Katya Shows the Way

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Middle age woman educates a young peasant.
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My tale, previously in another place and revised, changing the country, therefore names and edited to omit under aged characters.


My Dad hired some itinerant workers who stopped in at the remote hamlet, all of thirty five people, three kilometres from our 82 hectare farm to work on some outbuildings round our dilapidated house. He lived on one floor to suit his ill health. I did too. The sprawling place that was home for Dad, Babushka, my sister who lived upstairs, needed a lot of work doing to it, but the old man could afford it. He was pensioned off from a lucrative government job. My mum died two years ago, leaving him sad but determined to keep up a good appearance both physically and materially.

It was the school holidays and Babs had gone to camp with her class. I stayed at home as Dad and I were going fishing later in the month and that was good enough for me. In the meantime I lazed around the place apart from the constant work needed to help him like feeding the animals. Computer games filled a lot of time, the one good thing this administration had done in this rural region had been to install good broadband and communications, there is an enormous military establishment not far way, who offered to train locals on basic IT and gave discounts on purchasing computers and stuff. I took advantage, much to Dad's initial chagrin. My pals never visited or me them, were busy on our farms. The old man was exceedingly grumpy now, so I went to to the village on my mountain bike. Dad and I chatted about the fishing trips we would go on and I got very excited about it. I was happy in my simple life. There were no girls in the village, the two old enough had gone to cities to learn some work.

Sometimes I would just watch the gang of four workers from a huge city a long way away, either from my window or even sitting outside and chatting to them while they toiled in the sun. Boris, the leader, was a big chunky bald man who was often off site checking work on other farms similar to ours, leaving the bossing about to Grigory, a darkly tanned youth with tattoos. The other two were Bogdan, a wiry older bloke and Katya, a powerful woman who often did the van driving. She was a hulk and usually worked as hard as the men, such was her body weight and inherent strength. I did take some sneaky looks, because apart from my dear deceased mother and Babs, I would never see females and relied on the internet, so when she bent over, her shorts would be stretched tight over her bum. Her thighs had a sort of lumpy orange peel look to them. I could always see the line of her knickers and what looked like a seam in them which cut across the crack of her arse. She was certainly no pinup.

My once school pal, the local magistrate's son emailed me some URLs of good filthy videos and I could hardly wait for Dad to leave for his clinic this morning. He cheerily left for the hamlet which had a travelling doctor every two weeks and was helped on board the beat up old Trabant saloon car that toured slowly round the clinic patients houses. As it chugged away I dived into my room and got the computer booted. I hadn't seen many videos like the ones my pal told me about.

It was fucking brilliant. It had page after page of topless and bottomless girls, who spreading their legs and arses, showing the detail of their cunts and arseholes. It was amazing how different they all were and I loved the black girls, black girls - where are they? whose nipples stuck out and their cunts always seemed to be bigger and meatier than the white girls. I got my cock out and rubbed it and up it came raw and solid. As I stared at a picture of a girl's cunt, which was so closely zoomed it was as if it was real size on the screen, my cum splattered out onto on my bed.

I moaned a bit until the feelings wore off and then felt guilty and dabbed at the mess to clean it off. The doorbell rattled as I finished and I had time to sort my gear before answering it. It was Katya. She grinned down at me before she spoke.

'Rushed to open the door then Georgy?'

I shrugged and grinned, smelling her cigarette breath and noticing how hot she looked. Her hair which always looked greasy, was plastered down on her forehead

'Can I put the kettle on? Boris's gone off with my flask in the van, Grigory has coffee and Bogdan's tea is so strong it makes my tits curl,' she chortled.

I nodded and stood aside and the big woman breezed past me with a strong whiff of body odour. I followed her into the kitchen where she got on with tea making as I stared at her arse. Encased in her usual slack, open legged, but very short shorts, it wobbled about as she busied herself, leaning and reaching into cupboards. She seemed to know where things were which puzzled me.

'Er how did you know where the mugs were kept?' I queried.

'Never mind, but I do. Put it down to woman's intuition,' she said, winking at me.

Waiting for the kettle, she leaned against the worktop, arms braced and spread wide, legs crossed and looking a bit weird at me.

'I'll get on with my computer work,' I lied.

'That's what you're doing then?' she asked, chuckling.

I nodded and turned to leave.

'Funny place to keep it ain't it?' she chuckled again.

I turned, puzzled and she pointed to my crotch.

'Latest model is it...your computer?'

As she said the words, I realised that she must have seen me wanking, but I was frozen to the spot as she strode across to me.

'Well why don't we check it out and see if its in good working order Georgy. I'm an expert on these types of computers.'

With that she grabbed at my shorts and held my dick and balls in one hand.

'Don't!' I squeaked indignantly.

Katya ignored me and stroked my stuff as she pulled me close. I went weak as she hoisted her sweaty tee shirt, thrust my head under it and I came face to tit with her boobs, which were in a black lacy bra. Christ! It was hot in there and it smelt strong, but I was in heaven as Katya felt into my shorts and got hold of my cock properly. I mean to be felt up by an old woman and have your face next to her tits was brilliant.

'Like that Georgy?' I heard her ask.

I mumbled a yes as she spoke again.

'Stick your hands in and have a feel. Push my bra up if you want. You want?'

Fuck! Did I? As I did, I knew my cock was hardening under her pulling and prodding.

'Yeah typical young lad, always randy eh? And you've only just cum,' she giggled, as she felt my hands roam over her tits. 'Saw you see? Through the window.'

I nearly fainted with embarrassment, but realised I was on to something bigger than porn.

'You gotta be more careful when you bash the bishop. Anyway Auntie Katya will show you what to do,' she told me.

I managed to push her bra up and her tits flopped out. They weren't huge, but I didn't care, they were bare. Her nipples were pale round circles without hardly any of that bulb thing in the middle and I stared at them.

'You can hold them you know. They won't bite,' she told me, as she stroked my bollocks. 'Tell you what, let's get you out of there, so you can see proper.'

Katya tugged at her tee shirt and flung it off and quickly resumed fondling my prick. 'How old are you Georgy?' she quizzed as I grasped her boobies which were slightly distorted under her bra. It carved into her fleshy upper body and made her flabby tits stick out as I rubbed them.

'Nineteen,' I answered and she whistled.

'Katya, you naughty girl. Feeling a young lad. But what I always say, if you're big enough, you're old enough and you're big enough Georgy, look.'

She stepped back and I looked down to see my stiffy. God I was proud and grinned at her.

'Clever dick,' she mocked gently as I fumbled her tits clumsily. 'Easy easy, just stroke them all over, yeah that's it, nice and gentle. Seen tits before have you?' she queried.

I shook my head then added, 'Well yeah, on the internet, you know.'

She chuckled. 'But these are the first real live ones eh? Thought so,' she said as I nodded. 'Right well give them a suck and a lick while I play with big boy here.'

I was worried I would cum over her, but got on with suckling her boobies. As I slobbered wetly over them, I stole glances to see what she was doing to me to make such brilliant feelings. She was rubbing the bottom of my cock in the palm of her hand and prodding under it with her fingers on each downward stroke. It was cool. I was so hard and my knob end looked red raw. With her other hand, Katya was rolling my goolies round and round, letting them fall through her fingers.

The kettle on the stove steamed its readiness ..

'Teas up,' she chortled. 'But I don't think we want it just yet do we?'

I had a mouthful of tit and wasn't going to let it go.

'No,' she answered for me. 'Now I think we should think about the time, so I'm going to give you a real treat 'cos those two buggers out there'll be wondering what I'm doing. Heh heh, if only they knew,' she laughed huskily.

Katya pulled away from me and stripped down her shorts and knickers.

'Ain't seen one of these real have you?' she said, thrusting her belly at me and holding her hands either side of the mass of hairs round her cunt.

I gulped, shaking my head as she pulled her hands wider and spread the fleshy mound, opening the flaps of her cunt.

'Go on have a good look and a feel,' she muttered into her chest.

I reached forward tentatively, sensing the heat of her body with my hand until it brushed into the hairs. I closed my hand onto the lumpy flaps that hung half open, feeling the wetness. I rubbed and my fingers were flooded with her sticky stuff.

'Come here and let me hold your cock,' she murmured, pushing her belly at my hand.

As Katya grabbed my woody again, she moaned and I burrowed into her tits again as I felt her cunt. She smelt really ripe from her armpits, but I'd noticed another smell was wafting around.

'Stick your fingers in Georgy,' she urged. 'As many as you want. Its OK you won't hurt me. Three kids have come out of it heh heh,' she chuckled throatily.

I felt at the gash under my hands and slid fingers into it, two at first, then three. Katya groaned.

'God I could do with a fuck, that's lovely Georgy. Shove them in and out pet.'

I did as told as her fingers worked magic on my dick.

'Its no good, you're going to have to fuck me,' she blurted.

I leapt away and said, 'Fuck you? I can't. I've never done that before.'

'Well you're going to learn and quickly. You always wanted to didn't you?'

I nodded somewhat fearfully as she turned round and bent over, leaning on the worktop.

'Yeah thought you did, now stick that monster in there and fuck me like your...' her voice tailed off.

Swiftly she swivelled and grabbed my horizontally charged cock and dragged me forward. Before I could react, Katya had spun round and grabbed me again and was pulling me on to her rump, with her arm through her legs.

'Stick it in and fuck me Georgy. For Christ's sake, you don't get many fifty two year old women asking you to fuck them do you? Get on with it,' she commanded, nudging my knob at her cunt.

I could see hairs all round it, straggling up round her arsehole - Fuck! I could see her arsehole.

A big gnarled crusty looking knob in a mass of wrinkles. As I budged forward to try this slimy wet hole whilst staring at her arse, my cum boiled over and it sprayed her buttocks. I groaned and my knees nearly gave way as the creamy white stuff flowed out, dribbling onto the floor.

'Shit!' Katya cried as the door was rattled.

Boris called. She dressed in a flash, made the pot of tea and left me gasping. I managed to wipe up and sort things out. I managed to glimpse her working ten minutes later, occasionally glancing at the house. I wondered whether to wave to her, but I didn't. What could I say when I saw her next?

My Dad came back and Boris and Katya went to talk to him at the barn. Boris left them to get some papers from his van and I saw my Dad give her a friendly pat on her bum. I had seen him do that before, so wasn't surprised, I recalled he had done it with mother, Babs and two cousins who cam to mother's funeral. But this time Katya patted his bum in return, just before Boris returned. Dad grinned at her then got on with the paperwork.

I braved an appearance as they finished for the day, they had two caravans paked on the far side of a field. We didn't speak, but Katya put her fingers over her mouth and cocked her eyebrow, shaking her head at me. I nodded getting the drift and she grinned and mouthed the word 'TOMORROW'.

It seemed like months, but it was only the next morning as I breakfasted eagerly and waited for the workers to arrive. Their work was going well and Dad was in a very jovial mood this morning. Trouble was I had promised to do a job for my Auntie Galina, Dad's sister who lived in the hamlet and try as I might I couldn't get out of it.

Yesterday had been such a red letter day in my life, with Katya wanking me, showing me her cunt, offering her greasy snatch by bending over in the kitchen and me splattering my cum all over her bum before getting stuck in and then being interrupted. It was almost too much for my tender virginal years and yet she had mouthed the word tomorrow to me before leaving the premises. What could I do? Nothing, fucking nothing. So to content myself with a glimpse of Katya's bulky body was all I had to look forward to before I left for my aunt's. Katya put her back into the work as the men did and her powerful and not exactly shapely frame was testament to her efforts. I eagerly waited her arrival

Dad then announced.

'The gang isn't coming today Georgy, so I'll have a quiet day while you're at Galina's. She'll look after you.'

My spirits drooped, not even a glimpse of the fifty two year woman who had taught me the first lessons of real sex beyond furtive wanks to a computer screen. As I mooched over my bread Dad eased his ailing frame across the kitchen, his breath wheezing and his movements hampered by arthritic joints, determined to keep moving, my thoughts switched to Auntie Galina.

She had humongous tits. They hung to her waist and she always wore tight short skirts. At least the scenery was spectacular when I was at her place and while I'd lusted after a sighting of bits of her body, I'd never achieved it. Yes - the odd flash of upper thigh when she sat of course, a sliver of knicker crotch at the same time, but she was clever and subtle in her movements.

'I'll get on with my exercises Georgy, OK? See you later,' said Dad.

I nodded glumly, even my thoughts were being rudely interrupted today, what chance had I? I watched the retreating back of my father as he went to his mini gym in the shed and cleared up in the kitchen, somewhat reluctant to start over to my aunt's.

Arriving on my bike, I was greeted by my stupid young cousin Yuliya. She's skinny with stringy blonde hair and metal specs with thick glass in them. She screamed a hello and called her mum, running into the house. I watched Yuliya's noisy entrance into the hallway with dismay. She's a fucking nuisance, with silly questions and giggles and her specs make her eyes look enormously weird. I thought maybe she would be at a summer camp or something, like my sister.

I wandered in after Yuliya to be met by Auntie Galina coming from the kitchen wiping her hands. She greeted me with a big smile, a big stride towards me and a big big hug into her tits. That was brilliant, being held tight, smothered by warm soft bazongers and the overpowering odour from her armpits. It always happened when we met and unlike most boys my age I didn't resist or squirm to get away, it was fucking great. My brain immediately snapped back to yesterday, when I had the first real contact with proper boobs. Katya's weren't anywhere as big as the two beauties I imagined under Auntie's gear, but as I soaked up the pillowy warmth I wondered how Auntie Galina's hangers would look without the hammock of a bra she must be wearing. I guessed her nipples would be better than Katya's, because my aunt's nips actually stuck out through whatever she was wearing.

Auntie Galina finally released me, asked about Dad and Babs and things and told me she wanted me to sort out the loft space. She would be out most of the day and again I felt cursed. Even she was depriving me of sightings of full blown womanhood that I so desperately craved.

'Yuliya is coming with me to meet up with Gleb,' she told me.

I breathed a sigh of relief at not being stuck with Yuliya. It must have been one of the days when the divorced couple got together for the sake of the girl. The morning had taken on a slightly upward note, then suddenly it blossomed further when I followed my aunt up the loft ladder. Fuck me! I could see all of her tanned legs, her arse cheeks and the sliver of her panty gusset being munched with each slow step upwards. Shit! It looked hot and steamy up there. Had she done this on purpose? I mean, yes she was inhibited and looked really raunchy, but surely not for my benefit. In any case I hefted my cock quickly before mounting the ladder and heard a soft giggle from Yuliya who was standing half inside her bedroom door.

She pointed at my crotch and grinned, then stuck her tongue out and disappeared. I reached Auntie Galina who was stood up in the huge loft space. She was puffing slightly and smoothing her brown skirt down over her ample thighs. Her massive chest was heaving under her loose white blouse and for the first time I noticed her daintily painted toe nails as she stood in her bare feet.

'Phew! Quite a climb eh Georgy? Don't want to come up here too often. You all right?' she panted.

I nodded an OK thinking about the climb, the views and how I might cum up here when she's gone. Memories like that would stay with me for ages and were perfect wanking material. She showed me the boxes and trunks she wanted shifting downstairs and the books I had to sort. That was actually the best bit, as they were an old collection of fishing manuals and stuff and I loved fishing. Uncle Gleb having left home and lived on an old cramped boat, was basically giving them to me and Dad in return for this sorting job, so it wasn't too bad to be here. I was sad to see Auntie Galina leave the loft and tried to get a glimpse down the front of her blouse but no such luck.

She and Yuliya shouted a goodbye later as I concentrated on my task. I heard her walk away across the gravel and the place went still and quiet. After a while, I'd nearly finished dumping good and bad stuff into piles down in the yard, so I grabbed some juice and biscuits Auntie had put by in the kitchen.

She had put the washing machine on in the utility room. I gazed across the well kept lawns, thinking about Katya yesterday in our garden and Auntie Galina's wonderfully panoramic views up her skirt. As I went to close the door separating the kitchen from the utility to cut the noise down, I spotted that two wash baskets were beside the whirring machine. One was empty but in the other, I could see wisps of white material at the top of one. It showed my highly charged sexual nature as my mind flagged up dirty knickers immediately and I fumbled into the basket finding to my utter delight, tiny little bits of silk and cotton which when unravelled formed G strings, thongs and panties of all shapes. A video I'd seen once had adverts where you could buy pinup models soiled underwear which was way beyond my pocket but now I was in heaven as I searched for the gusset bits and sniffed the exotic odours that must have come from my aunt's cunt.

I did find some much smaller, plainer pairs and assumed they were my cousin's. I did sniff and peer at them, but soon reverted to the mass of hammock like brassieres and knickers far more suited to Auntie Galina. I wondered how different her fanny would be to the one and only real one I'd ever seen. Katya's great, wet, flappy pussy had masses of hair round it and was surrounded by a bulging fat mound. Unlikely my aunt shaved hers, but I knew she liked to sunbathe a lot and occasionally her and Gleb went to a nudist resort. I had the most stupendous wank after a lazy build up. I found all of the undies in the basket, yes even including snotty Yuliya's, then after taking all my clothes off and covering myself with the lacy bits of silk, rubbing the dirtiest stained crotches all over my body but particularly my face, I fantasised on my big, blowsy Auntie dribbling her pussy juices on me.