two extremely attractive women whose sole purpose was to see me in a state of sexual arousal, was both flattering and exciting. Remembering the incredible things Katherine's hands were capable of doing to me, and at the same time wondering just what role Belinda would play, was even more so.

I found my head was filled with a confusion of images and thoughts. Of the sight of this Belinda's lycra-clad body, of the Belinda hanging on my bed-room wall, of the fantasies I had developed about what she and I did together.

I don't know just how long I drifted in that semi-conscious state but I was brought back to reality by the feel of a hand on my thigh and the sound of Katherine's voice. 'Just hold that position Craig, I'm going to make some adjustments here then I'll take a few shots of you as you are.' she said, her hand moving to my cock.

What had been going on in my head had obviously spurred its growth and sensitivity and I felt it twitch as Katherine eased it down until I felt it pressing against my upper thigh. 'Yes, that's good, the silk outlines its shape very nicely.' she said softly, making a minor adjustment to its position, and then adding. 'Now I'm just going to move this leg a little, and now your arms, to here and like so.'

I heard her move back, presumably to check the pose, then she explained the process. 'I'm using several cameras Craig, colour, black and white and a digital video, and of course I'll be moving about a bit too, so there will be times when I ask you to try to hold still for what might seem a bit long, just do your best. Sometimes I'll say, 'breathe in and hold it', and when I do just try to do that until I say, 'relax now'.

Now it may be difficult at first but what I want you to try to do is forget that we are here, forget why you're here and just think sexy thoughts. Maybe remember what we did last time, or some scenes from your past, perhaps one of your 'Belinda' fantasies, or even what we might get up to here after we've finished the shooting. That's up to you, but don't worry, we'll also help you along from time to time.' she added in a cheeky tone of voice.

For the next ten or fifteen minutes I did my best to do as Katherine had asked, but found the need to hold still from time to time, plus the various sounds and movements made it difficult to keep my mind off what was going on around me. Each time I called up some image or memory something happened; a camera shutter clicked, or Katherine either moved or said something to Belinda, any of which interrupted the flow of what she had called, 'sexy thoughts'.

So with nothing much going on in my head there was obviously nothing much happening below. I don't know whether she had anticipated that, or if her reactions were prompted by necessity but, after having a few quiet words with Belinda, Katherine came to my side and I felt her hand on my thigh as she said in a low whisper. 'Belinda's a gorgeous girl, isn't she.'

'Mmm. Yes she is.' I replied as I felt her hand moving slowly up and down my thigh.

'It's an amazing coincidence, I mean her name, and that she's a dancer. What's even more amazing is that she likes doing some of the things you and I do. Her reasons are different but just like me she gets excited by the sight of a man's cock, if it's a particularly nice one that is. I've told her yours is the best I've ever found, and as she knows how many men I've seen she's naturally keen to see it for herself.'

While she had been speaking her hand had continued its slow movement, edging steadily closer to where my still partially stiffened cock lay, and I could feel that what she was telling me, plus the anticipation of her touch was having the effect she wanted. 'Later, when we've taken a few more shots, I'm going to let her handle it for herself, I've had to promise to let her do that, she insisted. So you'll be able to compare us, see if we do things differently for you, see which you like better. Does that idea appeal to you?'

'Yes of course it does.' I muttered, feeling a sudden rush of blood coursing into my cock as Katherine's fingers finally made contact with it.

'Ah yes, I can see it does.' she replied, lightly stroking the quickly growing length. 'Just hold on for a bit longer then. I'm going to take just a few more shots now.' she added, giving it few more encouraging strokes before moving away again.

I could tell from the tingling sensations I was getting that what her touch and suggestive words had started was continuing, that my cock was still growing. The feelings I was getting from it as it inched its way along my thigh were thrilling, one side of the head brushing against the hairs on my leg, the other against the thin silk that was holding it down.

But even as those sensations were registering I found myself trying to picture the expression on Belinda's face as she watched it through the lens of one of the cameras. Remembering the knowing look she had given me as she peeled off her track-suit. Comparing her youthfully sexy body with Katherine's. Wondering just what she would do, and how different her fingers would feel when she fondled me.

And although I could hear camera shutters clicking, and from time to time behind that, Katherine's urgent whispers, that time neither broke through what was going on inside my head, nor, from the increasingly tight feel of the restraining silk, slowed the growth of my steadily engorging cock.

In fact I got so involved with my thoughts and feelings that I didn't even hear Katherine moving towards me and so was a bit startled when I heard her speaking softly in my ear. 'Don't move just yet, and don't lose that train of thought Craig, you're doing fine, starting to look very impressive. I just want to make a slight adjustment.' she said as one hand pressed lightly down against the shaft, and I felt the other tugging the leg of the shorts a little lower.

'That's good, your cock-head was starting to show itself, and its better to leave something to the imagination at this stage.' she added before giving it a couple of quick but affectionate squeezes.

They took several more shots of me in that position then Katherine came over again and having undone the buttons on the fly she slipped her hand down inside the shorts. As all her previous contact had been indirect, actually having her cool fingers touching the heat of the shaft sent a surge of pleasure through me, and that was followed by several more even more powerful ones when she slid them slowly up and down it.

'I'm certain Belinda didn't really believe what I said about the way you are built, but I can tell from the way she's been looking at you that she's not quite so sure now. And when she sees this she'll be convinced I wasn't exaggerating.' she said softly as she extricated it from inside the restraining silk and continued stroking me. 'Now I just need these to complete the picture. Then provide a bit of gloss.' she added as one hand returned to what it had been doing and the other freed my balls as she bent low.

The feel of her lips slipping down over the head and then her tongue swirling around it amplified the strength of the thrills her hands were already giving me and I felt my cock jerk fully upright. 'Mmm!' she gurgled when she felt the strength of my instant response, then bobbed, and sucked it hard several times before lifting her head.

'Ah yes, as reliable as ever.' she said as her fingers continued moving up and down the straining length. 'Are you ready for this Belinda? Double-check the focus please. Now I want to take a series of shots from various angles Craig, so you're going to hear me moving around you. Just keep breathing nice and slowly and hold it when I ask you to.' she said as she released me and moved quickly away.

There followed a period of relatively hurried activity, I could hear Katherine moving about, and could tell from the loudness of the shutter clicks that she had taken some shots from really close up. But even through all that I was still very conscious of the feelings I was getting from my cock as it twitched and jerked, as though seeking more of what she had done for it.

'You can relax now Craig.' Katherine said after a while and then I heard her coming back towards me. 'That was excellent but now we start getting serious.' she said. 'Stand up please, I'll get rid of the stool, and the shorts. But I'll leave the eye-mask on for now, just let me know if you start feeling dizzy, or need to rest. OK?'

'OK.' I replied as I got to my feet, at first swaying a little unsteadily.

'Balance is tricky when we can't see, so be careful, just move your feet a little further apart.' she said, taking my arm.

Her suggestion worked and I stood still while she slid the shorts down and then she supported me as I stepped out of them. Then, having made a few adjustments to my pose, moving my arms behind my back and turning my head to one side, she slid her hands slowly down over my chest and stomach. 'I don't know about Belinda but I seem to have temporarily misplaced my professional bearing, I'm starting to get uncomfortably wet.' she said in a low voice as one hand continued moving down over my hip and began stroking my thigh, while the other brushed lightly against my cock. 'I can't imagine how randy I'll be by the time we've finished.'

'I'd better line my tongue up for some heavy over-time then.' I replied with a grin.

'Mmm, I think so. Do you like the idea of that?' she asked, trailing her fingers along the shaft then up and over the head.

'Of course, you know I love doing it for you.'

'I think you just like the idea of turning me into a helpless mass of squirming jelly.'

'That too.' I agreed, giving a low gasp as her fingers curled and gave my cock a few much tighter, brisker pumps.

'Well whatever your reason, I'll be available for as long as you can keep going. So while you think about what you're going to do with me I'll go and check things through the camera.' she said, releasing my by then steadily pulsing cock and moving away.

'That looks great, now start breathing slowly again, and hold it when I ask you to.' she said a minute or so later, and that was followed by another period of movement and rapid shutter clicking.

What she had said about how aroused she had got, plus what her hands had been doing to me had driven my excitement even higher, and that and the thought of burying my face between her ever welcoming thighs made it really difficult to concentrate on maintaining the pose. I did my best but was ever conscious of the feel of blood still coursing down into my cock, making it throb even more strongly as it became more and more bloated.

'I think we're about ready for a dew-drop, would you like to do that for me Belinda? Oh, and take the oil with you please. But let me reload all the film first.' I heard Katherine say after that series of shots was completed.

'Belinda's going to do something nice for you Craig, then after a few more shots she's going to oil you, the sheen creates interesting highlights.' she explained.

The mere thought that I was finally going to have the young girl's hands touching me sent the pressure inside me even higher and I felt myself trembling in excited anticipation. Then just a couple of minutes later I heard a sweet voice say. 'Hi! I hope you don't mind if I say I think you have a great body, and that everything Katherine told me about the way you are built is absolutely true.'

'Not in the least.' I replied, then gave a sharp gasp as I felt her fingers make contact.

'And you don't mind me doing this?' she added as her fingers curled lightly around the throbbing shaft and began moving slowly back and forth.

'Be my guest.' I grunted as powerful thrills began surging up through my body.

'It's a gorgeous penis, in some ways quite beautiful, but at the same time it also gives off a sense of its barely restrained power. It's hard to describe, but it's really exciting to look at, and you're very lucky, lots of men would give their right arm to have one like yours.' she said huskily as her hand continued moving up and down the shaft.

'And just as many girls would do the same to have a figure like yours Belinda.' I somehow managed to reply through the increasingly strong waves of pleasure her fingers were generating.

'Do you think so?' she asked in surprised tone of voice. 'But you've hardly seen anything of me.'

'Enough to know you have a stunningly sexy body.'

'Well thank you, but let's just concentrate on you. You are awfully hard now, hot too, and I can feel a pulse beating.' she added as her grip tightened a little.

But she had only given me three or four more of those firmer strokes before she was interrupted by Katherine's call. 'Belinda!'

'I've seen it.' Belinda replied, immediately withdrawing her hand and moving away, momentarily leaving me with no idea of what was going on. Then I made the connection between the clicking camera shutter and what Katherine had said about a 'dew-drop'. She must have been referring to and waiting for the first drop of pre-cum to appear, and Belinda's skilful fingers had obviously already produced it.

But in those few minutes she had also sent the pressure inside me even higher, and I could feel my cock jerking about, almost as though it was vainly searching for those pleasure-giving fingers. Although its unpredictable movements must have made it more difficult for her Katherine was patient and seemed to want to take quite a few shots of me in that condition. Again I heard her moving around, and at one stage she had come so close I could sense her proximity and thought I could actually feel her breath on my skin.

But eventually she must have been satisfied with what she had got and said. 'OK, let's have some oil now please Belinda. Remember what I said, get it down to the line of his pubic hair but make sure you don't get any on his genitals, I want those clearly contrasting. Then you'll have to thoroughly wash your hands, make sure you don't leave any trace of oil on them please.'