Katie's Roommate


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"But Katrina, you know what the Hallmark Christmas movie we just watched said about that? 'Never trust someone who says trust me'.

"You jerk. Why do I even care about you? Using my own movies against me. Pretty low blow, sailor. Now kiss me, you fool, and make me remember why I love you. I've had a rough night."


Katie came over about ten. I heard the car door and peaked out the window. Alone. Good. Pretty gutsy. "Kids, someone special is coming to see you. Are you ready?"

"Is it Santa?

"No, guess again." As I opened the door, Katie walked in and Hailey and Chris yelled,

"Mommy. Where have you been? We missed you. We love you. Look we hung your stocking up."

"The kids always insisted we do that, just in case."

"Merry Christmas, Mommy. Can we watch a movie like always? Can we make some cookies?" Typical kids. 1000 questions. No need for answers until the dust settles. Katie was on her knees hugging and kissing them. Tears soaking my rug. Hell, I was crying and my child, Kyra, was looking like 'what the heck?'

"And this is our daughter, Kyra."

"Oh, Kyra, what a pretty name for such a pretty girl. How old are you? Come here and give me a hug."

I lifted the baby from the crib, "and this is Kasey. She's about 6 months old."

"Oh, Katrina, she is beautiful, just like her mother. Can I hold her?" She held her like she was her own. Cooed and spoke to her in that high pitched mother's voice. Kasey settled right in.

"Let me find John Boy. I'm sure he's hiding and needs some help. Come on, girls, let's find Daddy. And the three of them ran upstairs to the bedroom.

"Come on, Dad! Mommy's here! Come on, hurry" All three pulled on him.

"It'll be fine, John. Just relax. Be my brave little soldier." Well at least I got a smile out of him with that. Or was it a grimace?

He came downstairs and stood. Katie had put the baby in the crib. She rushed to him. "Oh, John. I am so, so sorry for what I did. You were right about everything. I traded away everything for nothing. Worse than nothing. I won't ask for forgiveness. I don't deserve it."

She was crying by now. "I am so happy for you. Katrina is wonderful, the baby beautiful, the kids look great... I am so glad you are happy. You deserve it. You are a very special person. I am so, so, sorry." She was sobbing. He melted and hugged her. She held on like her life depended on it. And maybe it did.

"It's Ok, Katie. You're back and it will make Christmas for the kids and everyone else very special. We'll work together to get you back on track."

He looked at me and winked, "Was that the right thing to say, Dear?"

"Yes, Darling. You Jerk!" Right in more ways than you think. By asking me and saying that you declared that I was yours. Thank you heavens above.

"Ok. Who wants to help make some Christmas cookies? Maybe we can have them for lunch." The kids went crazy. They loved it. "And, Katie, you're going to help, right?"

"I'd love to, if that's Ok?' She looked at John who nodded. "You're part of the family now. You have to be involved. And help out with THESE EVIL GIRLS!" And he chased them into the kitchen as they squealed as only little girls can do.

And so it started. Our sixsome became a sevensome. We did almost everything as one big family. Katie never did anything to make me worry. She made it clear that John was mine and she would stay clear of that. John was just a big dumb ox. Loving that those around him were happy, but apparently oblivious to everything. Or was he? i doubted it.

He kept looking at me while I interacted with Katie. He always searched my face if I went shopping with Katie or told him the big and little girls were going to do something without him. Looking for something.

I tried to show him how much I loved him in a thousand ways. Hell, his dick should be sore. My puss was pretty sore.

But Katie was my twin. Not in body, but in spirit. We knew what the other wanted or was about to say before it ever got verbalized.

And then it happened...

I was dropping her off at her folk's house after shopping for last minute stocking stuffers and she nonchalantly kissed me goodnight. Neither one of us thought any thing of it for a second and we both turned away, then whipped back around. "Oh, Katrina. I am so sorry. I wasn't even thinking. It just seemed right or something. Please don't hate me."

"Don't fret, Katie. I never kissed a girl before. Interesting. It's so much softer than a man's. I can see why John likes to kiss so I much." I moved forward and kissed her. It became passionate and tongues got involved. I broke it off.

"Oh, Katie. This is going to complicate things. Oh, shit, oh shit. That's why that dumbass husband of mine keeps looking at me so hard every time I come home. He must already be filled with doubts. I've got to go."

"He did the same to me every time I got off the phone with Gwen. He knew! I am so sorry, Katrina. I've fucked things up again. If I mess things up between you and John...."

"Why, Katie, I do believe that is the first time I've heard you cuss. I knew you could do it. See ya."

I walked in the door. John was sitting in his chair and stared at me. "How are the kids? Did they get in bed Ok?" He just stared. I flinched and looked down for a second. Dammit. I promised myself I wouldn't do it.

I swear he groaned. He didn't say a word. He simply got up, went to the desk, rummaged around a while, then returned and handed me a card. Not a word. I just watched him.

The meaning of INFIDELITY is the act or fact of having a romantic or sexual relationship with someone other than one's husband, wife, or partner.


Sex between a married person and someone other than his or her spouse.

Extramarital sex.


Today I unconditionally choose you and fully give you all of me. No matter what the future may hold, no matter who or what may try to tear us apart, I promise to love you above all others with every beat of my heart.

What would you do if I had sex with another woman? Another man?

Oh my God! "John, oh, John, no! It wasn't like that. It wasn't like that at all. Ok, I kissed her or she kissed me. I don't know, in just seemed to happen. John, I could never love any man as much as I love you. Compared to Kyra's dad I was never in love before you. I am so sorry to hurt you..."

"Interesting use of terms."


" 'I could never love any man as much as I love you.' That's almost word for word what Katie said. And then she left with a woman."

"Ok. I could never love anyone. Man, woman, or in between; any mammal; any in-fucking-animate object; whatever, more than I love you. Hell, most days I love you more than our kids. Is that clear enough?"

He just stared at me with tears oh so close. "Katrina, I've been here before. I know what comes next."

"No you don't! I am not Katie! I AM NOT EVER LEAVING YOU. NO MATTER WHAT. AND YOU ARE NEVER LEAVING ME! I WILL NOT LET IT HAPPEN! John I love you. Please talk to me."

"No, Katrina, I'm going to leave and take a walk or something." God, he looks so sad.

He walked towards the door. I grabbed him and threw him back in the chair. I don't know how I did it. He's so much bigger. He looked shocked. "YOU ARE NOT FUCKING WALKING OUT ON ME. YOU WILL STAY HERE AND WE WILL SOLVE THIS PROBLEM. TOGETHER. AS PARTNERS THAT LOVE EACH OTHER. YOUR VICTIM CARD IS NOT ACCEPTED HERE!

"John, I will put up with a lot of things, but I will not be married to a pussy! AND I WILL NOT PERMIT YOU TO BE A PUSSY, JOHN! Are we clear? I. AM. NOT. KATIE!"

"Maybe I should just sleep on the couch tonight. We can both think about it."

"John, if you sleep on the couch, I am sleeping with you. If you sleep in one of the kids' rooms, I'm sleeping with you. If you try to walk out that fucking door again, I will break both your fucking legs, pull my pants down and sit on your face so you realize how much you are giving up. I don't give a shit if the neighbors are watching. Clear?"

He smiled. "No, you certainly are not Katie."

"John, I love you. I would never intentionally do anything to hurt you. But i have. I will never talk to Katie again. I will leave when she comes over. I will never spend time with her alone. Oh, John..." And I started to cry. "I will do whatever I need to make it right. I never, never, never want to cause you pain. And I've already done it! I've already done it."

"Come here, Katrina." And he pulled me onto his lap. "I love you, Katrina and I believe you. So what do want to do? What do you think? where do we go from here?"

I kissed him. "Man, I love you. It was interesting. It was so much softer than your scruffy, broken nosed kisses." He smiled. Good. "I can understand why you like kissing so much. I never in my entire life thought about messing around with a woman. But you know how much I like to experiment.

"But I will never, never, never do anything behind your back. You will know about it and agree to it. If you never agree, I never do anything. Hell for all I know I would hate it and abort the mission even before we get started. Does that sound OK?"

He nodded. "John, we're going to have to work on your language skills. I swear, your ability to use the English language is at the girls' level. No they use bigger words than you do."

"Ok. I agree to your terms. I trust you. So what do you want to do?"

"Hug me, John. Alright, so...I think I would like to try it. But it would have to be with Katie. I can't even imagine doing it with anyone else. But it has to be done in a way THAT DOES NOT HURT YOU.

"And I don't know how to do that. Yet. I will have to put my thinking cap on. But I will never do it behind your back. You will know about it and agree. Would you like to watch?"

"No, I don't think so, but who knows. I like watching it on the internet, but with the woman I love? I don't know."

"John, why didn't you stop Katie?"

"You mean break her legs and sit on her face?" I smiled. "She snuck away. Just left. I had a plan, but she disappeared. But how could I have done it? Chain her up, take away phone, car keys, computer, money. Hell, that's certainly what Gwen did, right? And Katie is here."

How the hell does he know that. I never discussed the specifics Katie told me. God, he's scary sometimes. "There's really no way to stop someone. I gave her the same card. It didn't help."

"John, how the hell do you know what Gwen did to her? She's only told me and only told me a small part. You are a scary, scary man sometimes."

"I don't know how I do it. The information is just there. It just shows up."

"Well, use it to win the lottery or something so we'll be rich and they'll make a reality show about us."

"Doesn't work that way, Hon. I've actually tried."

"Shit. Then what the hell good are you, John? I think you need to practice. You know practice makes perfect and an extra million or two would come in handy, don't you think?

"Come on. Let's go to bed. I'm beat. Too much emotion. It wore me out. No, I will not expect you to perform. I just want you next to me. I need you, John."

I awoke in the middle of the night. "John, John, wake up. I know how we can do it!"

"What the heck, Katrina. It's what, 2 AM?"

"John, you enjoyed having sex with Katie, right?" He nodded. "You still have feelings for her, right?"

"We'll, I don't know, Katrina..."

"Liar. I've seen you look at her. She is beautiful. Those boobs, that ass..she could park her boots under your bed and you wouldn't be disgusted right?"


"So...wait for it... why don't we both have sex with Katie. And you could do it first so I would know how it feels when you're making love to someone else. If it hurt me too badly I would not do anything with Katie because I would not want you to feel that way.

"But it has to be Katie, no one else. And I would want to be there. Not in the same room, unless you want, but at least nearby. Doing it in our bed would be best, I think. Rather than you two going to some hotel or something. What d'you think?"

"Where do you come up with these ideas? It may work, but one important piece is missing. Katie would have to agree."

"I don't think that'll be a problem. She still loves you."

"But will that be a problem? For any of us?"

"John...I. I will not permit it to be a problem with us. Promise."


The next day at work, everything got quiet. I looked up just as Katie walked into the office and shut the door. All eyes were upon us. They knew I was divorced from Katie and married to Katrina.

I held my hand up and twirled my finger around in that universal sign to turn around and mind your own business. I am the boss so they have to listen.

"Katie? Hi. Why are you here?"

"John. There is something I need to tell you. I fucked up again. I kissed Katrina. It wasn't her fault. It's entirely my fault. I will stay away from the house, not do anything with Katrina. I will leave town if you want.

"I screwed up our marriage. I just don't want to mess up yours. She is such a great girl and just perfect for you. I just thought you should know. I'm sorry."

"Thank you for telling me, Katie. I know it was probably very hard for you to do. But you can't separate from us or leave town or anything. You are part of the family. All the girls need you. All four. So no more guilt.

"Anyway, Katrina already told me."

"Of course she did. She would never do anything behind your back. Unlike someone else we know..." and she looked ashamed.

"Katie, that's all in the past. You need to talk to Katrina when she gets off work today. She has one of her 'plans.' See what you think."

She looked at me quizzically. "Fine. But you need to know I will never do anything to hurt you again! Never!"

As you can imagine, Katrina is not one to wait on things. She had a plan and Katie and I were pawns. Katie had a lot of reservations. Afraid that it would hurt our marriage, but Katrina persisted and she agreed. Katrina assured me that she was really looking forward to it.

By Friday, the kids, all but Kasey, had been shipped to the grandparent's for the night. To be honest I don't know even know which one of the three sets and we were having dinner at a great restaurant.

The conversation was easy and comfortable. Katie and I talked about things just like the old days and it was clear that Katie and Katrina were interested in each other. I was fearful of a repeat, but I trusted Katrina.

The awkward part started when we arrived home. No one knew what to really say or do.

To break the ice, i said, "Well, this is awkward. It's like we've never had extramarital sex or anything." We laughed, but Katie grimaced and I could see that Katrina was worried. Wondering what it would feel like sitting in the living room, knowing that right up the stairs I was having sex with Katie.

"OK, off to bed with you. If I freak out totally, I will come in and break it up. OK?" We agreed.

She came forward and gave me a big hug, then a passionate kiss. "John, I love you more than anything in this world." She turned to Katie, and kissed her. I think it caught both of us off guard.

"And, Katie, I think I could love you as well. I already love you like a sister." They hugged. "Now get out of here before I change my mind."

Katie and I went up to the bedroom. The same bedroom, the same bed we had made love in so many times. "I'm not sure how to start, Katie. I've never been in a situation like this."

"John, I want this. I need this. I need you to make love to me softly, gently, as my partner so that we can bring each other joy and happiness. I probably don't feel the same anymore and I'm sorry if that's true. Gwen did such horrible and painful things to me. I'll probably feel different to you."

"I know she did."

"How do you know that, John? I haven't told anyone. Not even Katrina."

"I don't know. It's liked we're linked or something. I get, I don't know, 'feelings' or 'images' or something. I was aware of her plans for you. That's why I tried to tell you.

"But I wasn't strong enough. I'm the one who should apologize. I keep thinking that I could have, should have stopped you. I had a plan, but then you just left. I'm so, so sorry. I failed you."

They were both crying by now.

"Oh, John, no. I never blamed you. It was me.. but I need to be reminded that I'm good and worthy of love. And that someone once loved me very much for who I am, who I was. I need this so much. Please."

"I will make love to your body, Katie, but it's your heart and your soul that I am really make love to. If you've changed, down there...It doesn't matter. Ok?"

"Kiss me, John."

John moved forward and kissed her tears, then their lips met and they were transported back to years ago. The awkwardness gave way to familiarity. They had been here before...


Oh my goodness, just listen to that guy. No wonder I love him so much. Who else could say such things and be so caring. I hope my plan works and I don't blow everything up instead.

I listened for a while longer. The listening device was working well. No way could I just sit here and wonder if Katie was going to try and win him back. I trust her, but...man, this is hard. My husband with another woman. In my bed. What was I thinking. But Katie needs this. She needs this to heal.

I heard the rustle of clothes and a moan from Katie. My imagination was starting to run wild. I need to see what's going on. I knew I should have put a camera in there! Maybe I should go in? But that might make it very awkward.

"Oh, John. Please play with my nipples like you used to. It's been so long since someone focused on making me happy with it rather than hurting me. Oh, that's right. Oh, fuck, John, I'm already cumming!"

Holy shit those nipples must be sensitive. Something to look forward to if I survive tonight and still want to.

I couldn't stand it any more. I tiptoed up the stairs and put an ear to the door. Then slowly opened it and peered into the room. The bedside light was still on and emitted a dull glow. But more than enough to see what was going on.

They had their clothes off and he was playing with her breasts and sucking her nipples. Instead of being horrified. I was fascinated. My husband with Katie. Is that what we look like when we do things?

I could feel my lady parts starting to get excited. I took my pants off and snuck into the room. I sat on the chair I had placed in the corner and stared at them. Hell, i couldn't take my eyes off them.

where was the pain? where was the jealousy? I felt none of that. How could that be? I was watching John have sex with another woman! Instead I was turned on. Really turned on. I started to rub myself. Trying to be quiet and not moan, but holy shit this was hot!

Keeping his hands on her breasts he kissed down her abdomen and approached her nether regions. Nether regions? What the fuck, Katrina? He's licking her twat.

John ran his fingers over the surface of her lips, never penetrating, touching lightly, gently. Then off to her thighs and slid his hand from her butt up the slit and gently pushed one finger in. God. I could feel him doing it to me. The same moves we did together. I moaned...quietly.

He started to move that finger and lowered his head to her clit. Then started to lick and suck. She moaned and tensed, arched her back, and groaned as fluid a small amount of fluid pored out.

Shit, I should have put down a drop cloth. Probing with his tongue as far as possible, I heard her groan. Then down to the area below her lips and then tongued her ass.

That's how he does it with me! Or pretty close. I could feel him doing it to me. I'm couldn't stand it anymore and I started rubbing my clit frantically and inserted a finger. I moaned. I tried to suppress it and be quiet, but I couldn't. I had never imagined anything like this.